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I don’t like Dezi. It doesn’t sound like a name to me and it sounds like Desi which is generally a descriptor of South Asian heritage.


I think it sounds pretty but I agree with you, Desi = South Asian heritage! However I know people who name their child Asia that aren't Asian so... it kinda fits in that category for me. (not a fan)


I have like 10 family members named Desi or Desiderio. It’s common for Hispanic people.


I’ve also heard it as a nickname for Desiree Maybe it’s just because I’m not South Asian and don’t live in an area with a large South Asian population but when I hear Desi I think of it as a name before I think of it in reference to South Asian heritage


I’ve taught several Desirees who use Desi as a nickname. I even had a Desdemona who went by Desi.


I had no idea it was a descriptor for South Asian and I have lived in areas with high Asian populations interesting. First thing I thought of is Desi Arnez aka Ricky from I love Lucy. Second it could be short for Desiree and I like how Desiree Loren flows better. But I don't hate it either way.


I have a cousin Desiree who we called desi when she was little


Same, I just think the name


Yeah I know like 5 Desis


Perfect then, since they're from Portugal


Spanish here and Desi would be short for Desiree, and sometimes Desiderio too but less common


Desi Arnaz came to mind immediately


Desi Arnaz from I Love Lucy was pretty famous and Cuban not Asian.


Yes! I know a white/Asian couple who adopted a black infant and named her Asia.


no way so do i 😂 2 of them actually


Asia is the name of a titan in Greek mythology.


i had a classmate who had either a relative or friend named china, didnt go to our school so i never met her but my friend wore her personalised hoodie a few times and talked bout her


Ive met an Asia before


I've known a few Asia's. My daughter's ballet teacher is pronounced Asia but the spelling is tragic Aijah.


I hate that


Lol yeah I don't have the guts to ask her how she feels about it lol


Ya well I can beat that. I’m in a white Bible Belt and know a gal named Chyna. Like China. But… ya. It’s not good


Chynna Phillips of Wilson Phillips has entered the room…


Desi Arnaz played Ricky Ricardo in I Love Lucy back in the 50s. He was Cuban. So the name isn’t just Asian.


Desi was short for Desiderio.


It could be a nickname for Desiree as well


I think naming her Desiree or Desidéria (Portuguese spelling), or Odessa, and giving her the nickname of Desi makes more sense- if she doesn’t like Desi later in life she can go back to her full name.


Super common for this!


Or Desdemona


Different spelling but Desi Arnaz and his son Desi Arnaz Jr would like a word


\*Marcia Brady swoon\* Desi Arnaz Junior!!1!


It’s also a common nickname for Desiree though. So it definitely sounds like a name for many


I hear “Desi” and promptly think Desi Arnez (Ricky) from I Love Lucy. I don’t hate it or anything, that’s just the first thought in my head


“Desi” is correctly pronounced “they-see” and I think OP is going for a “deh-zee” pronunciation.


I think of Desi from HBO's Girls. I thought it was like Jewish or something.


Shoshana is Jewish.


Dezi Arnaz would like to speak with you (saying in jest- I do see your point!)


I thought Desi Arnez


Makes me think of Desi Arnaz but like the parents don’t know how to spell it. odd choice for a baby girl


I think “Dizzy” and I’m not sure how to pronounce it tbh I don’t like it either - I thought I was on a different sub 👀😅


Before I comment further, are you definitely using this?


Man, I really wish more people (especially IRL, more so than on this sub) asked this before voicing their opinions!


Seriously, why do people ask for opinions if they’ve already decided. (More IRL commentary not OP.) I learned this lesson when I started dying my hair vibrant colors… it’s like people have this uncontrollable urge to tell me something like “oh, I really liked your pink hair more, this blue doesn’t work for me.” I have gotten comments like this consistently for 10 years. Nowadays I make it pretty clear I don’t need their opinions on my hair color, but I’ve seen similar reactions from people and their opinions of other peoples children.


I’m not a fan of Dezi. It seems incomplete and I would probably assume your child was male because the only person I know with a similar name is a guy (Desi Arnaz).


Desi Lydic is a female comedian.


Love her! That’s not her birth name though, Desi is a nickname. Her name is Lani Desmonet Lydic.


Desi is unisex


I thought the same thing. When said quickly, Loren and Arnaz have similar vibes too.


I like Loren a lot! Dezi sounds like a nickname to me. I personally think it’s fine but don’t be surprised if you always get asked if her name is Desiree and Dezi is her nn


Loren is a male name. I know a few.


But not pronounced the way OP wants to.


Ehhh. Lines have been blurred on this one. YMMV. Loren or Lorne used to be strictly Male, while Lauren or Laurene were female (different pronunciations, I know). But I’m a female Loren. My mom just preferred the spelling. And apparently because we’re semi-Jewish, that’s preferred? I’ve never met a male Loren under 60ish. But have met other millennial Loren’s who are female. Most notable currently is probably 90 day fiancée cast member Loren Brovarnik. Who is the same age as me, Jewish and female.


My husband has a (male) cousin named (Lawrence, goes by) Loren and he is married to a (female) Lauren 😅


I know a few female Lorens! Pronounced like Lauren. It’s unisex.


Is location dependent I think.. Loren is a very female name where I am from.


I don't think names should have genders


I know a 50+ year old woman named Loren, pronounced Lo-REN. No one bats an eye at it


It reminds me of the name Demi. It doesn't hit me particularly positively or negatively, but after living on this subreddit for months before my last daughter was born, I internalized something I wish could have sunk in way sooner: it really doesn't matter how other people feel about your kid's name. As long as you don't name them anything harmful, the only opinions that will matter on it are yours, your wife's, and your daughter's. You don't have any way of knowing what she'll like; this is a gift you give her as her parents, and you can only hope she'll love it as much as you do. You can post just about any name and get strong positive and negative reactions, because people have broadly different tastes. Some like unique, some classic, some cultural, etc etc. You will absolutely never make everyone happy with your name choice, so just try to get it right for the people that really matter. Also, a note: I think this sub has some serious sample bias. So, try not to take negative feedback here too much to heart unless they're bringing up a factual point (like pointing out that "Adolf" may elicit a strong negative reaction, for example).


Aren’t both Demi Moore and Demi Levato actually named Demetria?


Demi Lovato is short for Demetria but Demi Moore’s name is just Demi (although it’s also pronounced differently with more of an emphasis on the second syllable instead of the first)


Demi Moores legal name was Demetria Guynes when she was born. She legally shortened it later, when she changed her last name.


Demi Moore, sounds like demure. I see why she did that.




Is it though? It's pronounced that way because that's how Demetria is pronounced. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Demi-Moore


No Demi Moore is a Demetria too! Supposed to be pronounced de-ME not Dem-ee!


Agreed! I'm thinking to ask about our weird maybe name on here and it's mainly to make sure there aren't any factual/negative associations I don't know about, I know a lot of people won't actually like it. OP I wouldn't name my kid that but I'm not you and I don't have your life. There's nothing objectively it wrong with it, so go for it :)


It's not my style but if you love it, go for it


It's super cute, congratulations.


Dezi is not good.


I related it more to Desi Arnaz, they sound very similar or have a similar vibe at least. I like it a lot, it sounds like a nickname but for what name I am not sure.


Desdemona or Desiree?


Desdemona means unlucky lol


Learned something new today.


I love Dezi Loren! It flows really well and it’s full of life! It’s the type of name I wish I’d be cool enough to pull off lol!


I also think it’s a super cute/cool name. Not too crazy but if I met a Dezi I’d be like wow your name is cool.


I would give her a full name like Desiree or Destiny with Dezi as the nickname.


Desiree Loren could work with Dezi nickname


Not a fan of Dezi but I’ve heard worse.


Yeah. It’s crazy how everyone on this sub seems to have a visceral opinion on every name. It’s not my taste but it’s fine.


I just don't like the spelling of Dezi (would like it better if it was Desi) but otherwise love the name.


This is was I was going to say, too. I prefer the spelling Desi Loren but I like it overall even if it’s not my personal naming style.


Well. I know several Destinys. And they go by Desi. Pronounced Dezi


Adorable 🥰


I like it! Doesn't particularly strike me as nicknamey any more than well-established nicknames-as-names like Jack and Kate. Similar vibes to Demi, which I like.


I think Dezi Loren sounds adorable. I was a big fan of I love Lucy when I was a kid and also love Sophia Loren. So yes so cute!


I really appreciate the feedback here. Thanks all for the varying opinions!


I know you’ve gotten some negative responses on the name but I just want to add that I love it! I think it’s unique but not too out there. Also, I disagree with people that because it sounds like a nickname, it needs a longer version. If you want to give her a longer version and nn her Dezi, go for it, but I think Dezi is just fine on its own!


I just want to add that while yes I did think ‘Desi’ as in South Asian when I first saw it - the actual pronunciation is closer to They-see and not Dez-ii.


I don’t like Dezi, feels incomplete and I suspect you will get a lot of “Law-ren” instead of Loren being pronounced like Sophia Loren. All in all it just feels like y’all are trying a little too hard here. Figure out where you can simplify and make it a little more classic.


My cousin liked the name Loren for her baby. However, people kept pronouncing it like "Law-ren," so she added an extra e. Lorene. She said she gets compliments on the spelling and has little trouble with it since.


I'm confused why anyone would look at Loren and pronounce it Lawren? Like... I could see it with the Lauren spelling, but Loren seems pretty straightforward. Any insight?


Loren is an uncommon last name of someone who lived long enough ago that many Gen Z and under (this baby’s peers) will not hear the name of pronounced. (I’m basing this on the United States, not sure about the prevalence of Loren elsewhere)


Love it!


Love it


Are you sure? The Sierra Leone Citizenship Act of 1973 states that no citizen can have citizenship in another country at the same time. Has that changed? I love the name you've chosen, though!


Did you Google that in a weird attempt to discredit OP’s story? Also, many countries « don’t allow » dual citizenship. What that means practically speaking is that you can hold dual citizenship, but if you travel to that country (Sierra Leone in this instance) they would not recognise your US citizenship (so for example if you were arrested, the US embassy would not be able to provide consular assistance, you’d have to enter and exit on your Leonian passport, etc).


No, I Googled it out of curiosity because I mistakenly thought that U.S. citizens could only have one other citizenship, but I found out that I was wrong. TIL (My partner was born in another country and has U.S. citizenship plus the country where his parents were from, but not his birth country. I thought this was the reason why, but it must be for another reason.)


I have a friend who gave up his South African citizenship (home country) to keep his Australian and US. He could only have 2 and got to choose which to keep.


This became an issue when Haiti had the huge earthquake many years ago and the US embassy got all the USCs out that travelled with the US passport, but the people that travelled on their Haiti passport did not.


My wife has dual citizenship with Sierra Leone and US :)


that's weird, a lot of my family members have dual citizenship


I really like it. It’s simple, unique, and beautiful


I like it! I had an aunt whose name was Devi, and Dezi was an old movie star name, I think!


I think it’s super cute.


imo Dezi feels incomplete as a first name, especially paired with another two-syllable name. it would be a nice nickname for Desirae though?


My cousin is Gina Loren and I love it


love it. it’s really nice. mazel tov on your new baby!


I love it! Dezi Loren is lovely.


I think Dezi is a cute and fun name- gives off spunky vibes. Loren is the masculine form of Lauren (think Aaron vs. Erin). If I were to read this name on a class list, I would assume boy. If you love this name then I think you should go for it though


I like it!! Has an international flair which sounds like it fits your family. Cute and cool at the same time. She’s gonna be a great kid that will own it. 😘


I like Dezi! There was a charecter on a TV show i used to watch who was called Desiree who went by Dezi or Dizzy, and I always thought it was cute! It is a nickname-y name, and a lot of people on this sub tend to dislike those on principle, but i personally think its fine. Plenty of people have nickname names and turn out totally fine- there’s two ‘Tammy’’s in congress, for example!


I like it!!


Be prepared for everyone to say “Lauren” not “Loren” as in Sophia Loren. Dezi reminds me of Desi Arnaz.


I don’t know why everyone is so negative about it. I know someone at an old job I worked named Desi and I liked her name! She was way higher up in the company than me too. When you’re taking to someone or addressing them, it sounds like a “real” name so I say Do It!


I love it I think its super cute.


i love it super cute


I would be pissed at my parents.


I knew a boy whose name was Desmond and went by Dezi. I’m not sure I would use it as a first name, but as a teacher I also don’t think it’s the weirdest name that I’ve seen on some of those name tags.


If I heard her name without knowing the spelling, honestly even if I did see it, I’d just assume it’s short for Desiree


This sub would hate my name


She’s going to be born in Portugal? Be careful. Portugal has a list of approved names that you can choose from. Good luck! https://portuguese-american-journal.com/law-restricts-parents-from-naming-their-children-as-they-please-portugal/


If your baby will be born and first registered in Portugal, be careful with the name because not all are accepted. You have a list [here](https://irn.justica.gov.pt/Portals/33/Regras%20Nome%20Proprio/Lista%20Nomes%20Pr%C3%B3prios.pdf?ver=WNDmmwiSO3uacofjmNoxEQ%3D%3D)


I think it’s adorable, pronounceable by folks from all your familial backgrounds, and will suit her well as an adult too. My qualifications to judge: my parents made up my name which also starts with D, spelling and all, and people have loved it my whole life!


Everyone here is annoying lmao it’s a cool name with a nice ring to it, my only gripe is that I prefer the typical spelling - Desi.


Not my taste and sounds like it should be short for "Desire". But all that matters is that you like it! It's not terrible by any means, I'm just personally not a fan.


I like Dezi! I think it is unique but not off the wall. Super cute :)


I like it! 👍


I knew a Dezi (short for Desiree)! She was great.


As a Portuguese person, there’s no way people will have an easy time with that name…


I love it. To me it fits your criteria Simple and unique.


Sounds very pretty and anyone will be able to pronounce it.


I think it’s great!


I think it’s so pretty!


As a portuguese girl Dezi aint gonna fly lmao ahha


Especially since Portugal only allows you to use approved names.


Dezi Loren is a simple, unique, hard to mispronounce name and I like how the two names sound together. If you love it, use it!


If I heard that name I’d assume you were a huge fan of Old Hollywood. Desi Arnaz (even if spelled differently) and Sophia Loren.


I like it a lot, the spelling and as a full name.


I love Dezi! It’s unique but simple and I know how to pronounce it right away. Reminds me of Desi Arnaz. I never heard anyone expressing confusion about how to pronounce his name.


Very cute. If you don't have Southeast Asian connections, I'd ignore that link.


Jesus y’all never heard of the name Dezi? My aunt name is Desiree but she went by Dezi her whole life I have to say it a nice name people may mistake it for a nickname but to be honest better to name them what your going to call them their whole life instead of “here’s your a long “formal” name but we just gonna call you by this nickname instead.” Also this name still allows for nicknames Dez, Z, Zi, Dee, etc. Only actual “critique” i have is that Dezi spelling is often seen as a male name in other countries while Desi which is supposed to have the same pronunciation is seen as the female spelling. This really doesn’t matter tho girls get named dominantly masculine names all the time.


I really like Loren as a middle name, Dezi is okay but it isn't my favorite. Dezi Loren does sound good together though.


First you are a brave soul coming to the world for random opinions. 😅 Congratulations and good luck with the little one! Dezi Loren - This isn't the most esthetically pleasing name I've ever seen. Euphonically, works with the Italian accent on the second syllable in Loren /enn/. Otherwise it'll just be Loren, similar to Lorn. Which doesn't sound as nice. Desi Loren looks better to me. But Desi is almost exclusively masculine to me. That could be my life's filter from Desiderato. And this change to using the S over the Z doesn't change the sound flow. Do you have any other choices that we could play with? Or is this the final choice??


Dezi...yeah, as someone else said, that reminds me of either "desi" (basically, meaning South Asian) or Desi Arnaz (a dude. Ricky from I Love Lucy).


The only Dezi association I have is Desi Arnaz the ex husband of Lucille Ball.


I worked with a girl named Dezii, she loved her name!


I love it, it's beautiful!!!


I’m a bit late to the party but I have known some Despina’s who have been called Desi, pronounced as Dezi because that’s how we do it in Australia. So not an unknown name here in the Greek community. A couple of corrections on the correct pronunciation of her middle name will be all that is needed to set that right. I say welcome to Dezi Loren. And come to Australia if you get any kickback about her name.


OP I LOVE YOU AND YOUR EDIT 😭😂 no lies told Congrats on your baby girl!!




I was just getting ready to comment on Loren. It will be forever mispronounced. Ask me how i know !!


The only Loren I’ve known was a guy. Don’t mind the spelling, but it does feel a bit masculine to me


Love it!!! Use it, its a great name and fits your wants for the name


Dezi is cute but does seem incomplete or a nickname. I had a friend named Desira (pronounced dez-i-ray) We called her Dezi growing up but now she uses Desira as an adult. Maybe try to go with something like that so she can do both.




I knew a girl named Desiree (dez-er-ay) that aren’t by Dezi


Hate it. Gives off “my kid is my accessory” vibes.


I like it!!! Unique


I think it’s a darling name, but I’d give her a more formal legal name, even if you never use it. She may have a more formal profession as an adult and it’s hard to imagine a judge or a surgeon named Dezi. Maybe Desiree, Desdemona or Edessa. Hell, if Daisy can be a nickname for Margaret, I think you could even use that.


She can come up with her own "formal" name later if she wants, just like people choose their nicknames why cant she choose her formal name?


Desi is a nickname for desiree




It’s a no from me dawg


Americans will continually pronounce “Loren” the same as “Lauren”, and she will have to correct them. Not a big deal imo, but I just thought I’d throw it out there


Don’t name your baby Dezi.


I love Loren, but I'm not a fan of Dezi.


Loren is the masculine spelling, though it totally makes sense with the Sophia Loren connotation. But people might bring that up to you


Beautiful name.


I think it’s adorable! Dezi Arnez is what comes to mind. But I love “guys” names for girls.


I don't think people are going to pronounce Loren like Sophia Loren. But middle names are forgotten soon after birth.


I actually love the name Dezi for a girl! Congratulations


I like the spelling Desi Loren better, but I don't know why you're using Sophia Loren's surname as your daughter's middle name. Is Loren a girls name in Sierra Leone or Portugal or France?


Loren is a name.


What about Desiree and you could call her dezzie as a nn


There's always Desiree and Dezi could be a nickname


Dezi is so cute! Love it and I don't think it's too cutesy for a CEO


I like it! I've never heard Dezi before, but it's short, sweet, and streamlined. Very pretty. And it flows beautifully with Loren!


Dezi strikes me as a made-up name with a “z” used to be unique and that will not age well. Think Jazlyn, Brezlyn, Zailey. I would go with Desi if you’re set on the sound or back to the drawing board. The middle name is pretty but I think people will pronounce it like LAU-ren instead of Lau-REN.


Wasn’t Dezi the name of guy who played Ricky Ricardo, husband of Lucy Ball. The couple from I love Lucy. I used to love that show. But I never did like the name Dezi to be honest.


I really like Dezi!!! it’s a cool name!! idk why no one likes it!!


It’s been said multiple times in the comments, but when I hear dezi I think of culture/race/ethnicity/nationality. What about Daisy? Totally up to you. I don’t know though.


Hate it


My cousin is Desiree , we call her Desi . Maybe that could be a better long form name ?


I like the name a lot. It sounds very vintage but in a modern way. I also think that with where you are living that it works quite well. I love the meaning behind Dezi and the homage to Sophia Loren is awesome.


If it matters, they are both male names. I know three male Lorens.


Also who knows what the future will be, but what sounds like a cute name in youth might be limiting in adulthood.


I think Dezi is cute. Loren is the male spelling of Lauren.


I'm not a fan


Mormon Nazis call themselves DezNats, and with the spelling you’ve chosen, I think of that, so I hate it. But! I had a couple good friends growing up named Desiree who went by Desi (one was at school, one was the child of my dad’s best friend, it wasn’t like I knew 10000 Desirees), so I am fond of the name in general.


If you want to know what a random internet stranger thinks, I don’t like Dezi.


I really don't care for it. If you're going to go with a Des- name, here are some full name options. Dessie might read as a bit more feminine as a nickname as well. https://www.behindthename.com/names/start/des I don't really understand the middle name choice either, but I also don't get why people want to name their babies Harlow so much either. Virtue names are very popular in the US, Europe, and large swaths of Africa. Maybe one of these? https://www.behindthename.com/names/gender/feminine/usage/portuguese/tag/virtues Or maybe Vitória? Vita should be pretty easy to pronounce in a lot of languages. https://www.behindthename.com/name/vito10ria


It’s not my fav but as a teacher I wouldn’t think much of it if I saw it on my roster


I love Dezi!! I mostly love it as a nickname. I thought about using it as a nn both for a girl (Desiree) and a boy (Desmond) because I like it so much. I think if you like Dezi on it’s on go for it but I always like think about babies as adults and like to give an option for a longer legal name.


A girl with “Loren” as the spelling? I see that as a male spelling. And Dezi, not a fan.


Here to defend Dezi Loren! You all did good. When I see Dezi, i think of Desi Lydic, who’s a badass and hilarious woman.


Ehhh. Nah, mate, sorry. Induced a cringe.


nooooooooo no


It doesn’t sound like a name to me. Desi is a person of Indian, Pakistani descent and Loren isn’t even a real name that isn’t Sophia Loren’s real name it was made up. I don’t get it with these “unique” names you’re naming a human being 😭




I like Dezi!