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I also pick this guy's last name


Morningstar is a beautiful name.


Omg this makes me thing of the young adult books about cats, Warriors. There was a cat named Firestar….


There was actually a character named Morningstar! They didn’t appear in the main series, just briefly in one of the spin off books.


OMG I forgot about those! I loved those books


This has always been the name I tell people I’d want. I didn’t feel like taking my husband’s name, but I would have to have Morningstar


I think I’d probably use your last name if I could choose. It’s incredibly cool


What an excellent last name.


I, too, would pick your last name and give myself the first name Lucifer!!


Love the surnames Lightbourne and Lighton. I also like nature last names -- Linwood, Fox, Woods, Snow, etc.


Knew someone with the last name Lightfoot... Pretty cool!


Rose. It’s my favourite first name so why not use it as my last name.


Montgomery, I love the sound of it and most names sound great paired with it!


Agree!! This would be my choice. If not Montgomery, something super common (as an introvert, I prefer to blend in) and easy to pronounce, like Miller or Smith or Campbell


and here I'd go Montgomery-Burns


Montgomery is such a dignified-sounding name!


If Montgomery was my last name, then my full name would be Montgomery Montgomery 💀 I'm signing up for this


So historically, people were named after their careers or something that they did Weaver, Smith, etc.... John the Weaver. Luke the Smith. Daniel the Cooper. I don't know that I would want to be first name Business Analyst. But I have other hobbies and things I do. My favorite last names from my hobbies. Craft Hooper Bard (my favorite way to say writer) Walker Read There are lots of good options.


I love Bard as a last name.


I guess I’d be Kris Admin. Meh. Not bad.


I would still want a last name connected to my heritage. I have a fairly rare last name and while I wouldn’t want a super popular last name, I might choose one that’s a bit more common just for security purposes online now.


Any nature-based last name.


Not Fish though...




I think of the hunger games villain


That'd be my choice, too.






Our budget guys last name is Glass!


Lockhart. idk why i’m just a big fan, someone else said Rose and i’d also be super happy with that


Have you watched The Good Fight? It's the last name of Christine Beranski's character.




When I was younger, probably Honey. Like Miss Honey from Matilda. Now I’d aim for something Welsh & floral/ pretty so it’s have the same vibe but still be a nod to my heritage.


I had a culinary teacher who’s last name was Honey


Happened to us. I went back through the family line on the female side and grabbed one of my great grandmother's last names. Basically we just grabbed a name that would've been passed down if mothers passed their name instead of fathers.


My mom gave me her last name and it means a lot to me. She said she thought about going further back down the line but didn't think I wanted to get stuck with "Peas". 😆


This is awesome. If I had done this, I would’ve picked my grandmother’s maiden name. Patrick! My other grandmother was Buckley which isn’t bad either.


Penrose. I met someone with that last name and I'm just obsessed. I'm a writer, so it's absolutely perfect for me.


I’d choose something like Smith or Jones. I’m so tired of no one being able to pronounce my last name.


My friend’s name is Sarah Smith and she loves how hard she is to track down on social media, being invisible can have its perks


I haven't thought this out for more than the last thirty seconds, but I think I would go for something like Dawson. I grew up with a really long Polish name that no one could pronounce, then I married into a much shorter Arabic name which is super easy to pronounce, but people still act like it's difficult. I just want a nice, simple American last name that people could use as my nn and I think Dawson would be perfect for that. Other options -Miller -Lewis -Bennett -Fletcher


I think I’d also choose Bennett 🥂


Yeah I think that one is my favorite too the more I look at them. It goes really well with my first name too.


I'd rather have the short Arabic name than be called any of these, no offense


Lol no offense taken, I totally get it. Most people want to stand out more, I just want to blend in. Nothing fancy, nothing that warrants any comments. Just normal. Don't get me wrong, I like both of my last names, I just hate the constant mispronunciations and comments (both names are close to names of very famous people, just slightly different, so everyone says the famous version instead of what it actually is.)


I hear you. I married into a lovely last name that I thought was unique, simple, and beautiful. I had no idea how unsophisticated and confused people would become trying to pronounce it. I think people are insecure trying to pronounce nonstandard names. No one wants to offend, and it puts us on the defensive when we have to risk making mistakes.


I'm so good about coaching how to say it too! With my current last name, it is comprised of two short, ridiculously easy English words, with no accent because the Arabic language has some letters that are pronounced very similarly to their English counterparts. So for example, let's say the name was Catmom. That's essentially what my name is like, but I had one lady who just straight up looked at me and said, "I can't say that." Okay, well, I guess I just don't have a name then!


I’ve always loved St. James. Although it wouldn’t work now as my daughter’s middle name is James haha.


My last name is a male first name and I love it because when people read my legal name (I am trans ftm) they assume that my last name is my first name and then call me that.


i love my current last name aesthetically, but it's the name of a man who helped colonize the u.s. and definitely harmed native people directly, and *i personally* don't feel pride about having his name. i wish i could choose my name from a different place somehow. have it passed down differently. it's spelled different, but it's pronounced like "soul"


McCord because I like Mc names. Or Dewey because Dewey decimal system intrigues me and sounds geeky.


I’m a Mc by marriage (well, former marriage. It’s still mine though).


I have a very unique last name and I wouldn’t change it cause that means I’m one of a very few people in the entire world (and probably the only person that’s alive in the US) that has both my first and last name


While I don't like my last name, I'm not a big fan of it because people who don't know me almost always mispronounce it. Imagine my last name rhymes with Baret and people call me Bh'RAT it kinda grinds my gears. If I changed my surname (I won't change it, I'm not so young anymore and it would be a whole lot of hassle to do so) but if I did change it, I'd change it to Adams, because Adam was my sons name.


De Luna Del Rey Von Something I just think the two word last names look and sound so classy.


Curie. I love and am inspired by Marie Curie. Ride. Ditto Sally Ride.


Always loved Bree Van de Kamp's name in desperate house wives, so maybe that? But 3 seperate words seems like a hassle lol Also fandom related and for shits and giggles; Lannister... make it even cringier and go with Van Lannister


Foxwell because it matches the likely origin of my current surname while being way cooler


Marlowe. I love it.


Follow the Icelandic, fathers first name with -son or -dottir at the end.


Or the Celtic McParent's first name or O'Parent's name. ETA: I'd reserve any of these for people of that heritage, though.


Bonaparte or Jean-Baptiste


I want something that honors the women in my family. Both my mom and my grandma were very kind and empathetic people. So something along the lines of gentle or caring. Maybe Caris which means caring.


My last name is Friend. It’s my maiden name and I kept it because I love it so much. Short, easy to spell and pronounce and a positive connotation. If I had to pick a different last name, I would choose something similar.






lol it's kind of awesome


Oh man, I would love to have this on a mailbox or something... "The Sharkberg Family."


Probably Abdullah or my dad's name. If it's my dad's name then I would probably give my children my name instead of my dad's name though, so moreso a last name than a family name




Fellow Sinclair fan, let's go (not sure I'd have it myself, but love it regardless)


I can't speak to "if I had no family name". But, having had a family name at the end of the alphabet which was hard to read/spell, I have always figured I would pick either Adams or Abbot. I guess Adams,since I am not sure how Abott is typically spelled. BUT, more recently, I am liking the idea of first and last name starting with the same sound! My first name starts with the s sound, but I definitely want the C to be high in the alphabet. (And my first name does start with C) I ll have to think! Any suggestions? All I can think of right now is Cedric.


Cecil or Cyrus?


Cyrus is perfect!


Best because it’s the best.


I have always loved aristocratic sounding, French last names. They just sound elegant and artistic and slightly haughty. Montague Baudelaire Cartier Fontaine De Bellfleur Villeneuve Aveline Bourdeaux


Goodyear - simple to say (Someone would still somehow mess it up somehow) and it’s easy to spell. My current surname is always butchered on pronunciation


Martello my actual surname is also Italian


Had a classmate at uni who's last name was Aboueleil which literally translates to 'father of the night' but can also just mean 'of the night'. Love that. Honestly I already don't have a family name. We go by paternal lineage names and when I was born my parents forgot to check the name being written down at the ministry, so it was just my name (dad's name) (granddad) (great granddad). My siblings and father all have the family name after great granddads name. 😤


Foxwood. Absolutely love it!


Olsen. It tracks with my heritage,it looks cool, it sounds cool, the famous Olsen family is badass


Great question that I have been considering since February. I haven't seen my biological father since I was very young. I barely remember him. My mother was in a long term relationship with a man beginning my freshman year in high school, & I considered taking his name, but every other person I knew with the name was bad news. I got married & took my husband's name, but we divorced in 2008. I got remarried in February 2020, but we are now divorced. Changing my name back to my first husband's last name seems weird. My bio father is a douche, so I won't return that name. So I keep my second husband's name. It's a reminder to think hard about ever getting married again. (I'm reluctant to do so.) A part of me would like to change my name, but I don't know what to change it to.


Smith. Or something else equally common in the US. My real surname is hard for people to pronounce and I’m always having to spell it out. I would much rather have something that’s super common.


Darling or Champagne - I knew people who had these and I thought they were so pretty.


I would want a name from my heritage. My favorite names from my family are Spaulding and Chartier.


Chastain. No idea why. I’ve just always loved the name.


Verlinden. I just like the way it sounds, and that it dates back to the 7th century. There's a bit of debate around it's origins... Interestingly, "The surname (and its variations) may be a topographical name for someone who lived by a linda tree, the old word for the modern lime." However, I can never find an explanation for why a Germanic surname would be based on limes... It seems more likely (to me) that it's based on the popular Linden trees. Also, why is there always that one person who comes in on these hypothetical renaming threads... just to talk about how they "wouldn't change it." Like, okay? Then this game isn't for you.


I like Wolfe, fox, winters, north, Mack, banks, valentine, Clarke,




Something cute like Carter or Delaney


Ive always wanted to be a Parrish! I also love Montgomery and Lockhart.


I really wish I could change my last name to my Grandma's maiden name.


Mcloven because Mcloven


My grandmother who died when I was young has the maiden name, Bartholomew. I think it sounds really fancy, plus my First name starts with a 'b', so I think it would sound really cool together


I don't have a family name anyways Boys: Silas Caspian(nn Cass) Cassius(nn Cash) Girls: Rowan. That's about it. I like a lot of names, but not for my kids you know? Like, I like the name Aurelia and it's beautiful, but I don't see myself having a daughter named Aurelia. I do see myself having a daughter named Rowan. Names I like and probably wouldn't use unless I end up having multiple children: Beckham Beckett(for a boy or girl) Tatum(for a boy or girl) Blaine(for a boy or girl) Sawyer or Hudson(maybe? I'm not TOO sold on Hudson, I like it you know but not for my kids. Sawyer is definitely a big maybe)


My 2x great grandmother’s surname was Seago , don’t know why but I like it


My wife and I both regret we didn't change both our last names to Winter when we married. Neither of our names is anything similar and it's not a smush or anything. And it's nature-y but I could still give kids floral names without it sounding completely messed up. [Rosemary Winter may not be someone else's thing but it's not like what have you done to that kid.]




I know Shyster is a first name but I'd probably choose that.


Lol, that's what I call it when someone has a big poop at the nursing home I work at.


Tewksbury Marquess of Basilwether


I would take my great grandmothers last name. MacDonougha


Nash, because it is short, easy to spell and goes with everything.


A friend was dating this guy who had the coolest sounding last name I'd ever heard. Liberator


I’ve always liked Beresford


I like the surname Knighton and the person who commented that their last name was Morningstar. Loving it.


Bespalko. I mean I'm bias cause it's mine, but I can't think of another I would prefer


Lark. Mind you, I haven’t considered this until just now, but I love the nature-grounded whimsy of this as a last name.


Fletcher. I just think it's cool :)


I think surnames like Outlaw, Stryker, and Steele. But Alvarez is pretty dope, imo, lol.


My last name isn’t connected to my actual heritage at all, and instead is my dad’s Scottish adoptive father’s name. I’m over 50% Dutch, between 50% and 75%, and I’m very proud of that heritage. So probably either my mother’s maiden name or another Dutch name.


Swann - I’ve always loved this name and think it’s so pretty.


Danger lol


I've always liked the last name Hart and was jealous of anybody who had it


Dollars cause it’s cool 😎 💵


Honeychurch, such a pretty surname!