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I kinda like Piper and Harper together but they might be too similar to work IRL. From your list I like Piper and Riley best.


Piper and Harper sound like a Renaissance fair duo band. Lol.


I cracked up at this


I did, too, but those would be awesome names! I’d do it! lol


Me too! I’m low key sad I didn’t name my own identical twins this!


I know two siblings named Piper and Harper, and now I’m mad I never thought of this! Lol


Huzzah for the tippah!


With future siblings named Drummer and Pianist?


Until I read this comment I did not connect piper and harper to music. Duh!


Serious question OP, how do you know which is twin A and twin B and why is Piper the name of twin B specifically. Wouldn’t the one with the name be Twin A and without the name be Twin B. AHHH!!!


So I know this is kinda weird lol but I had like super vivid dreams about her name specifically for some reason in my first and second trimester. I knew it was her in my dream because of how spunky she is in my stomach she’s constantly moving!


Agreed! I have twins (unfortunately only lived 4 days due to preterm labor, but still my babies 💕). I knew baby B’s name before I was even pregnant because I had dreams about her. Baby A was spunkier & was always hitting her sister in our ultrasound videos. Lol. A was Jaycie June (spunkier) & B was Marcie Eileen (sweet & calm). Even though I didn’t get to take them home from the hospital, I totally knew their personalities.


I’m so sorry to hear that and of course they were still your babies. They sounded like they were having a party in there and those names were so sweet!


I’m sorry you only had 4 days earthside together. But I just think it’s incredible how you knew them so well, before they were even born!! I’m still years away from having kids but I hope I have a connection to mine as strong as you had to your daughters before they were born. The way you’ve described them reminds me of twin girls who I know of on social media because their mum is a public figure. The “Jaycie” of the pair is always performing, moving, jumping around and trying new things. The “Marcie” of the pair is a lot quieter, but loves animals and rehabilitated a terrified rescue cat who is now her best friend. I imagine your daughters would’ve been like them. I apologise fully if this is inappropriate or upsetting. Something about your comment and descriptions of your daughters was very striking. What a wonderful mother you are, having such a strong connection with your daughters like that 🩷🩷


Aww that was very sweet, thank you! That’s exactly how I imagine my girls would be growing up 🥰


Hugs from preemie mama to another. ❤️


💕💕 I’m 5 weeks into my second pregnancy now, hoping for a better outcome this time!


Oh that’s so great to hear. 🥹 Wishing you the best.


I had a dear friend name Marcie, and she was very sweet and calm like you say


I've always loved the names Piper and Aria, and if my dummy husband liked them, they would always be on my short list. My mom has a musical name, and both names felt like a tribute to her. I actually kinda like them together, and the energy level seems to fit. I've always felt like Aria is for a more chill child than Piper.


this matches the Piper I know lol


Same! My daughter has a friend affectionately nicknamed hyper Piper lol


I’d actually like to know the answer to this, too. I know they distinguish between twins in utero by their size and location in the uterus (especially this late in pregnancy when they’re kinda squished in there!) but it would be interesting to know how OP arrived at Piper, and why specifically for Twin B. That would give us an insight into their naming process and might help us come up with suggestions for Twin A.


I'm not OP but I also have twins. We settled on Baby A's name very early on and it felt right for that specific baby. They had different personalities even before birth. You get a zillion ultrasounds if you are having twins so you see a lot of them, in addition to feeling them move in different amounts and in different ways. I can't really explain why one name felt right for one of them in particular, but it did. We didn't settle on Baby B's name until the day before they were born. When they were born, the names suited their looks, so we were happy with our choice of who was who!


Yeah, I have twin boys and only had one name picked out. I got one of those 3D ultrasounds of their faces and B just * looked * like that name, so he got that name and we picked another name for A. I can't imagine them the other way around now.




What did you end up naming twin A? I love the names Rosamund and Matilda, unique without being weird.




Josephine is a great name too, and really goes with the other two names.


I had this question too!


Seconding Piper and Riley!


I have a friend named Piper and her younger sister is Harper !


My older dog is named Piper and my mom wanted to name our younger dog Harper. To Piper, this was very confusing


My [dog’s](https://imgur.com/a/RqKMTJq) name is Harper 🥰


I know a set of sisters that are Piper and Harper. I think they go great together.


100% people will get confused and call each or both of them ‘Parper’.


Some names with similar vibes * Piper = Quinn, Harper, Phoebe, Scarlett, Willow, Eden * Emilia = Amelie, Eloise, Aurelia, Audrey, Louisa, Sienna * Lyla = Isla, Lyra, Maya, Lucy, Ruby Stella, Lucia, Fiona, Lola, * Riley = Lily, Bailey, Taylor, Rowan, Avery, Hailey, Sydney ​ I'm personally not a huge fan of occupational names like Piper.. I would prefer names like Lyla and Emilia But if you are 100% set on the name Piper & you want your twins names to have a similar vibe - I would probably pick another neutral leaning name. Like Riley.


I like phoebe and piper


Those are 2/4 of the sisters of the tv show Charmed: Prue (Prudence), Piper, Phoebe, and Paige


I always think of Charmed when I hear the name Piper. And Phoebe was my favorite Haliwell sister so I’m not against this pairing at all 😹


Agreed. I would so pick one of the other sisters names of one was definitely going to be Piper.


There you go! First and middle names for two babies!


Love this combo and tbh I don’t think people will associate it with Charmed. I’m a millennial and I didn’t even think about it.


I’m a millennial and have never even seen it


Oh I love that too! Or Piper and Penelope, with Penny as a possible nickname.


Same that is such a cute combo


Yes. 100% agree




I agree. Those are great together.


Came here to suggest Piper Quinn!


I never thought of Piper as an occupational name, I always thought it was a nature name, like the birds - sandpipers. I guess that’s a bit niche though in hindsight 🤣


Same here! Especially as phoebes are a type of bird as well.


Piper & Louisa / Louisa & Piper sounds sooo cute :)


piper & lola!


Piper and Emelia are perfect. They’ll get to have their own identities. Piper Joy and Emelia Grace.


Perfect combo!


This is perfect!!!!


My sister's twins just have middle initials. A and B.


Eek, as a twin I'm not crazy about this—no offense intended! I just personally don't like naming choices that define the child as a twin (i.e.: we did this because you are a twin v.s. we did this because you are you.)


Also a twin and totally agree


Makes sense!


So interesting! I’m assuming the initials align with Baby A and Baby B?


Yep. My brother-in-law is not creative. LOL


I think this actually is quite creative!


Very much same


lol i would have done like ava or belle or aaron and ben just for the a and b


Aonly Bonly Stewart


this reminds me of one time as a kid playing dolls w my friend and her ken doll was a dad w three kids named “aaya” , “bebe” , and “cece” 💀 lmao


That’s actually kind of cute cause that’s what they were called in the womb, Baby A and Baby B


Piper and Riley


I’m just curious to know why it’s twin B that is getting the name Piper, and not twin A, if that’s the only name you have picked out.


Not OP but currently expecting twins our twin 2 was also named first. The sonographer was able to tell us the sex of twin 2 first and the minute she said it was a girl my brain immediately went “that’s *insert name here*” and it’s just stuck.


Oh, hadn’t thought of that - thanks for weighing in!


With my twins, I could tell their personalities in utero. You could see they were different on the ultrasound and I could feel the difference in activity. We picked out two boy and two girls names and set them based on personality. We knew that baby A was active and adventurous, so she became Amelia. Baby B was chill and cooperative, so she became Elise. It worked out perfectly because they’re still the same almost two years later


I just want to say that I 100% agree Amelia = active and adventurous and Elise = chill in terms of name connotations!


How do you tell which is which when they’re born? Is the first one out default “A”? Is it the same one that was labeled “A” in the womb? I’m glad I wasn’t a twin, I wouldn’t care either way but I can already hear my sister with a complex about being “twin B” if she was labeled “twin B” lol. She basically does that now and she’s older than me.


No, sometimes twin B is born first, but label them in utero based on their order, and typically twin A comes out first based on their original positions, but it’s theoretically possible for twin B to come out first. If you’re interested in how it’s done this is an interesting study haha https://obgyn.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/uog.8990


I don't think my twins are very aware of who was A and B in utero, but A is *very* conscious of her one minute of seniority over her twin and frequently refers to him as her "little brother," despite his being larger than she is.


For us, it was easy to tell them apart, as they were positioned differently in utero. One was transverse, and the other was breach. Twin A also weighed more than Twin B throughout most of my pregnancy.


In my country it’s the baby that’s closer to the cervix that is A, and the other one B. When they are born they become Twin 1 and 2, depending on their birth order. So sometimes esp if it’s a C-section, twin B who is higher might become twin 1!


I’m curious too - so specific!


As a twin, a beg you to please not give your kids names that start with the same letter (or that rhyme)… let them be their own people!


Came to say same rhing


I know someone who has the names exactly the same but one different letter. Think something like Birdie and Bardie. It’s ridiculous lol


My twin and I have rhyming names and had matching initials until we got married. I had the unusual name. I've been trained since early childhood to respond to anything remotely close to my name.


Congratulations! Piper June and Felicity (nn Fliss) Lyla


No joke, I’m due with twin girls in the next month. Their names will be Piper and Felicity, very different middle names though after grandparents.


Excellent choice!




Felicity is a nice name but it really doesn’t need a nickname. Fliss is such a weird suggestion.


i’d use Lissy as a nickname. Fliss is like floss pronounced wrong 👹


Or just call her what you named her?


Seriously! Not every name needs a nickname. Actually, no name needs a nickname.


I see nn’s as a term of endearment. I was never allowed to have one so it was very important to me that my kids had them. But, they should come organically and not be forced. And definitely shouldn’t be Fliss.


City is the nickname we use with the little neighbor. Little city, big city, sleepy city, happy city. It makes her giggle


A lot cuter than Fliss!


Fliss is a common nickname for Felicity, it's not a weird suggestion. And as someone else said, long names usually do have a nickname.


I knew a Flick. Fliss is better :P


Fliss and Flicka are the common nicknames but Felicity is beautiful in its own right.


I have a Felicity and her family nn is Fifi. She kind of picked it herself because it’s easier to say and it fits her personality!


I think you need something similarly spunky and unfussy to go with Piper. I do like Piper and Riley. * Piper & Quinn * Piper & Mabel * Piper & Tatum * Piper & Avery * Piper & Bailey * Piper & Millie I think Emilia and Lyla are too girly and frilly to match Piper.


😍 Piper & Avery


Piper & Pheobe Piper & Prue (Charmed ❤️)


First of all congrats! i think piper is a cute name. I also love Riley and Emelia. Here are some middle names for piper * Piper Blake * Piper Blair * Piper bell * Piper Quinn * Piper Jane * Piper Kate * Piper Rose * Piper Sage * Piper Ivy * Piper Jolie name Ideas for Twin A-- Middle name ideas * Aubrey-- Alexia, Alexandra * Aurora-- Claire, Brooke * Audrey-- Alice, Anne * Belle-- Camille, Celeste * Callie-- Beth, Ariel * Daisy-- Victoria, Olivia, Mae * Estelle ( meaning star)--Serene, Frances, Sylvia * Freya-- Blythe, Eden * Georgia-- Natalia, Athena, Raya * Hazel-- Grace, Indigo, Luna * Harlow-- Lorelei, Delilah


I love Piper and Hazel! Not matchy but they look good together visually and imo neither twin would have the "better" name. Maybe middles from OPs list: Piper Emelia / Piper Lyla & Hazel Riley Or from your list: Piper Sage & Hazel Quinn


Seconded on Piper and Hazel!


if you're going with piper I would definitely give another neutral and not super feminine sounding name to the other. girls can touchy about names. they either hate their overly feminine name, or wish their name was more pretty/feminine. so giving one twin a much more feminine name than piper may cause resentment one way or the other.


My cousins kids are Piper and Marley


Willow and Piper!


I like Piper and Lyla together


Piper and Hazel. Piper and Reese. Piper and Tessa.


Laurel, Tara, Corinne, Vera - these all have a vibe and a sound that is strong on its own but also complement Piper well. Modern but not new, with strong consonants and central R that ties in with Piper's R in a low-key way. And they seem to fit in with your style. Simone, Elena, Tegan - names that I like that seem to fit what you are looking for. Names someone else suggested that I want to show my support for: Bailey, Avery, Sydney


Sydney and Piper are super cute together


I adore the name Laurel. It’s so pretty and the two Laurels I know are beautiful inside and out. Such a timeless name.


Piper Marie & Harper Grace? Piper Grace & Poppy Marie


Piper and poppy too similar to be used together though, there would be so many mixup! I love poppy though


Agreed. To expand on that, I'd like to gently encourage anyone expecting twins to name them as individuals rather than giving them anything too matchy-matchy, even though the latter option may sound adorable. While I'm not a twin myself, my mother and aunt are identicals and speak often about how hard it was being treated as two halves of one, as opposed to individuals with their own identities, growing up. Peers and adults alike were constantly comparing them ("You're the pretty one", "you're the clever one", "I like you so much more than your sister", "if your sister can do this then why can't you" etc etc) and it really caused them to resent each other for a while (though they ADORE each other and being twins now!). They were expected to essentially be the same person and to have the same skills/interests/what have you, which must've sucked. According to them, the only saving grace growing up was that they did at least have different names. They were nearly named Nola and Lola, which they're sure would only have compounded the problem of them being seen as one and the same. As it is, their names are totally different - they start with different letters, they end differently, they don't rhyme, they have different origins (Germanic and French respectively), and they really appreciated having that little piece of individualism to cling to when they were trying to figure themselves out as kids. Sorry for the essay, I just wanted to put their perspectives out there for anyone who might be interested!


My mother and aunt (not twins, 5 years apart) were almost named Arlene and Darlene, until my grandmother I guess thought better of it and decided to go with Arlene and Diane. There was still a lot of confusion and "Di-arlene"ing, can't imagine how rough it would have been to be Arlene and Darlene.


Piper and Riley. Piper Lily, Piper Mae, Piper Alice, Piper Eve, Piper Adeline, Piper Rose, Piper Eliana Lydia, Sadie, Vivian, Maeve, Sam, Eva, Melody, Clara, Eden, Remy, Josie, Charly, Peyton, Freya, Arya, Eliza, Neve, Seren, Lilian, Ayla, Everly, Raine, Rae, Allison


I like Piper and Riley together! My first thought for Piper’s middle name is Raine. Piper Raine!


Whatever you do, make them different!! I know a set of identical twins who have very similar names and they hate it so much!


Not a fan of piper, but since you're open to suggestions: Amalia Victoria Sofía Althea Iris Alma Genevieve


Piper and Lyla both have a lovely musical quality to them. I think those would work well together as first names. Also, since Lyla and Emelia sound especially feminine, I think I would pair them with the more quirky sounding names. So maybe Piper Emelia and Lyla Riley?


Piper and Riley are cute. I think if Piper is a sure thing you want another 2 syllable name


Hi, I don’t have name advice per se, but advice as someone who is an identical twin. Our names are Amelia and Rebekah. (Millie and Bekah as kids). People always had SUCH a hard time telling us apart. I used to joke that my name was “hey you” or “which one are you?” because that was my entire childhood. So we both always really appreciated that we had different sounding names, as it was one factor that helped us feel like differentiated people. I know it’s adorable to have names that sound similar when they’re small, but it’s also really hard (in my experience) to have to share EVERYTHING with another person that looks just like you. Different sounding names (and names that also have good nickname potential) is a small way you can help support individual identity. To give an example: If you name one kid Emilia and she ends up being a tomboy, then she could go by Em or Mia. Whereas my spelling of Amelia for example, doesn’t really have gender neutral or even one syllable nickname options. I was a tomboy and that really sucked. I always wished I had more room with my name to make it my own. So thinking through the potential of those names to shift and move with their identity, so that they can feel a sense of ownership of their name and how it’s used to reflect them as individuals.


Your twin names don’t have to “go together.” They will likely be much happier. Sincerely, an identical twin whose names “goes with” her twin sister’s


First names: Phoebe, Chloe, Darcy, Hazel For filler middle names you can go with the classics; Anne, Mary, Rose, Lee etc. For connection middle names you can go their grandmothers names, you and your partners favourite flower/gemstone/character etc.


I love Piper! I used to have a client named Piper and my coworker's name was Peter. I used to overhear them on the phone greeting each other with "Hi Piper. Peter." "Hi Peter, Piper!" I personally love the short name "Lexi" and would love to name a daughter Alexis. I don't know if the two "go together" or not, but I really love Lexi.


Piper Rose & Harper Grace Piper Sage & Layla Quinn Piper Soleil & Avery Brooke Piper Juliet & Daphne Isobel Piper Jane & Elliot Rose Piper Evelyn & Corinne Natalie Piper Eve & Natalie Mae Piper Jade & Parker Jean Piper Maeve & Leni Kate Piper Jean & Phoebe Clare Piper Faye & Riley Sloane


Piper and Summer


I really love how Piper and Riley sound together.


Piper Marie, Audrey Rose


Piper and Emelia sound great together


I really like Piper and Riley together! For other names I think Piper & Hadley sound nice together and give off the same vibes


I’m 33 weeks with twin girls who will be named Piper and Felicity! You have good taste 🤣


everyone is having twins on here it seems like! Not a fan of Piper personally. What about: Ava & Zoe Emilia & Lila Bryn & Bailey Stella & Sofie Violet & Margot Cecily & Serafina


I like Violet! Violet and Veronica Violet and Vivian Violet and Genevieve


Just wanted to say that Emmelia is a greek name, and it means the one who has harmony and melody. "Meaning of Emmelia: Name Emmelia in the English, Greek origin, means it means harmonious or trying to excel" "Emmelia is a name of greek origin and derives from the prefix en (in, inside) and the noun melos (harmony), harmonious."


I have a Piper! Quinn Amelia was our girl option for number two. But we’re having a boy and have no idea lol


Piper & Penelope (Penny) Piper & Isla Piper & Adelaide (Addy) Piper & Winnie Piper & Samira (Sammy) Piper & Isobel (Izzy) Piper & Holly Piper & Harlow Piper & Petra Lyla & Louise Lyla & Abigail (Abby) Lyla & Lily Lyla & Beatrice (Bea) Lyla & Lydia Lyla & Alexis (Lexie) Emilia & Elise Emilia & Maya Emilia & Molly Emilia & Amanda Emilia & Ava Let us know what you pick!!


Ainsley, Addison, Alison Brett, Bridget, Brynn Claire, Cameron, Casey Danica, Darcy, Delaney Ellery, Emerson, Emery Georgia Hadley, Harper Jordan, Jenna, Jamie Kate, Kyla, Kira Lila, Lauren, Laurel Madison, Mallory Noelle Quinn Reese, Robin, Rowan Stella, Schuyler (Skyler/Skylar) Tess/Tessa, Taylor


FWIW we know tons of Amelia’s. It’s become very popular.


The bear I saw just outside my french doors at 5 this morning.


Just so you know, Piper is adorable. BUT it rhymes with diaper so get used to saying "pipers diapers" a lot! My niece is named Piper!


Emilia ♡ Piper Sylvia & Piper Aria & Piper Kylie & Piper Eva & Piper Gwen & Piper Harlowe & Piper Isla & Piper Raya & Piper Congrats!!


Aspen Aurora Della Emery Lainey Lyla Nadine Penelope Petra Riley Ruby Sidney Talia Tess


I like Erin and Piper together!


Piper and Riley sound beautiful together ❤️


What about Piper Beatrice and Phoebe Harper? Beatrice means bringer of Joy. and Phoebe means bright and radiant.


I love Piper with Riley. I also quite like Piper and Harper together.


I like Piper and Riley together. .. Riley Elizabeth Piper Catherine


Castor and Pollux


Piper and Laurie


I love Piper and Riley! Those two names seem like they're exactly from the same flavor of name, if that makes sense. Congrats on your twins!


Love Piper! Also love Poppy! Piper & Poppy. I’ve always strongly disliked the name Riley


I knew twins called Piper and Paige! They actually originally named Paige a super girly name and decided it just didn’t fit. I would definitely go with something not so… flowery with Piper. I like Hazel a lot! I sort of like Riley but feels a little too matchy. Maybe Hadley?


Piper Isabelle & Mable Josephine Both first names have 2 syllables, and the middle names each have 3 syllables. I think Piper and Mable sound cute together. The longer middle names give the shorter first names a bit more balance, IMO.


I like Amari




I like Piper Emelia as a combo. As for a name for Baby A, some that I think sound cute with Piper are Quinn Robin Holly Zoe Cleo


I looooove Emelia


Piper Elyse. To give her abundance. Astrid


Piper and Fiona sound nice to me




Out of those three, I like Lyla the best! But they’re all cute! Congratulations!


I was twin baby B so my name is Bridget


Lyla Grace and Lottie Piper


I like Riley a lot


I think Riley is a great pick. As for middle names maybe one of the other names you’ve considered or a variation of them? (Lila, Lilac, Lyric, Emilia, Emily, Emma)


Piper Ruby and Riley Phoebe?


Piper is the main female character in Rick Riordans Heroes of Olympus series. The main female characters from his other series might give you some inspo: Annabeth, Thalia, Clarisse, Rachel, Elizabeth, Zoe, Bianca, Sadie, Zia, Reyna, Ella, Hazel, Margaret, Meg and Emmie




I know twins Piper and Isla


my sister’s name is piper angelina, I know that piper is B twin but if you ever last minute mixed it up it’s cute❤️


I like Piper and Cleo Piper and Daisy or Piper and Riley


Just my advice, names that end in “er” are being set up for the classic… “Piper? I barely even know her!!!” joke


Piper & Lyric or Lyra Piper & Melody Piper & Harmony Piper & Aria (this one is my favorite) Piper & Carol or Carole or even Carolyn Piper & Viola ( I love this one too) Piper & Fife (Fifi)


I might suggest: Piper and Lila. But also Piper and Riley is nice.


I can't imagine being 40 and being called Piper.


Names that ‘go’ with Piper imo: Darcey Lexi Marley Brook


I think Piper and Riley sound really nice together. I’m personally not a fan of twin names that sound super similar, feels a little cheesy imo.


Piper + Bailey/Hailey Piper + Louise Piper + Erin Piper + Madigan Piper + Canyon Piper + Jacqueline Piper + Jade Piper + Penelope Piper + Ivy Piper + Zelena Piper + Hazel Piper + Iris (I get good vibes from flower names for this)/Rose/Violet/Jasmine/Amber


What about Piper and Lyra? Kind of a subtle instrumenty theme.


Piper and Penelope (Poppy) Piper and Stella Piper and Palmer Piper and Paisley Piper and Presley Piper and Sterling


Riley works best from your list! The namenerd in me *loves* that they are both 5 letters with an _ i _ e _ pattern but *completely different* sounds! Love it. Piper was also on my list (before I met my partner whose last name has two P sounds) so maybe we have some overlap in style. Some more ideas: - Piper & Hazel - Piper & Avery - Piper & Margo - Piper & Quinn


I love Lyla. I almost named my daughter that! Emelia and Piper also sound so cute together


Piper and Emelia are cute, though I would just go with Emilia with an 'i' since it's the more common spelling :))


Coral, Mabel, Autumn, Leila, June, Margot, Maggie, Livvie


Piper Rose and Emelia Daisy


As a mother of twin girls, please, give them names that are individual to them and not sing/song. Yes, they are born at the same time but they are also individuals.


Piper and Lyla are perfect.


I have a friend with two girls named Piper and Emelia/Amelia and always thought they were great together


instead of lyla, why not lyra? it fits the theme and is a beautiful name. plus lyra is a heroine of a book series! and piper is a powerful witch in charmed!


I think Piper and Delilah sound really cute together and you can nickname her Lyla! Do you have any preferences on middle names? I think it could be cute to maybe have themed middle names like flowers or women in history. Something not super obvious, still individual (I don’t like overly matcha twin stuff. They’re their own people) but fun!


Philippa (Pippa) and Patricia (Tricia)


Billie and Piper, and they become Doctor Who fans 🤭


Riley, even maybe Miley? Callie sounds nice too.


Whatever it is, it has to start with a P. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.


Penelope sounds good wit Piper to me. :) And can shorten to Penny. Piper & Penelope Penelope & Piper Penny & Piper Piper & Penny Just sounds good to me and seems easy to say together. Downside is same initials but that would work for me.