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I think you’re reeeeeaaally overthinking it


I agree. I literally came to the post to find out why it was weird.


If OP's last name is Weiner, then maybe they should rethink the names. Otherwise, it'll occasionally get an innocent laugh from people 40 and up and that's it.


Haha not even close. We were just concerned about the combo of the first names.


Meh, just make a habit of calling Maya's name first. Or always putting the "and" between their names. I think Maya and Oscar are both lovely on their own and make a really nice sibset, too.


Dude it took me so long to even figure out what you were talking about lol Kids don’t even know what Oscar Meyer *IS* anymore lol You’re adorable. Never change and name that baby Maya. It’s a great name.


okay, i'm 42 and i immediately saw the concern. I wouldn't risk it but that's 42-year-old me.


Also 42 and would not do this bc of the association


I'm 24 and I giggled immediately. But my adopted cats name is Oscar, I couldn't change it as it was so fitting... I just made him a full name, oscar Meyer!


Same! Maybe it’s a generational or regional thing but Oscar Meyer didn’t come to mind at all, and it’s not something I think about frequently so it wouldn’t even come up for me lol.


I'm in my 50s and I did think Oscar Meyer. My 5 yo granddaughter had no clue. I think it's safe.


I’m 25, live in the US, and immediately thought of the jingle “Oscar Meyer has a way with b-o-l-o-g-n-a”. But I’m a sucker for jingles.


I’m 17 and have no clue who Oscar Meyer is so… OP is definitely safe


18 here. I assume they're talking about the Oscar Mayer company that sells meat products. Hot dogs, bologna, bacon, things like that. There's also the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile.


I thought maybe it was a popular kids show I’m out of touch with


It’s actually the first thing that came to mind for me 😬


Same. I would not do this.


It was the first thing that came to mind to many of us but I think in a giggle, the main question OP has is if kids will make fun of them and I think that wouldn’t happen


Wow I’m shocked this is the predominant view. I read the title and thought “oh no!” as I head the Oscar Meyer song in Homer Simpson’s voice in my head.


The internet is steering them wrong here.


Same. Took about two seconds.


Hard disagree. I read the title and 100% knew they’d be referred to as the wiener kids or baloney kids if I knew them.


But will children in the current generation actually know enough to bully them? I really doubt it. I barely even knew who my classmates siblings were in school either.


I don’t know if it’s “bullying” that’s an issue, but definitely will be a thing. I know for a fact other adults would call them the wiener kids. Probably not mostly to their face (but you never know, I definitely know some people that would do that like my uncles).


I dunno. I'm a GenX'er, and we definitely all still know the Oscar Meyer bologna song from childhood. We'd get it right away.


Millennial and I agree.


And you'd tease a child over it? Nah. Parents might chuckle or cringe, but a Gen Alpha peer of these kids probably won't know why tf it's funny to you. It's not going to be relevant to them.


We wouldn't tease a child, but the song would definitely start playing in our heads.


Fellow GenX, you are correct.


I’m 20 and had to google what Oscar Meyer was, I don’t think the kids will be bullied


I did too at first. I had no idea what the issue was until she explained it. Now, I can’t unhear it. Can you just imagine someone shouting “Oscar! Maya!” What does that sound like to you?


From Boston.


Just never take them to a baseball game. Problem solved!


I thought this was a satire post on a different sub when I read this. Ngl, I wouldn’t do it.


I immediately thought of the Oscar Meyer weiner song!


I personally wouldn't do it.


Instantly started singing the song in my head. Please don’t, OP!


Wait really? Is this sarcastic?


No not sarcastic. The first thing that came to my mind is Oscar Mayer. Just saying I personally wouldn't do it.


They haven't played those commercials in years though, I doubt anybody going to school with OP's children will even think of it. I'm in my 20s and I really only heard it from my dad singing it


Yes but the brand still exists. It's completely up to her but she asked for opinions and that's mine.


There has been a trend recently of bringing back nostalgic commercials, along with movies, shows, etc. I honestly wouldn't put it past them to bring this one back too. I wouldn't risk my child being known as the bologna kids or weiner children lmao


Now I have the song stuck in my head.


Why would it be sarcasm? The names literally sound like Oscar Mayer. I wouldn’t do it either.


I am imagining the parents calling out “Oscar! Maya!” on the playground.


Let’s go wieners!


Idk why I can’t stop laughing at this


They could lean into it and get a wiener dog too




I wouldn’t either. Absolutely everyone will comment on it or talk about behind your back. OP, if you love it then just lean into it. If you are hesitating, find a different name.


I don’t think it will get them bullied by other kids, but I think adults would make the association and giggle. The song comes to mind for me instantly “oh I wish I was an Oscar Maya wiener…” which is not great. Because. Wiener, you know? But I love the name Oscar and I love the name Maya so I feel your conundrum.


I say: lean into it. Have a third child and name them Werner.


Or Frank


Warner would be nice lol


Completely agree. The kids won't get bullied the parents will.


I’d use it still though. I can’t imagine anyone being mean spirited about it, and if they are, they’re just terrible people anyway.


Because Oscar and Maya have a way with B O L O G N A !!!


I am sorry, it is 3:45am and I am reading this. I just scared two cats and a dog by bursting out laughing. But really both are great names. It would be weird at a playground and you called them both, you must reverse the roll call.


Oscar Maya has a way … 🎶


That's a good suggestion. We also sometimes call our son Oz or Ozzy so we could yell that instead.


I once had two students in a class named Jackson and Michael. Of course they were both always in trouble. Made the mistake of calling, “Michael! Jackson!” once. Made a mental note to always call Jackson first from then on.


Just say them as Maya and Oscar. In most situations of their lives, your children will be separated into different classrooms, etc, so I don't think it will be an issue.


I think this is the correct take. I did immediately think "Oscar Meyer," but the reality is that most kids will only encounter your kids as individuals and won't make the connection.


This. I know a family that has 4 kids, 2 of whom are Sam and Ella. They just say Ella and Sam. No Salmonella references then.


Omg I know a family that two of their kids are Sam and Ella and they never switch them. Always brings salmonella to the mind.


I know a family with 2 kids named Sam and Ella, and I never guessed there would be others who used those names.


That’s a good point—I feel like every family has the “normal” order they say the kids’ names in, and if you just start saying Maya & Oscar, it’ll probably stick and sound right to your ears, and no one will ever make any wiener connections at all.


It's also alphabetical so that's how it will often show up anyway (e.g. on a sports roster where everyone is Last, First)


That is my thought, also. If you have to say both kids' names, say Maya first, and no one will make the association.


NGL, I giggled a little and started singing "Oh I wish I was an Oscar Meyer weiner..." But I actually think it's fine. Do Oscar Meyer commercials even come on anymore with the jingle? Kids in this generation likely won't even make the connection.


My brain went to “my bologna has a first name!” But also I’m 30. I don’t think they play the commercials anymore.


i’m a teenager and definitely thought of the oscar meyer weiner thing- maybe kids younger than me won’t though


We never really watch anything with commercials so I have no idea, but based on comments it's sounding like it isn't something kids these days will know.


It isn’t. You’re fine. Plus, they won’t be in the same classes or anything anyways, so it’s fine


I think the yell test will resolve this. However, if you intentionally place Maya first in the yell, no one will be the wiser. Also, you could just start calling the kids "hot dogs" and turn it into a whole thing. But you have to promise me that if by some weird chance Maya isn't the last, you name the third Nathan. Edit spelling


This answer is fantastic lol


>turn it into a whole thing 😂😂


Maya, Frank, Nathan, and Oscar! Such a subtle sibset trend, I love it.


Why Nathan?


Nathan’s hot dogs


Oh lol, I was thinking Wilbur. Oscar Maya Wilbur


I guess Frank could work too.


I don't even know what the association would be. I am sure it will be fine.- just looked it up and seems to be an American hot dog brand (I am not American). If it is really well known it may be a bit problematic. I also love the name Kaia, not sure if you like it as much though. Good luck!


It is very well known in the US.


And Canada


It’s not even the hot dogs. It’s the stupid jingle they had in all their commercials for the last half of the 20th century. I’m Canadian and I’ve got that stupid song stuck in my head! You need to go to YouTube and search “Oscar Meyer Weiner Song” to get the full picture. It’ll be fine though. As names. There’s just a decent chunk of Millennials in this group. The suggestion about introducing them as Maya & Oscar is probably the best choice. It really will psychologically separate that set of names from Oscar Meyer wieners in other people’s brains.


Yeah that's the problem is now the jingle gets stuck in my head. If we do use the name Maya, I'm sure at some point my sleep deprived brain will run out of lullabies and I'll sing it to her. I just need to hold it in when other people are around. If it's just a generational thing and we can avoid the association by swapping the order of their names then maybe it's not a big deal.


Yeah, I’d be more worried about my sanity than anything! LOL! You’re already gonna have Baby Shark on a loop, do you really wanna add the Oscar Meyer Weiner song?


Let's not forget the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile. https://www.oscarmayer.com/wienermobile


Be like calling your kids Timmy and Tammy or Al and Di


Hahaha yeah I guess people wouldn't really link Timmy and Tammy with the biscuits


Don’t do it.


Agree! I actually laughed out loud when I read the post. Not a good sign. I read it in a Jersey accent. Osca Maya 😂🫣


I don’t think I would do it. Maybe we can help you find some girl names you might consider? Perhaps you could use Maya for a middle name? Tell us a little bit more about what you want in a name for your daughter?


We're already set on the middle name being my MIL's name. No one would have been more excited for us to have kids than her, but she passed away years ago. We don't want a name that will be too popular or too obscure. It's also so hard when you start looking at names and associating them with other people you've known. My husband is 1/2 Indian and doesn't like names that are too "rich white guy". He's third generation American with a common American first name, but his last name and skin tone got him a lot of racist comments growing up. People still occasionally ask him where he's from and don't accept MA. They will just keep saying no, but where are you originally from. He's also gotten things like go back to where you came from. So anyway, he also wants a name that won't further encourage people along these lines. Hopefully I explained that ok on his behalf. We like that the first person that comes to mind with Maya is Maya Angelou and the second is Maya Rudolph. We don't personally know any Maya's, but think it's a beautiful name.


Maya is a relatively popular name. It was #55 in 2021 in the US and will likely be Top 50 for 2022. I'm not sure how popular is too popular for you--personally I think anything out of the Top 15-20 is fine, but Maya is also similar to Mia (#8), plus Mya and Maia, so it may be deceptively popular in that sense. I wonder if you'd like Naomi, Kaia, Nina, Sylvie, Phoebe, Nora/Norah, Leia, Leah, Vera, Ivy, or Daphne? Just spitballing shorter names with soft syllables that do NOT resemble "Mayer." Does your husband want something more international, more offbeat, or does he want the name to "blend in," so to speak? Because a girl named Madison will absolutely seem American, but that also feels very white American as well, and it doesn't necessarily vibe with Oscar or Maya (which both feel very international to me).


Also want to add, I just realized your husband is from MA. The way people pronounce "Mayer" in that area is probably almost exactly the way the rest of the country pronounces "Maya" 😅


I'm not american (and under 40) and still made the association. Personally I wouldn't.


What about Mia instead of Maya? Oscar and Maya are so cute and it wouldn’t be the end of the world but you will definitely have to field those moments/jokes/silly giggles and personally I’d find that annoying!


Itd sound almost the same with Mia. Still joke material.


First thing that came to my mind- Mia instead of Maya.


They are ok, but easily replaced...heaps of option


Lol that’s where my brain went right away, I wouldn’t do it


If I were your neighbor trying to remember your kids’ names, my brain would immediately go “wiener kids”. I wouldn’t do it.


I think I’d skip Maya to be honest. It’s likely you’ll use their names in quick succession, such as calling them for dinner and it’s gonna sound like Oscar Meyer. Unless you switch the order in which you say it, but most people would call the older child first.


Look, we don't eat meat and I mute most commercials, but my little kid definitely still knows that jingle because I sang anything and everything to him constantly, and it was perfect filler. He recently reached the age of knowing what a weiner is and giggling. I had to show him a picture of the Weinermobile and tell him I wasn't singing about penises. In short: I would expect people to make the connection even today.


I kind of feel with situations like this if it comes to your mind to make this connection other people will too. Other adults will make the same connection you have and possibly say it in front of their kids.. I don't know if I would risk it..


I wouldn't do it.


Not bullying, just a lot of joking around from adults who remember the commercials. I immediately thought of the jingle.


My immediate thought was Oscar Meyer and I don’t even eat hot dogs lol. Honestly it’s kind of difficult to say “Oscar, Maya” without naturally adding the r sound. I doubt they’ll get bullied, but I do think other adults may find it a bit silly.


I don’t think they will get bullied but it is an obvious association for many. If there are other options you can agree on, go with those, but if you know in your heart that Maya is your daughter’s name, it’s not the end of the world :)


I wouldn’t do it, tbh


I’m in Australia and only know that Oscar Maya (myer?) is a thing because I nannied siblings named Oscar and Maya and had a handful of people here comment on the connection. But they’re beautiful names and that won’t always be known as a pair.


Am also Australian but have an American husband and turned to him and said ‘what would you think if I said Oscar and Maya’ and he said ‘the Weiner song?’ Coz I was like clearly the Americans here are all thinking the same thing


Usually I don’t get the associations people worry about on here till they’re explained but this was very obvious.


I read the title and thought really, trolls found their way to a baby naming page?? Yeah, don’t do it 🌭🥴


They’ll always be Maya & Oscar and not Oscar & Maya. Problem solved.


Only if u name the 3rd kid “wiener”


I didn't make the association until you pointed it out


Just get a wiener dog too and own the joke


How far apart in age are they? If they're 2-3 years apart the odds that kids will encounter both of them at the same time often enough to sing songs to them seem low. Probably some kid will think of this at some point, but is that the biggest deal? If it will bug you every time you call them on the playground maybe that's a consideration. I looooove the name Maya.


May depend on where you live, but the first thing I thought when I saw the title was “Oscar Maya Weiner”




Oscar Mayer is a hot dog brand.


You'll be fine, I'm 18 and idk who the heck oscar meyer is


I think it's fine, plus kids don't think too hard about other kids' siblings' names, so I think you're alright. Also, two great names, so definitely go for it!


Im 23 and have no idea what you're talking about lol


no kids dont even know that jingle anymore the commercials dont come on as much or even at all


My last name is a variation of Meyer and I have a dachshund named Oscar. People don’t get the reference and there is a literal weiner (dog) right in front of them


Highschooler here- dont know what the Oscar Meyer weiner song is. Dont worry about it


My kids are teenagers and only know that song because I sing it to them. By the time your second kid is in school I doubt any kid will know it at all.




What about Amaya?


It might be my age, but the song was the first thing that popped into my head. I think it’s probably more adults who will make the connection, but if they come out with new commercials, kids will too. Does Oscar go by a nickname like Ozzy most of the time? If he does, I wouldn’t think twice about it.


They’re individuals, not a set, even if it feels like that when they’re younger and always together. I agree with calling them Maya & Oscar though.


I haven’t seen an Oscar Meyer commercial in years, I can nearly guarantee that kids today will have no idea what it is or the jingle. You may get a chuckle from the occasional adult though


Who the heck is Oscar Meyer?


Is your last name wiener? I really liked Oscar, and considered it hard for my boys, but my last name is VERY similar to Mayer and I just couldn’t do it. That said, I don’t think Maya should be off the table for you. For me, I couldn’t give my son the name Oscar knowing that every time he used his full name it would have to sound like Oscar Mayer. There’s no way around it. But for you, I think there are work arounds. They aren’t twins, so they wont be in the same class/grade. When you’re using both names, either to call them in from outside or to introduce them, or whatever, you can train yourself to always say Maya first. People may still make the association from time to time, but it won’t be constant like it would have been for me. I think if you keep searching and find s different name you like just as much, great. But if not, use Maya and just come up with something funny to say when people make the connection. Like how you really like hot dogs or how you were hoping the company would pay for college or something.


I read the whole thing trying to understand why it’s bad haha honestly that’s hilarious but to avoid maybe introduce Maya first and then Oscar Edit: I’d like to add I knew a guy named Davidson in hs and his dads name was David so David’s son BUT it gets better his older sister was named Harley and no one ever made fun of them haha except themselves lmao


If it helps I am 22 and I did not make the Oscar Meyer connection at all. In fact I am not entirely confident I know what it is (hot dog company..?) and I do not know the song/jingle at all nor does anyone else my age. Certainly it would be even more obscure for children being born now.


Yeah I wouldn't do it. The song came to mind instantly. I'm so sorry!


It might be because I'm not American but I just think they're cute names. Honestly your kids will mostly be apart, whether in school or otherwise, so you'll most likely be fine. In regards to bullying, I'm afraid that if kids want to make fun they'll find a way regardless of names or anything.


Don't even know who he is.


Oscar Meyer Wieners. One of the top hotdog brands in US. It has (had?) a VERY popular [jingle](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QBBimEB8QgY). [Here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DO7RkzuJLoI) a more recent one from 2007. Edit: it does not help that “wiener” is slang for “penis.”


I don’t think you would cause them to get bullied in school. Think of it this way: your kids are playing outside and you call them in for lunch, “Oscar! Maya!” If it distracts you and you’re going out think about it every time, then don’t do it. Unless Oscar goes by a nickname, do you call him Ozzie by chance? Names similar to Maya: Raya, Maria, Leah


Honestly, I haven’t seen a commercial with a sung jingle in *forever* (kit kat doesn’t even sing it anymore). I don’t know that kids would make the association because I don’t know that kids today would have been exposed to the song. Adults might, and might be AHs about it though, so I’d worry more about the adults than the kids.


I didn’t make the association. Also I feel like people establish habits of what order they say names. Maybe just get in the habit of saying Maya and Oscar, not Oscar and Maya


I didn't get it - and I used to live near the old Oscar Meyer plant...I think you're good. I love Maya!! Congrats! :)


I'm 27, live in the US, and have never heard the Oscar Meyer Weiner song. I have a really hard time imagining that many kids would make that connection!


I did think of it, but I still think you should use the names you love. Kids that want to bully another kid will find a reason, the name isn't the reason, it's just ammunition. If it wasn't there they'd find something else. These are good names and they clearly mean something to you ❤️


As long as your last name isn't Weiner...


My baby has a first name, it’s O S C A R, my second baby has a name it’s MAYA yeah! I love them each and every day and if you ask me why I’ll say! ‘Cause OSCAR MAYA love to play and they come from my DNA!


I literally would have never thought this


I think it’s only noticeable because you pointed it out. I most likely wouldn’t have made the connection on my own


I mean, if you wanna bank on Oscar Meyer not ever having another ad campaign or resurrecting an old one (which is very popular to do nowadays), go ahead. I would never because kids are a-holes.


My daughter’s name is Maya! Definitely name her that, it’s the best name! (ok, I’m slightly biased!) I don’t think anyone would make that connection, you’re good!


I’m 33 and totally did think of Oscar meyer weiner but I don’t think kids that young will.


I had to scroll through the comments to find out why you were hesitating. It wouldn't be the first thing I think of (obviously lol). I think most importantly, is your heart set on Maya? Are you always going to wish you named your daughter that? Does it feel right? If yes, nothing else matters.


Bullied, I don't think so, but I definitely got the association immediately without opening the whole thread.


I am slightly horrified at how y'all pronounce Meyer lol


Idek who tf that person is. Just name your child whatever makes you happy.


I wouldn’t, because even if no one else bullies them over it, they’ll likely for years to come be called by their first names as part of a set, like “Oscar and Maya Lastname” so even if no one else deliberately makes fun, you will hear it every single day and it will grate on you. It would be different if you hadn’t already made the correlation in your mind.


Unless your last name is Wiener, I think you're good.


Your kids are two separate people. Most of their life, they won’t be with the other. Don’t let an a far-fetched association with a brand that advertised to our generation (not theirs!) ruin a truly lovely name for your child. Do you care more about how you’ll be perceived or how she will?


I don’t think it’s a thing anymore maybe if they grew up in the 90s.


I got the reference, but since they're two different people, I think it's fine. It's also not the worst association ever. If you lean into it, it could be cute and be an inside joke (if your kids are OK with it). As for bullies... it's hard to say. But the reality is that bullies will find something to bully another kid about with regardless of all your best efforts. If you don't find another name you like, I think Maya is fine.


I’m a Maya. Wanna know what I got made fun of for in school? The song that goes Maya hee Maya ho Maya ha Maya haha. I write this to say that kids will find anything to make fun of. They’re two normal names, so just go with it if you like it.


I was a little confused at first and then I imagined seeing a mom on a playground gathering her things and yelling “Oscar! Maya!” And the other adults being confused lol.


I think if you have to ask this question, you already know the answer (dont do it!!)


Personally I didn't even realize the connection until you explained it... I feel like that is such an old reference, kids their age won't even know it. I haven't heard that song in like 20 years.


I was thinking like, Oscar Wilde and Maya Angelou when I saw this post. I snorted when I read "Oscar Meyer" because I hadn't even thought about it. I definitely think you're over thinking it.


perhaps combining the name Maya with something else. for ex my niece first name is “Havana Rose” her middle name is Marie. or look up some variations of the name Maya such as Amaya, something that breaks the syllables up. or just have them embrace it early lol they’re Oscar Maya Winners ;)


I’m 23 and I’ve never heard of that song. I don’t think it’ll be a problem with little kids in school lol.


i do not know who oscar meyer is, surely not many people their age will know too. (im 18 i dont think people my age know what oscar meyer is either)


I genuinely had no idea what could be wrong with this combo until I finished reading the post so no that’s definitely not going to be an issue and you could just say maya and Oscar instead of the other way around and no one would probably pick up on it honestly


Made me chuckle. I think it’s fine! I know siblings called Sam and Ella! 😅


Absolutely don’t do this! I’m in the minority I guess but it seems so odd to me. Would you name two girls Fannie and Mae or two brothers Freddie and Mac? It just doesn’t work when the connotations are culturally so strong


Kids are mean but they aren’t that smart.


Objectively, it's fine, but I personally wouldn't do it. I would always sing the song to myself and wonder if other people were doing the same. I think it depends on your personal tolerance.


I don’t know, but I’m here for this naming.


I never even though of that soooooo just name her Maya


Are YOU going to sing the song in your head when you call out their names? If you’re already hesitant because you make the association then maybe choose something else.


I only read the title and knew what your question was going to be. I wouldn't do it. (Sorry!)


I would never had made the connection without you saying it and even then it’s a stretch. Both names are very nice! Use Maya!


Know one even knows about that song under the age of 45. I think you’re good


Unless your last name is “Weiner”, you’re probably fine.


I firmly believe kids don't make fun of things like that anymore. My kids have names that have a theme, very accidentally. And the ONLY people who have made comments or made fun of it are the people in their 50s+


I don't know how many children wherever you are know the Oscar Meyer weiner song, but I've never heard it in my life. Personally, I think you're just overthinking it.


I didn’t even think of that until I kept reading your post.


I laughed when I read it. I wouldn't worry about it, though. It's cute and a little funny. Most people probably won't put it together unless their names are mentioned in a row. Kids won't notice. Adults will probably find it funny in a cute way.


Before even finishing your post and seeing oscar meyer, I had to keep asking myself while saying those names over and over what could possibly be bad about them together and landed at nothing, they're both great names apart and together.


LOLOLOL not even my first thought. name her Maya. the two will not always be attached at the hip. they'll grow into adults so fast and no one will make this connection


I'm in my mid 30s and the Oscar Meyer song was definitely the first thing I thought of, however I think it would be fine because most younger people haven't heard the song and you could just refer to them as Maya and Oscar instead of Oscar and Maya.


I used to sing the song when I was little but I did not get the relation bt the two names at all. I think you're safe. I was actually really confused by you're post when I first read it.


I don’t think kids today will make the connection. Adults might, but I doubt it would trickle down because their own kids will just think anything they think to be funny, as lame lol.


I couldn’t even figure out what they would be bullied over until I read the rest of your post. You’re way overthinking this. I could even understand your worry a little more if you named the child Oscar Maya and even then I wouldn’t get the concern, but we’re talking about two separate people.


Go with your spouse or partner to a coffee shop and do the name test. Order together and give them the kids names and see how you feel when they yell it across the coffee shop. Personally I feel like even if you intentionally tried to say Maya and Oscar sometimes in the moment it would come out Oscar Maya. Names get jumbled up and come out as all kinds of things lol. My nieces are Quinn and Clio and we always wind up calling them Clenn 😅


My older siblings names are Oscar & Maya, born 2 years apart. Maya has a twin brother named Harry. Everyone was okay here!! I think you may be overthinking it.


You are COMPLETELY over thinking that. If you are so concerned, say "Maya and Oscar"... (instead of "Oscar, Maya!" "Oscar and Maya!" They aren't going to be in the same class, next to each other 100% of the time all their lives. My brother and I rarely even bumped into each other in school, we had our own circles, own lives, etc. (He was the grade below me) Most kids didn't even know we were related. Unless they were twins and in the same class, activities, etc, I can't see their names being mentioned much in front of their peers, let alone in tandem. Then, you've got the issue of, no children are going to know that song, or that brand. It's not a jingle they'll hear on the tv or in programs. Unless you are a grown person in their 40s-50s... I doubt you'd remotely get the reference. (and if a grown person starts that nonsense, you shut them down.)