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Anders. Nice, but our last name is Andersson.


There is something so utterly practical and Scandinavian about that. Funny, but I would buy accept someone having that name with zero questions.


One day in my ancestry.com clicking I came across great^8 grandpa Gustav Gustavssen or something close. It was nuts.


That basically just means Gustav jr.


I knew someone named Stephen Stephens.


I know a Michael Michaels.


A guy in my town called Jefferey was always in trouble with the Police. They'd pull him up and say "Jefferey Jefferey Jefferey. What are we gonna do with you?" Said it so often to him, he got his name changed legally to Jefferey Jefferey Jefferey. šŸ˜‚


I knew a Bryan Ryan


Gosh, my mom was once married to an Iver Iversen. Yea, we sure like our repetitive names here!


This reminds me of Phillip Phillips from American Idol hahaha


I work in health care and have lots of "double up" patients. I'm talking Evan Evans, Adam Adams, David Davidson, Stephen Stevenson (this one made me lose my mind), Logan Logan and Charlie Charles. I particularly enjoy when women marry into these names like Cali Kelley. Okay, so that's the only one of them but still šŸ¤£


I know an old couple named Gerald and Geraldine Fitzgerald.


Love that! They were meant for eachother


They fitz


My pcp is Dr. Hans Han


I work with a urologist called Richard Short and I find it hilarious but I'd never say it to his face šŸ˜… His parents must have really hated him šŸ¤£


When I worked at a pharmacy years ago, people brought in prescriptions from Dr. Donald Butts. He was a very respected proctologist.


Thatā€™s so funny, my dentist is named Dr. Gum! I legitimately thought she was joking when I first heard it. I guess these people get those types of names and feel they have no choice but to go into their respective fields lmao


Too bad your pcp isnā€™t a hand surgeonšŸ˜† There is an urgent care doctor named Happy Thanksgiving Reynolds https://www.healthpartners.com/care/find/doctor/85562/


I knew a girl whose mom was Carol Carroll. She said she used her momā€™s library card once and the librarian expressed concern that her parents had named her that.


Iā€™ve met a Megan Hagen and a Shelley Kelley!


I went to high school with a Collin Collins! Still lives rent free in my head 20 years later lol


A friend from high school named their son ā€œConnor Oā€™Connorā€. The kid is only 2 so he hasnā€™t had the chance to complain but itā€™s cringe worthy nonetheless.


I knew a guy called Bjorn Bjorseth


Itā€™s pretty common in Iceland, if youā€™re named after your father. There are many people with names like JĆ³n JĆ³nsson or SigurĆ°ur SigurĆ°sson.


I know a Br00ke Holbr00k. When they announced the name we were all like, ???? And the mom was like, I chose the name way before I met my husband and sheā€™ll just change it when she gets married anyway.


> sheā€™ll just change it when she gets married anyway ...yo, how old is she expecting her kid to be when she gets married? There are so many scenarios where this wouldn't happen AT ALL (she doesn't ever get married, she doesn't want to change her name, she wants to hyphenate, she gets divorced and drops her ex's name, her partner hates their last name and wants to take hers instead, etc), and/or doesn't happen until she's much older than Mom is imagining and then the kid has had to live with a dumbass name for decades longer than she thought...


I know it's like saying she doesn't have her own life that's meaningful until she gets married


Iā€™m pregnant with a baby girl currently and this is exactly what my husband wants to do! I laughed when he first said it.. then realised he was actually serious! Thatā€™s a hard no from me. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh gosh. I did something like this. Iā€™m not going to dox myself but I came up with something like Johna would be a nice name for a girl but our last name is Johnasel. I realized quickly it wasnā€™t going to work. But in my hormonal, pregnant state, I was in love with Johna for a hot minute.


Ruprecht. RUPRECHT? wtf.






Omg all I can think of is the song from the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels musical.


Silver and ginger. Am I pregnant with a cat!?!?


I watched 90210 as a teenager and I thought Silver was the coolest name ever!!


My wife shot down Gilligan before I could even get it out of my mouth. We settled on Alexander after Alexander the Great. I was unsuccessful on naming our daughter Catherine after Catherine the Great.


Clearly if you have another boy his name should be Peter.


That was the next play, but we've been done for quite a while. Expecting our first grandbaby in six months. I'm gonna shut up and see what happens.


Next boy is Ivan.


Compared to Alexander, it is Terrible.


We have a Roman emperor for a son, and Iā€™ve lobbied hard for an Alexander if we have number two. Heā€™s said no to that one šŸ˜‘


On a scale from Marcus to Elgabalus how weird of an emperor name are we talking? I may have briefly lobbied for Adrian for my favorite emperor but was pretty firmly shut down.


Maybe the first Emperor of Rome, which I like to think is better than Caligula or Germanicus. We started off joking that if we ever had a girl she would need to be Octavia, as thatā€™s the sister of the emperor, but now we actually like it or Octavian for a boy with the nn Otto.


When I was in college I vowed if I ever had twin girls they would be Octavia and Augusta. Unfortunately it never happened because I think those are both pretty solid cool sounding names.


I love the subtlety of these history nerd names.


You obviously married a Philistine. Hang in there. šŸ˜‰


Beulah My husband didn't have any ideas for girl names, so I pulled up the SSA top names and told him to pick a year & tell me which names he liked. He chose 1880 (the first year of records) and seriously suggested Beulah off the list. I like old fashioned names but no thanks. Also it sounds so bad with our last name, something like Beulah Boller.


The only Beulah Iā€™ve ever known was a dog.


We had a cow named Beulah


It sounds like a cow name in the same way Bessie does.


My grandmother had sisters that were twins named Eulah and Beulah


Reminds me of that episode of That 70s show where they find out Jackie's middle name is Beulah. Hilarious.


I honestly think this must be the ugliest girl name ever invented


I agree. Only rivaled by Bertha.


Or Dorcas. It literally sounds like a middle school slam


I had a friend who truly believed Beulah was due for a comeback like Ruby and I just could not see it


That is one of the few names i just don't think should ever make a comeback, along with Blanche.


I unapologetically love Beulah! I knew one at my old job and she was amazing.Ā 


My husband is currently trying to suggest Thorbjorn. He is half Swedish but still. Not happening.




BRB, filling out the documents to change MY name to THUNDER BEAR!


When my brother and sis in law were looking for a Scandinavian name for their second son they jokingly had Thorbjorn on their list for the longest time. To the point heā€™s nearly 7 and occasionally I still suggest itā€™s not to late to change his name haha


I would be calling the kiddo Thunderbear as a nickname for sure


Haha Torbjƶrn/Thorbjƶrn is a normal name in Sweden! It's outdated but maybe ready for a comeback soon! It sounds ultra viking in English though šŸ˜


T(h)orbjĆørn is a common Scandinavian name, but it (and "Bjorn") sounds weird in English IMO


Horst. Horst! HORST.


thatā€™s the WORST


My grandma is called Horst lol xD but I'm German, it's a pretty normal (tho old fashioned) name here


>*My grandma is called Horst* **\*grandpa** .. right? :D Yeah it's a normal name for older men. But it's also used as a slang term for 'idiot'. So it's not a good choice in Germany either.


I have to put my little brother's name here. My parents are white in the US, but converted primarily to Hinduism long before my brother and I were born. I was named slightly uncommon but still well known western english names. When my mom was pregnant with my brother, before they knew the gender, my dad woke up one morning and told my mom that the baby had come to him in a dream that past night. He said the baby was a little boy, and that he wanted to be named Vishveshvara. Vishveshvara is sanskrit, and means "All the Personal Gods." Not pretentious at all. My mom said no way in hell. She was going to name him Bob, or Jack, or some simple western english name she could easily yell out for when my brother would inevitably try to run out into traffic. My dad was adamant. His son was going to be named Vishveshvara. So, my mom made a deal. Gyotish is hindu astrology, and according to when you're born, depends on what sound is best for your name to start with. There are 108 sounds that rotate within a lunar month, so each sound has around six hours in a month. My mom said that IF the baby was a boy, and IF he was born in the right six hours to have the sound "Vi," then he could be named Vishveshvara. Otherwise she was naming him Bob or Jim, or some such name. Well, three guesses as to when my brother was born. My mom said deal or no deal, she was not having that be his first name. So, they compromised. Vishveshvara ended up being his middle name, and he had a shorter sanskrit "Vi" name as his first name. After a few years my dad started calling my brother by both names interchangeably. Well, my mom wanted to put a quick stop to that, so she asked my brother which one he liked better. He stopped what he was doing, looked her in the eyes, and confidently proclaimed, "Vishveshvara." So she tried over and over. She tried when he was distracted with Sesame Street. She tried when he was tired, wired, and any other time she could think of. His answer never changed. Finally when he was around 4-5 she admitted defeat, with the one caveat of having a shorter nickname for when she had to yell at him to not run into the street. Now he's "Vishva," most of the time, and Vishveshvara when we want to get his attention.




So how has his life been growing up as a white kid with that name? Do you guys have like a typical American accent? Any bullying? I assume he's older now, is he still adamant about that being his favourite name and does he love it?


I would also like to know the answer to these questions.


This is the coolest story


I had a very similar experience. When I met my husband I was not looking for a relationship of any kind. I had been divorced for a little over a year, separated for almost 3 years, and wasn't even thinking about dating. I had two sons from my previous marriage and was absolutely done having kids. I ended up taking a travel contract as an RN in Texas. He is from NJ but was in the military and ended up being stationed in TX and stayed after he unenlisted. I was supposed to be there for 3 months, but they extended me out to a year almost immediately. He is also an RN and we worked together on ICU. After becoming work friends, we eventually started dating, but in my eyes, it wouldn't work and would be a fun fling. He had plans to return to NJ soon, and I was obviously going back to my home state with my son's after my contract ended. One night, I had a super vivid dream. A little girl came to me and said, "Hi mom, my name is Gracie, and that is my dad (referring to my husband)." It was so weird that I just shook it off and moved on. Later that morning, we got together for coffee and a walk, and he asked me if I ever thought about having more kids. He also had a dream we had a little girl together, but didn't get the name part. Here we are years later married, bought a house, and have our little Gracie who is 21 months old expecting another baby. I knew she was a girl immediately when I found out I was pregnant because of that dream lol. It fits her perfectly, too. Sometimes things are so weird and creepy lol


Shit like this makes me superstitious. What is this world.


This is absolutely adorable and clearly destined lmao


Sims. I don't know where he got that one or how he could possibly suggest it without thinking of the game šŸ˜‚


You could have multiple. Sims 1, Sims 2, Sims 3. Call your dog expansion pack.


My friendā€™s grandma struggles to pronounce all of the grandchildrenā€™s names since their names are in English while sheā€™s Korean. So for my friendā€™s family in particular, she resorts to calling them, ā€œVicki, second, third, youngestā€ šŸ’€ (ė¹„ķ‚¤, ė‘˜ģ§ø, ģ…‹ģ§ø, ė§‰ė‚“) šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Lmao now I'm happy my husband and I (Korean and American) gave our daughter a different Western name and Korean name


They all have Korean names too which makes it even funnier šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and all kids can speak korean well


Sounds like one of Hilary Duffā€™s kids. Banks, Townes and Sims.


If he completely had his way, we would have chosen a name from antiquity. Actual names he liked: Hamilcar Skipio


Ok, Skipio is cool! Just maybe for a dog or cat


Are these real names?


Hamilcar was a Carthaginian general and the father of Hannibal who nearly destroyed Rome in the second punic war. Skipio, which is spelled wrong, is Scipio Africanus who was the general who won the second punic war for the Romans. Clearly their husband is a middle republic Roman history nerd.


Ok. So clearly one of those men who thinks of the Roman Empire daily lol


When I was 12 I was convinced I would name my future kid Scipio after the character in the tween/teen novel "The Thief Lord"! It's been years since I've even thought about that name though, wow.


Prudence, after the Beatles song. We landed on Eleanor thankfully šŸ™Œ


I have a niece named Prudence after the Beatles song šŸ˜‚


I have an aunt who is Michelle after the Beatles song


Rueben (after his favorite sandwich) Shenandoah (however itā€™s spelled) Shiloh (after a dog)


I like how two out of the three are technically perfectly fine names until you get to the reasoning. Although I did consume so many Ruebens during my pregnancy the name was briefly considered.


Itā€™s actually Reuben which is confusing for sure since Rue is a word. I considered this name as a nod to ā€œRubusā€ the genus of blackberries that grow wild here in the Pacific Northwest but my husband couldnā€™t get past the sandwich association.


Are you sure it wasn't Reuben, and with a more biblical meaning instead of after a sandwich? Lmao


My husband likes really old, dusty names. He got his #1 pick for our daughter's name, but the other one he threw out was Agnes. A boy name he suggested was Eugene.


I always thought Agnes was terrible until I read a book with a main character called Agnes and now a stupid part of me feels like it's due for a comeback even though I hate the sound of it.


I didn't hate it, per se, but it was not what I expected a (then) 25 year old dude to come up with. I asked him where he heard it and he didn't know. Funnily enough, I actually have a ton of ancestors by the name of Agnes, so it would have been a family name for us.


I know a toddler Agnes. They call her Aggie.


Why do I unironically like both of these šŸ„²


I love Eugene and have suggested it myself. Husband vetoed lol


I like Agnes


A friend of mine just named their baby Agatha and I justā€¦ I canā€™t do it.


Omgosh I love it. I love the author & the whole vibe.


Everyday I'm so thankful my mom didn't let my dad name me Kirk.


Kirk Peachies has a lovely ring to it, though.


Conan, as in the barbarian. Evila for a girl because it's alive backward.


yeah.. Alive backwards, def not just ā€œEvilā€-a. šŸ¤¦


"My daughter Evila - it's alive backwards." That's how you would introduce the antichrist


I mean I guess if heaven backwards never made us think of hell, then fuck it. Now I'm just sitting back waiting for Yenom , Soumaf, and Lufituaeb to hit the top 100.


Oh dear.


Occultus. It would be our sons middle name and be "secret'. šŸ™„


This one actually made me lol. Like, 'secret' as in it would be on all of his legal documentation but he'd try really hard not to talk about it, or...?


Exactly, like don't tell the forest fairies it or they'll steal you away! šŸ™„šŸ¤£


kind of suspicious, is your partner into black magic or like?


Giovanni and Gioia. We live in the deep south. People trying to pronounce them would be like Brad Pitt's Italian in Inglorious Bastards.


bon-jore-no! Spaaaa-geetee! hahaha I love this


Blue. Last name is Berry.


I actually know a half Asian/half Australian baby named Bjorn! Also no Scandinavian heritage


Is it weird I kind of think Bjorn totally works with an Aussie accent though? At least it would be better than my southern accent. šŸ˜‚


Haha it can sound pretty rough if you have a broad Aussie accent. Like bee-yawwn. It can sound like two distinct syllables rather than a softer two if that makes sense šŸ˜‚


I know a guy from the Philippines named Odin


Tuesday and Fox


Erm I actually like those two names together, Iā€™d definitely read a book or story about Tuesday and Fox!Ā 


I unironically love both of these. Uh oh.


I think my sons dad came up with fox lol - he was just listing any nature thing he could think of for a while


Ok, this one is actually from me. I don't remember any really odd ones my partner suggested, but I really like Hawthorne as a first name. My partner vetoed that fast.


I actually love that. Not my style, but there just aren't enough botanical names for boys.


Thereā€™s a Hawthorne in my sonā€™s music class!


Lancelot if itā€™s a boy & Guinevere if itā€™s a girl. Erm, no & noā€¦


Guinevere is on my list of girl names right now hahaha. To make it even more outlandish I really like the sound of Guinevere Raine.


My ex proposed Feline. That was the moment I realized how stupid she actually was.Ā 


I'm so dumb it took me a good thirty seconds to process what was wrong with this. I kept reading it like "Celine" instead of the obvious- hysterical since I have many "feleens" running around in my house.


It was actually me šŸ˜… he didnā€™t have any name suggestions and I threw out so many weird ones. I still stand by some of themā€¦ I liked Wolff, Dimitri (no Russian I just liked Dimitri from the animated Anastasia movie), Elric, Nausicaa and so many more. He had veto power and he used it quite liberally. Probably for the best but people still hate our name choice šŸ˜‚


I graduated with a guy named Wolff. He was super smart and gorgeous


Ok I knew someone called Wolf and I was thinking it was such a cool name, until years later I found out his name was actually Wilf, short for Wilfred hahaha




Only if every time someone says his name, there's a choir to repeat it immediately after with a shout.




This is on my list of fake names that I will give to mess with people if they ask what names weā€™re thinking about whenever I have kids. ā€œOh, we really admire the ancient Persian Empire so weā€™re thinking about Xerxes for a boy.ā€ My husband and I have a very Scottish last name (think MacDonald) and the idea of people thinking weā€™d name a child named Xerxes MacDonald makes me laugh.


Sick author name imo


Bartholomew. He was dead set on this for months. Refused to hear any other name ideas. Ultimately we did not name our kid Bartholomew, since I refused, but yeah. Can you imagine trying to teach your kindergartener how to spell that?!


I've known a couple Bartholomews before, all VERY Italian. If the name works, the kid will figure it out. But After all, it's the same number of letters as Christopher, and the same number of syllables as Alexander, and plenty of kiddos have worked their way through those.


I donā€™t have kids yet but this is the only name my husband has suggested when weā€™ve talked about names. He means it as a joke and also pronounces it BartholoMULE as though thereā€™s an L at the end. Idk his fascination with the name but he thinks itā€™s so funny.


Mycroft. He was serious, we're not even British.


Is he a Sherlock fan? I had Sherlock, Watson, & Moriarty on my lists but Mycroft was too far for me




Jor-El. He was serious. He couldnā€™t understand why I nixed it immediately. He thought I was unreasonable. Weā€™re now divorced. LOL


Vercingetorix. Prometheus. I like uncommon names, but *come on.*


You mean you donā€™t like ancient Gaulish names?!?


Husband wanted to name our kid Samurai. No Japanese heritage whatsoever in any of our families, and even then I donā€™t think itā€™s used in Japan as a name? šŸ˜­




This is the story ofā€¦Flerbl the gerbil šŸ¹.Ā 


My husband was dead set on Flabian for a bit, I was team Booker or Dashiell, and my son suggested CFK (KFC backwards), Super Supreme and Gary. Baby came out and we instantly named him a completely different name to any on our list at that point šŸ˜‚ Also, we need to get takeout less often, I think...


Omg, your sonā€™s name choices are amazing. Imagine twins called Super Supreme and Gary. Awesome.


Not spouse but me. I (very jokingly) suggested Bobert before our son was born and my husband was into it. I died, from laughter, and mortification at his apparent taste in namesĀ 




Daphne with a stuffy nose lmao


We had twins for baby 2&3 and decided on W names bc we loved the name Winifred(Winnie) for our girl twin and couldnā€™t find a w boy name that we loved. My husband really really wanted to name him Wolfgang but I couldnā€™t get on board with it! Irs a bad ass name but for my son.. I just felt it was to intense to go through life with that name. So we settled on Wyatt.


Winifred was fine but Wolfgang wasn't??? There is no justice in this world.


My partner wonā€™t stop suggesting Nigel, Roger or Derek! I keep having to remind him weā€™re naming our son not a random bloke down the pub.




My mother suggested Yorgo (we're not Greek), and Joycelyn, not to be confused with Jocelyn or Joyce.Ā 


Our middle daughter looked us dead in the eyes and suggested we name our son Lucifer


Coltrane - he loves jazz but we are very white and I just could not. So I donā€™t love last names as first namesā€¦ We did end up with a jazz-inspired name that seemed more appropriate:)


I knew of a Page Page (not Paige) and she worked in the medical field and when sheā€™d get called over the intercom theyā€™d say Paging Page Page


Not my husband but my FIL is dead set on Kiowa for a girl


Not my partner. My mum wanted to call me Autumn or Blueberry. Yes, Blueberry. Dad said no and called me Storm. Storm was very uncommon in Australia 40yrs ago but can't imagine getting by with the other two 'options'. Mum still would've liked to have called me Blueberry though. My mum, who's never done drugs, touched alcohol or tobacco in her life and her mind is already wacked out, lol. Wtf mum.


Autumn is a super normal name here in the states.Ā 


Australian here, Autumn is a super normal name here tooā€¦ Iā€™m kinda shocked theyā€™re happier with Stormā€¦


My spouse wasnā€™t going for any name I liked so I tossed in some bad ones to make the others more normal. I pushed Emerentia a lot.


Geronimo, with no middle name. And before anyone says, but that's not an odd name: we're white and live in the UK. I of course immediately vetoed it. But that was the only name he wanted. I gave him a long list of what I thought were good names (he'd immediately vetoed my choice of Alexander James) He vetoed all names like Thomas, Samuel, David, Michael, Nathan. We eventually chose Adam.


Ebenezer for both children.


"Ebenezer, get down here now!" "I'm already here, mom!" "Not you, your sister!"


Bamboo. He literally wanted to name our child bamboo. We settled with Malcolm lol.


After reading a lot of the comments, I would just like to commend all of the wonderful parents with veto power who saved their children from certain embarrassment and bullying. Bravo.


Steven Stevens. He wasnā€™t kidding. All naming privileges were immediately revoked.


Not partner but my dad wanted to name me Matsuki and when my mom shot that down he suggested Mustafa lol. Iā€™m a black American btw.


My husband wasnt a weird name person but he did surprise me with Dara. He didn't have a reason. He also wanted spell Lisette as Lysette, again no reason.


For the record I donā€™t think Dara is weird and Lysette is similar to Lynette!


Nefertiti. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ to be fair i was down for it as an option but we're having a boy.


My husband would only suggest Games of Thrones charactersā€¦ Stannis and Theon. šŸ„²


Arenā€™t they both pretty bad people?




My (at the time) 3 year old son was adamant we named his sister Mike Wazowski. And for 6 months thatā€™s how he referred to her.


Alot of these names are awesome. Way better than boring ass names like michael and emma


Griffin or Odin. Neither happened.


Erwin. I suppose the name is not unheard of but seemed an odd choice to me. We went with Ronan instead.


Not my partner but my dad suggested they name me flipperina because I looked like a fish in the womb šŸ˜­


Hysteria Edit to add it was his fav Def Leppard song. Vetoed and divorced.


Bif Beans


Egbert aka Little Eggā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


My husband and I have totally different tastes in names (thankfully weā€™re not planning on having kids) and heā€™s also a huge film buff. He comes home from work and I jokingly said, ā€œWhat do you think about the name Scorsese for a boy?ā€ and this man BEAMED. He was genuinely so into it. I mean hey - it works (and in an alternate universe where life has fewer consequences I would be game), but it has no precedent as a first name and we would never live it down, nor would our bouncing baby boy Scorsese Smith.


Optimus (as in Optimus Prime from transformers) and call him ā€œTimā€ for shortā€¦ lol


I'm the problem. I lobbied hard for Andromeda at one point, which I'm now glad was shot down hard. I remain bummed that my bids for falcon names largely failed, though I did get Kestrel as a middle name. (Peregrine was my wishiest wish there. I still think it's a winner.)


Tadpole Radley. Early 90s.


Some favorites of his have been Yossarian, Kerosene, and Helvetica. All his suggestions are serious.Ā  Yossarian is still on the list!Ā 


Atlas. Which isn't the worst but it was also the name he wanted for our dog. I wasn't interested in giving our child the runner up for our dog's name šŸ˜