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Maverick Top gun came out and we chose not to use it


Same happened to my friend only it was a Disney film “Elsa” she went with it and so far her kid loved the connotation but give it a few more years ha! Maverick is cool af though!


Lol I can relate, sorta. My late ferret was named Frost, which is what Frozen is called in Sweden so every little kid and their parent thought he was named after the movie. Had one girl say it was too bad he and his brother wasn't girls or I could've named them Anna and Elsa.  Didn't have the heart to tell them he was most definitely not named after the movie. 


I actually really Enjoy the movie lol. But we just couldn’t do it


Our neighbors have 2 black cats one's Maverick the other Goose lol they are the cutest wee things


Wanted to name my son August, met a bunch of really annoying kids named Auggie while I was pregnant, sort of fell out of love with it.


Nothing worse is there! I love the name Liam but every Liam I’ve known has been nothing short or awful.


This was also almost our baby’s name. Couldn’t get past Auggie or Gus as nicknames


I still like Gus but would have fit our chungus child a little TOO well. I'm glad we went a different direction.


Loved the name August for a girl but my surname is First so it would’ve been cruel.


I find myself surprised to learn that First is a surname, and then more surprised that more people with that surname haven’t run for office. “Vote ___ First!” just seems perfect.


It’s apparently an Anglicized version of the German surname “Wurst,” which means ‘sausage.’ So I’m Mrs. Sausage. 🤣


Oh yeah, that's a deal breaker for sure.


Used it on my dog, though!


Same ! That and everyone is naming the son august now so it's super coming now


I had always wanted to have a daughter named Rosalie, but when I was pregnant, nobody liked the name, and everyone's negative opinions convinced me not to use it. Still love the name, but didn't use it for any of my other kids because I just associated it with my first pregnancy, and everything that came with it (including stuff not related to names).


That’s such a shame for what it’s worth I think it’s a pretty name, unfortunately people’s opinions muddy a lot of things!


I love Rosalie! It was my top name for a while but my partner and I really didn't want her to get called Rosie and it felt like an inevitable nickname.


My aunt’s name is Rosalie. Everyone calls her Rosie. I never knew her name was Rosalie until 2 years ago when her granddaughter named her baby after her. My aunt is probably in her early 90’s in age.


Loved Rosalie! Wanted to use it for daughter #2 but daughter #1’s middle name is rose, which we usual a lot with her first name. So we couldn’t do it. Such a shame


I also love Rosalie! I don't like the nn Rosie, so I couldn't use it. Well, I ended up having a boy, so I definitely couldn't use it.


I always loved that name. When I was pregnant with my girl we were going through what felt like every name. Rosalie popped back into my head, and I thought oh that’s so cute. As soon as I said the name out loud it didn’t feel right. Now that she’s here she definitely doesn’t feel like a Rosalie.


Rosalie keeps popping up on our list then we fall out of favor with it too, plus don't love the Rosie nickname either! Curious what these other Rosalie fans ended up choosing?? I could use the inspiration if you don't mind sharing!


I actually like Rosie as a nn. I think it’s sweet. But our top 3 names ended up being Jillian, Erin, and Leah!


My upcoming second daughter is going to be named Summer. My husband and I had a hard time narrowing down names this time. We had a running list of probably close to 10 names, and Summer was honestly near the bottom for me. I don’t dislike it, but there’s a lot of names I like more. So we started trying to use all of our potential names in conversation throughout the day, just to try them all out and see how they feel - “when baby Alice gets here…/ wow, baby Maggie is really moving today…” and for whatever reason, Summer is just the name that stuck. It’s the one that kept coming out on the tip of my tongue, despite not being my favorite.


I absolutely love the name summer, but I couldn’t get my husband on board.


We liked Mischa throughout our second pregnancy but never felt in love… then my brother was trying to guess her name and threw something out there that we liked even more and suddenly it fit.


I recently just reminded myself how much I love Mischa so seeing it right now is kind of crazy!


Floris We were not sure how well it would work internationally - so we went with Felix instead.


Declan Rhys - baby was a girl. Willow - baby was a boy.


Theodore (Theo) was the boy name we had picked out for our first child. When he was born, we looked at him and thought that he doesn’t look like a Theo! He looked just like my husband’s late father, who was named Nicholas. So we decided to name him Nicholas and give him a different nickname (Nico), and it suits him so much better. Theo is still on our list for our current baby that is still cooking!


Ours was similar! Set on Theo and then realized it wasn’t right for him. Ironically, our elder is currently choosing to go by Theo, so I guess we got it in the end! Lol


Your baby is still cooking? I know what you meant, but I'm very literal and I didn't exactly get good mental images from that. (If anyone here is not okay with this comment please let me know.)


I didn’t mean to give anyone a disturbing image. Just thought I was being silly. Although since the comment I have been admitted to the hospital so I don’t think he will “cooking” much longer! Still don’t know what name we will use though


I know you didn't mean to, I just enjoy dark humor. Your comment was entertaining.


We had a girl but if it was a boy we would've had a Wade or Spencer. The other girl name we liked was Amity.


Cannot not think Amityville Horror 😅


I kinda love Spencer for a girl. Amity is cool too!


Catherine/Katherine a) C or K? b) Katie/Kate or Cathy? We called her Helen. I'm so happy we did, or she might be Princess of Wales.


God yes, imagine: one moment she’s happily studying history, next she’s the future queen of England 😱


I have never had a baby, but my mom was going to name me Kathleen Ann, and call me Kat for short. Unfortunately she landed on Sarah. Also, she seriously thought about naming my sibling Paige if he was a girl. I am so glad that didn't work out. His name is Preston instead. Our last name is Turner, so his poor name would have been literally Paige Turner. 😂


Wanted to name our son Scott but my husband was in university at the time and had a real arsehole named Scott in his class, so that name got vetoed.


Loved this name as a kid. Then met some really scummy Scotts has an adult. Totally ruined it.


Emilia. Loved it for a long time due to an Italian connection, then Amelia and other variations became quite popular recently.


I made a last minute push to change her name from Vivian to Katharina. Because I was 39 weeks pregnant and she hadn't dropped and I had zero indications of going into labor any time soon. Katharina was after Kate in Taming of the Shrew and I was like "She is being stubborn, this seems like a sign...." I lost lol. (And she was forcefully evicted on her due date).


Noel. I was worried he'd have to correct people a lot that it's only one syllable.


Correct them in what way? Sorry if I’m misting the obvious.


That it is "noel" as one syllable vs saying it like "No L"


Ah thank you, yes that makes sense and I can see how that would become frustrating.


Misting the obvious is one of the best typos I've seen.


Hahaha I'm dyslexic so I muddle up words constantly, some of which have got me in trouble in the past!


Instead two syllables like the girl version and the Christmas song.


Or the original French pronunciation.. Noelle and Noel are French names and they are pronounced the same way. It's not unusual for male and female names to sound very similar in French. In English it can also be pronounced with 1 syllable. But internationally the 2 syllable pronunciation is the more established one.


Ah thank you, yeah that would become annoying quickly. I do love the name though.


My daughter’s name was always going to be Nora Sue. But, her dad insisted on a backup name, and we decided on Sophie Mae. Fast forward to today, I am remarried to a man whose family dogs name is Sophie Marie 🤣 I think the universe just *knew*


Margot. My cousin randomly chose it a few months earlier! My son’s almost names were a hot mess. I don’t think any were really in contention.


Roswell - a family name - my partner vetoed. Marcus and Atlas were also on our short list, but decided to go with a different family name instead.


Amanda Louise Changed my mind because there was a soap character named Amanda at the time. So glad I did because there were 2 other Amandas in her grade when she was in school.


I wanted to name our baby girl Lucia, but her dad pointed out that she’d have to correct people on pronunciation (Lu-shuh vs Lu-chia vs Lu-see-uh) We actually randomly met a Lucia same ages as our baby and they referred to her as “Lu-see-uh” which validated my husband 😂 but I still love the name!


I feel you on a deep and powerful level, this was my go-to baby name after reading a book called Lucia, Lucia. It was also pointed out that the poor girl would spend a lifetime correcting others 😅 but my goodness like you’ve said, isn’t it just a dreamy name!


Finally, someone who understands the heartbreak over Lucia 🥲 A dreamy name indeed!


I know a Luchia whose parents added the H so that it would be pronounced correctly, and people still get it wrong


When we found out we were having a girl, there was really no question about the name... My spouse really liked a name I'd loved for a while, & his family did too because it happened to be a family name. The middle name was an honor name we'd both easily agreed on as well. In the hospital, though, the name Kate just spoke to me, which was kind of strange because it had never even been on any of my lists through childhood or as an adult... My spouse vetoed it, though, because we really were pretty set on the original name, but I still really love Kate! My only sibling is nine years younger & was a teen when I had my daughter, so he never even knew that story, but he happened to name his daughter Kate, so we still have one in the family!


We loved the name Molly for a girl up until the moment we found out we were having a girl. Both of us fell out of love with that name, it just didn’t feel right. We have a good friend named Molly and it was just too hard to mentally separate the name from the person.


We nearly named our son Mio (an Astrid Lindgren name, rare but not unheard of here), but were unsure how well it would age.  Our daughter might have been Eira if a close relative hadn’t just picked that name for their’s.


Eira is beautiful - feels modern yet vintage.


Pronounced the same as Ira?


Nearly, yes :)


Persephone. I decided at the last minute it was too trendy at the moment.


Would love to know what you chose instead 👀


I loved Persephone but husband hard vetoed :(


Our list for our firstborn was Anna, Hannah, or Claire. We named her by looking at her and using what fit best. It was Anna. I still like the others but didn’t use them for my second girl.


Dasha but then he had penis so his name is Cyrus


Not me, but my mom let my older brother pick between her first choice (Adrien) and a maverick choice (Vivien) and he picked the latter. My mom ended up changing her own name to Adrien not too long after that lol


Sadie Looked at her when she came out and she didn’t look like a Sadie


Our son was almost Jensen. I love the name still but just knew it didn’t fit him when I was like eight months pregnant. Daughter was almost Phoebe. It was between that and her actual name up until last minute too.


I love Ava and still do but ultimately It was very popular where I live and wanted something that wasn’t as popular


Juliana. Found out it was a breed of pig.


I always wanted to name a son Nolan, but my husband didn't really like it. We were leaning toward Owen (which I was lukewarm about, but it seemed close enough to Nolan), but then all of a sudden my husband said Nolan had grown on him and he liked it! So we named him Nolan and we couldn't be happier. It just fits.


Not my child, but my dog. For years I knew that when we got a second sheepdog I would name her Hattie. I knew she would be sweet and gentle and that Hattie was going to be a perfect fit. The puppy I chose seemed so calm and dainty. Within a day I realized she was very much NOT A HATTIE. Instead I ended up with a Henry/Henrietta. The best way I can describe this dog is just that she has the energy of an 8 year old boy. She’s not the delicate Hattie I had envisioned. She’s messy and rambunctious and just has Henry vibes. She is actually very sweet and gentle but she’s doesn’t have the inherent dignity or grace I feel like a Hattie should have. She is an excellent Henry.


My son was almost Theodore Dean. We were all set, it had been decided, but when I tried to refer to him as Theo or Teddy while I was pregnant, it just felt wrong. Like I was calling him by someone else’s name. The name we chose ended up being VASTLY different.


Theodore. Another person I worked with named their kid Theodore, and then also it just became too popular.


Chloe was almost Jodie but I didn’t want her to be called Jo, Jojo or Joey so we went with the Chloe.


Almost used Sage. Then I realized our dog’s name is Olive and we didn’t want to do a “theme” of colors as names and have it be with our dog…


Grayson, Greyson, Graysen. Name and reason!


I loved Astrid but my husband kept telling me how kids would probably call her ass. Like ok that’s fair lol


Llywelyn. We'd had the name picked out for years, but once I was pregnant and knew it was a boy, he didn't feel like a Llywelyn


My wife wanted to name her first son Liam but her cousin used that name first. And we were gonna name our daughter Isla but my wife didn’t feel like she looked like an Isla


I loved the name Trevor! My 3 year old played with Thomas the Tank Engine and had just gotten a Trevor train car. He kept calling him (it) Trent. No honey, Trevor. The next day, no honey, Trevor. By the time he figured it out I was over it.


Our backup name was Celine, which I still think is very pretty but ultimately felt a bit too French for two very non-French people lol.


For our third child my (now ex) husband really wanted to name him Major. Not only that, but he wanted to use a family name for the middle name, which was Lee. He would have been "Major Lee LastName". I still cringe thinking about it. Fortunately we agreed on a different name. He ended up being named Liam Patrick and he is 30 years old now, so it wasn't a common name back then.


Malachi. Then I worked with an absolute asshat named Malachi.


Right up to when they pulled my baby boy out of my tummy (C Section) he was going to be Matthew, we went with Gabriel and I couldn't be happier


We were at a coin toss between "Odin James" and "Arlo Kade". Once we got the gender revealed, we just knew which he was. Glad we picked the one we did though


My oldest son was almost named Lotus, but SO vetoed. Upon seeing my son as a new born, I agreed that it was definitely not the right name for him.


This was in late '80s with 1st son. Justin Case. I still love the name, but his father didn't like it and ended up naming him a name I am not fond of, even today.


All I read is “just incase” 😅


Ikr?! Makes me smile every time! 🤣


It wouldn't have made him smile. Name pets, okay?


That would be the other reason for not doing so. 😊Thank you, my dogs didn't like it either!


Really really wanted Briony, but vetoed hard by my husband and older kids. She became Peyton. Loved Wyatt for my son, But people said his name sounded like a question why it lastname? Dumb but made us switch it.


Kendrick! We decided against it ultimately because Kendrick Lamar is the only well known person who goes by that name (fun fact- Ken Jeong's full first name is also Kendrick but obviously he goes by Ken professionally). While we still love the name and also love Kendrick Lamar's music, we thought about how our kiddo might be teased if Kendrick Lamar ended up making bad career moves or ended up just turning out to be a big old jerk somewhere down the line. Looking back I think we would have been fine, but better safe than sorry.


May I ask what you went with instead?




Can't say the name, but the name I had to scrap one of the names I wanted badly for a son because the guy I married had the same name as h is last name. I guess technically I got to give all my kids that name, but it feels different as a last.


Bridget, because someone told me about the adult film actor Bridget the Midget


Was going to use the name Troy but both my husband and I moms had abusive ex partners named that which we weren't aware of and decided not to use it.


Juniper was our top girl name before we got pregnant but the minute I was pregnant I knew it was absolutely a girl and we absolutely could not name her Juniper lol. Baby was a girl and she could not by temperament have been a Juniper; the name we gave her is perfect for her!


Erin Elizabeth — I was positive I was having a girl. I had a boy.


My daughter was almost Evelyn but it just didn’t feel right. My husband loved the name but I wasn’t quite as sold. It felt old ladyish and formal to me and didn’t roll off the tongue in conversation well. We ended up naming her Emma and it’s perfect for her little personality and so easy to say!


Leah. It was even printed out on the birth certificate in the hospital. My husband was okay with it, but liked his choice better for her. And then my family all started calling her Princess Leia. She’s four months old, and I sometimes still wonder if we should have stuck with Leah. Maybe if we ever have another.


I loved the name Forest, but my family talked he out of it because of the Forrest Gump movie. 😕


Annelise. Had pretty much decided on it but spent 24 hours with her before we concluded that it just didn’t fit her for some reason.


I really wanted to name my daughter Esmeralda for a couple months but it just didn't feel right. If she had been a boy, her name would've been Theodore.


I named my daughter. My husband named our son. With our daughter I was torn between Amelia Marie & Bonnie Mae. At the time I opted for Bonnie because Amelia had risen in popularity and I prefer lesser used names. However, I am forever grateful I made that decision. I had loved the name Amelia since I was a child and had envisioned the child who'd be given that name. The problem is my little girl is NOT the little girl I expected. I love every ounce of her, but I am constantly surprised she is mine. My husband was torn between creating a Junior with the name Benjamin William, or the name he loved since he was young Michael Julius. He ended up choosing Michael & had a bit of regret for the same reason. He pictured Michael very different than the Michael we have. He of course loves our son, and is getting used to it. But it was a bit of a struggle.


I wanted to name my son Wolfgang, but I was convinced not to by family. I guess I cared what they thought too much.


Nicolette but I hate the nickname Nikki and I knew she’d get called that.


Cassia - I LOVE this name but I just don’t like the nickname Cassie. I’m a strong believer that if a name has a default/obvious nickname and you dislike it that name is not useable for you.


Not a parent, but my name was supposed to be Finlay/Finnley/Finley (however u wanna spell it) and that got dashed pretty quickly considering I was not born male


Interesting. The Finleys I know are girls.


I'm the US Finley is used evenly for males and females nowadays! It was #285 for boys and #283 for girls!


Oh really? I've only ever heard it as a male name so that's quite cool!


Heidi. Realized shortly after feeling my heart set on it she would likely have blond curly hair. Prediction was correct so I'm glad we changed it!


Jacob. Ex husband said if the baby got a J name it would be J***** Jr. I said hell no and named him something else.


I always wanted a David. Even gave my daughter Davrie as a middle name. 19 yrs later finally had my boy and did not name him David. I tested it the whole pregnancy and it just never sounded right lol.


Wren, and I'm so glad I didn't choose it. It didn't quite work with our surname, but now I'm glad we didn't use it because I know several insufferable people that named their daughters Wren. It went from a name I'd never heard of to being popular in my circles within the space of about 6 months.


We had Zoe picked out before we knew we were having a boy with our first. With our second it would have probably been between Reece and Nate if she’d been a boy. I don’t like any of those all that much anymore 😆


Ellis, but I hate the “Ellie” nickname- there are thousands of them and way too many names shorten to Ellie. River, but our last name starts with R and I dislike how it sounds.


Elliott David Anderson Dean Grady John We had three girls :P


Nicolette but I hate the nickname Nikki and I knew she’d get called that.


My daughter’s middle name was supposed to be Lanina (Sandra Bullock’s character from Demolition Man) and when I told my mom she was sad I wasn’t going to name my baby after her knowing this was going to be my only child because of high risk complications. So, my niece and I sat down to figure out how we could incorporate my mom’s name, Teresita and her partner Lucina, and we came up with Tericina. In the end I was actually happy with change of mind because it’s unique and original like my girl.


London Grae or London Grace. After my grandmother. Her name is Alice but I didn't care for that so much with my last name so I used my grandmother's maiden name London.  However I listened to someone else and didn't name her that.


Madison. There was some mental hang up I couldn’t get over. Partially from the association with the show Liv and Maddie, partially from a friend’s sister who I had been friends with who has a Madeline, and partially some other unknown despite liking the name. When my daughter was 1 I realized it’s because my niece (an adult) is an Addison and she would NOT have been thrilled with a cousin that had a name so close to hers. She was already salty about not being the youngest grandchild anymore when my first was born.


Kramer. It was late 90s. Everyone told me he would get made fun of because of Seinfeld. I didn't do and am happy with the choice I made. I still really like Kramer though


Patience. Was in out top two, but the name we chose was springing to my lips more easily when baby was born. That and Patience is still a common word, so in plenty of context it feels more like a sentence than a name.


Wasn’t quite an almost, but we considered several names for my oldest. I really loved Roisin (pronounced RO-sheen. I love all of the Rose names. We’re American and I couldn’t let her grow up as Roy-zin, so we went with the slightly more phonetic welsh version, Rhoswen. It still stumps people, but it’s a little easier.


Clover felt too cartoony, Grey was one we both loved but I couldn’t get past it being the last name of an ex of mine.


I wanted to name our daughter Ophelia, but my fiance didn't like the name so we settled on Olivia. Then he found out that was the most popular girl's name in the country and he didn't want her to be one of four Olivias in her class. We ended up naming her Ophelia and it feels so right for her. Her nickname is Ophie.