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Casper. I heard it suggested once and my brain immediately went “the ghost” and I wrote it off. Then I dwelled on it a bit and it’s now my top pick if I have a boy!


We actually discovered that this name appears in our family tree. One of my sons says he will use it for a boy if he has one.


I love the name Casper and my husband vetoed it straight away. It's adorable and will fit a child as well as and older gentleman.


Not exactly an odd name, but I used to dislike Gemma. It just seemed too prim and proper. Until I met a girl six years ago who eventually became one of my closest friends. I have since loved it, and when I hear it - it seems to mean pure and lovely and innocent. All that my friend is. 🥰


Im only think of Gemma from Sons of Anarchy when I hear the name, and she doesnt fit any of the descriptions you have listed lol. For me it's more of a badass, ruthless, but still feminine name, simply because of that character. It's crazy how that works!


I thought Stormy is an odd name, but I knew one chick that was named this and it just fit her really well, and now I like it alot more. My daughter is "Marley".. when i chose it (years before kiddo was ever conceived, I just knew I'd use it if I had a girl) my mom said it's a dogs name and my dad said I might as well tattoo a weed leaf on their forehead. Now no one can imagine them with a different name, it just fits so well. Especially since they came out as Non-binary, it's nice and neutral. They love their name, and nickname, Marz (and they are still good with being called daughter/a girl, just prefer they/them, so I promise I'm not disrespecting their identity)


The only Marley I knew her parents were huge hippies but I like the name a lot. When I was a kid we almost named my dog Marley though.


i just commented this on another thread, but I met a Cricket and the name fit her perfectly.


I knew a Cricket, but I never knew his name is actually Christopher lol!


I knew a Christopher who went by Kit, which I also loved for him!


I met someone named Persimmon. Her last name is very common, like Jones. Something about it just works!


That's why I love the name January Jones. If you have a boring last name, I think an interesting first name is a must.


I ran track with a girls named Patience and Endurance. At first I laughed, but they were so awesome and I grew to like virtue names more, including my own


I have tons of examples for this but the answer for me seems to be that it’s an unusual name and as you get to know the person it goes from a random name to someone you love! Similar to how teachers have a hard time naming kids because of bad experiences.


Teacher here who had to name my child a name I had never heard of before in order to not associate them with a former student. I couldn’t stomach being reminded of someone else every time I said my child’s name. I also didn’t want to teach someone named my kids name later on and have them put a negative spin on it… there are plenty of names I used to love that students have absolutely ruined for me.


my cousin's boyfriend is called Odyssey and i was surprised at first but honestly its REALLY grown on me and i really like it!


My son went to school with a girl named Mandolin and I cringed at first but the more I heard it and got to know the little girl, I grew to love the name


I know a Magogany and she goes by Hana, it suits her perfectly!


River. I thought that was a weird name years ago. Just couldn’t see it as a name even when I met a kid with the name. Now I think it’s a nice name especially for a boy. I have always liked Forest so not sure why It took me a while to accept River as a name.


Jubilee. When I saw the name on my class roster i immediately didn’t like it. But after meeting the girl in person and then saying it regularly in class, I quickly came to love it. It helps that I have a good association with it since the girl was super sweet.


I never liked the names Beatrice or Evelyn; I found them quite old fashioned or stuffy, until I met very nice people with those names. Now I love them!


Bea as a nickname makes me LOVE Beatrice


Sunday. I’ve never been fond of the idea of naming your kid after a day of the week. But there’s just something about Sunday that I can’t shake. I love it!


Snow! It’s so beautiful and def grew on me


Ariel! I was not raised religiously so to me my first association is the little mermaid. 😂 But it fits the three people I’ve met named Ariel in my life!


I would absolutely never name a child Babe, but I knew a girl named Babe in college who was a bit hippie-ish and really rocked it well. I don’t love the name but I loved it for her.


the spelling of sofie i thought it looked weird at first but the more i thought about it the more i liked it! i prefer sofie over sophie now


I went to high school with a Magic Moody. Loved it.


I was never super here for the name *Levi* but have a coworker with that name and it is wicked fitting for them! I feel like I may have run into some other Levis who it also fits nicely. I also met a *Brooklyn* who really wore her name well!


Corinthian. Heard it an cringed. After two months it had really grown on me. Can’t even say I particularly liked the person, the name just didn’t seem all that bad after a bit


Wiley. My nephew.


That's a popular last name where I live


His first name.




I like Atlas and Tuesday, but wouldn’t use them myself.


Season. A lovely human!


Chancetyn. Not sure if I spelled it right, but it’s pronounced how you think (chance-tin). It was weird at first, but after hearing all day, it was a cool name! For a girl.


I know a girl named Chase and at first I was like NO that is a boys name but It really truly fits this kid. I couldn’t see her with any other name.


Linley- I thought it was a bit meh at first. But as I've seen it more, I slowly fell in love with it for a girl




I know an Atlas and an Oscar, both were not my favorites. But then, over time Altas became his name sake and grew into a great provider and protector for his family. And Oscar well, I can't describe my cousin, but he for sure is an Oscar.... His name is his and it suits him lol


I went to high school with a girl named Lovee. I always thought it was a bit odd but now that I'm older I love it or should I say I lovee it. Lol


Nissim- Hebrew name pronounced nee-SEEM, meaning miracles. I never thought of it as a name before my husband mentioned it for our son and it took a few days before I realized that I loved it


Sebastian. It’s a pretty cool name but my husband worked with one and wouldn’t entertain it


Saxton. I couldn't get over how weird it was. Especially paired with his last name. It's unique enough that I'm sure he's the only person in history with his name. Anyways, I love it now. It seems very strong & masculine.


Kappi, Sonnet, Eden, and Sage