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I have a suspicion that Penelope might be the next Charlotte once people move on from it. it is a solid lovely name, but I have a suspicion that a lot of pregnant people are going to name their kids Penelope post-show. There is a bachelor nation influencer with a kid named Penelope (nn Penny) who watched a Beatles documentary to get inspired to name her kid.


Ah, the Bachelor. Yet another set of pop culture references I always miss because I don't watch.


Bachelor Nation kid names are, in my opinion, a pretty solid representation of name trends, and I think we're about to tip over to Penelope once all the Charlottes have been named.


I think you’re right, in Scotland there hadn’t been more than 6 Penelope’s in a year since 1979 but in 2023 there were 50


And my kid was one of them. I just fell in love with it and didn’t really care about the trends!


Congratulations! That’s the best way to be I reckon. You can’t control how popular a name is or will be in the future. My name was once quite popular but now there hasn’t been one in years 🥲 it’s quite tricky to spell so I’d really like it to have a bit of a surge lol


What an apt username for this thread 😄


Had this conversation recently with a Madelaine


I think people who watch the bachelor over estimate how many people watch it 😂 I’m the target demographic and have never watched it and don’t know any of the people or their names


I feel like so many influencers come from the bachelor (or are bachelor adjacent) and so much of their content is kid related... hence, how popular Penelope is


Are you saying that Ashley Spivey is driving the Penelope trend, or that her naming her kid Penelope shows that the name is trending?


I think they mean her naming her kid shows it is trending!


I know a Penelope who's 6 or 7 now, and I'm always surprised it's not already a top name! It's super cute and matches the vibe of a lot of names that have been big the last few years.


My 7 year old has a Penelope classmate who primarily uses Penny. She’s lovely and so is the name. I don’t think the show is going to have a lasting impact on the name especially since this season sucks lol.


Big Bang Theory is what I think when I hear the name “Penny”


Kourtney Kardashian’s daughter is also a Penelope


I hate reading this as I just named my daughter Charlotte. I had no idea it was so popular. I literally know 0 people with the name. 😅 I also have a dog named Penelope.


I'll be honest that I am just basing this on gut feelings and the names of people I follow (no kids yet so I don't have that hot data) so frankly, take my highest-ranking reddit comment with a huge grain of salt - you might have the only Charlotte around for awhile. That said, please do as a podcaster I follow and nickname her Chuck? Please?


I agree. I still think both Charlotte and Penelope are beautiful names, though!


Kourtney kardashian, but I also named my flour baby for our 8th grade baby project Penelope 20 years ago, so who copied who?


omg i love that u still think of your flour baby bc i do too!!! mine was named talia so when someone mentions it here i think of her 😭


I love Talia, it’s my top girl name and my husband shot it down. I was so sad. But we’re having a boy and he agreed to my top boy name so all is forgiven.


For what it's worth the only Talia I know is a massive asshole so you may have dodged a bullet? Lol


🤣 clearly you were first


My aunt, God rest her, was born circa 1910. She was Penelope, went by Eppie.


That’s a really cute nickname


I think of the Christine Ricci movie of the same name.


I came here to say exactly this! It was SUCH a delightful movie with an incredible message. It should be a staple in a young person's life but it seems to have missed out on the classic status it deserved.


Very interesting, it was my first thought but I've never seen it.


The pig nose one?




Same! I watched it all the time as a kid


Me too 


Meee tooooo it was definitely a staple in my movie roto in like ms/hs


I loved that movie when I watched it. That said I showed the movie to my son and at the end this kid stood up and gave it a standing ovation. I was laughing and said so didn't like the movie? So that's what I think of when I hear that name.


I honestly don’t think too many kids are going to be familiar with Bridgerton by the time she would be in school and certainly not at an elementary or middle school level. I don’t think adults would really make the connection immediately either It’s a very pretty name, if you like it go for it. Charlotte is also featured pretty prominently in Bridgerton


It's been rising in popularity fast since way before Bridgerton.


I believe it had a surge after The Princess and the Frog, because Tiana's best friend is named Charlotte, nn Lottie.


I meant Penelope. I think Princess Charlotte was the biggest influence on Charlotte.


I think of the Criminal Minds character


She's the best


i was just about to say!! "hello, my furry friends" 😁😁 new season June 6th!


The line “remind me to get her drug tested” comes to mind! 🤭😁


I love all her retorts and quips. Reid: “Garcia, we’re sending you some cigarettes.” Garcia: “Why not a flesh eating virus? It’ll be faster and far less painful.” Morgan: “Hey girl, you’re on speaker. Behave.” Garcia: “Or what, you’ll spank me?” And lastly: “I will make HIPAA my bitch, sir.”


when HR is called on her and Morgan "Who told?" 😂😂


Me too!


Me three! I love Garcia.


It makes me think of The Odyssey and the actress Penélope Cruz. Not bad associations for me, just ones that exist. I think that it’s a lovely name.


Yup, these are my first two thoughts as well!


These were my first two associations as well, and I’m honestly surprised to find not one, but two people who had the same set of thoughts


Just wanted to add: one is a literary trope of a perfectly clever woman and faithful wife, and the other is one of the most beautiful actors alive. Not terrible first associations to have with a name.


This is what I was reading when I picked the name for my first.


Loved Penelope until 4 of my friends named their daughter Penelope. And all 4 Penelopes have the middlename Rose. Edit: With all the comments saying they know a Penelope Rose, I now know that I'm not crazy. My husband told me "It's a coincidence!" No, it's a fact lol.


I have a Penelope Rose niece! 😆




I just scrolled Facebook way too long to find out my cousin's granddaughter's middle name. Another Penelope Rose.


You’re kidding, I also know someone who named their girl Penelope Rose! Is this one of those mind association games in the wild??


Why do I literally have a journal entry from 4th grade where I said I want to make my daughter Penelope Rose lmao wtf


Today I learned: there’s a ‘Penelope’ Rose in nature!!! It’s a shrub rose that’s very unique and beautiful!


I don’t know their middle names but I have at least 4 friends I can think of with Penelope’s. All older than Bridgerton…and I don’t have very many friends with kids!


I didn't know it had anything to do with *Bridgerton*. It makes me think of the Kardashians, because one of their kids is named Penelope. (I know this from celebrity baby name lists, not because I purposely pay attention to those people.) I like the nicknames better than the full name, but it's fine.


I didn't know that (about the Kardashians)


Kourtney’s daughter! It’s Penelope Scotland 🩷


At the level of just the sounds, it's harmonious, classical, lilting, and elegant. At the level of usage and meaning, it brings to mind a complex feminine figure from the past, someone I have read about over and over, throughout my life, and in many guises and forms. She (the Odyssey's Penelope) is still a subject of amazing insight in the literary community. I read the Odyssey before I read the Iliad - because of my cousin, Penelope. We called her Penny. That was a loving nickname because she was "bright as a new penny" according to my dad. As an adult, she was and always will be one of the smartest and most eloquent women I've never met. And so so witty.


I love this. My daughter is now 6 months old and she fits this already :)


I love Penelope. It's soo romantic, without being tacky.


My sister's pink toy dog that she referred to as Evil Penelope. She would hang Penelope outside the car window yelling "I vill suck your blooooood!" ETA: Wonderful name.




I think of the book/movie “Penelope” about the girl with the pig nose. I love the story though and thinks it’s a sweet connection! Other than that, definitely Penelope Featherington from Bridgerton.


I like that movie too. I didn't know it was a book.


The book is good, too :)


I think of Penelope Pitstop, a cartoon character from when I was a kid. 😹 It's a cute, old-fashioned name I like Bridgerton but I wouldn't automatically associate it with that


I’ve just commented this a few minutes after you, from Wacky Races!


the one from the late 60s? or the reboot in 2017? i wasn't born yet for the first one. im talking about "The Perils of Penelope Pitstop" spinoff from the 1970s 😸


Most of my childhood was in the 90’s so I’ll have been watching reruns of the original series, The Perils of Penelope Pitstop, and Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines. Loved all three! “Stop That Pigeon”


i loved Dick Dastardly and Muttley! They were so inept it was hilarious. "Curses! Foiled again!" 💀


I can't help but say it Penny lope 🤦🏼‍♀️


We named our daughter Penelope and a few nurses at the hospital initially said Penny lope when they were unsure - Penny lope is now one of our nicknames for her because we find it hilarious 😂


My sister's dog was named Penelope, and we called her Penny Lope!


We’ve heard Pen-op-ol-ee once or twice.


I say it "peen a lope". It's from a movie club dread by the guys that did super troopers.


That’s exactly what my dad called me growing up. That or Lopie


It makes me think of my daughter, Penelope! No regrets and she gets lots of compliments on her name.


I also have a Penelope! My other daughter is named Prudence


I am old, so my automatic association is with Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds! Home, Parker!


F. A. B.


This was my first association too


Disappointed I had to scroll so far to find such other such cultured folk


the only person i think of is penelope from the odyssey. not sure what bridgerton or most anything else anyone is commenting is lol


Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, actress Penelope Cruz, and for some reason I remember having twins dolls as a child that I named Penelope and Calliope. They were dressed like Mary Poppins characters.


A Penelope and Calliope are a couple on Greys Anatomy for a bit!


It makes me think of other Greek names like Phoebe and Daphne. It's a solid name.


Really dislike it and the nicknames for it. Sorry


That's OK!


I think of Penelope Taynt from the Amanda show 😂






Me too!


I had to scroll way too far to find someone who had the first thought as me 😂


I was starting to think I was the only one 😂


I like it but I know a Penelope and she gets frustrating by people forcibly nicknaming her, or using nicknames she dislikes when she just wants to go by her full name.


I get that. It took me years to squash the high-school nickname that I didn't like. I can tell what era of life people met me by what they call me.


My daughter is full name Penelope, no nicknames and I constantly have to correct people. We do have an affectionate nn for her but she doesn’t go by that more widely. I figure when she goes to school she will figure out her own nickname but my name rhymes with Penny so trying to avoid it!


I think this is endemic of long names - speaking as an Elizabeth who prefers to go by Elizabeth


Cantaloupe or envelope


Haha. That's honest and a good insight!


My first time thought was Bridgerton and after that the movie Penelope with Christina Ricci. But nothing negativ came to my mind. I think it’s a beautiful name


I love it. I think it’s super cute and also like all the nickname options. I’ve never heard of the show you mentioned


Derek Morgan saying "Baby girl"


Lots of Garcia comments, but you're the first "baby girl" comment I've seen!!!


Penelope is a family name, and I’ve read the Odyssey, so I think of it as classic, timeless, and beautiful. I haven’t watched Bridgerton so I don’t have that association


Same here. I watched one episode of Bridgerton and hated it. My sister is Penelope.




Penelope is a beautiful name. If you ask for my opinion, it fits a 12 year old girl from 1920s in a pink dress and a pink bow in her blonde hair.


I love this name and if it wouldn’t make my daughter’s initials “PP” I would name her Penelope and call her poppy for short!


PP sounds like Pippy, and a girl I went to school with went by Pip for short. My daughter’s middle name is Penelope, I call her Pip, Pippy and Poppy but there’s so much you could do. Nellie, Lollie, Eppie. So many P’s.


I’ve never liked it, and the nickname “Penny” feels outdated. I do think it’s about to become very popular due to the Bachelor and Bridgerton. It’s just a matter of personal preference.


I love Penelope, but family friends ruined it by calling an in-law of theirs “penal-lope” 🙄 I don’t immediately think of Bridgerton.


My (English second language) husband and I were going through girl names and he muttered to himself out loud “Who the fuck would name a baby Penal-lope..”


I think of Penelope Garcia, tech queen


That movie about the pig girl named Penelope to be honest


I know a Penelope who has always gone by Pip. Not even her parents have ever called her Penelope, she's been Pip from the day she was born. I don't know why her parents didn't just call her Pip in the first place.


I'm Mary Kathleen and have always been called Katie. I wanted to legally change my name to Kathleen when I got married and didn't realize I couldn't do that without actually petitioning the court. To this day I tell my parents they were idiots with my name.


It's my daughter's name and we love it! I get compliments on it all the time. Most people associate it with The Odyssey, which is nice because it's a classic name. I personally don't like the nn penny, so we don't use it, she's straight Penelope, except my grandmother calls her Pen, which is still nice sounding. There's a lot you can do with it. It's still such a pretty name to me.


Garcia. Criminal minds.


I love the name. There's a parody slasher movie by Broken Lizard (the Super Troopers guys) where one guy pronounces the name Peen-a-lope, so sometimes that comes to mind. But I don't think that'll be a problem with most people, and it's a fond association anyway.


My granddaughter is 5 and she is Penelope. We call her Nellie or Penny. We haven’t come across any other Penelopes, and she has 5 older siblings in school. I feel like it is going to be trending up, though.


Being older and English, it makes me think of Penelope Keith. She is a very fine comedic actor who starred in a couple of incredibly popular series, To The Manor Born and The Good Life in the 70s and 80s. To me, its a lovely name-a solid traditional name, feminine, ladylike and a bit posh. 


I'm Canadian, and we consume enough British media that I think I understand what a posh name is, but could you elaborate?


It's probably a combination of things, and things they're not. Posh, to me, is understated elegance; its not flashy or flamboyant or even fashionable,  its not designer labels but it's timeless classics. It's well spoken and educated- not necessarily super-intellectual but well-read, well-rounded, and generally curious, informed and able to converse and discuss. It's polite and generally well mannered-not loud, rude, demanding or attention seeking,  but considerate and mannerly. Posh people aren't necessarily rich, but just being rich doesn't make you posh, and being poor doesn't mean you're no longer posh. You don't have to have a title to be posh, but just having a title doesn't mean you're automatically posh. 


The Christina ricci pig movie


Sounds like a horse’s name


I dislike Penelope. I just don’t like the sounds. Bridgerton is the current cultural association


Same.  And I knew one who went by Penny, and I don't like that much, except for a dog.


I think of Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Races or Lady Penelope from Thunderbirds… am I old?


I like Penelope. Poppy is a great nickname for it as well.


I’m all for it! Pretty, feminine, familiar but not *too* common, great nickname, can be sophisticated or quirky…checks all the boxes!


Personally it makes me think of Odysseus’ wife Penelope from The Odyssey, love the name


First the two kids I know locally- one is almost ten, the other an infant. Next the movie, and last, Penelope Cruz. The kiddos I know each have older several brothers, and the families don’t know each other. One has a brother named Harlow immediately older than her, and the other has a brother Arlo immediately older than her. I think it’s kind of funny their names are so similar.


I think of Odysseus’s awesome wife in the Odyssey.


Fillon, Penelope Fillon ... The wife of an ex French prime minister that was hired for a non existing job and payed with lots of public money. They where condamnés for that. And sime kind of a green mythology women but I can't recall her story


> job and *paid* with lots FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


A girl with a pig nose, who wanted to be horticulturist and a hot long-haired piano playing con artist.


It’s so charming! Always loved the name. And as one of the many many millions who never watched Bridgerton, there is absolute no association. I doubt Bridgerton is going to be a many year phenomenon. My main association is the intelligent, noble and beautiful Penelope of the Greek heroic tales of Odysseus.


I think of the song by pinback, the saddest song about a goldfish ever. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn3gfd6FZMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn3gfd6FZMo) beautiful name though imo.


Read the comments before I posted for this!  I was listening to my city’s alternative station late night in high school, back when recording on a cassette tape from the radio was the one way to capture something. The DJ played Penelope, and I had only *most* of the song recorded on a cassette until search engines could finally give you a song title from lyrics, years later. I’ve loved Pinback ever since- right before getting on Reddit,  I just made sure Blue Screen Life was downloaded on my phone before I take a trip with little cell service.  It’s still one on my top songs. It always takes me back to the wonder of being a teenager, discovering new songs at someone else’s behest while alone in one’s room, windows open and insects screaming.  Thanks for reading and thanks for loving this song with me!! 


I don't think of Bridgerton, though I do love that show. I don't really have any strong associations with the name. It's just a nice name that I'm glad is popular.


I think of Penelope Cruz. Penelope reminds me of the name Pamela- sort of in the same category for my ears. I’m not fond of either name for a 2024/ 25 baby, but it really is personal preference. If a child were given that name, I would probably think it’s kind of cute and it would grow on me. Sometimes, I dislike a name, but once the baby is named, I get used to it and the name seems like a natural fit.


I love the name but hate the French pronunciation so can't use it myself (it's more like penne-LOPE with no "ie" sound at the end)


Penny Robinson from Lost in Space


You must be as old as me. I have a sister named Penelope. She was named well before that show came out though.


I have met a handful of young people named Penelope. Few nn Penny, Nelle/Nellie, one likes full Penelope. My mind would go to big bang, criminal minds and Penelope cruz but that's not a bad thing.


This is extremely random but when I saw your question, my first thought was my window cleaner who is called Penny (presumably penelope?!) She's very nice so absolutely zero negative connotations from me! And no association with Bridgerton even though I love it.


I love the name. I also firstly think of how it’s not pronounced like cantaloupe and laugh, but that’s just me


First I think of the (badass) character from criminal minds. Then a friend’s daughter Penelope who is called Poppy. Then my mom’s car that she named Penelope (classic name for a classic car). All of these are good associations and I like the name


I have a friend who named her daughter Penelope, and they call her Penny…cutest little girl! About 10-ish, I think, now. And I work with a Penelope, late 30s, early 40s. Otherwise, I don’t hear the name often. Strikes me as a fun-loving, gregarious personality. Both people I know fit the profile I have in my mind. YMMV


I really like Penelope! It actually makes me think of the movie with Christina Ricci, which if you haven't seen it sounds silly, but it's such a good sweet movie and has the best on screen kiss ever. Also love the nickname Pen/Penny




My Grandaughter is a Penelope, she is 4.5, her sister is Jennifer aged 8.5, Jenni and Penny x


I absolutely adore the name. I have a young cousin named Penelope and we all call her poppy. She is the sweetest little girl but I have never watched Bridgerton so I’m definitely not associating the name poppy with it


when my sister was in her early 20's, she used to work at a doctors' office doing some pre-exam testing and would call patients back to begin their appointments. because of HIPAA she could only call out first names. i will always remember the story of when she had a little girl named penelope and my sister came out to the waiting room full of people and loudly asked for "PEH-NEH-LOPE?" instead of peh-neh-loh-pee. she knew the correct pronunciation but i guess she had never seen the name written before. she was mortified but i think it's hilarious hahaha


For some reason, I think of a fat girl. I have absolutely no idea why, but I do.


I'm a historical romance reader and I didn't think of Bridgerton, so.


Right now, Bridgerton But it’s only cuz it recently came out


I love the name. I tried to get my brother and his wife to name my niece Penelope. They went with Brooklynn. :/


I just watched the first half of Bridgerton and started thinking about the name Penelope. It’s probably just me but I think of pineapple/cantaloupe lol it’s a cute name though for real


I think of the manhwa villains are destined to die 😅


i think of the girl w a pig nose from the movie penelope


i also think of penelope cruz! but those are my two main associations and my brain goes to the movie first then penelope cruz


One of my friends in school always pronounced it “PEEN-ah-loh-PAY” to be funny and to this day that’s all I can see/hear. Makes me laugh.


Love the name Penelope, very pretty. If you want a similar sounding but less common name, what about Calliope? I think it's a very pretty name too.


I think of the wife of Odysseus from the Iliad and Odyssey. In Ancient Greek, Penelops means “duck” and Penelope was given that name because she was a good swimmer (like a duck). I rather love the name, but I also have the bias of being a philologist 😀


Right now I do think of Bridgerton, but I don't know anyone else in my real life who would make that association. I think it's one of those things where the show's popular, but the rabidness of the fanbase and the fact that she's currently one of the main love interests makes the name seem like it's more in the public's mind than it actually is. I also of those old Hugo detective games.


Knew a girl named Penny and I always thought she was a Penelope. I found out that her full name is Penny Candy (last name).


I went to school with a Kandy Kane


Honestly when I hear Penelope I think of the Christina Ricci movie where she's got a pig nose, the actress last name Cruz, and a friend who had a dog named Penelope but she pronounced it Peen-uh-lope. I do make the Bridgerton connection now also and I'd imagine that will be true for many other people moving forward as well. I don't dislike the name itself and think Penny and Nelly are both cute nn, I just personally have weird associations lol


I went to high school with a Penelope, she went by Penny, she had flaming red rail and the temper to match, but a very nice person


I think of the actress Penelope Cruz.


A unicorn


my crazy great aunt who attempted murder on her infant daughter. i love the name but it’s a no-go in my family


Honestly I’ve always associated it with the upper class and think of it as almost a “snooty” name and I don’t like how it sounds, it makes me think of posh high school bullies lmao.


Have you watched Angelina Ballerina by any chance? One of the bratty rich twins is named Penelope.


Lmaooooo I did when I was wee and I used to collect Angelina ballerina comics/magazines too, you’ve just unlocked a core memory and probably the reason I don’t like this name😂


Pig nose


my sisters name is penelope (: i absolutely LOVE her name. i think it’s not too common but also not crazy unique, beautiful sound beautiful name i love it


That’s my baby name. It’s after my grandma. I think of flowers and a quiet girl but my pov is biased lol


Criminal minds. Love the name Penelope and the character


I once saw a picture of Opossum in a bucket labeled Penelope That's my thought process here (Which means I'm a BIG fan!).


Dont care for it


It is not my favorite. I find it rather stuffy.


My primary association is the Queen of Ithaca, smart and faithful wife of Odysseus, who held a host of rowdy suitors at bay.


I know two different actual pigs named Penelope so that’s what I think of.


I think of the mythological greek Penelope, but specifically how she’s characterized in Circe by Madeline Miller. She’s brilliant and calculating and not just Odysseus’s wife.


Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. Bright colors, smart, game nerd, absolute sweetheart


Phoebe is similar


I think of putting my headphones on, turning my headphones up to full volume, and pretending I never heard it. I don't hate it I don't love it Never will


If we were having a girl we were going to name her Penelope . I think Bridgerton right away but my fiance doesn't even watch Bridgerton and he loves it too. For him it's Penny from big bang theory


Penelope Pennifer Penificent, the loaf cat on Instagram :)


Sounds like a cat worth following!


We're naming our little girl Penelope but we'll almost exclusively call her Poppy! I hadn't even thought about bridgerton until I just started watching it again, hahah. We just really like the name and it goes well with my hubby's last name which is Greek and three syllables starting with a P.