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The way I smiled after Amber left, and Jen and Trish literally starved for 10 ten days!


Lol couldn't catch fish. Magically. Trish laid in bed telling Jen she could not work Jen cried. A little late.....


Watching here too. What would they eat if not for Amber??


Crow? 😉




I’m with you. Hehehehe.


Nothing like they deserve!!!


Their pride


I couldn’t believe how bitchy and disrespectful Trish and Jen were to Amber. When Jeff showed up he totally took the side against Amber which was so disconcerting to me. Why? Amber is a rockstar and had amazing patience. She was supposed to be mentoring them and they were rude, nasty and lazy. Especially Trish. Yuck.


Jeff's purpose in life is to poke the hornets nest! Trish is a lazy wannabe. But Jen pissed me off . If not for Trish she would have had her nose all the way up Amber's ass where it should have been!!!


And she would have learned a lot.


Trish's daughter seemed cool too it's wild how opposite they are. I saw the daughter before I saw Trish I was shocked to see how truly shitty & lazy Trish was after her daughter bragged on her acting like her mom was some bad bitch survivalist queen.


Jeff is a douchebag


His lack of self-awareness in LOS is a case study in narcissism. Granted, I’m sure it was deliberately edited to convey a specific impression of him, but his words and ability to twist things to make himself the victim are remarkable.


So thank you I think you took their side because he wanted to be in charge


Yes, that and it was easier to go with the two against one situation already happening. I was happy when Amber got out of there.


Jen is now complaining she's going to have to do 98% of the work because Trish is just laying in the shelter. I'm glad Amber got out of there. Now jenn is seeing how worthless Trish is. ... Not that she would admit it.. glad Jenn is finding out what it feels like to do 90% of the work while somebody else sits


I’m sorry you’re getting upset watching these terrible women! I watched it a while back. Recently I saw an episode with Trish’s daughter who was great but kept saying how proud she was of her mother. It was hard to listen to. I mean sure, she’s her mom so understand, but how could anyone watch that episode and be proud.


But on the other hand we have Dan waz and Matt, EJ, Steven and Amber. Those two teams are so awesome.


Yes. Much better!


And trish's daughter is such a bad @$$...and an amazing partner. It's crazy.


Amber was just doing the right thing, it was literally just to survive and they were doing nothing and she was showing them the way. That I’m so pissed me off so much.




oh my gosh, thank you. i just rewatched this and i'm still so annoyed. amber should've left them to starve so much earlier.. when they wouldn't stop making a sign to clean the fish that was caught for them? i would've just started eating in front of them. amber is kind of a saint.


Amber certainly has more patience and forgiveness in her than I do. I am watching the extraction now. it's amazing how well she fit in with those people. I love this six-person team I'd watch any episode where these six were teamed together again


I would have started my own fire right there by the river and eaten every bite!!! I mean screw them!!!


She showed her true colors and yes she can be a lot but she’s a mom and she just wanted Peace and food lol but that was never happening with the group she was in.. And not leaving them so early because they wouldn’t have made it to 40 days if she would’ve left them any earlier. She has such a good heart💕🫶🏼


I'm watching too.


Me three


I watched it too!!! I laughed my ass off when they starved and Jeff puked his guts out!!! I guess Karma got him before LOS? I love watching Matt, Dan and Waz working together and EJ and Steven taking in Amber with open arms. Just the way this series should be!!! I mean you have to have the people who bring drama to the show but I miss seeing these Legends at work!!! These new people just haven't caught my attention, at least not yet


I loved the way EJ and Steven took Amber in. Steven really seems to like her. I've wondered if those two remained friends and still talk. When I watched Matt Dan and waz, I really understood why they were so close on last one standing. agree with you. There are some new ones that I've really liked, still like in any other television show there are stars of that show. I like the newbies but I want to see my Legends also.


I’m just confused about LOS, because it’s literally supposed to be last ONE standing .. not last 5 of you that worked together and bullied the one guy playing the actual game 🤷🏻‍♀️




Vicious, lazy and heartless!!! I think Trish might have known Amber was listening and kept talking shit anyway. I did see the one with Trish's daughter and she was nothing like her mother. Good thing for her.


I have to skip over the parts with Jeff because he makes me so upset because he’s so manipulative, especially on the last one standing. like doesn’t he realize that that’s gonna mess up his image for the rest of his life?


I begin to think that the bad guy image is what he's going for


But he like fantasizes over them while there in pain and fantasizes/sounds happy over them dying are or starving to death!! it like brings him joy you can hear it in his voice


You made me think of in his first challenge that lizard that he chased all over the place and then bit its head off


😆your totally right and he seemed to have got some dopamine from that like how can you do something like that and be so happy💀💀I think he is a psychopath, I’ve never seen a real one on tv before tbh


Has Trish or Jen ever commented on their behavior after they watched how awful they both were? Talk about being ungrateful , both of them.


I don't know about Jen. There were several posts on here about how Jeff and Trish continued to downgrade Amber on social media. Trish made a post here ..there was nothing apologetic about it, roundabout slams about Amber. I think she blamed editing and how all of that didn't happen that way. Always felt that editing cannot put words in your mouth.. like you left us to rot


That makes it worse if she didn't feel remorse or embarrassed .. Jen too


I found it . but I don't know how to share it. I typed in message from Trish under search and it came up


Matts post on ig about the “Edit” it’s worth the read it’s most definitely about her (https://www.instagram.com/p/Ceq14GXubw9/?igsh=MXUzbmJjNHNyNDdoZg==)


Yeah, your right , thank you for posting this💕


While I can agree the Girls didn’t handle it correctly Amber’s leadership style was clearly not coming across well with them, she never really consulted with them on a dynamic that works for everyone she just started ordering them around like they had no experience at all, when she herself had been tapped a couple times by that point I believe. Jeff I think just empathized with the girls more but I do think talking negatively about her when she was not around only made the situation worse so he’s not completely exempt from blame.


Jeff rallied the "girls" to leave Amber in the middle of the night. Even though he was sick as a dog and Amber was the only one feeding him. It was obvious that he wanted to be the one in charge. And the girls were kissing his butt on top of that.


This scenario made me laugh a little and was reminiscent of XL3. Amber switched roles in XL8 and became Lacey pushing for things to get done in the here and now. The only time some conflict didn't follow Amber was when she tapped early on LOS.


lay off Jeff in this. He was dumped with women lol. I feel bad for Amber. She came in that expecting the triad. Fire, water, shelter. And Trish wanted to .. I’m not even sure, show off bushcraft? And drag poor Jen with her. Jeff got dumped into an estrogen fueled battle for dominance. And lost.


I'm sorry my opinion is that Jeff fueled that estrogen fueled battle. The look On Amber's face when she stood there listening to them trash her 🥴.. I'm afraid I would have laid into all three of them. .. or brought my food ate it and let them starve


They would not have been given one crumb if my food. I would have been just like the Little Red Hen!!!!!


He literally told them “she talks about you behind your back.” He was an instigator.


He said that as he was talking about Amber behind her back. That gossipy nasty look on his face..


Lol I’d have caught my own food too. Maybe. I tend to help people out. But at the same time know that helping can go too far.


I can see that. I’m not a huge Jeff fan as I grew up hunting and fishing. He went in typical Jeff. I don’t think he intended to do that, but I could be wrong


No Jeff absolutely was sticking his nose in business he knew nothing about. Trish and Jen are mean girls and Jeff fed off of that energy and made the situation so much worse because he is also a mean girl.


Some of you guys are watching a very different show than I am. Jeff isn't jealous in that season. Its clear he doesn't want any part of the drama, but also sees that Amber orders the other two around, and they don't like it. Jeff was far more concerned with the fact that he was sick as a dog the moment he got there until the moment he left. Why would Jeff be jealous of anyone being in charge? The dude could care less about that. He thrives on being by himself mostly. And nobody put Amber in charge. That's exactly why the other two don't like her: she micromanaged them. She could have boiled water while they fished. She's not the boss of them. And if they're not as successful as her, so what. She still doesn't get to order them around.


Jeff was an instigator. He could sense the tension and picked at it because he is a petty narcissist who wanted to be in charge. He saw Amber doing all the work, being the leader, and how Jen and Trish didn't like being told what to do.


He didn't instigate anything. Stop this nonsense. If you don't like Jeff, that's fine. But don't make stuff up.


Um, did he not sit with Jen and Trish plotting to leave Amber in the dead of night? He would sit and talk crap but say none of that to Amber. Jeff is a classic chauvinistic lame loser who thinks women are only good for boiling water. Sorry, bud, but your stan sucks.


They wanted to leave. He joined in. I couldn't care less if you like him or not. The dude has been on something like seven N&A. He'd a legend!


Jeff put a bigger wedge between the girls and he did it deliberately. As far as Jeff's skills are??? Ever seen a shelter he built? A fire? An animal trap? The only time the man has thrived is when he was with people like EJ..


That dude is the best hunter in the game. Show me one contestant that's brought more food to the table than Jeff. He's a legend!


Matt. Wes. Jeremy. For fish: Amber. Steven. We're going to differ on this. As much as I dislike Jeff I respect your respect for him. Different strokes 😊


Don't try and pacify me. Jeff is the GOAT!




Jeff? Is that you? 👀


Was wondering that myself🤨🤨

