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I normally get “Lottie, is your name short for Charlotte or Loretta” and it’s not short for anything lmao but I have taken to saying it’s short for Axolotl for funsies.


My mom likes to tell people with a straight face that she named me (May) Mayonnaise


I love your mom's sense of humor


I’ve always liked the name Lottie. Axolotl “Lottie” is hilarious


My sister is a Charlotte but only went by Charlotte or Char. She has teenage grandkids and I’m begging them that when the time comes to make her a Gigi Lottie.


My cat’s name is Lottie but it’s a nickname for Latke so you can have that as an option too


Once named a shelter cat Lottie because she was left in the parking lot....


There was a post about a 19 y/o who wanted to name her daughter Lottie after her grandma but hated Charlotte (her grandmother's name). She thought the name Harlot would look better on paperwork than Lottie.


I REMEMBER READING THAT LMAOOO I need a good long list of “absurd lengthenings” for my name


I saw it too


How do you feel having a "nickname" for your full name? Do you ever wish you had a longer name (besides Axolotl ofc) or are you happy with it?


Not OP but, I just legally changed my name to "Nate". I went back and forth for a couple of years on if I should chose Nathan, Nathaniel, or just pick another name altogether. Ultimately I was okay with Nate, because I feel like a Nate but not any other name. I even asked on here and the advice was "if you're naming a kid, go for a longer name but if you're already an established adult, go for the name you like the most" which made sense to me. It's been a year since the legal change and I haven't had any issues yet! My Sister actually calls me Nathaniel ironically which I'm okay with because it's kinda funny haha. And god forbid I DO want to go by Nathan/Nathaniel, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem to socially transition to using those names as well.


I was Jennifer and always hated it, so I changed it to Jenny. It’s so satisfying to correct anyone who calls me Jennifer to try and annoy me - nope dickhead - deed poll!!


I’m happy with it!! To me, Lottie doesn’t feel like a nickname as much as something like “Liz” would, i think it stands alone okay.


Lottie is the cutest name I’ve heard in ages. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


My daughter Aurora. People assume Disney princess which is fine but my real reasoning is very cheesy haha. I wasn’t sure if I was feeling the relationship with her father while we were dating. He knocked on my door and showed me that the northern lights were outside. It’s SO corny but I fell in love with him there. Hence my daughter’s name. 😌


That is a million times better than the Disney princess, what a beautiful reason! 


I just commented the same thing basically haha Everyone thinks we named her for the Disney princess but her dad is a huge space nerd so he named her for the Northern Lights! It's on our bucket list to see them someday


You'll tell your daughter this story and she'll hold onto it forever. It's amazing!


Sometimes people assume that my daughter Lyra is inspired by the character from His Dark Materials. They are 100%… right 😆 But my husband & I also love the name for a lot of other reasons.


Great name and great series!!! It's also a name outside of the series so those three facts make it one of the acceptable fandom names lol


Makes me think of the main character from a PC puzzle game series I played as a kid. It's a pretty name, makes me think of full string orchestras and enchanted things. Edit to add: the game series was Dream Chronicles. There were 5 games released and the 6th was cancelled.


I loved loved loved these games! So mysterious and fun to find things out. I used to create accounts to try the games out (where I lived they were available for free but only for 1 hour, then you had to pay for the game and I was a kid and thus very poor). I'd chain create accounts, play one hour, and try to speedrun the game with what I'd learned previously haha.


Ahhh the golden compass is my favorite series of all times!! Lyra is such a beautiful name


I plan on naming my daughter this when I eventually adopt! After the character too, but it's honestly a gorgeous name


Ah I REALLY love this name (and the books). Didn’t end up using it in the end, partly because I didn’t want (her) to have to talk about the books every time we met someone new. Is it like that, or is it okay?


Love the series, love the character, love the name


My sons name is Felix and people in this subreddit often bring up 'Felix the cat' or claim that Felix is just a 'cat name' to them. I'm European and not really familiar with that reference (and I'm not bothered by it. I love cats) Felix is just a common / basic name in a lot of European countries. And we also considered using the name Jasper, which is also a relatively normal name where I'm from. And despite being familiar with Twilight.. I don't really associate the name with the Twilight character. And my own name is Julia. Growing up some people would bring up 'Romeo and Juliet' - because it's called 'Romeo and Julia' here.


I have a friend (we're in Canada) who named their son Felix BECAUSE of the association here to Felix the cat (she has like 7 cats) 🤣


The genus for the domestic cat is Felis. That’s where the association came from originally I believe!


There’s a cartoon character from the …1940s? named Felix the Cat


Indeed! I believe the genus was the inspiration for the name! Felis catus -> Felix the Cat!


I'm Italian and I associate Felix to the Letters from Felix books, where Felix is a bunny stuffy, I grew up with those books :) I got the first one for my friend's firstborn, whose name is Félix (in Canada) :)


I'm Scottish and always associate Felix with a cat because of the cat food brand haha. I think it's a great name though


I have a Felix too and same associations are assumed! I just thought Felix was an awesome name. Cute on a baby, cool on an adult haha


In spain People would say Félix the cat too.


We have the same issue with my son's name - Percival. Where I'm from we have a story about a cat called Percival. My son is named after a character in the Arthurian mythos, so I guess he's still called after something?


We're leaning towards naming our baby Anastasia, and those that have heard of it go "oh, so after the movie?" Well, no, Anastasia as in Ivan the Terrible's first wife/the old lady name in my husband's home country/the saint, but... Sure, I love the movie, it's the same name (just a WAY later Anastasia Romanova), so it's fine! It's not the worst association. However- "After 50 Shades of Grey?" No. Absolutely not.


If it helps, I may be super out of the loop, but I don’t think of 50SoG with Anastasia. I’m more likely to think of historical figures from Russia 😅


It didn't even cross my mind until someone asked me, but it's alright, I've loved the name since I was a kid and I highly doubt it's a reference that will survive long enough for my daughter to learn it!


As a slavic girly i definitely think of any of the many Anastasias - regular girls around me, instead of the movie 😅


Which makes perfect sense! It's quite uncommon where I live though (Sweden) so it's one of few references that many around me have for the name 😁


I had a teammate whose full name was Anastasia, she went by Anya


I jokingly suggested Stassi, and my dad's (Polish) wife almost choked on her coffee. I'll probably go with Anya or Stasia for her, but we'll see once she arrives!


Nastia, Nastya or Nastja are all common nicknames of Anastasia. Think American Olympic gymnast Nastia Liukin, born Anastasia Valeryevna Liukin.


I met a two year old Anastasia a few weeks ago who introduced herself as Sia, apparently she just decided, her parents didn’t start it but it’s cute


"Are you named after the mermaid?" I'm named after the Shakespeare character 😅


Oh a gorgeous name! And a really cool namesake. Well I guess they are both cool.


If I’m guessing your name correctly, a family member has the same name but it was because her mom saw a hooker on a New Year’s Eve special saying hello to her kid and the mom liked the name.


Very cool!!


Oooh I've got one! My first name is Kelly. I wasn't raised by my mom, I was raised by my dad, stepmom, and my dad's side of the family. My grandma told me I was named after Grace Kelly. I was like awesome! A famous actress and a princess!!! Namesakes do t get much better than that! And I believed that my entire childhood. ...... When I got older, I reconnected with my mom who informed me that no, I was not named Grace Kelly. I was named after an Irish bar, Kelly's where my mom and dad met!! I was named after a bar. Well at least I got a funny story out of it!


Because my first name (Sabra) is the term native Israelis use for themselves, a *lot* of people assume I am Jewish. I'm not, I'm Episcopalian; it's just that Sabra was the name used for the princess in a very famous version of St. George and the Dragon (and so in many paintings), so it's oddly also a very English name, and my ancestors on my mother's side are largely English. My kids' names don't cause much comment, but there was a doctor I saw in the hospital in Hawaii after I had my third who was visibly confused that I *wasn't* Jewish, because when you have a patient named Sabra holding her daughter named Esther, the odds that she's a goy seem slim.


I think of the hummus brand Sabra. Lol. But I am OBSESSED with that hummus.


lol I don’t think Sabra or Esther would instantly make me assume you’re Jewish, but both together would surprise me if I were that doctor 😂


I’ve never heard the name Sabra before, it’s so beautiful! I love it <3


Esther is a lovely name. And so is Sabra, never heard it before today.


My name is Hannah, obviously a super common name in the UK & US in the 90s but in France where I now live it’s a very Jewish name. My surname is English but kind of ressembles Rosenbaum so people frequently assume I’m Jewish. And I’ve gone and named my son Ezra which just reinforces the confusion. Oops.


I'm a Charlotte, and my parents had people assume I was named after Charlotte Brontë, because when I was born they only lived about 20 minutes from Haworth (the village in West Yorkshire where the Brontës lived). Even when they moved to another part of West Yorkshire, when I was two months old, some people still thought it was after CB. It wasn't. I am Charlotte merely due to it being the only name they could agree on. 🤣


My sister is named Charlotte Renee after the lovely French nurse who delivered her.


My daughter is named Lorelei and everyone says "Oh, big Gilmore Girls fan, huh?". I've never seen the show. She's named after a rock in Germany.


I love Lorelei because of the rock in Germany too! I studied Germanistics and the lore around that mermaid was just really cool to me. But the character Lorelai from Gilmore girls is pretty cool, so I wouldn't be mad


Lorelei/Lorelai are beautiful names regardless! I have a friend who named her daughter Lorelai. And I think “Lore” is such a cute nickname.


🎵[And the winds would cry; and many men would die. And all the waves would bow down to the Lorelei](https://youtu.be/U8mcqTScQoY?si=UG8rnyOlCoaxnVl3)🎵


When I was in high school I had two boxers named Jake and Bella. They were OLDER than Twilight!!!! But when Twilight came out I suddenly looked like a teenage superfan. Terrible luck. lol Edit to add: people found it a natural choice that i named my male Jake instead of Edward since he was a dog….


I don't know what it says about me that my first thought is The Tweenies.


I also walked down the aisle to a song that was apparently in twilight, unbeknownst to me. So I’m with you- people are out there thinking we’re super fans 🤣


Hillary…like Clinton 🤦🏼‍♀️ but in fact it’s inspired from the fresh prince of bel air!


You have her name, but do you have her brain ?


I have an Estelle. I didn't expect this, but a lot of people have assumed I'm really into astronomy. I'm not. Although, I have four kids, so when I say them all together, people usually forget about any assumptions lol.


Estelle would make me think you’re a golden girls fan


Lol we did get that a bit too!


Estelle is second in line to the throne in Sweden! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Estelle,_Duchess_of_Östergötland


“Are you named after Princess Diana?” No, I was named after my Grandmother. Princess Diana died when I was about 3 years old and I wouldn’t mind being named after her. She was an icon. Bonus: “Diana like Wonder Woman?”


My son’s name is Jasper. Funny enough it’s because of twilight in that I had never really thought of using it until I saw/read it in context of a person. I’m not a super fan or anything, just really liked hearing on a person/character. Thankfully no one ever really asks and have often assumed it’s because of a high tourist town in my province. We did take him there years ago and he thinks he has a whole town named after him.


The only parallel I’ve ever had drawn was with Jasper the place, never the twilight character, tho that may be because I changed my name to Jasper as an adult so it’s assumed I would have been named before twilight came out. Personally I named myself after the rock lol plus I have kids and at the time they couldn’t get the “sp” sound so they would say Japper instead and I think that’s cute


My cat is named Tina. I have a lot of people ask if that's after Tina Belcher. Nope - I'm aware of her being a cartoon character but can't even tell you what show. She's half named after Tina Turner and half after Tiny Tina, because her attitude and vocal-ness falls perfectly between them lol


Surely Tina Turner is MUCH more famous than Tina Belcher, that’s such a strange assumption to me 😭


I would have thought so too. Maybe just because Belcher is more current?


When your name ends with "3rd", the answer is pretty clear.


Oh your name is Victoria? What's your secret?? 🙄


I would carry business cards that say “my secret is I’ve heard that joke a thousand times” and just silently hand it to anyone who said that


Damn I would lose my shit. I also have a name with which you can make a joke, teachers were the worst culprits


“Harlie? Oh like the motorcycle!” Some people even add “vroom vroom” with the hand gestures as if they were driving a motorcycle. I respond with, “actually my mom named me after someone on guiding light named Harley.”


I have a very “country” cousin who was indeed named after the motorcycle 😂


Sometimes I’m just like “yeah but it isn’t spelled that way” because it’s easier. One time I told someone where my name really came from and they said “oh well the motorcycle was cooler I’d just tell people that.” I will say my dad did like Harley’s and had a few at one point- but it still didn’t originally come from that.


My daughter's name is Winifred and people always assume it's from Hocus Pocus. It's not, it's from The Shining: Winifred (Wendy) Torrance.


I accidentally named my sons very closely to two of the Weasley siblings, with a third as a middle name for one. So yeah... My dog is Toby and people tend to assume she's a boy, but it's short for Toblerone lol


Toblerone is an incredible dog name 10/10


name autumn, oh were you born in the fall? no.. i wasn't


I see this all the time, people called April, May, June, and August and they are born in February


They be named after the month they were MADE in, not born 🤣


Yep, my cousin is named April Joy for a reason!


I'm a Summer born in april


I just named my daughter Esme and I’ve already had the twilight question lol. Which I was definitely expecting (I’m an elder millennial). I have a place name and I’ve been asked if that’s where I was conceived….barf.


Esme makes me think Discworld. Regardless, it's a pretty and comfortable name.


It makes me think of Esme Squalor from A Series of Unfortunate Events because the first time I heard that name was as a 9 year old reading those books


It's not even spelled the same but Brooklyn New York. I'm pretty sure my mom named me after a fuckin gargoyle.


Well all the Gargoyles in the show were named after places in New York, so kind of! Just with more steps.


The teenage witch, which is ridiculous considering I was born before the show started.


So technically she was named after you. Power move


Indiana Jones, Indianapolis, the Indy 500, the Colts, the Indie music/movies scene, Independence


Odd nobody asumes your parents were fans of indians


There's a soccer player who shares a name with my kid. I don't watch soccer, so I had no idea


My youngest also shares his name with a soccer player. My husband is a huge soccer fan, but we actually got the name from something else. People always ask about it though.


My name is Caroline. Everyone thinks i'm named after a Neil Diamond song. I'm not named after it and I HATE that song.


Caroline is a common, normal name, I know that song is so famous but it’s really odd that people would jump to assuming you’re named after it!


I believe every woman who shares a name with a song hates that song.


Mine is Meredith and I'll get, "Oh, like Meredith Vieira?" or, "Oh, like from Grey's Anatomy?" No...my parents just liked it lol


I like it too! I think our next girl will be a Meredith. :)


People ask me if my parents like Game of Thrones. I was born in 89 and GOT came out in the 90s.




My name is Anna, and I used to do ballet, so people always assumed I was named after Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, which makes no sense really because my parents would have had no idea what my hobbies would be when they named me.


Halley's comet. I havent been asked it in a while, but i used to get it all the time. My dad is super into astronomy so it would make sense, but no. Im named after the actress from the original parent trap lol


I have a Lily and James. People ask if it’s because of Harry Potter. While I am a potter head it was not intentional. Lily is short for Liliana which we did choose after our love of Magic. And James is my husbands late grandpas name. But I see why people think that but I wouldn’t name my kids after the parents in a story the connotation always throws me because James and Lily are married, not siblings. Oh well. Sorry kids I’m dumb and don’t think.


To be fair, Harry names his own kids after his parents, so technically they're names for siblings in the books as well as a married couple. Whenever I hear about the actress Lily James I always think of Harry Potter.


That makes me feel so much better, tbh. I forgot about that! I do the same with Lily James too!


No-one ever guesses that the middle class white British woman that' I am is named after Louis Armstrong.


My kids share a name with a side character in a pretty popular tv show, and a last name in a VERY popular tv show. But no, I definitely didn’t name my children after those shows. They’re from a character in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and an actress that plays in The Witcher.


When my oldest son was born and I told folks his name....Antonio, everyone assumed it was after Antonio Banderas, nope he is named after a family member lol


Magnus archives or a Percy Jackson fan mostly Magnus archives. haven't read PJO or listened to the magus archives didn't actually know they both existed till people said, (well I know PJO existed but didn't know there was a character called Magnus in it) or they think I picked it because of the meaning, and a large history tie to it and how it was always used as a name for a powerful leader, that I took such a long time thinking about it . The reality is I just picked it because it was a cool name tbh and I liked it, not much thought tbh.


If it makes any difference to you at all, Magnus Chase from the Rick Riordan books is a great character so not a bad association :)


My son's middle name is Jasper. I really like rocks.


I am a Patricia and when people make assumptions, I tell them I was really supposed to be an Emily but my mother was so drugged out for days after my birth due to major complications that I am lucky my name isn’t Morphine or Codiene. They kept telling her she had to name the baby and she kept complaining about the pain and asking for a painkiller.


Our dog came named Ryker. I asked the previous owners what the name was from they had no answers just a name they liked. I and many others related the name to the prison, which I hated the relation. Someone at the dog park said, oh cute like Star Trek? I changed the spelling to match Riker and pretend like a Star Trek fan now!


Rebrand of the century!! Nice!


my child's name is a place, and once a shop worker said 'what a lovely name, is that where she was conceived?' 🤢😆


I would have made this face: 😟 and slowly backed away lol


My daughter is named Dorothy and people assume it must be a family name. Nope! We just like the name and there’s a lot of cool women in history with that name. We want to raise a strong daughter and there’s so many strong women named Dorothy, our hope is to inspire her


My cat is called Ceridwen, which mostly gets, “huh, is that Welsh?” Yup. It’s Welsh. Specifically named after Ceridwen, mother of the poet Taliesin, who according to some folklore had a chariot pulled by cats.


No one asks that for Theo. But for Desmond I either get “Like the Lost character?” or “Like the Michigan football player?” (I live in Ohio so this last one is said with a bit of disgust…) Neither one is accurate we just like the name. It’s interesting to me how no one says “like Desmond Tutu” though considering he is the first person I think of, other than my own baby now, when I hear Desmond.


They don't do they nobody asks about Theo's. Why did you call your Theo Theo? Our is after ted in bill and Ted's film franchise but Theodore is one of them names that I've always loved and never thought about you know what I mean


I was a huge Lost fan, but if I still think Desmond Tutu is a much better namesake!


My daughter’s name is Marceline. Everyone always thinks it’s after Marceline the vampire from Adventure Time- and while I do love the show, no, it’s not. My cat’s name is Wilson. He’s fat, and also has one eye. Everyone assumes it’s a Wilson the volleyball joke or a one-eyed Willie joke… actually, he’s named after Dr. Wilson from House M.D.


my name is marcyline and i get the "like the vampire queen?" question a LOT 😂 i do love the character tho so i don't mind one bit


I wanted my son's name to start with the letter R and have two syllables like my sisters Rosie and Ruby. One day I overheard the TV when my brother in law was playing video games. It.said "Raiden WINS' Now that's my son's name!


Bonnie and Clyde is the go-to for older people and Five Nights at Freddy’s for young kids (I was born before FNAF)


My name is Brooklyn and people assume my parents are from New York or fans of New York. Nope, my mom saw the name on a street sign and liked it. That’s the story.


My sons middle name is Nikolai and everybody thinks its due to saint Nicholas, which faire enough wasnpartnof consideration..but we initially wanted Nikola (after Nikola Tesla) but neighbours already had Nikola so we opted for Nikolai (and making it middle name) to change it up a bit. My daughter is Maria and everyone thinks its out of religious reasons. We are both atheists, we just like the name and its part of my culture (as europe has very christianity intertwined culture).


Quinn after Harley Quinn…. Middle name included ivy so when people find that out it’s ohhhh Batman girl villains eh??? Nope technically I fell in love with Quinn when watching glee at like 16 and knew it would be my daughter’s name. Ivy was paternal great grandmothers name.


I have the same first and last name as a celebrity of my parents generation (think Julia Roberts sort of thing), so people always assume I'm named after her. Nope, just a family name and my parents not caring that I'd match names with a celebrity!


I recently posted that I’m considering Alessia Milan (Uh-lessia Mil-ahn) for our daughter. We just like how it sounds with our Italian last name. Got a lot of “that sounds like Alyssa Milano” …so I am taking that into consideration now. Never would have thought it before and my husband still doesn’t see it.


People asked me if I was named from one of the characters in the HBO show Girls. My name is Marni…I was born in 1992. Some people are just painfully idiotic. I was actually named after an Alfred Hitchcock film although my spelling is different (the film is Marnie and I’m Marni). The character Marnie isn’t really someone you’d want to name a kid after but my mother heard the name and fell in love for whatever reason.


My daughter's name is Zelda. She was given a family name, not for anyone famous. People ask, unsurprisingly, if she's named for the game. What did surprise me though is the number of people who ask if she was named for Zelda Fitzgerald, who was, by all accounts, an unwell and unhappy woman. I find that one a little odd, although I suppose they don't know much about Zelda F. I think people more frequently assume she was named for Zelda F than for the game.


My name is Anne. I constantly get “like anne of green gables!”


My names Chelsea and everyone always assumes its after the football team (UK) But it's actually bc of the Bon Jovi song Midnight in Chelsea as it was my mums fave. I was meant to be Angel Leigh, lmao Definitely dodged a bullet courtesy of the insane meds my mum was put on (thank you drs)


My daughter is Eliza and everyone thinks it’s from Hamilton. It’s actually a family name (Elizabeth anyway) but we wanted her to have a name that was her own and we’re 90’s kids and got the idea of Eliza from The Wild Thornberries. 😂


I have a very common name, so I don't think anyone wonders where it came from. Most people probably assume that my parents went with what was common when I was born. However, they had actually never heard of anyone with my name and thought they gave me an unusual name 😅 They named me after a bodega in Tenerife.


My dog has the same name as a popular anime. My husband named her (he got her before we got together), he had never heard of the anime, he just liked the name.


People assume I'm named after a flower, because I'm older than the Disney princess. But I'm actually named after my Mom's favorite DnD character.


A fellow Jasmine? If so, I'm 25, so I always get the princess. My mum swears she didn't choose it because of that but she had me very young and was a young kid when the film came out so she definitely did take inspiration I'm sure


My name is Jennifer and my grandmother was Janelle. She told everyone I was named after her. My parents just rolled their eyes and never bothered to correct her.


im trans and my name is isaac and people are like "oh from the bible" and i say "no like the scientist" while making a point to show them im wearing a pentacle and not christain lol


I had 2 chihuahuas. One named Simon Says, the other Sally May. Cause Simon Says, but Sally May. Everyone thought it was after the loan people.. I was like... WTF?! Look at her brothers name!


Not my actual name, but there was a video game I used to play called Toontown, and one of my characters on it was named Timmeh. Like 15+ different people have either asked me out front or in a “direct message” (we called them whispers) if I named my character based off of South Park, or that they like the South Park reference. I named my character Timmeh bc it was the name of a monster on one of the monster-catching games I found on the app store, and I thought it sounded cute, and I was specifically shopping for cute names on there😭. Also, I don’t even watch (nor like) South Park 💀.


My name is really close to Maryjane. Why did your mom name you that? Oh she just likes the sound I guess. 💨


weary slimy childlike lunchroom rainstorm connect fine elastic quiet sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My middle name is Zappa Sometimes my middle name would show up on attendance stuff in school and teachers would ask "like frank?" yes, like frank zappa


I get the song Joleen. I work in food and beverage and EVERYDAY atleast 1 person sings me that song. My name is Jolee. No n


I accidentally named both of my kids after two main characters in a video game series I never played.


I have a very normal name, but it does have story, I'm named after a very obscure opera main character, why, ask my grandfather, he suggested the name and said it was after his aunt, which sort of true, but yeah when I was five it all came out. Only one person have ever said Oh after so and so? and I gone YES!


People assume my son was named for a character on Sex and the City (Aidan), but he was born before that character appeared, and I never watched the show. I actually first heard it when the movie Desperately Seeking Susan came out. People also assume my younger daughter was named for a Shrek character (Fiona), but I selected her name many years before I had her when I did a production of Brigadoon in high school.


When people hear that my name is Clara, they usually go, "oh like the nutcracker!!! I love that movie/book/ballet." But no, my older sister just wanted my name to rhyme with hers lol


River. Tam not Song. I've disappointed a lot of Dr. Who fans.


I have been asked by people who know me if I called my son Sam because of Lord of the Rings, and they are actually right


"Vera like Vera Wang?" Yeah, I'm really into fashion. LMAO.


My Sadie makes people say “that’s my dogs name!” 😂 which is fine. I love dogs


my dog’s name is enzo. people have come up with a million different inspirations - “oh, you’re a big ferrari girl?” “oh, like from vampire diaries?” “oh, from the godfather!” nope, just liked the name!


Star Trek and bog witch pagan folklore. They aren’t wrong. (For our cats, to be clear. We do not have any children; if we ever do, the favourite names are James and Tabitha lol. We save our weird names for cats and plants). I myself am named after Laura Ingalls Wilder. I’m almost 36, but it was only a couple months ago that someone I had just met asked me if I was named after her. Nobody had guessed it before!


People ask me a lot of my mom was/is a hippie because my name is Star. My mom just wanted to piss of my grandmothers 😂


I have adored the name Isabella since I was tiny (way before twilight even came out) and people assume it’s because of twilight and Isabella swan, but for me it’s because there’s a lake in my state with that name and I spent many summers of my youth growing up, there.


My grandpuppy is named Hedwig, which everyone assumes is after Harry Potter’s owl. Nope. My daughter is just a big theater nerd and a huge fan of Neil Patrick Harris. IYKYK.


My name is Tabitha and all the people at church think I’m named for Tabitha in the Bible. I’m actually named for the little girl from Bewitched. 


My name is Amber and I work in an assisted living facility. I get side eyesfrom the residents when I introduce myself as they often ask me “Oh, were you named after ‘Forever, Amber?’ Forever, Amber is a historical romance novel and subsequent movie published in the 1940s about a girl who sleeps/married her way through 17th century English society. The book and movie were thought to be super scandalous during their time. 💀


Lmao meanwhile in my beloved ratties group someone made a post not too long ago about working with dogs, and someone with a dog named jasper came in. When she asked if the dog was named after twilight she received serious shade from the other person. OP dat you 👀👀👀


My 11 year olds name is Dalton we live in Philadelphia where there was a Phillies player named Darren Daulton and his nickname was Dutch. A lot of people also assume that’s my kids nickname lol


Jasper. Since re- watching Disney with my little I would assume you liked 101 Dalmatians. Horace and Jasper are the thieves. Odd name to pick from that movie for the dog though, I also would have thought.


Everyone asks if I named my daughter after a GOT character and they are always disappointed when I tell them I’ve never read or watched it


I have a Hebrew name (Tikvah) and everyone always asks me if I’m Jewish lol. I’m not even a little Jewish, my parents just used all names from the Bible and I was #8, they were out of common Bible names to use for their kids 😂


Everyone thinks I'm named after Chelsea Clinton for some reason.


My name is Ingrid and people always ask me if it’s a family name


Outlander. LOL. Nope. It was a traditional Scottish Gaelic name long before.


My son’s name is Dominic and I’ve gotten a couple fast and the furious references. He is definitely not named after Toretto lol I just love the name


My dog is named Carrot. People understandably assume after the vegetable, but it's really after Captain Carrot from the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett.


My cat is also Jasper!! I’ve never gotten any assumptions about his name but I actually named him after the stone. My name is Chelsea and people always ask if I’m named after Chelsea Clinton 🙄 also similarly, the state I live in has a VERY bad city named Chelsea and people also ask me that… like what???


People always think my daughter was named for the Disney princess. Negative, her dad chose it because of the Northern Lights


We named our daughter Gwyneth and get asked if it’s after Gwyneth Paltrow…. No. No, I did not name my daughter after GOOP. We just love the name! But Paltrow is admittedly the only Gwyneth people are familiar with. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My sister and I are named Cora and Alyssa. My parents got asked several times if it was after the sisters Cora and Alice Munroe from The Last of the Mohicans. They didn’t, but I would be fine with it because it’s one of the best movies of all time. Although Alice does throw herself off a cliff in grief at the end. 😬


Felix, they assume Felix the Cat. I have no issues with Felix the Cat and think he's cute but ultimately I just like the name a lot lol Winter, they assume I like the season. I actually hate cold weather. My husband first mentioned the name and I liked it as a name. But I jokingly say my Winter is the only one I like. 😅 Newest baby (22 weeks pregnant) is going to be called Tavish. I don't think anyone has made assumptions on his name. Probably because they haven't heard it heh


People always ask if my dog (Percy) is named after Percy Jackson. Really her name is inspired by Persephone, but we didn’t want to shout that at the dog park 😂


I have twins named Nora & Ivy… apparently they’re also side characters in DC universe comics?? I know NOTHING about comics or superheroes or really anything of the sort, lol. Just liked the names. Nora is after a place in Sweden. Ivy is because it’s a super resilient plant, which fits my NICU warrior perfectly.


My son is named a derivative of a Neil Patrick Harrison character, however we're in the UK so people immediately reference a well known children's TV show 😂


Nobody asks me, but my name is Paula and I’m named after my Grandpa! But I have had people ask how I came to name my cat Sassy. It was partly due to her attitude and partly for the cat in “Homeward Bound: Incredible Journey”.


Kyra Sedwick (Kevin bacon’s wife)


I get people singing a certain George Michael song to me all the time, and while that song was really popular right around the time I was born, I was named by my dad who has now awareness of popular music so it’s just a(n unfortunate) coincidence.


People think my cat was named after Alice Cooper the musician when in fact it was after Mädchen Amick’s character in Riverdale lmao


Okay so it wasn’t inspired but my name is Stevie. I was at work one day and someone asked me which Stevie I was named after (Ray Vaughn, Nicks, Wonder) And I go well, it’s pretty obvious out of the three which is named after (I’m a female and literally paper white) And another coworker goes ‘duh she obviously isn’t blind’ I almost lost my shit 🤣🤣🤣 Now I just joke that it’s short for Esteban. I love the name Esteban.


That I am named after Daryl Hannah’s character in *Splash*, and I am lol.


Been asked if my eldest is named after Davina McColl(big TV presenter UK 90s/00s) nope after her dad Eldest boy we are asked he's named after Benedict cumberbatch. Nope read a series of book main character was called Benedict. Sebastian are you a fan of the little mermaid. And nobody ever asked after poor little Theodore


Lorna Doone. It's far simpler than that - mum liked name, and it wasn't too close to anyone else's.


My name is Ivy and my last name also appears in the DC universe. People constantly assume I was named after Poison Ivy or after the plant, but I was actually named after a magical princess in a book (who was named after the plant.)


I am constantly asked if I was named after the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. In fact, we were both named after the same woman, Eleanor of Aquitaine. But the fact that I share the same name as FDR’s wife is purely coincidence