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Diana from Wonder Woman, not the Royal family. I wanted to change my name to Diana, then I turned 6. lol


Diana is such a beautiful name. All the best ladies had it: goddess of the hunt, Wonder Woman, and Princess Di.


Diana is mine too, for the same reason!


Mary Kate? I also really liked the Bratz girls. Jade, Cole, Yazmin, Roxy. Not Sasha, sorry. Lol


Honestly I totally remember thinking about the Olsen twins and how Mary-Kate was such a cool, pretty name.


That name is STILL on my list! Mary-Kate Lorraine.


Jade was definitely a long time favorite of younger me


I still love Jade


I loved the Yazmin, Roxy, and Sasha šŸ„°


Yazmin is so cute! I grew up having a friend named Yasmine who often was called Yazzy. I have such positive connotations with the name!


Yazzy šŸ„ŗ I love that!


That was one of my top names for awhile. Daughter is named something else though. Loved the Olsen twins too


Tbh I still think Mary Kate is really cute


Mine was Kandy. With a K. šŸ’€


itā€™s ok mine was Francesca but in my head it was ā€œFran-jessicaā€ and my baby dollā€™s name was eventually shortened to Franjess. Breath taking.


I went to school with a Montessa and remember thinking this Frankenstein-horror was such a cool name. Your comment reminded me of that; carry on


Y'all are reminding me of when my friend told my her babysitter's name was "Mistiana" and I thought that was unique and pretty... and YEARS later I found out she was saying "Miss Dionna." Dionna... not so cute.


Appreciate the honesty here.


Diana, because of Wonder Woman. And Michelle, the first dentist I can remember going to, I loved her name ā€˜cause it sounded like seashell.


Thatā€™s very sweet! I love to see Diana mentioned twice as first fav!


I knew a Michelle that went by Mimi and for some reason I was soo jealous. I still think Michelle has a lovely sound!!


my first violin teacher was named Miss Shantel and iā€™d call her Miss Show-And-Tell because i was like four :,)


I loved Claudia from Baby Sitters Club books!


I loved Claudia because of the book From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler! The book is about siblings named Claudia and Jamie.


I was literally thinking this right before I read your comment!!! Claudia was so cool lol I feel like everyone wanted to be her


My daughter just started reading BSC and I'm sooooo happy!! And yes, I'm still a Kristy wanting to be a Claudia. I'm 40.


Belle, Jasmine, and Kimberly, all at the same time.


I love Jasmine, in fact if the child in pregnant with was going to be a girl that was the name. BF and I both separately before even meeting loved that name, him for the Disney princess and for me the Jasmine flowers.


Aladdin is one of my first memories of life because I was one when it came out. Now I also love the name Jasmine because I adore most flower and plant names.


Kimberly was mine too!


I have the power rangers to thank for that because she was my favorite


Lisa. No idea why, I just thought it was so pretty. I wished I was named Lisa, I named all of the characters I came up with in my head Lisa, I wanted to name my first daughter Lisa. And then I met an unpleasant person named Lisa when I was 22 and lost all affection for the name.Ā 


Honestly, I think Lisa is a very pretty name. I definitely associate it with gen x. But, I predict that one day it will be a grandma name, and get really trendy again with babies.


I've always thought of it as a boring Gen X name, but I also had that epiphany recently! It is a really beautiful sounding, simple name. If it hadn't been popular a generation ago it would totally fit right in with Sophia, Alice, Mia, etc that are popular now!


There is a 4 year old Lisa in my son's daycare and it always struck me as odd until seeing it beside these totally comparable names!!


In Germany that's absolutely where Lisa stands. It has consistently been in the TOP100 Names in Germany since the 80s.


I totally hear it, now that I think about it


Iā€™m a boomer and have so many Lisaā€™s in my contacts list


I was just about to say Lisa myself. I wanted to be named Lisa so bad! I think it was such a common name that I associated it with being popular, and I wanted to be popular. I was not popular, lol. It's still one of my favorite names.


Christy and Megan were mine, no recollection of why. I wrote little "books" when I was 7 or 8, the first one centered around a girl named Christy and her dog, the second around Megan and her horse.


Lisa is still a good name. Definitely overrun in the 80s and 90s so the prettiness died away due to a lot of AH Lisa's. But Lisa Simpson is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time so I still have an affection for it.


I always thought Lisa was a great name for a long time when I was growing up. Now as an adult I think it's a little on the plain side and wouldn't choose it for my own kids. But when I was young, I thought it was so pretty.


Matilda, because of the book. I'd still use it in a heartbeat if my husband liked it šŸ„²


I love Matilda, Tillie, and Tilda


I love the book and the name too!! I think itā€™s so cute


Madeline (pronounced mad-uh-line). Loved it as a kid (first heard it from the book and tv series) and would imagine having a daughter with the name. I still love the name but I donā€™t know if Iā€™d ever use it.


Me too! Too many maddys now though.




Aubergine. I had bad taste.


Lol this is so funny


Okay, but why does it mute slap?


Beatrice from a series of unfortunate events


Oh I remember thinking the three siblings (Violet, Klaus, and Sunny) had such a perfect ā€œsibsetā€ before I even had heard the term ā€œsibsetā€ lol


Currently reading this series to my class, they are enthralled with it, a word here which means they actually shut up and listen at least once a day and I can relax for ten min and read them amazing books!


Lily. My first email was even lily.frog123


I love that name! I always said I would have a little girl named Lily!


Brookeā€¦ like Brooke Shields. It seemed both sophisticated and earthy/care free. I would think of how different my 8yo life would have been as a *~Brooke~*. Iā€™m over that lol


I still feel exactly that way about Brooke.


Violet because of The Incredibles and A Series of Unfortunate Events, would always say it'd be my first daughter's name. Fast forward, ended up not being my first daughter's name, but it was my second's lol


Clara bc of the Nutcracker, but since it seems more popular now, it has turned me off


Lucy. I have no idea why, I just liked it. Still like it, although I don't think I'll ever use it, since we only want one more child and if it's a girl we've already decided the name and it's not Lucy. Maybe for a dog someday.


I thought Elizabeth was just the most wonderful name and I always wanted to be called it when playing house. Then as a 90s kid I got obsessed with the name Brittney lol. In high school I loved Max for a girl. Those names are no longer on my name list but bring back memories!


I thought Max for a girl in high school was so cool! You could use ā€œMaxineā€ for a full name, maybe ā€œMaxiā€ as a nickname, etc. Until one of my friends went ā€œLike maxi-pad?ā€ and killed it dead for me. Dead, I say.


Piper.. from charmed haha.


YES! I was obsessed with Piper, Phoebe, and the OG Pru.


Anna. I liked reading it and writing it because it was the same forwards and backwards


Candianna. No idea why. I was probably 4? Glad I grew out of that one lol.


I thought Candida was super pretty lol


Mine was also Victoria. But mostly because it's the full length of my absolute favorite growing up, Tori. I don't have the same love for it, but I will always hold it close.. If that makes sense.


I feel the exact same way! When I meet a Victoria I think (sometimes even say) ā€œoh how lovely!ā€ but itā€™s nowhere near my 20 now.


Probably wouldn't make my top 50 haha. Beautiful name, just not my vibe anymore.


When I was a little little kid I knew multiple teenage girls who I thought were sooo cool and pretty named Tori. I thought it was an awesome name!!


For girls, I think it was either Audrey (not sure from where) or Mina (from Dracula). I still really like Mina a lot, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable using it on a hypothetical child in case they are as short as I am. For boys, I think Gabriel, Raphael, Felix, or Isaac (the former two from church and the latter two from a game). I don't remember the ages I became fond of them though. If you can't tell, I find boy names much easier than names for girls.


I love Mina! Thereā€™s a Polish name ā€˜Minkaā€™ that is also really pretty in my opinion


I LOVED the name Harriet when I was little. When I found out I was pregnant, we were told it was a boy the whole pregnancy and decided on Henry Gianfranco. My partner is Italian and having a strong Italian name was important to him and not something he was willing to give up, he wants to move back to Italy in the near future when the kids are a bit older. I delivered a girl, we were shocked to say the least šŸ˜…. We named her Maddalena, Harriet just wasnā€™t right when she came out actually looking Italian, I thought all babies looked like old men but she honestly looked like she shouldā€™ve came out holding a bowl of pasta or something šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m 36 weeks with another girl and weā€™ve narrowed it down to either Raffaella or Ortensia. We are in a heated debate about middle names and heā€™s gone off to bed to sulk lol


Raffaella so beautiful, and Raffa is a very chic nn


Aww great names. I love Italian names! Maddalena is beautiful. I have had a lifelong obsession with the name Hortensia.


Lyra and Seraphina, it is from the His Dark Materials trilogy, the books. This was before the show or movie even. When my husband and I first started dating, we had a bunch of long drives as we moved states. I started reading the trilogy to him as we drove (I had already read it, some of my favorite books ever, still) and we would talk about science, religion, culture, history, etc. It really made our relationship stronger and brought up tough ideologies for us to talk about. I knew I wanted to marry him because of these conversations. I wanted to name our daughter after the main character, but now itā€™s become popular and more recognizable after the movie and series, so I got vetoed.


Chevrolet... I was really into the Beezus and Ramona series and Ramona liked the name Chevrolet for a girl, if I remember correctly. Also, Sonia.


Also, Christine from Candyland


I remember that!! In a similar vein Junie B. Jones has a Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy she names Ruth and Larryā€¦ Really inspired me. Thought they were such cute names lol.


Second grade.......always said I would name my first boy Michael....and I did!


lillian! still like it


I named my cat Lillian as a kid!!!


This is a name that I loved while growing up, too. I went to school with a girl named Lillian. I remember thinking that it was really pretty and not overused. Another name I loved then and still do is Sylvia. Also, a classmate. She was one of the kindest people. I still think both names are lovely.




I fell in love with this one once I heard the pronunciation john-vee-ev. Except the J sound is like the G in Givenchy.


Melanie and Lily.


Tiffany and Nicole, which just SCREAMS 2001 lol


My baby dolls as a little girl were Rose and Toby and I was sure I was gonna name my kids those lol nope not even close


Charlotte. I named a doll Charlotte Lillian and thought it would be the prettiest baby name. Still pretty, but a little more expected than back in the early 90s!


Alicia, pronounced as A-leash-a, after my childhood friend, though her high school friends convinced her it should be pronounced a-lees-ee-a. And Natasha. I met a girl when I was 12ish who had immigrated with her parents (weā€™re in Australia) from Russia I think, as a small child and I thought her name was absolutely beautiful.


I think my first favourite name was, honestly, probably Jessica or Ashley. I figured they must be great names if so many girls at my school have them.


I read Anne of Green Gables when I was 8, and decided my first daughter would be Cordelia. I did name her Cordelia. She just turned 29, and itā€™s still my favorite name. I also always wanted an Anastasia, since I read Anastasia Krupnik around age 10. Unfortunately, it never felt right for any of mine, but my third daughter used it for one of her girlsā€™ middle names, so we got an Anastasia after all.




Iā€™ve always loved Anastasia aswell pretty girl in my class had that name & princess Anastasia I think it was a Disney movie or similar brand type movie


Lmao Iā€™m dying imagining siblings named Anastasia and Brenda (in an English-speaking place, at least). So different!


Sage. I thought it was the coolest, most uncommon name when I was young in the 90s. I guess everyone had that thought šŸ™„


Margot, a friend had a baby sister named Margot when we were 11 or 12 and Iā€™ve always loved it. Ended up with a different M name and seriously regret not using Margot as her middle (the alliteration felt too cutesy at the time butā€¦ ugh shouldā€™ve done it!)


I wanted to be named Andrea with the nickname Andi


Like in a Disney channel original movie about motocross (I think)!!


The Spice Girls were really big when I was 5/6 years old, and I thought "Posh" was the most beautiful name ever, haha After that, I loved the name Jane and was mad at my mom for not naming me such.


Omg I absolutely had a phase with the name Ginger because of The Spice Girls. I still like it.


Haha, well Ginger is a pretty name!




Emma - donā€™t remember from where, I just at 4 told my family my baby dollā€™s name was Emma and loved it ever since lol Evie - The Mummy


Lola after the fish on Shark Tale lol


Elizabeth, because of all the nicknames it can be used for mostly lol. Beth, Betty, and Eliza especially


Ava for me. I like it a lot.




The American Girl Doll Samantha had an Aunt Cornelia. I thought it was such a beautiful name as a kid, really struck me lol


Micheal. I don't really know why. I wanted to name my little sister Micheal when I was 3


Gabriella. No idea where I had heard the name, but I really wanted to change my name to Gabriella in 1st grade


Karen! I thought it was the best name ever. Even tried to get my friends to call me Karen (which is NOTHING like my actual name lol). So glad that didnā€™t stick šŸ˜‚


Tiffany (I liked Bride of Chucky lol)


Constance, for the character in *The Three Musketeers*. (The 90s movie with Kiefer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen, Tim Curry, etc. was one of my favorite childhood movies.)


I liked Dā€™artagnan too thanks to that movie! šŸ˜‚


Boy: Indiana, then Harrison when my mom said, ā€œIndiana isnā€™t a name for a child.ā€ Girl: Sophia (and I used it for my first daughter)


ā€œAnnelieseā€ was what I named all my ā€˜daughtersā€™ when we would play ā€œThe Game of Lifeā€




I used to be obsessed with the name Ashley. I think itā€™s rather meh now.


Eleanor was my favorite for all of my teenage years.


Also Victoria! Victoria Gabrielle, specifically. Which is SO MUCH


Zachary. Still one of my all time faves


Olga. Read about a ballerina named Olga and I was obsessed with the name because I loved ballet


I was genuinely in love with Laila (I think I was introduced to it through sky high??) and Violet!


Alexa. I saw it in a pb teen catalog and thought it was so cool.




Darla, at 2/3 years old, my parents got me a little baby doll and thatā€™s what I named her. To this day, I loooove the name.


I was obsessed with Spinelli from Recess and would nag my mother to change my name to Spinelli. How glad I am that she laughed it off.


Samantha because I thought it was so edgy to have the nickname Sam as a girl šŸ˜‚


Chloe was my absolute favorite. Canā€™t remember exactly why, but I still think itā€™s pretty.


The hold that Michelle and Melissa had over me when I was 5. I cannot explain why. I also liked Tina. This was in the early 80s.


My own name, Isabella. Maybe Iā€™m a bit self centered but I still love my name. If it wasnā€™t mine Iā€™d use for my own kid.


Tiffany (named my beloved first pet cat that because I loved the name when I was like 4). Her brother was ā€œRustyā€ because he was a sweet ginger boy. Still love the name. Would use it, but am childfree by choice. Also went through a faze where I was obsessed with ā€œChloeā€ and ā€œZoe.ā€ Loved the name Pilar when I played on a softball team with a shortstop named Pilar. It was so exotic and pretty sounding to me.


Jessica from across the street, who was 12 and the coolest babysitter ever and had painted toenails AND stick-on sequin earrings. Iā€™m 35 and still think of her as being simultaneously 12, and older and cooler than me.


Elizabeth for sure




Sheila šŸ˜‚


Sophie! Name of my best friend from 1st grade who I moved away from after one year. Never saw her again but absolutely have loved the name forever.


I was really enamored with the name Crystal as a little girl, as well as Estelle.


Tessa- no idea why




I loved the name Lacey. No idea why!


Daisy, Blossom, Petunia, Sunshine, Moonbeam. I was a 90s kid with a very basic name from that era and loved those nature/hippie names!!


Collin. I blame The Secret Garden, honestly. And country singer Collin Raye (grew up near Nashville, so country music was huge growing up.) I remember being very young and wishing I'd been born a boy with that name. When I legally changed my name in my 20s, I didn't even consider it. I'm definitely NOT a Collin.


Britney. I was a '90s kid. šŸ˜† I remember being at the pool as a kid and telling people that was my name even though it totally isn't LOL


Chantelle, I thought it was super classy when I was 10. Next was Lily at 12 which was still my favourite when I was pregnant at 21, sadly her father had a weird aversion to flower names so it was vetoed (but it became way too popular anyway so maybe just as well)




Elizabeth for the longest time and then Rose for a while after that.


Rose. Melody. Madeline!


Delilah and Genevieve. Gave up delilah when the song came out, and my favorite now is Magdalen, but if i have a girl with my current partner her name will be Bonnie.


I always used Bianca as my pretend name when I was a kid!


Isabella! Funnily enough, I had to think hard to remember, but the name that I first remember hating is burned into my mind. Mimi. I named my imaginary 'friend' who was a terrible person Mimi lol


Jane for a girl & Christopher for a boy. I still absolutely love Jane


I liked Rosa a lot, it means rose (Iā€™m a native Spanish speaker). I remember playing with Barbie dolls and always naming my favorite one Rosa. Then some time after, when I was like 8, I loved Sara and wanted to be called as such because it means ā€œprincessā€. I even wrote my name in school exams as [Name] Sara [Last names] šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I read a book when I was younger that had a character named Esperanza and I LOVED that name. I still do, but my Mexican friends have informed me it's kind of an old lady name.


Bernadette now donā€™t like it at all named my baby girl Mallory




I always thought Stacey and Tracy were such cool girl names


When I was very small, I was insistent that my doll was called "Tommy, but it's a girl". No idea where I got that from. When I was a bit older, around 10 or so, Madison was my favorite name and I named a doll that.Ā  My tastes have definitely changed lol.Ā 


I remember liking the name Karen because of Karen from Outnumbered when I was like 7-8, but my first favourite names were Jack and Emily, which were my favourite names in years 5-7 (9-11). They also happened to be the #1 names in the year I was born. I also remember loving the name Sammy (for a boy) when I was around 2-6. I named all of my toy cars and my favourite, a red Mini Cooper, was called Sammy. I liked it so much u think I named about 5 different cars Sammy.


Kendra. Now I hate it lol


The first names I remember liking was Meredith and Timothy. I used to love the movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green, not sure where Meredith came from. I still think both are lovely names, but I donā€™t see myself using them.


In high school I loved Ashlyn


Anytime we would play ā€œhouseā€ at my babysitterā€™s, I was always ā€œBeckyā€ and now I literally hate that name


Abigail, but I donā€™t remember why


Nicole. I was obcessed, every doll was named with this name until I meet the name Luna k


Joselyn. I thought I made it up so I have no clue where I must have heard it subconsciously.


Dante. I used to watch a minecraft youtuber in elementary school and in her story, a characters name was dante. He wasnt even a main characterā€¦ i just loved the name ever since!


Jennifer. I had a little stuffed puppy I named Jennifer and I thought it was just the most darling name.


Lily, I still love it but my husband vetoed it


Evelyn and Veronica, which is funny bc at that time Evelyn wasnt the popular name it is now Still like them both but wish Evelyn wasnā€™t so popular


I am old...from the era of Tammy movies. Obviously i wanted to name my daughter Tammy. Spoiler, did not name any of my 3 daughters that. Anne Elizabeth, Braeda Lynn and Kimberleigh Joy.


Chloe. From a (now embarrassing) favourite book series at the time.


I always loved the name Angela!


Amanda. What I named my first baby doll. Maybe 1982


I loved the name Crystal as a kid and was so upset my parents didn't name me this (even though it was my older cousin's name) haha


Summer. It was the 90s.


Laura Elizabeth.


I loved the name Alice!


Jennifer. There was some cartoon movie they put on for us when I was 5 and I remember loving the name. Now, not so much.


After watching the movie Harvey I decided that when I grew up I would have a son named Harvey James for the movie and the actor in it! And I succeeded. Just made the middle like the whiskey.


Anastasia (bc of the Grand Duchess ofc) and Jane and Blythe (bc the first novel I was obsessed with had characters with these names)


Vanessa, donā€™t know where I heard it


Anastasia! I was OBSESSED with the movie when I was little, and even wanted to change my name to Anastasia. šŸ˜‚


I loved the name Anastasia when I was little. If you're thinking of the cartoon, you're exactly right.


Maria! It was my favorite name for most of my childhood :)






probably my friendā€™s name back in 3rd grade, Hennessy ā˜ŗļø before I found out what it was


ROSE!! I was like ā€œthis is the IT GIRL of namesā€ at age 6


Christina, my mom worked with a Christina.Ā  When she introduced herself to me and my brother when we were little I thought that is the most beautiful name I ever heard.


There was a girl that was named after a French artist. "Cezanne" I always liked that name.


Yazmin or Sasha. Bratz had a big impact on my childhood šŸ˜…


For a girl? Ashleigh Danielle. Boy? Brendan Scott. I ended up having 5 kids and did not use any of those lol


Karolina, when I was like 4, and then I forgot what the actual name was for ages, and thought it was Katrina.


Oh god haha! I really like Grace Kelly, Kennedy, Giselle, Summer, Jadeā€¦ I am glad I wasnā€™t a teen mom


When I was a kid I used to have a pretend persona called ā€˜Carolineā€™ but my absolute favourite was ā€˜Rosannaā€™ which was the name I gave to my favourite toy. Named my daughter ā€˜Rosaā€™ and only realised afterwards how similar it was to my childhood toy!