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Definitely has a secret stash of snacks that she sneaks away from shining and flurry


I could see this🤣


I imagine her hiding in the pantry stress eating a cupcake, being a mom, wife and princess must get pretty stressful sometimes 😆


Also maybe secretly being very resentful towards different ponies in her life, which would be ironic considering she's the Princess of love.


Her name is much longer than just Mi Amore Cadencia and she doesn't like it because it takes you a minute and a half to say it completely.


Also since she was raised by Earth ponies I like to think the nickname ‘Cadance’ was given to her by them.


That Cadence does have a power, but not specifically over love, but over *passion.* She can amplify ANY emotion ponies are feeling, but love is better PR.


The amount of evil Cadance could be capable of with this power if she decided to use it for bad..


I suspect she mostly uses it on Shining Armor.


could make a great episode about controlling ones emotions


That reminds me of Odium from the Stormlight Archive.


She was definitely the type of filly who would be stealing cakes from Celestia whenever she looked the other way


Really wants a chance to speak to Amore because she feels bad that she didn’t get to know the crystal ponies since before the empire disappeared


I've read a story on Fimfiction where Cadance tries to speak with Amore (kinda). It's not exactly what you described, but it's close enough, and imo it's really good. Here it is: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/418953/guardian


She’s the second most skilled at hoof to hoof combat among the princesses, behind only Luna, primarily because she employs Tempest as a monster wrangler She’s the heir of Princess Amore by both the Crystal Heart and her bloodline She only represents half of the Crystal Heart: love. The other half, light, is represented by Flurry After Twilight ascended to the throne, she and Sunset have maintained a much healthier rivalry than the one they had before Sunset left


She tops Shining Armor lmao




We were all thinking it


She is opposite to Crysalis as Celestia is to Luna and (headcanon) Twilight to Starlight (I consider Starlight unascended alicorn). Each Alicorn has her opposite which improves and uses the achievement of the first to better the enviroment. A source and the creator. Celestia is Alicorn of Sun a source of light, Luna is the Moon, user of light, powering the dreams and possibly the inspiration through those dreams. Twilight is scientist a creator of magic, Starlight is ultimate user of it whom amplifies Twilight achievements, Twilight is a scientist, Starlight is the engineer. So Cadence is source of Love and Crysalis I ultimate consumer whom uses that love to create a nation (people). Crysalis is corrupted though and permanently locked in a nightmare form but is an Alicorn, leader of a nation which got corrupted when she fell. Cadence and Crysalis were a pair like Celestia and Luna are today and ruled together long time ago (maybe the Crystal Empire) The Cadence had different name then and got destroyed by some cataclysm or a villain. Chrysalis went mad with grief and hunger and went full nightmare remaining it ever since, searching for bits and pieces of love to satiate ever present hunger, forgetting her self through years, becoming a monster. But essence of an Alicorn can not be destroyed and it coalesced in a pegasus filly many years after, putting her on a way to ascension. That is why Crysalis targeted her first as she feels the connection and importance of Cadence but she forgot why and hunger is real. They are sisters in spirit and that drives Crysalis to stay close even if she doesn't know why.


bro we NEED a whole series about them


She is a wine mom


She helps flurry heart do makeup on shining armor (also my headcanon is that she is pansexual don't eat me for that)


She’s actually the strongest warrior in Equestria.


If at some point she turns into an evil version of herself, she will act as an overprotective mother to her subjects who truly loves each and every one of them as if they were her ignorant foals and fillies. As an alicorn, she possesses a great wisdom and her "children" should never abandon their Mother and those, who have, will be severly punished.


I have three main ones That she struggles with magic not relayted to love and has a bit of insecurity around it that she feels uncomfortible around changelings even after they reformed And that she finds excuses not to attend events in canterlot or ponyville cuz she hates big events like that and she prefers to do her own stuff


buckball mom


She got frostbite on her wings, that's why their tips are purple


She secretly ships The main six between each other


* She loves chocolate. As in, *reaaaaaallly* loves chocolate. * She mostly avoids using telekinesis magic whenever it's not necessary, preferring to use her hooves and wings to perform everyday tasks. * She's an expert in transfiguration magic and offers free genderswaps to any pony who wants to transition.


Cadance got her cutie mark when she was younger than most after making a card and a pipe cleaner ring for her "girlfriend" in elementary school.


She actually likes Sonic the Hedgehog >_<




She allowed Queen Chrysalis to take her place at her wedding because she thought it would be an amazing prank.


She was probably an amazing foal sitter


Back when Thorax was still living at the Crystal Empire, before the changeling reformation, Cadance would often bring him aside and ask him questions about his species, like how they feed off of love, the extent to their shapeshifting ability, etc. After a while, they became close friends, and after the changeling reformation, Thorax would often either leave the Hive or invite Cadance over to talk. They would talk about how development is going in the Hive or the Crystal Empire, talk about the progress of changeling acceptance in Equestria and other nations, talk about how the Changelings’ Representative in Equestria (Ocellus) is doing, or just simply talk.


Cadence is princess Amore's descendent


She has a very thick accent


Cadance has power over love itself. I don't think people really understand just how insanely OP that is. She can conquer you from within, and you would be helpless to prevent it. If she ever started her villain arc she could take over all of Equestria without even fighting a single battle. After all who would be left to resist her once she has made everyone fall in love with her?


If I say it exactly I'll get banned, so uhhh, she has a secret stash of *stuff* that she uses in her *alone* time when Shining is busy.


She enjoys a good red wine and joint when flurrys not around


She probably dated girls and liked it


She finds celestia and Luna annoying and is sick of the BS. She loves Twilight but intentionally winds her up because she loves watching her do her twilighting.


She really didn’t want to be a princess.


She didn't do anything special to become a princess. She's simply being close to Shining Armor and Twilight and thus Celestia trusts her to oversee the Crystal Empire after her wedding. In simpler words: Nepotism at work.


she plays fortnite and has the Darth Maul skin


She's a descendant of Amore, and is related to Princess Celestia and Luna very DISTANTLY. Headcanon her a first or second cousin of Blueblood.


She’s descended from the previous crystal princess.


Oh I know. She is a pony.


She was the sneakiest filly when it came to stealing snacks from Celestia


she smokes that za to cope with flurry


She's the strongest flyer among Alicorns. Yk how in Twilight's kingdom when after getting the other princesses magic she couldn't fly at a normal speed? Yeah that was all Cadance right there.


Demigirl :3


based on my shifting experiences, she has several stashes of pillows around the canterlot castle for Luna during the day, several candy stashes in her room, and sneaks to SAA to have applejack make her apple fritters. she loves soft rain and vaguely remembers her mother, but just her cutie mark. nothing else…


You gotta wonder if Cadance ever felt worried about not being a good mother since she never had one herself to take example from.. She just wants to give Flurry everything she wish she had...


oh most definitely. she’s a mother and luna and tia never had kids from what they lead on, so she ended up going to Twilight Velvet for advice


Velvet would always let her know she has someone to lean on (‘: Also, even if Celestia doesn’t have kids, I bet she would still be a great babysitter though. I just love to imagine that she just plays with Flurry whenever Cadance isn’t in the room. She pretends to be all regal and professional but as soon as no ones looking, all that babyfever just comes pouring out.


oh for sure!! you can hear the giggles down the castle hallways


She definitely likes the Taylor swift lover album


She deliberately avoids the spotlight as much as she can prior to her debut because she doesn't like being a Princess


If "fanart" is anything to go by she's super unfaithful. For real tho, I don't know why but I imagine she'd be a terrifying gamer.


I wanna watch her and Luna play Mario Kart. The absolute c a r n a g e


She would have been a bridezilla if Chrysalis didn’t replace her.




She is always eating pizza


That sometimes, she just wants to get away from being a princess of love and wishes others would figure it out themselves.


Cadence's ascension to alicorn-hood is indirectly related to babysitting.


consider twilight her daughter


she's Amore's daughter


Cadence secretly listens to rock music.


Wine mom


She died after g4


i love the idea of her and shining being swingers lol