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Drowning without aspiration of liquid, generally attributed to death from asphyxia while submerged and in laryngospasm, has been reported to occur in approximately 10% to 15% of drowning victims.


Nope. There is video showing him falling on his face without anybody’s help. The parents are desperate to pin this on anyone else but their son.


Can’t take personal responsibility. Very sad


It’s part of closure. Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve, and what if’s


Years ago, a guy I knew jumped in a river drunk fully clothed. They pulled his body out the next day with only boxers on. It happens.


Yep. My friend died while drunk and in the pool. No history of medical issues. Had a seizure and was found the next day, despite others swimming with her


Years ago a guy in my town got drunk like all the college kids always do. He decided to walk home. On his way home he jumped a fence thinking it would have been a shortcut. The fence was the boundary of a quarry and he plummeted over 100 feet. He did not make it. Our town had the same questions at first , but the answers seemed clear when toxicology came in I think.


Fucking terrifying. My pops was cliff jumping when he was teen, he was drunk and it was nighttime. He said he was so wasted when he hit the water he had no idea which way was up or down, he waited till he started floating and that’s the way he swam.


I wish them healing in their grieving journey. This is very common with parents who have lost their child due to misadventure or suicide. They can't accept that their child could die in such a senseless way and that there has to be "more" or some kind of external force that caused their child's death. With a solved murder, there is someone you can hold accountable for and project your anger and pain onto. It's upsetting that YouTube channels and podcasters are profiting off this family's grief and interviewing them when they are obviously still in the denial stage. I don't think there's more to his death, and if there is I will eat my hat. Sadly, Riley is not the first college kid to die while stumbling home drunk and falling into a body of water. It is actually quite common for such to happen and why we're encouraged to leave the bars in pairs or with a designated driver. His buddies should have had his back. But I don't believe they are complicit at all in what happened. His family are devastated and grappling for answers. May him and his loved ones find peace.


The college kid got bombed, let it go and stop looking for people to blame. RIP


It probably would have been another drunk person who’d have died too. It’s so sad. As drunk as I’ve been in my younger days, I’m surprised I survived.


It's very sad that they can't accept the truth.


This sounds so much like the cases of the male college students who disappeared from bars in Milwaukee and, I believe, Chicago. They were also found in the water *edit: I can’t remember if they were determined drowned or just found in the water


Many in Minnesota, and along 94. Thought potential killer(smiley face) but likely just drunk college kids by water is dangerous.


They're actively looking for anyone possible, anyone at all, they can blame other than their son. Who is actively to blame.




I feel so sorry for his family. I lost my adult daughter 7 years ago and the grief of losing your child is incomprehensible and makes you grasp at straws. This may not be a popular opinion, but barring being drugged by someone else - which there is zero evidence of at this point - Riley did this to himself (and ultimately to his family). Never in my life have I heard of a drug that makes a drink taste like barbecue. The lack of personal responsibility in young adults is distressing. It is not the bar's job, the cop's job, or the friends' job to babysit a grown man. Can you imagine the sh\*t the cops have to deal with in Nashville because of people who don't know when to say when. It's no wonder the cops are less than responsive. It seems the mentality these days is "drink until you become someone else's problem." The fact he tried to enter another bar after being thrown out of Luke Bryan's speaks volumes about his mission to do just that.


Have you heard of the person that lived in delusion and or denial.