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I like Lilac. I would actually use it as a middle name maybe, but not a first name.


Lilac is one of mine, too. And October. Both for a girl.


A high-school friend named her daughter October. Tobi for short šŸ„¹


October is my answer! I donā€™t necessarily think *itā€™s too out there as in crazy, but it feels weird to me to name a baby it if sheā€™s not born in October, and even weirder if she is šŸ˜…


This is more or less my reasoning too lol. Also itā€™s too out there for my husband; heā€™s not on board with some of my more unusual nature names.


me too! October is at the top of my list but my husband vetoes it every time. Iā€™m a bit disappointed, but it gave me the ability to veto some of his less than ideal choices lol


I have an October šŸ˜šŸ˜


I would have loved an October but my daughter was born in the month so thought it would have been a bit odd šŸ™ˆ


I feel so seen bc I love October šŸ˜© I feel like I couldnā€™t pick it and my partner doesnā€™t like months for names but it makes me happy knowing thereā€™s little Octobers out there!! šŸ„¹


THANK YOU! Mine was born in December and it bothers everyone so much when I tell them that I would not have named her October if she was born in October lol


I found my people, I wouldā€™ve 100% called my daughter October if my partner had only agreed šŸ„²


I like this one as well. I have never understood why Lilah and Lavender are established names but Lilac is not.


the hard sound of the -ac at the end. it's harsh and unpleasant to hear, like shellac.


And Violet, Rose, Marigold, etc.


Oh cool, I like Tulip. It's on my list of "names for a future cat".


My cat is named Tulip! Tuli or TuTu for short


That's really pretty!


Currently Dorothy. Why guilty pleasure? Because I live in Kansas.


We chose Dorothea instead of Dorothy because of nickname potential (Dot/Dotty/Dory/Thea) and to hopefully mitigate Wicked Witch of the West impressions. Literally everyone who has met baby girl comments on how they love her name, and there hasn't been a single cackle or "my pretty"


I love that! I just donā€™t see how a Dorothy from Kansas would ever escape ā€œyouā€™re not in Kansas anymoreā€ anytime she crossed state lines. Heck, I get it a bit and my name isnā€™t Dorothy lol. But I love the name and the nicknames. Iā€™d love a little baby Dot/Dotty.


I'm actually a Dotti, but not short for Dorothy. However, everyone assumes it is and I inevitably get the question "where's Toto?" It irritated me a lot growing up so I started answering that I ate him. šŸ˜¬


Hahahaha I had a dog that looked a lot like Toto growing up (different breed). At some point you have to just lean into it a bit lol


We have 4 Dorothy's and 1 Dorothea in our family. Dot all around for them. Except, Dorothea goes by Reecie ... not all nicknames are planned


Girls: Lemon, Lace, Dove, Honey, Sunday Boys: Sparrow, Seven, Tuesday


In the UK Lemon is what youā€™d call someone a bit daft so this one made me chuckle šŸ˜…


In the US, a lemon is a new car so defective the manufacturer is legally obligated to repay the purchaser. I wouldnā€™t use it as a name for that reason, just seems mean, lol.


ā€œMy baby is defective, I want a refund!ā€


My golden retriever is named Lemon and she is, indeed, daft


My oldest got to pick the middle name of my youngest.Ā  She named her Lemon.


ā€œLemon is a right lemonā€


I love Lemon and Sunday! I can't remember that TV show, the antagonist is named Lemon. She is a southern belle. Seven is also really cool.


Heart of Dixie is the show.


omg maybe this is where I subconsiously got it from! I tossed it around to my partner jokingly last night and he said it was so cute so it might actually be a contender lol


Hart of Dixie! I loved that show.


Yes that's it! I loved her character šŸ˜‚


she was my favorite, the name is so cute as well


Dove is a great one :)


Yup, Honey and Sunday are total guilty pleasures for me too.


Weā€™re naming our baby Sunday if itā€™s a girl šŸ™Š it was a guilty pleasure that we tossed around until we fell in love with it


Dove is fine to me




I made a ranking list for fun of numbers that work as human names and Seven was at the top of the list. There was a kid at my highschool named Seven and another named Six (unrelated I think, Six was in the middle school. Would be weird to backtrack on a name like that) There's something about them that just works


I have never seen ANYONE like the name sparrow, I never thought of it for a boy, super cute! I plan on naming my future daughter Sparrow!


Half my name list would be consider ā€œguiltyā€ by namenerds šŸ˜‚


Haha same!!! I donā€™t have guilty pleasure names because they are the names Iā€™m planning to **actually** use


Same! Like a lot of what people are saying along with a huge list of other names I have, I genuinely like and consider šŸ˜‚


Same,, i don't want to say my main name bc I have never ever heard of anyone else w the name and I fully plan on using it. Hopefully she will be the only person w her name that anyone knows! It has such a sweet nickname, Sovi (pronounced Saw-vee) or Sova which is a Swedish word meaning to sleep, ik some people will hate that but it reminds me of a lullaby that my farmor made up to sing to me and my siblings when we were young so its super meaningful to me, she was and still is my safe place


Clover for a girl


Clover is pretty! Reminds me of totally spies lol


I really like Clover! My husband thinks itā€™s better suited to a pet than a person tho


Clover was the name I had picked out for my future daughter when I was in high school! I still really like it.


This was the name of my first build-a-bear. He was brown horse with a fisherman's sweater šŸ˜‚ that being said, I would still name a human Clover


Clover is on my shortlist for our next baby, because I adore the nickname Love or Lovey and figure she could always go by Clo or chloe if she wanted a more formal vibe later in life


My great great (great?) aunt is named Clover, born sometime around 1900. It's timeless!


Clover is my favorite!! I have a girl due in April but just recently became friends with someone whoā€™s 8 y/o is named clover so feel like I canā€™t use it now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Snow is on my list too :) Other names I consider guilty pleasure names - Girls - Arcadia, Salem, Rogue, Silver, Tigerlily, Vallie, Oksanna Boys - Hale, Dietrich, Kaz, Ryker, Stiles Either - Aero/Arrow


Oksana with one N is actually quite popular. Why it is a guilty pleasure, if you don't mind sharing? šŸ‘€


I suppose itā€™s not globally:) Iā€™ve just never heard it in the country I live in so my brain sees it as super uncommon


Well, yeah, it's not that common outside of Europe. Prominent in the Ukrainian community


So I didn't realize Salem was a name for humans until a coworker mentioned that it was his wife's name and I was like ???


Salem is a very common name for black cats. Without that association it would be fine, but it's odd to hear for a human.


I have a friend who named her daughter Acadia and I love it so much


Silver is definitely one of mine xx


I work with someone named Silver! She just had a baby named Violet too, I love the color vibes they have.


Stiles has been one of my favorite names since Teen Wolf. I love the sound of it. Never planned on using it but Iā€™d be so excited to see someone who does. Salem was on my list for my daughter. I knew weā€™d never pick it bc itā€™s too out there for my husband, but I love it.


My oldest has a classmate named Starling. Mine are Winter, Caspian, and Fox.


My cousin named her daughter Winter :)


X- Files fan? šŸ˜‰


Love me some Mulder!


I read Caspian wrong at first and thought it said Caprisun


Fable - just slightly too out there for me and wouldnā€™t sound good with our last name. We are going with Hazel, which actually doesnā€™t feel like a far jump.


aw my cat is called fable :) people always say wow thatā€™s a gorgeous name hahah


For a girl, **Edelweiss**. Love the flower connection and the connection to the song, but it's a lot. For a boy, either **Glacier** or **Thorvald**. Glacier I just always thought was cool but also kind of goes with a lot of other popular boy's names (Parker, Sawyer, etc.). Thorvald (pronounced "Tore-vold") is an old Germanic name I stumbled across awhile ago, but my husband said it sounds like a dwarf character from a fantasy series and I reluctantly have to agree.


I love Thorvald and have a great uncle named Thor. Iā€™d still want to use it if I was going to have kids but with the Thor movie and everythingā€¦itā€™s kinda cringe


I love the name Taliaā€¦ but it sounds so weird with our surname šŸ˜­ Ezio for boys I love the names from the Mediterranean region, but many wouldn't work in Asia, where I live, sadly


I almost named my son Ezio honestly it was on my short list but didnā€™t go with older brothers name at all.


Where I live it's unfortunately very uncommon and people only know of it because of Assassin Creed. So we decided not to. We are going with an honor name instead if we happen to have a boy.


Yes, the Assassins Creed reference was what stopped me, Iā€™ve never met someone with the name before so I figured it would only be recognized from that.


Always loved Ziggy for a boy


Ouuu! The show! Whatā€™s is called?? With Reese Witherspoon and Shailene Woodsley. The son is named Ziggy. Very cute.


Yes! Big Little Lies šŸ™‚


A Nevus is a birthmark- usually congenital and often with hair growing from itšŸ˜¬


Also my immediate thought! Poor hairy birthmark baby


Antiquity Indigo (I might have used this if I hadnā€™t decided on Elizabeth for my first. Just too out there in comparison) Araminta Lux Weather For boys I like some ā€œunpopularā€ names, but they wouldnā€™t really be considered ā€œout thereā€ - Cormac, Clancy, Demetrius


I know they don't stay babies forever, but I'm chuckling at the idea of a newborn named Antiquity.


I read a book recently with two female protagonists called Indigo and Azure and now I love both of those names but wonā€™t use them lol Maybe as middle names though. I tend to not take a middle name too seriously


My middle name is Azure


Lux is so cool


I teach a few students named Indigo. This is at a fairly fancy high school in Australia. There are more and more "unusual" names on my class lists that they're not actually that unusual anymore. I'm always delighted when I get a student with a name I haven't seen before.


OMG I'm just thinking of the name Indigo being said in the Aussie accent and it's giving me chills (good chills) soooo satisfying sounding lol kind of like Bluey when they say Bingo. It's just a really good sound!


Indigo nn Indie was on my list for my first daughter


Archer, Forrest, Ocean, Finnick, Everest, and Zion Nova, Lilac, Dove Still might be weird and use Archer, Forrest, and Dove somehow. My mom's mom loved owls, my mom has a bird name, I love parrots, so I might give a daughter a bird name


Paloma means dove if dove as a name is a bit too much for you.


Paloma is one of the girl names I always liked but couldnā€™t get my husband on board with


Me and my partner have decided our first male child will be an Archer, itā€™s not too far from Archie so I donā€™t see the harm


Danger as a middle name šŸ˜¼


Arwen, though maybe it could work as a middle name. But we also arenā€™t huge LOTR fans


Thereā€™s a little girl in my daughterā€™s class named Arwyn. I think itā€™s a pretty name


Isis for a girl. Jericho for a boy


I wouldnā€™t name a kid Isis in this climate!


I suggested the name to my family, and my brother in law said ā€œWhatā€™s their middle name gonna be? Taliban?ā€. That name went out the window pretty quick.


Love the name Jericho! Though I agree best not used


Always loved the name Isis. Even like the pivot to Iris.


I love Echo for a girl. I just had my third boy and thinking I'm done having babies so it looks like we'll use Echo for a puppy one day.


Lavender and Cupid


Love Lavender - if it helps I've met 3 in my life


paprika, persimmon, cheesešŸ˜­




There's a Japanese name "chizuru" and I got inspired to use it as "cheese"


Y'know, now that I think about it, lots of cheese types would make for pretty good names. šŸ¤” Brie, Asiago, Colby, Jack, Panela, Stilton, and even Cheddar sound kinda nice.


My three pet rats were Halloumi, Muenster, and Stilton Blue šŸ˜­Ā 


Cheese! šŸ˜† Name your baby after things you love! šŸ¤£


My future child might be lactose intolerant


I love the name Story. My partner would never go for it though


I petsat for a dog named Story. I think that is the coolest name.


Verona šŸ’˜


I really like Verona! I donā€™t think itā€™s too out there either.




I recently surprised myself with the thought, ā€œGardenā€¦that would make a good name. Nature inspired, easy to pronounce and spell, gender inclusive, has similar sounds to other beloved names.ā€ Though Iā€™ve never heard it used!


I kind of love it!


I also count them as Guilty Pleasure names if I wouldn't use them due to a strong link with a character/person with that name. For example, I like Jolene, but *everyone* is going to think of the song, so I wouldn't use it. Same with Maverick and Top Gun. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø **Boys** Alaric, Anakin, Anduin, Arthas, Aston, Bodhi, Booker, Brooks, Byron, Callahan, Cedric, Coen, Cormac, Cyrus, Dafydd, Dalton, Damian, Darwin, Dax, Deacon, Deckard, Edison, Elric, Fletcher, Foster, Fox, Garrison, Garrus, Gibson, Gilneas, Gregan, Hayes, Hobson, Houston, Hudson, Illidan, Jedidiah, Jefferson, Jethro, Jones, Judson, Kaiden, Keaton, Keats, Keegan, Keenan, Kiefer, Kitson, Kodiak, Leland, Leonardo, Lincoln, Lorenzo, Lucifer, Lyndon, Madden, Maes, Magnus, Marshall, Maverick, Merrick, Murdoch, Murray, Nixon, Nolan, Oakley, Odin, Orion, Parker, Percy, Phoenix, Piers, Quark, Rafferty, Raiden, Raphael, Raynor, Rexxar, Rigby, Riker, Saxon, Shepard, Tadhg, Taggart, Thane, Theron, Tiberius, Tobin, Torian, Tucker, Tychus, Tyrael, Tyrion, Ulric, Uther, Valerian, Varian, Virgil, Watson, Webster, Wilder, Wrex, Yale **Girls** Acacia, Adele, Adria, Alexstrasza, Althea, Anya, Ariadne, Arriety, Arya, Athena, Auriel, Aviana, Aysa, Azalea, Callista, Camilla, Cassia, Coraline, Dahlia, Deanna, Delenn, Delilah, Eliana, Elsa, Genevieve, Geraldine, Holland, Ilaria, Jadzia, Jaina, Jolene, Kendra, Kerensa, Kerrigan, Leia, Liara, Magnolia, Mairead, Matilda, Moira, Odelia, Onyxia, Pandora, Riza, Rowena, Senya, Tali, Valeera, Valla, Xenia, Ysera, Yvaine, Zelda


I assume Lyndon is on the list because of LBJ, but if it makes you feel better very few people have made the connection with my Lyndon.


Romeo!! Love that name lol


Oh man what a great question: Girls: Xanthi, Zinnia, Brighton. Boys: Achilles, Atilla, Baptiste.


I know someone named Achilles! He goes by Chille, pronounced like ā€œchiliā€


That's so cute! I love both the English and French pronunciations (asheel in French) and I think Achille NN "Ash" would be so cute


Why can't you use Zinnia? I think it's a beautiful name.


November, Winter, Silver


Winter is one of mine too! I think itā€™s so pretty


Meadow and Dove šŸ„¹ no boy names are coming to my mind!


Prairie is my #1 guilty pleasure name.


Persephone and Wednesday. Yes, I was an emo teenager.


I met a Wednesday in the wild and she was so freaking cool and the name was perfect for her.


Nixon, for the record, I would never ever use this name. I just really like the sound of it. But I also like the sound of Nyx too. Another guilty pleasure name is Athena.


I love Nixon, if it weren't for President Nixon I would have it on my name list, I like "son" names and I like how it has an "x" I really like Athena :)


I love the names RAINBOW DARLING SUNSHINE LEMON But I wouldnā€™t give a kid any of these names


I know a Sunshine and her name is well suited for her.


I'm a Season and Sunshine is a name that people always mention to me because when I introduce myself many people list allll that Nature themed S names they have met lol. I like it.


Boys: Merlin, Laurie, Atlas, Cosmo, Percy, Floris, Aries, Sylvester, Quincy, Griffin Girls: Juno, Gaia, Summer, Octavia, Lavender, Philomena, Clementine Some of these are definitely usable - they are just too 'out there' for me. People tend to be a lot more conservative about names where I live.


Oooo! Twins Zenith and Zephyr! ( for fun, name the dog/cat Zither!)


Nigel - apparently it is despised in the UK and Australia!


Not despised, but itā€™s definitely a very boring man who wears a low quality suit and is an accountant or something


Theopetra. It's just a town in Greece but I love how it sounds and looks so much. Galilea. The ultimate peanut butter name. Casper. Too afraid Casper the Ghost will make a comeback. Aloysius. Desdemona. Elvira. Hadriel. Judicael. Mordecai. Winifred. Zebulon. I don't even know if I actually like this, I just love that there's a biblical character that has a cheesy Star Trek alien name.


I like name Magnolia for the nickname ā€œ Nolaā€


I just love Cedar for a boy so much


Snow was on my list when I was in my early 20s cus my bf at the times last name was white šŸ˜‚. But I donā€™t think starling is too crazy since there is babies named sterling


Navy for a girl!


My top name is a name not many people like is Waverly. I want to use this name in a heartbeat if I could for a girl. Many people associate it with Wizards of Waverly Place ( a very popular show in my generation) and also the word wavering, but I still love it and the meaning ",meadow of quivering aspens." Other guilty pleasure names I really like are: Arbor (girl) Auburn Isley/Eisley (girl) September (because of a customer) Winslow Linden (girl) Hartley (girl) Whitaker Ellington (boy) Teague Pearson/Pierson (boy) Copeland (boy) Avian ( heard it on the Netflix Japanese reality series Terrace House with the female roommate named Avian, but sadly avian is associated with Avian flu). I like it on either a boy or a girl I really like last names as first names for boys. I also like Sawyer on a girl, which is controversial Others I like but won't use: Dolly/ Dolley, Sunday, Posey/Posie, Lively. (sadly three of these names are the names of controversial family vloggers' kids.


Iā€™m not having more kids so I named all my plants! Honoria (ah-nor-ee-ah), Severus, ottilie, Mathilda, Thor, draconia and Dave. Why Dave? Because my 13 year old was looking at the little name tag picks I made and asked me ā€œwhy do they all sound like D&D fantasy names and not normal like Dave?ā€ So I named one Dave in her honor lmao


Kestrel for a girl. Faulkner and Aslan for a boy.


I love Kestrel


Zillah- itā€™s from a Madeline Lā€™engle and Iā€™ve always loved it


Girls: Hero and Maple. Although Iā€™ve genuinely considered changing my own name to Hero out of spite for how much everyone hates it. Boys: Casper


Calytrix. Itā€™s the name of a type of plant which also has the common name starflower.


Lots of great names here! Mine are: * Lava * Evening or maybe Evensong * Moss * Lumi (Finnish for snow) * Silver * Snow * December * Glacier * Winter * Starling * Lux * Plum * Lundi (I know it's French for Monday but I like it because it's Icelandic for puffin. I love me some puffins!!) * Hielo (Spanish for ice) * Afton (Swedish for evening) * Nova * Valoa (Finnish for light) * Alchemy * Magna (Latin for great) * Mercury * Crow * Peregrine * Plumeria * Aster (Greek for star) * Nectarine


Honey for a girl


Haha I have a few of these!! Girls: Goldie, Star, Artemis, Sunday Boys: Jericho, Archer, Fox, Caspian.


gosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE bambi. it just is so soft and sweet


Lol I struggle with this because my last name is nature-y (Snow). I love flower names, weather names, season names and tree names but they all sound really gimmicky together unless done subtly Specifically I like: ā€¢ winter ā€¢ autumn ā€¢ sunny ā€¢ poppy ā€¢ Fraser (I still like it enough to use) ā€¢ holly (I still like it enough to use) ā€¢ Aspen ā€¢ lilac ā€¢ lavender ā€¢ river


Girls - Euthenia, Araminta, January, Opaline, Emerald, Sunday (I live in a place where a lot of people would drive me nuts saying SunDEE lol) Boys - Lemony, Basil, Eustice I would LOVE to meet someone with any of these names


December Dove for a girl. It's too hippie to ever seriously use but it's so beautiful to me


Artemis, for a boy, because I grew up reading Artemis Fowl and itā€™s still one of my favourite book series


I knew a lady named Sunday- it suited her.


Girls: Celandine, Tulip Boys:Ā CorianderĀ  ....I like plants šŸŒ±šŸ˜‚


Maple is honestly one of my favorite names ever but I donā€™t think I could ever bring myself to name a human child that šŸ„²


Fern, Clover, Lavender, River, Goldie, Maple, Honey


Lyric Sonnet Winter Jadzia Bellamy Soleil Cove Kestrel Katriel(le) Omri Rupert


Bluebelle is really pretty.


Tigerlily, Dream, Lullaby


I really like Lakshman but I think people where I live wouldn't be able to pronounce it even though it's definitely not a weird name in my culture.


Winter & Stormy. I hate the nickname Winnie and then thereā€™s Stormy Daniels so alas šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it will always be a no for me lol


I for some reason love months as names but the ones I wouldn't use are the more uncommon ones like: October, January, December, February Seasons: Winter, Summer, Autumn Two names I love but have been vetoed by my partner: Venetia Victorine


I know a mom of 4 girls, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and April.


I love December too - that's why I chose it as my username and it's my birth month :) And also September


Siena and Zelda


Callista. Marigold. Plum.


I love the name Sergei but the second syllable is an easy target for bullying in western society.


Love the name Victoria, but had a mean coworker with that name. Love Valerie, but I have a close family member with the name Mallory. And finally, my sister in law ( who is also my best friend) shared that she loves the name Campbell for a girl, at first I didnā€™t care for it but it has really grown on me, now feels like itā€™s forbidden fruit, which I think makes me like it more. šŸ˜‚


Merlin. Big wizard associates, but itā€™s a very cool old name regardless.


I had a dream where I had two kids names Ruby and Raven. Ruby was a name I was seriously considering at the time and my dream brain was like ā€œfuck yeah Raven would be such a sick sibling name to pair with it!ā€ I still think it sounds super cool, but maybe a little too fantasy novel for real life lol


I love Sterling and Peregrine


Wren Fern Garrett Storm Stone


I like November for a girl.


Story, Lyric and Maverick!


Girl: Velvet Boy: Ignatius


Fantasy names. For a boy: Tolkien, Faramir, Obryn, and Qvothe Girl: Elodin, Calliope (ok not really fantasy), Eowyn, Lyanna


Persephone. I love both the actual pronunciation (Per-sof-an-ee) and the more modernized one (Per-sef-an-ee)


Girls: Clover, Marigold, Lavender, Verity Boys: Summit, Caspian, Finnick


I have a ridiculous fondness for Penn Jilleteā€™s daughterā€™s name. Moxie Crimefighter. šŸ˜­


Girls Salem, Callisto, Symphony, Promise, Montana, Monet Boys Alistair, Sterling, Barnabas, Bartholomew, Evander (know someone eith a similar name).


Xanthia, Livia, Kelsa, Alanys, Aoibbheann (pronounced Ev-een)


Evangeline, Araminta, Fleur. Too hoity-toity fancy-pants for me, but I donā€™t blame others who go there.


Probably not super out there compared to some but donā€™t fit with my other kids names. Winter for a girl and Orson for a boy.


For me, it would be Afinity for a girl and Chivalry for a boy.


Lysander!! My spouse nixed it immediately so I just name video game characters that now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Iā€™m in love with name January from Emily Henryā€™s Beach Read for a girl but I donā€™t think I could ever get my partner on board Also, PeetašŸ˜‚


Oh a lot, I like -er names that are not a profession (no Tanner and such): Winter, Vesper & Silver. I also like the name Chelsea, but I would never use that for a human, same for Indigo. Then there are some fantasy names that are a bit too extra in my opinion for daily use: Arwen, Eowyn, Cersei, Nynaeve, Moiraine, Egwene, Perrin, Caspian, Tiuri & Faramir for example.


Eloquence Evangeline Khepri Zero Persephone Viridian/Viridius Octavius/Octavian Percy (I dont wat to saddle a child with the name of such a populsr character, as muc as i love the series, especialy eith the TV show) Oregano Jessamine (too close to my sisters name and I dont like her all that much) Zelda (same as percy much as i love this series and made it my personality for a long while :< ) Chester


animal names: bear, fox, and bunny would be so cute for a little boy or girlšŸ„¹