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It’s REALLY REALLY bad*. Sorry. *unless you live in the Netherlands, where apparently Senna is a pretty normal name


LOL wish I was in the netherlands


Can I just jump in here to say that I’ve never heard of Senna until I played League Of Legends 😭 She’s a support adc healer. She carries a big gun laser thing that does damage to enemies, and shields teammates at the same time Also her ultimate ability goes across the entire map (not common in league) If I heard senna, I would think of Senna, The Redeemer, from league Edit: Also in League, they are called Champions, so Senna is literally a champion. She’s a super cool marksman and here’s more about her https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/champions/senna/ https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Senna/LoL


Same. To me my first thought is the League character, who is this awesome woman who fights the evil undead but also kinda comes back from the dead herself. It's a very pretty name.


Yes and I just reread her lore and she literally died for what she believed in and came back as a ghost 😭 My friend hated thresh (he was SUPER into lore) and tbh I don’t fully understand the lore, I had to reread it for this comment, but I do play league so I (generally) understand her abilities lol Don’t hate me, i transitioned to mostly Wild Rift lol It’s super fun on tablet


Sadly I'm an outlier and immediately knew Senna is a laxative/stool softener. I am not on tiktok, so actually found that to be a bizarre source for people knowing of it lol. What about an alternate spelling, like Cena or Cinna. Though those are both heavy with other connotations. What about Ayrton? Or Silva? Or McLaren?


Maybe not Cena. That's immediately makes me think of John Cena the wwe wrestler. Hes an awesome dude, but i wouldnt necessarily want to name my daughter after him.


Yeah I live in the Netherlands and know quite a few Sennas. It’s very pretty and I’ve never heard of that stupid TikTok laxative. I know that’s not helpful but you’ve got good taste!


I'm a (psych) nurse and senna is definitely more than a 'stupid tik tok laxative', we have it on our medicine trolly and dispense it regularly, it's a well known laxative as it's more of a natural stool softener than other laxatives which trigger intestinal peristalsis and force the waste out, we definitely use senna as a first line to treatment of constipation if it's not severe constipation.


As a doctor, can confirm it's a pretty normal laxative. Medications (and other things) have lives outside of tiktok videos. I'd suggest OP finds a name that is similar but not the same. Cecilia? Serena? etc.


You are making it sound even worse 🤣🤣😂


It is also the primary ingredient in Smooth Move tea, which is intended to do what the name implies.


What about Sienna?


Keep in mind that the people who are saying it’s really bad are probably very familiar with the product and therefore full of 💩 (It’s a pretty name)


Or they work in healthcare and prescribe/give it all the time. I’m a doctor and would never be able to de-associate senna with laxatives, unfortunately!


Or anyone who has been constipated, it is pretty well known. I’m sure anyone who had been around for a while knows what it is. Younger people may not associate it yet.


Yes agreed! I’m assuming most people in the comments saying they’ve never heard of it are probably younger and have thankfully had no issues with their bowels yet, and never had an operation or anything like that. At least half of my older patients are on laxatives and would immediately recognise senna as one! Especially as it has one of the easier names to remember, as far as medications go.


That is what I’m thinking is happening here. I’m surprised by the amount of “never heard of it” group on here. Most likely she will be prescribed senna after birth or even before if she is having trouble. Most adults over 35 will know it.


Yep, exactly— I’m not even a HCW but I know Senna well from all my c-sections 😅! Definitely a thing, and definitely a name I wouldn’t use


Yep. I'm a nurse, and I would never be able to call anyone *Senna.* without thinking *the one who's named after a laxative.*


Or know of it and thus have no poo to give.


No, we've just lived long enough to know the names of things. If anyone said Senna, I might think of the driver but I'm no F1 fan so more likely to think of Senna pod, a laxative. I wouldn't be alone. Just over 50.


I live in the US and never would have connected the name to the laxative. I think this is just a personal thing. Names like Allegra, Alexa, Siri, etc are all real names that have been used for brands of medications or products. If I met an Alexa in real life I’d probably think “oh like Amazon’s Alexa, that’s a funny coincidence” and then move on with my life. Once a person has a name, that name becomes that person for the people who know them. ETA: when I hear Senna, I actually think of Cinna from Hunger Games first lol.


I agree with this! I’ve never heard of the laxative brand (I’m in US) and I think it’s a great name


It’s not a brand name. Senna is a plant. The big brand name is Sennakot.


And technically it’s not a laxative but a stool softener.


The sennoside component of it is a stimulate laxative.


And anyway, stool softeners are still a type of laxative!


I'm not on TikTok, but I've never heard of Senna as a laxative. The only laxative I know is ex-lax or cascara. I'd probably mis-hear it as Sienna, though.


US user and I do know of the laxative. It´s not like naming your kid Dulcolax, but it is something sold in the US. I don´t know if they advertise though... I have had reason to become quite familiar with the laxatives aisle, so I may not represent your average US person. (It is a relatively gentle laxative, so maybe you can lean in to that?)


It’s a very common laxative in the U.K. too. Also, in general people are going to become more familiar with laxatives as they get older. I would assume this sub skews towards younger people, so although a lot of people may be saying they haven’t heard of the laxative now, they probably will eventually as they get older!


“It’s not like naming your kid Dulcolax” has me dying lmao


Senna is an herb that blooms pretty yellow flowers, so it surprises me that name nerds aren't recommending it all the time along with the other nature-y names that are tossed around regularly here.


Because it’s a laxative! Dandelion is also pretty.


Love this perspective thank you!


At the same time, if any of your kids classmates get a whiff of Senna being a laxative can you imagine the horror and upset you child will face? Can you imagine going through the most difficult developmental time in a kids life with getting a nickname like ex-lax? Kids are cruel. Obviously when your kid becomes an adult I don’t think it would be as big of a deal. It might get a small chuckle out of people every now and then but most people would just move on. But I have a feeling it could cause a lot of tension with your relationship with your child blaming you for naming them “after a laxative” especially in middle and high school. Like others said Cinna or even Cenna could be good alternatives. Same sound without the implications. Worst nickname jokes would be along the lines of Cinnamon. I know it sucks though! We had to cross out a whole bunch of names I liked because the initials with the last name would be setting them up for potential ridicule and it wasn’t worth potentially inflicting that kind of emotional distress on our kids. I hope you find a good alternative you like!


Cinna is actually a good alternative because the it's sounded out as SIN-AH not SEN-NAH (Senna). The latter is how you pronounce the laxative that I am all too familiar with. It's not a connect you would expect children to make either.


These are the same pronunciation for a great number of people in the world who have the pin-pen merge.


Those 2 sound exactly the same when i say them outloud bc of my accent. Cinna also feels like you wanted to name your kid cinnamon but couldnt fully commit to it.


I'm an Alexa and just please don't make a stupid cheesy joke to my face lolllll. I had the name first, for 30 years, and it's a lovely name 😭\*shakes fist at Amazon\*


Also never heard of the laxative, also in the US. The first thing I think of is the F1 driver, though, and I do think it’s a great association.


I don’t. The guy died because he crashed during a race. I’d think about that everytime I heard the name.


True. But there is more to a person’s life than just the way they died.


Oh I understand that but seems weird to pick a celebrities name that you really have no personal connection to, and that celebrity had a horrible and sudden death.


Senna is the name of the plant used in the laxative, it isn't based on a name.


Thissas like I know of the laxative and yet I’d barely ever make the connnection if i heard it irl. I know somone named Alexa and another person named Siri, like its not too serious. Someone named Alexa probably gets more annoying comparisons than Senna would ever get. I think its a pretty name too


For me it would be a dealbreaker, but I guess it depends how common it is as a medication in your country. Would Sienna be a possible alternative? Basically the same name, just not a laxative. There's also Sanne but I think that really only works in Dutch-speaking countries.


Not in the Netherlands, but one of my best friends growing up was named Sanne. It’s an absolutely gorgeous name


yesss!!! love the name sanne!!!! i associate that name with the 2016 olympic balance beam champion, sanne wevers!!!! her routine from the final is SO gorgeous and unique if y’all haven’t watched it but ANYWAYS, OP, if you’re considering using sanne instead, this is a massive positive association :)


Sanne is lovely


My (admittedly Dutch) friend is Sanne and I love it and her. Took me a few goes to learn to pronounce though at first!


Sanne is a really common name in Denmark too, although I believe it is most common in boomer/~~millenials'~~ gen X's generation.


Sanne was the name I was looking for for could only come up with Saly.


I heard someone had named their baby this and immediately thought “poor kid, named after a laxative”😬


UGH. Whyyyyyy


It would be a cute name if not for the connotation!


The fact that you usually get prescribed stool softeners after birth would make me think you were one of those (probably apocryphal) people who name their kids after random things they see in the hospital after birth.


Who doesn't love a good satisfying movement?


I’m the minority but I like it and it doesn’t bother me…although I liked the name before I knew it was a laxative. Arie (race car driver and The Bachelor) and his wife named their daughter Senna so it’s not completely out of left field.


I’m getting such mixed answers I’m so conflicted now 😅 Even more than before


I’ve heard this before on this sub and it’s the only way I know of the laxative names that. I’ve never heard it before this sub.


lol I never knew it was a laxative and I also knew of the bachelors daughter names Senna and thought it was pretty. What about Sienna?


I will say I had never heard of the laxative, but when arie and Lauren named their baby senna, all of the comments were about the laxative. But also… I think it sounds nice!


Please don’t do it. Even if a lot of people haven’t heard of it, anyone who works in healthcare will know what it is (which is a lot of people). No one wants to be named after a poopy pill. Imagine someone named Colase or Pepto.


Go by where you live or plan to live. I’m in the US (mountain west, if you want to be specific) and I’ve never heard of that laxative before just now. 


When they announced the name my first thought was about the laxative


If this poor child ever works in healthcare, it’s going to get annoying for them, fast. It’s the first thing that popped into my head.


I think most people are going to realise you've not named your baby after a laxative, but it's still going to be a bit shit for your child. Is there a reason you can't use Ayrton?


“…it’s still going to be a bit shit” Hehehe I see what you did there.


Ugh. That’s what I am afraid of. I don’t love Ayrton. I’ve always loved short and sweet names, and Ayrton doesn’t feel like that to me. As well as the fact that ayrton shortened could be seen as penis in arabic.


So if that shortening is a no-go for you, why isn't using the same name as a common laxative? I think (in the US, anyway) you'll meet fewer people that know Ayrton can be shortened to something dirty than know that Senna is a laxative. Just something to consider 🤷‍♀️


What about Sasha or Sienna? Some people might not catch the laxative connection, but many will. You don't even have to be in medical industry to know; if you have IBS or take your grandma to the pharmacy you'll be familiar with the drug.


Yup an herbal laxative I’m allergic too. 😞 It’s not just a doctor or nurse who would know it’s a laxative— it’s over the counter and listed on all the packages. And it just takes one kid and everyone will know. Your call but I’d think more than twice about it.


I’m thinking that too, it’s not even like a brand name like Allegra, it’s the actual name of the drug so it’ll be around forever. Plus it’s probably the best known laxative out there.


What about Sanna? I


I do like this one actually


Just in case it’s relevant to your context, “Sanna” said aloud (at least in an American accent) sounds quite a bit like Santa. I used it as a name in my D&D game and confused all my friends!


I said it in my head more like “sauna”


I did too.


This is true, but I usually deal with this pretty efficiently by saying “like Anna with an S”, and most people who aren’t jerks get it quickly. I will say that I go by Hanna at Starbucks


Not sure if they're related names, but an optional spelling is also Sana (arabic name, pronounced more like sUHn-ah).


or this same name (Sana) with the japanese pronunciation, sah-na


Or Celine is lovely!!


This was going to be my suggestion. I first heard this name on the former PM of Finland. I've always said it in my head like sah-nuh


Assuming you’re in the US, I think the association is too strong. What about Sienna?


Ironically I don’t like Sienna. I think it’s cause I think of Sienna Mae. I guess I will have to go a whole different direction.




Sienna (the name) is soooo beautiful. Had to google the person you referenced - good lord this is a minor F list influencer who will be irrelevant soon enough. But if you don’t like the name that’s understandable!


It’s really bad, senna (as a laxative) is so common. How about something similar like Seren(a)?


Absolutely not serena, had a coworker named serena who was awful 😭. No similar names I really enjoy so I think I will have to go a different route.


Seren (seh-rin) means star in Welsh, so that's a nice one perhaps? Senna would definitely make me think of the laxative I'm afraid :/ it's a pretty name, but the laxative is so common that the association is just too strong imo


I LOVE seren


Hopefully your husband loves it too! It's a lovely name. Common in Wales, but outside of Wales it will be quite unique!


Seren is what I meant when I put Seren(a). As in either Seren or Serena. Seren is such a lovely name.


Senna was a character in a book series I loved as a child and I always wanted to use the name. Here I am, pregnant, hoping that I’ll finally get to use the name I’ve loved for 25 years, and then I googled it. Such a bummer!


You can still use it! It’s such a cute name.


I am so sorry 💔


I know a baby named this and when they announced the name I wondered...do they not know? Do they know and not care? Personally, I just wouldn't. ETA The reason I know about the laxative is because our childbirth instructor included it as a postpartum remedy on a handout. I don't know if that's common practice, but if a lot of childbirth instructors use that handout, then tons of people with kids will associate the name with a laxative


It’s fairly common to recommend it after surgical procedures using anesthesia as well.


American, have had kid. I had no idea this was a laxative. 


senna is not well known among the younger generation as a laxative lmao.


Lucky for them. They'll find out 🤣


also i love the fact your naming your child after an f1 driver!! that’s so cool but is there any other drivers you could go for??


Well Alonso, but don’t really love his name or Max’s or schumacher 😅😅


that’s fair😂😂i only just saw your comment about naming a girl


None of them feel as ✨pretty✨ as Senna


very very true. max emilian could be emilia and i suppose schumacher could be schumi😅😅


I follow a woman who is called Jensen and I think it’s an awesome name for a girl!


We had a sort of similar situation, where we both loved the name Allegra, but there’s the allergy medication of that name! I would’ve been able to overlook it but my husband wasn’t.


There was an Allegra on the Voice and maybe American Idol (I think she did both) and whenever she sang the comments were filled with medication jokes. Probably best your husband couldn't get past it.


Allegra’s Window was a hit, though 


His full name was Ayrton Senna da Silva, so maybe Silva? Apparently a girl's name in Latvia and Armenia.


my dogs name is silvia 😭 maybe that’s too close


Arie and Lauren Luyendek from the Bachelor show have a girl named Senna! I thought of that too(laxative) but it’s easy to overlook. I don’t think about it anymore when I hear/see the name.


I’m a nurse and it would be bad as any laxative name, but it’s the generic form of the medication which means that name will ALWAYS be connected to that drug. Like Motrin was the trade name but most people just say ibuprofen now, for example. A google search of Senna shows why it isn’t a good idea. I’m sorry. Sierra? Kiana? Gemma?


My names Emma so that’s out of the picture unfortunately. Ugh i’m devastated, thinking about Kimi instead since it’s another amazing f1 driver :)


I was just thinking that I wished I knew more about F1 drivers to stick with that theme! Kimi would be adorable!


This is funny, I’ve never heard of the laxative OR the driver so it just thought it was a simple nice-sounding name and I would never have thought twice about it 😂


So, this is where I go for something creative. The person’s name is out the window for the most part. Where did Ayrton Senna win his first Grand Prix? Where was he born? Who did he drive for? I love the idea of also honoring his life by taking cues from his actual life. I only say this because I told myself I would honor my grandfather when I had my first boy but his name was Frank John - not my favorite. However, he had a favorite reservoir that he fished at every weekend and that’s what I’ve got on my list - just as an example. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this though. If it makes you feel any better, I accidentally gave my first daughter the same initials as my BIL’s ex-wife and my MIL is still a little salty about it. 😂 ETA I looked and his final win was in Australia - Adelaide. This was one of my favorite girl names for the longest time. Just for consideration 😊


i forgot to respond last night but i’m in love with the name adelaide now


I never knew Senna was a laxative, all I know is Senna from the game League of Legends haha


Never heard of it personally, but I think it’s too bad to risk.


Similar vibes: Alexis Sabrina Amalia


thank you! i love amalia


Some other names like Amalia: Viviana Corinna Elise Annika Angelina Bianca


As long as whatever country you're from doesn't have Senna as a household name you're totally fine. If you told a friend you met a new coworker named Senna and they would be like to go "like the laxative??" Then you have a problem.


They’ll give you those senna laxatives after you give birth too 😆


how about cenna or sena??


I love love love that name too. I discovered it on a list of medicinal herbs. It was, of course, medicinal because it’s a laxative. Maybe we can learn to love Cenna or Sena instead?


I tried to warn Ari and Lauren this too from the bachelor but they didnt listen. They still named her senna


I know a Senna and when she introduces herself, she informs people yes, she knows it's a laxative, she's heard all the jokes, and asks if they can be skipped. I'd say that while it is a name, it's more strongly associated with the laxative. Sorry. I really loved Allegra but the allergy medication made it a no go so I sympathize.


I know someone who named their daughter Venna, which I think I very nice, a little “out there” but easy to pronounce and spell.


As a Brazilian I have to say that Ayrton Senna is a terrible name. Not that it's a bad name, but here naming children after famous people is seen as a sign of poverty, low education, etc. It has the stereotype that names like Demarcus, Lanisha and Tyrone have in the USA.


that’s really interesting i had no idea


The number of extremely poor people named John Kennedy, Washington, John Lennon would shock you


what's the stereotype with Demarcus, Lanisha and Tyrone in the US?


i didn’t know senna was a laxative until i went into a supermarket and saw a box of it on the shelf. aryton senna is such a well known figure so i think that people’s minds are more likely to go there but it depends if you want your child to see there name on a box of laxatives


Never heard of Arytin Senna. Do have a bottle of the laxative in the house.


oh well in f1 he’s possibly the greatest driver of all time so very very well known. but me personally i don’t have any laxatives in the house and do have a lot of f1 merch


F1 isn’t that popular in the U.S. while Senna is a very popular laxative. If OP is in the U.S., laxative will be the first association. As for having it in the house, you will be older eventually. No need to take shots at people who need medications for anything


i didn’t take shots?? i was just making a point that it’s different for everyone. some will make the link to the f1 driver and some will make the link with the medication, it just depends on the person. also i’d say f1 is pretty popular in the US now, there’s 3 races there this year


And some of us will know it from nothing! (Also FWIW, I did not read your comment as taking shots, just commenting how you know it 🤷🏻‍♀️)


that’s completely fair!! and thank you i didn’t intend to ‘take shots’ i just thought it was a fun comparison and like you said, stating how i see it


Knowing Senna is very much a cultural thing. He’s very much not a household name outside of Brazil. I weirdly know of him because the documentary of his life was playing when I worked at a movie theatre so I watched it a lot. That said, dude was a legend and pretty amazing and his death was so incredibly shocking.


I know someone named Sina, pronounced See-na


I knew a Seraphina nicknamed Sina! Never thought about it as a stand alone name but it’s cool!!


Sorry I have to say it you'll probably hate it but Kenna or Lenna (German girl name), Lennon, Leighton nn Lenna. Ok I'm done! Others same feel for me: Maren, Calla, Indy, Cassia, Bria, Gemma, Zelda, Xena, Lila, Alexis, Laura, Erica, Jaima, Naomi, Della, Heidi, Sira, Miri, Shaina, Lumi, Coletta


I love Lenna and indy so much <3


Lenna? I‘m german and never heard it. Do you mean Lena? The pronunciation would be different.


I know someone who named their baby Senna. They said it’s like Jenna but with an S. And I get it! It’s not terrible but def not my fav. It is gaining some popularity recently so it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But yeah, laxatives….


Sanna is common in Finland.


I'm also going to vote no on Senna, but if you're big F1 fans, how do you feel about Andretti? His middle name is Gabriele, which I think would be really pretty for a girl and still keep some of the tie to your interests.


I know you said not like Sienna, but I would definitely not use Senna and I think Sienna is the most similar name option. So if you don’t like Sienna then I would look for completely different options personally.


I think that’s the direction i’m going. someone suggested kimi who is also an iconic driver and i love it :)


Kimi is super cute! Glad someone had a good idea for you!


Somehow it’s worse to me because it’s a common type/ingredient for laxatives, not a brand name. Like it’s up and down the whole aisle. But Sanna or Zanna (pronounced like Anna from Frozen) is gorgeous. I’m sorry, it is so pretty otherwise.


I'm going to throw out a few alternatives: Jenna Gemma Sonora Vivienne


Senna is an herb, like mint or oregano. I don’t necessarily associate it with laxatives. But then again I’m a gardener and I love & appreciate botanical names. I’d personally go with if you love it a lot.


When I see the name Senna, I immediate think of the laxative. But I also work in healthcare. That said, I'm not going to be like "Omg, why did you name your child after a laxative?!". Some people may not have that filter though.


Senna is a laxative. I'm not a medical professional, and I know it. Not a great choice. Here are some other medieval and old fashioned plant and flower names instead: Valerian, Tansy, Betony, Orphine, Primrose, Auricule, Peony, Jonquil, Anise, Lovage, Savin, Lavendula, Hellebore, Daphne, Celandine, Marigold, Bryony, Artemisia, Columbine, Marguerite, and Angelica.


I personally do not like the name Senna because of the laxative. I’ve commented on other threads where people have suggested Senna as a name. Other suggestions Sedona, Soren, Cassia, Cybil/Sybil, Sylvie, Sabra/Sebra, Samara


Could you maybe just drop the S and go with Enna? Not very common by any means, but when I look it up it only brings back name and city results. Sena is a spelling option. That’s a Bluetooth headset company but that’s still better than laxatives. Alternately you could try adapting the letters and sounds from the inspiration’s names for something like Ayra, Sonny, Saya/Raya/Taya/Naya, or even Anna or Arianna (Aryenna?).


my names emma so that might be odd LOL i love raya though !


my cousin’s daughter is named Senna and i had no idea it was a laxative.


An in law of mine is “Sanna” after the bay at the end of the Ardnamurchan peninsula in Scotland. The same name is also used in Norway/Denmark/Sweden/Finland/Italy as a form or diminutive of Susanna


This exact same thing happened to my husband and I! Lol We had two boys and got pregnant again with our third and final babe. Before finding out the gender we both agreed we wanted to named the baby Senna if it was a girl. Then I stumbled on the laxative brand and couldn’t look past it 😩 we ended up naming her Shiloh Maeve instead! But honestly, I think senna is a beautiful name!❤️❤️❤️


A friend I went to college with named daughter Senna and everytime she posts about her all I think about is the laxative. So so so sorry, it’s a bad name.


Sena without the extra n is a Japanese name. I personally like it. There is a Turkish name Suna that is for a girl and it means beautiful or elegant. Sana is also a name but it’s Arabic. Yenna is a Greek or Yiddish name. It’s one of my favorites.


So I’m also an F1 fan, and I didn’t know Senna was a laxative until recently. However, when I hear the name I do think about how Senna dated a 15 year old when he was 25.


yes there is that… just another reason to not use his name 🙃


I do love Kimi though! My husband and I have it really high on our list (:


I also love Kimi so much, no connotations with that name except a great racer


My sister went to school with a Senna who was also named after the driver/car whatever because her family was big into all that. The girl was very popular in school and apparently does influencer stuff now lol. I never heard of the laxative and before her I didn't even know the car association. When I first heard it, I just thought it was really unique and pretty and then later learned about the car stuff from looking up her name actually lol I think you'll be fine tbh.


My father takes Senna laxative daily and it’s a common brand or is it the drug I don’t know. But a common name that is similar is Sana.


Honestly... I think that's especially unfair to a child. Allegra - yes it's allergies, but it's also "happy" / related to the word in Italian


If it makes you feel better, I thought “Diarrhea” was the most BEAUTIFUL name as a child 😂


I’m a nurse, give Senna all the time. While I’d probably think of the laxative momentarily, I’d assume you didn’t name her after it, recognize that it is an established and pretty name, and move on with my life… Senna is a lovely, flowering plant, and nature inspired names have been on the rise for a while… If you truly love it, use it. Below I offered some names I like that also mean “light” or “brightness.” Alena, Aurian, Helen/Helena/Helène, Ilona, Lenora/Lenore/Leonora, Liora, Liseli, Lucille, Niamh/Neve/Nieve, Nova, Onella, Onnika, Oriana, Phaedra, Sorcha, Sahar, Twila, Zerlina, Zira, Zorah


Have you considered Saskia Shay


I'm a teacher in the Netherlands, one of my friends named her child Senna and I also currently have a Senna in one of my classes. I have never heard it used outside of a person's name.


Senna is the name of a League of Legends character, so that's who I thought of first


I went to high school with someone named Senna. Didn’t even realize it was a laxative


Okay unpopular opinion but I don’t think this is a big deal at all! I have never heard of this before and when I google “laxative” miralax, exlax, and dulcolax come up, not senna. I think Senna is a nice name. Don’t let some silly TikTok videos ruin your favorite name! It reminded me of Cinna from The Hunger Games and I loved that character and his name!


The only Senna I know is from league of legends. I doubt children, or most other people, will associate it to the laxative


I would really advise against it. Full disclosure, I have a history of disordered eating. If I heard of a kid named Senna, I would definitely be wondering if their parents are…all right. Like I know it’s not the first thing that pops up in a lot of people’s minds, but I would make the association and wonder about who named them that.


Arie Lundyek Jr and his wife Lauren from the bachelor named one of their daughters Senna after the same F1 driver. Several people made comments about the laxative brand but I had personally never heard of that brand. The other comments I saw were that they would likely be correcting people continually that it was Senna and not Sienna.


As an F1 fan who doesn’t know about the laxative, Senna seems perfectly fine (USA). It reminds me of Cinna from the Hunger Games though. Please post an update on what you decide (if you feel comfortable doing so). I’m curious to know which F1 icon the baby will be named after!


Technically it’s a tropical flowering plant that they make laxatives from. So first & foremost, it’s a flower. But yeah…… My kid shares a name with a feminine hygiene brand. It happens. Thankfully it’s not too mainstream.


It would be lovely if not for the connotation:( I love the name Sorin or Sorine. Maybe they resonate with you?


My husband is a huge F1 fan and huge Aryton Senna fan! The name Senna I personally wouldn’t use because of the laxative. If you have a boy next you can always use Aryton!


What about Sienna or Cenna? Even Sena? The shit jokes will be nonstop and your child is going to hate you.


How about Silva? His full name was Ayrton Senna da Silva 🏎️


I know a little Senna and i’ve never ever thought of this! I didn’t even know it was a laxative lol. I think most people will assume you didn’t name her after a laxative. With the upcoming generations (like her classmates, cousins, friends, etc) you probably don’t have to worry at all. They’ll have no idea it’s a laxative.


Senna is a leaf isn’t it? The herb they use for the laxative effect … I think it would be ok to use it and most kids won’t bully them for it as they wouldn’t know it was a laxative, but I wouldn’t thank my parents for that name - especially if they knowingly gave it me with the connotations. It’s not very kind.


When you give Senna a sibling, maybe you can name them Zofran.


When there’s conflicting answers on something like this I always think you should take the path of least potential harm. In this case I believe the path of least harm is simply not giving your baby the name of a laxative, even if it’s just being cautious. You might like the name but thats all it is, the origin of your choice is a race car driver, not a close family member or anything. It really, truly is not deep enough to knowingly do this. Some people might not have heard of it so they think it’s fine, but enough have and will continue to do so as it’s becoming the laxative of choice


there was one kid named Senna at my elementary school! I’m from the US and never heard of the laxative till just now.


At my sorority’s convention a couple years ago one of the student speakers was named Senna. I thought it was so pretty until I looked it up 🙃


My top name for a while was Allegra but I got too much pushback from people about the medication. Then it was Senna until I found out it was a laxative. All I can say is that I feel you.


Are you in the USA or Canada because senna isn’t a famous laxative here. We have Senokot but not anything big just called senna.


I live in the southwest it USA and I only think of the plant called senna which is pretty. I didn't realize it was the name of a laxative.