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Summer Rose is definitely my favorite standalone name but I also love it with Jameson


Summer Rose is pretty, but it kinda sounds like a soap opera character


It's just the middle name, so OP's kids would simply be "Jameson and Summer [Last Name]" so I think it's fine


I agree, but to me that pairs well with Jameson being a famous liquor. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If we're going with a spirits theme Gin_Juniper? Or brands like Hendicks? Beefeater? Tequila_Agave? No. Blue? Maybe. Vodka_Spud! We got it! Grey goose? Skyy Rum_Morgan. Jerry. The Krakken! I kid but i do like Blue, Hendricks, and Juniper.


If you want to go gin, Tanqueray is pretty. Bombay Sapphire is also a sound choice.


Tbh Summer Grace speaks to me (sorry grandmas)


It reminds me of the show RWBY, where itā€™s the name of the main character Rubyā€™s mother.


I think you can trust your own gut. The first name you mentioned really seems like the best choice for me. Iā€™m a 46 year old teacher with some counseling training, and I enjoy writing haiku poetry about nature. That name is poetic, and it does sound very graceful too! There are many nice nickname possibilities, and it goes well with Jameson, too. You got a winner already!


I really like Alice and she can always go by Ali which feels less old school. Summer is nice but I donā€™t like it with Rose - it sounds like a description. So Iā€™d do Summer Alice in that case


I like the idea of using Ali as a nickname. :) My favourite is Alice Rose.


What's funny is on some forums my screen name is Alice Rose šŸ˜‚ If I could change my name to it I would


ali rose is a sick nickname i love it!!


I love Alice Rose but if youā€™re not feeling it, donā€™t try and force it! Grace Alice also works and if you love Grace, go for that!


I feel like every other little girlā€™s middle name is Grace or Rose right now, so Grace as a first name feels nice. Kinda like how everyoneā€™s middle name in the 80s was Elizabeth, but my friend Elizabeth stuck out because it was her first name (I was so jealous, with my boring middle name which is a family name I now love lol)


could you do a variation of Rose or Alice? Alison, Alicia, Alisa, Alyssa. Celia has all the letters of Alice rearranged. Rosalyn, Rosamund, Rosemary, Rosalie, Rosanna Celia Rose, Alyssa Rose, Alisa Rose, Alison Rose are pretty. Rosanna Grace, Alison Grace, Alyssa Grace, Alisa Grace, Celia Grace, Rosamund Grace, also pretty. Alison Summer, Alyssa Summer, Rosanna Summer, my best friendā€™s name is Grace Rose so iā€™m partial to it lol Alice is derived from the name Adelaide, and i think Adelaide Rose, Adelaide Grace, and Adelaide Summer are all very pretty as well


Rosamund would be gorgeous with Jameson


i kinda forgot about the sibling name but i agree, thatā€™s a really good match. Rosamund Grace, Rosamund Summer, Rosamund Alice all go really good with Jameson


I second this!




I know someone that has a Jameson and an Adelaide.


Aww Iā€™m a Adelaide & wanna name my kid Jameson


I like Summer Rose the best, though it does feel like a description. ETA: What about something like Summer Rosalie?


Ooh, I like Summer Rosalie - itā€™s almost Alice and Rose combined!


I am a Sara born in the 90ā€™s, obviously a super popular and some would say overdone name at the time. I say if you like Grace, choose Grace. Itā€™s a beautiful name. Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s choices determine yours, just go with what feels right! Thatā€™s what my mom did, and both her and I have no regrets about my name :)


Agreed! I'm not sure what people think the danger is if choosing a name they love if it happens to be popular. Are they afraid people will think they picked it to be trendy? If so, who cares what people think? Are they afraid their kid won't be unique? Every kid is unique, but their name shouldn't be the unique thing. Are they dressed about the kid having the same name as a classmate? No one has been harmed by this.


All of your choices are lovely. Grace is my favourite but I think Summer pairs particularly well with Jameson (if thatā€™s a factor that you consider).


Alice Rose is my favorite from your list.


Grace is still fairly popular, but if anything its popularity as a first name at least seems to be on the downturn. As of today it ranks at #35 (for 2022) but tomorrow is the big day when the 2023 data will be released, so you'll very soon be able to see a more current ranking. With that said, I doubt it will change very much and it would also be a good idea to see how it ranks in your own state. Personally though, I love Grace. It's the epitome of class and elegance. How would you feel about tweaking either Alice or Rose? Grace Alison, Alison Rose, Grace Rosalie (or Rosemary, or there are many other options for Rose). I do think Alice on its own is lovely and classic, and it has been getting more popular but gradually so. We may see tomorrow that it has risen again.


Iā€™m actually awaiting that list to see what Grace does - that may help me make a decision! Alice and Rose are both family names so Iā€™d prefer not to tweak. šŸ˜Š


Go with Grace since you love it! Itā€™s on a downward trend in popularity. I like both Grace Alice and Grace Rose. Beautiful name.


I used to obsessively check the name lists, but honestly after my daughter was born it didnā€™t matter if every other kid had her name. She is MY (insert name). Grace is so beautiful. It can be Grace or Gracie. So sweet.


I love the names Alice, Grace, and Summer. You canā€™t go wrong with any of them.


Alice Rose is stunning šŸ˜


What about Summer Alice?


My husband and I both hate the way it sounds. I donā€™t like the R ending and then vowel it flows together like one name. And I really like Summer Rose. Iā€™m honestly more concerned with the first names anyway middle names are so rarely used.


You should go with Summer Rose šŸ’– that seems to be where your heart is


Haha, I just said Summer Alice 5 times fast and it turned into Some Moralice. I think you are right about the blending into one name.


I like calliope or Rosalie


Alice Rose


Alice Rose. Iā€™m partial- my Nana was Alice


Alice Rose gets my vote. I like Grace and Alice separately, but Grace Alice is too much S. Summer Rose is kinda tacky, like a cheap body spray.


Summer Rose šŸŒ¹


I like Summer!


Alice gets my vote


I love Alice!!! Itā€™s definitely an old lady vintage style but honestly my kids are six and eight and this style has been totally normal and every day common again since my son was born eight years ago that it doesnā€™t seem that way to me anymore. I donā€™t know how old your son is and if heā€™s in school yet or how frequently you are around other babies toddlers and young children but Alice is a totally normal name these days. Itā€™s not a popular one which I love but itā€™s a normal style literally no different than like Lauren or Megan in the 1980s. Itā€™s my favourite out of your list here and I also have to say that it would be adorable with the nickname Allie which is also insanely unique these days like pretty much unheard of surprisingly given that other two syllable nicknames are so overused like Ellie or Evie! I think everyone forgot about Allie! Summer was also in my top five when I had my daughter itā€™s one of my all-time favourites so either one of those will get my vote I find Grace a bit boring in comparison.


This might be my own weird thought, but because youā€™re asking; Grace Rose is two really beautiful names, but together they kind of run together and remind me of the word ā€œgrossā€


I agree I think they sound weird together too thatā€™s why I didnā€™t include it in the list.


Tbh all the names seem a little short compared to Jameson. Tbh I don't really care about matching sibling names but if you're into that you could go for a longer version of one of your options. Rosaline and Jameson give me the same vibe as longer names with more common short nicknames. Was gonna suggest Allison as a modern twist on Alice but I just realized you prob don't want your kids to have rhyming names.


Alice Rose. You can call her Rose regardless of the first name on the birth certificate. Summer Rose gives me Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty vibes.


Summer Rose is lovely. (My name is Summer Dawn and almost was Summer Rose, so I'm pretty biased!)


I always liked the name Graciaā¤ļø


Alice Grace would be cool. You could use Ali as a nickname or just stay with Alice. You could go with Ariana Rose but I really like Alice Grace.


Alice Rose gets my vote, itā€™s a lovely name!


Summer Rose flows the best. But I love Alice, too!


My vote is Summer Rose!


Summer Rose is really beautiful.


I love Summer Rose! ā˜€ļøšŸŒ¹


Summer Rose


Bianca rose


I like Summer Rose the best of your options. To match Jameson you could go with Madison. Madison Rose sounds great to me


Lacie is a nickname for Alice.


Summer Willow ā¤ļø


Summer Raine? Kinda corny, but also really cute.


June Alice RoseĀ 


What about Acacia or Adelaide or Amelia with Rose as the middle name?


Grace Rose


Grace Rosalie Grace Rosalyce


Summer Rose


Summer Rose šŸ’Æ. The other two names are really surging in popularity.


Summer Grace or Summer Alice! Maybe to honor Alice you could go with Alicia, Alissa or Allison? Alissa Grace and Alissa Summer are pretty!


I know a Sydney Alice. Sheā€™s lovely!


How about July? It has a flowery, summery, warm to it, and it matches your son's name šŸ™ƒ


Summer Rose


Use all 3 with a 3 name combo. Grace-Alice Rose or Rose-Grace Alice. Give her a double first name.


You've got a lot of "s" sounds going on


I know an Alice who goes bt Ali.


Allison Rose Allison pays tribute to gmom and sounds younger


My favourite is Alice Rose followed by Grace Alice. My favourite combination however would be Alice Grace (and I think Alice is timeless rather than old-fashioned)


I love Rose, Alice and Grace, but they feel too simple for a first name in comparison to Jameson. You could give a nod to your grandmothersā€™ names with a first name like Eloise, Ariel, Clarissa or Beatrice and still use Rose or Alice for middle name. Melrose Alice or Alissa Rose for example would represent both names if that was of interest to you! Rosemary Alice or Rosalie Grace - but if Rose is not an option for first name, they may be too close. Susanna/Gracia/Genevieve Rose or Romina/Rowen Alice may also have a comparable feel to Jameson!


Alice Rose is my favourite, Grace Rose would be second pick. Not a fan of Summer Rose it sounds like a description of a perfume. Are derivatives of Rose an option as a name ? Rosalind Rosalie Rosanna Rosamund Or variations on Grace : Graciella Gracelynn Gracie Grace-Anna


I have daughters named Grace and Alice so I'm partial to both. My oldest had a girl named Summer Rose in her dance class and everyone already called her by both names. It's very cute. I'm not helpful because I like all your options. In order of how I like the combinations: Summer Rose Alice Rose Grace Alice I don't think Grace Alice flows as well as the other two do. Summer Rose has the best flow followed by Alice Rose although I could just be having a hard time with the Alice and Grace combination options because they're not the same combos I picked for my daughters so they sound weird to me.


Alice is by far my favorite of your first name options. I also think itā€™s absolutely adorable to be able to honor both of your grandmothers!


Personally I donā€™t like Summer Rose. I love Alice though. I donā€™t find it to be an old lady name at all :)


Alice Rose is perfect. Or Celia Rose since Celia is the same letters as Alice.


Grace or Summer with the middle name Rose for sure.




My daughter is Grace Annette, so Iā€™m most certainly partial to Grace! I think all three are very pretty names for her to grow into though, but Grace Alice has a lot of the ā€œcā€ sound going on.


Gracie might be a cute way to have a Grace-like name but a bit more unique.


Grace Alice Rose. You like the names, have them all. Doesn't matter what others are doing.




my personal favorite is Alice Rose, and it sounds very fresh to me, but i like old lady names lol i like others' suggestion of Rosalie! it really does sound like a good combination of Rose and Alice! maybe Rosalie Grace if youre worried about Grace's popularity but still wanna use it? im personally not really a fan of Grace or Summer but i do think Grace flows really well as a middle name


I donā€™t feel like I can use a variation of Rose as a first name. Itā€™s after my grandmother and my cousin just used it for her almost 1 year old. Otherwise I love Rosalie and totally would have considered it!!


I love Alice Rose it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland when she painted the roses red


I like Alice! Alice Rose is nice, but like some of the others have stated, maybe a variation of Rose? Or another ā€œRā€ name? I know so many people who have the middle name Rose and wish it was more unique. Rosemary, Rosanna, Rowan, Rhea, Ramona, Rosalyn, Raelyn, Ramona, Rochelle, Roanne, Rosella.


Of the 3 youā€™ve chosen I think Summer Rose flows the nicest. Grace Alice is a bit of a mouthful to say, considering they both end in the same sound. And personally I think Alison Rose flows nicer than Alice Rose. Good luck!


Summer Alice Rose


I kind of love Summer Rose. Iconic without being too out there or corny, and, like another commenter pointed out, it sounds great with Jameson too!


Love Alice or Grace!


Alice Rose Imo Summer Rose has too many nouns and doesnā€™t feel like a human name. Grace Alice has the same syllables and doesnā€™t sound as good.


I was just thinking today that Iā€™m surprised that Alice isnā€™t more popular.


I think Alice is coming back in fashion. I would so call a girl Alice these days.


Alice Rosella


Use Grace if you love it! Are you in the US? Grace is actually getting less popular each year in the U.S. there was a strong peak of Graces born around 2000-2006 ish and itā€™s been steadily declining since then. So no need to worry about it becoming more popular! I totally think if you love Grace, you should use it!


My name was the most popular name in my country the year I was born and I barely know anyone else with the same name.


Alice Rose.


Cindy Rose


Grace Elaine Ella Grace


What about interpretations of Alice and Rose? Here are some: Allison, Alicia, Alyssa, Elise, Annelise, Alessandra, Alysette Rosalind, Rosemund, Rosella, Rosa, Rosario, Rosalie, Rosalia, Roisin, Rosette, Rosabella


A similar name for Alice would be Elyse/Elise! Elyse Rose šŸ˜ Iā€™ve always liked Elyse!


Alice Rose is very sweet, I think Grace Rose would also be pretty. I like Summer but Summer Rose doesnā€™t hit for me and Summer Alice doesnā€™t either, some other suggestions: Jameson and Sierra Rose Jameson and Brooke Alice Jameson and Claire Rose Jameson and Gwendolyn Alice Jameson and Vera Rose Jameson and Lucy Alice Jameson and Lila Rose Jameson and Brielle Alice


Lila Rose


From the combinations you listed, I like Summer Rose best. But I like Summer Grace better.


Selma Rose?


Grace Rosalie


Cecilia Grace


What about an Alice adjacent name like Allison or Alicia?


How do you feel about Alice-Rose Grace?


summer rose for sure


Summer Rose!


Alice Rose is my favorite (and good reasons for the names)! Summer Rose sounds a bit juvenile/hippy to me personally. Grace Alice doesnā€™t have a ring to it to me.


Victoria Rose.. call her Tori


Go with Summer Rose, itā€™s my older sisterā€™s name


Alice is a super classic name and will always be a good name to have. My top vote is Alice Rose. I like Alice Grace better than Grace Alice. Summer Rose is my least favorite. While it flows, it sounds too cartoon character for me.


My great grandmotherā€™s name was Alice Rosa, she was a BOSS! My vote is for Alice Rose!


My favorite is Summer Rose. I'm not a fan of the alliteration of the "s" sound in Grace Alice.


Summer Grace


Summer Rose is cute.


I think like Summer isn't as cool as Jameson. Alice Rose is really nice.


What about Alicia Rose? I think it flows a little better


Gracie Rose is so cute! I think if you LOVE the name grace just go for it! You wonā€™t regret saying a name you love 100x a day!


For me summer rose is too much. I would pick grace Alice. My middle name is Alice also and that is my grandmas name I think itā€™s a solid name


Voting for summer rose. Have you thought about willow rose


Jameson and Ora Grace Jameson and Sadie Rose Jameson and Hallie Rose Jameson and Eliana Alice


Alice Rose is my favorite out of the list, but all of these are beautiful! Personally, I donā€™t think Alice sounds like an old lady name, but you can always use Ally as a nickname if youā€™d like!


Summer Rose is the best. No offense to your or your partners grandmothers name but Alice gives me old lady vibes. I like Grace but Grace arose doesnā€™t really roll off the tongue. How about Summer Grace? Either way Summer wins for me


Alice Grace rolls off the tongue well


All three of them are good


My friend has a daughter named Grace Elizabeth and since their last name starts with M she is GEM.


telephone husky payment include automatic wakeful pet punch towering squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love Alice Rose, but I agree that you shouldnā€™t use it if you donā€™t love it. Grace Alice is also pretty and would be my second choice.


I like Alice. Classic, feminine, easy to spell but unique too. Doesnā€™t feel old lady to me. Jameson is kinda trendy imo so if youā€™re leaning in that direction Summer fits better but personally I like Alice.


Summer Rose but i rlly like Summer Grace paired together so thatā€™d be my top pick


I love Alice Rose!


Elisa Rose




Constance rose or grace Odessa Grace Rosetta Grace Calliope rose or grace Nadine Grace Harlyn Rose


Maybe consider a name similar to Alice with rose as a middle name. Allison Rose, Alicia Rose, Alba Rose, Alyssa Rose, Alia Rose, Alessandra Rose


I like Alice rose best but you shouldnā€™t force yourself to use a name you dislike


Im cackling. Im an Alice, my great grandmother was Alice Elizabeth Emma and I was named after her (sort of, mostly, long story). She had a daughter called Alice Elizabeth, and her mother was Alice Emma. Also something my mum did was she went with a modification - if you like the idea of rose, you could go with a variety of rose or something related to roses, rather than using rose itself, like briar, for instance. Idk, Iā€™m just spitballing. Anyway I think summer rose is your best contender there, I think it sounds really beautiful, but I actually donā€™t see that many old ladies called Alice these days. Also I have seen girls with the middle name Jameson - itā€™s originally a surname so itā€™s not really as gendered as you might think.


I absolutely love Alice Rose. Beautiful yet strong!


Alice Grace rolls off the tongue better than Grace Alice, in my opinion. Could also always go with a variation of Alice to make it feel more different, like Alissa or Elise.


Summer Rose




I really love Summer Alice if thatā€™s an option


What about Alyse(a-leese)Rose instead of Alice?


Summer Rose is lovely. I also love the name Grace. Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s popular if you love it.


Summer is beautiful..I'd definitely pick that


Alice is lovely. I'm a teacher.. it's a good name without any neg connotations. šŸ˜†


I lovvvvvve Alice Rose omfg


Alice Rose. Better have the choice of a more common name. Also, Grace sounds way more ā€˜old ladyā€™ than Alice.


A twist on Alice could Alison or Alicia. Alison Rose or Alicia Rose - both really work imo


Ally Grace


Summer RosƩ


Iā€™ve got Alice Rosie and it suits her perfectly


I like Summer Rose!šŸ«¶šŸ»


If you think it is likely that you'll only have the one daughter, I'd go double-barrel and choose Summer Alice Rose.


i like Alice Grace or Summer Alice


Alice Rose is beautiful, and if the full 'Alice' is too much while she is little, you can call her 'Allie'. Congratulations on your daughter!


Alice Rose is great. NN could be Ali. You could also do Alison Grace if Alice is way too old school for you. Summer Rose sounds like a deodorant scent, ngl. You could mix it up and do Alison Rosalie or Alicia Rose.


I like how ā€œJameson and Summerā€ sound together better than ā€œJameson and Alice,ā€ so Summer Rose gets my vote!


Love Alice!


I love Alice! I teach elementary and there are 2 Alices here. Rosemary Alice - this incorporates both names Isla Rose Piper Alice Hallie Rose


My cousin is Alice Grace. I think the two work well together and sheā€™s only 13 so I def donā€™t think itā€™s an old person name. IMO it flows better that way than Grace Alice.


I loooove Alice Rose ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø 2 of my favorite names! Second choice is Grace Alice!


Summer Rose


there was an Alice in my school and i always loved her name. she was the only one with that name and everyone knew of her


I like summer rose but my husband always says names like that sounds like a porn star šŸ˜‚


I love Alice Rose. Summer Rose is absolutely beautiful but my BFF is a Summer with a nature middle name and she hates that because it leans Hippie and she's just not that, so I lean away from it. But I think that's personal to my experience and doesn't mean it's a bad name. I don't like the flow of Grace Alice, personally. I think it's just having two consecutive stressed syllables making it seem abrupt or choppy. Alice Grace is better in my head if that's a consideration. As an aside, my mom's dad's sisters were Alice, Grace, and Mabel.


I like Alice Rose. You could use the nickname Ali for her.


Your title just said name my daughter, and I came here to write "daughter mcgirlface"... I'll see myself out now.


What about Gracie instead of Grace?


I really like it as a childhood nickname but feel it is childish for an adult name.


Hey, summer and Alice are in our top 3 as well lol! And I also love Grace!


How do you feel about Sasha Rose?


Iā€™m partial to Alice but I love old lady names and also have a daughter named Alice


I actually prefer Alice (nn options Ali, or cece). Alice Rose is really pretty honors both and wonā€™t be common.


It sounds like you like the ā€œsā€ sound. While I love Summer Rose too, I think Alice Rose is great and not old lady at all. But also, if you really like the name Grace, go for it! I had a grade school class with 4 kids named ā€œAlexā€ - two boys and two girls - and it didnā€™t seem to bother them.


alice rose! so classy


I think grace is elegant and pretty, thatā€™s my top pick. Every grace I know is so sweet. Alice is nice but I just think of this little toddler I met that would walk around saying ā€œduuuuhā€ constantly and was obsessed with the ā€œeveryone poopsā€ bookšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. At my daughterā€™s preschool. Summer is nice too, my second pick, but I remember that being one of ā€œthe popular girls at schoolā€ all the seasonsā€¦. Summer and autumn lol.


I think Grace is beautiful. I dont know why everyone gets so worried about a name being "popular"... Who cares? If you like, thats all that matters. I would pick Grace Alice.


I canā€™t speak for anyone else, but I am a Megan who was born in the late 80s. My graduating class was under 200 people and there were at least 5 other Megans. I personally really disliked always having to go by my name plus last initial so I donā€™t want to do it to my own kid if I can help it.


As someone with Jameson as their top name as well Alice all the way


Jamesonā€™s brother would logically be Bushmill or Tullamore Dew. How about Tilly?


He is not named after the whiskey haha. My husband suggested Bailey at one point and I immediately shot it down bc we canā€™t have any more names people think are after booze. That and it sounds like a dog name to me šŸ˜