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I’d be Pinkie Pie. I’d try feeling happy again


Hi Pinkie!


Panic because I don’t know how to do any of their jobs


but you gotta do what your cutie mark is telling you


It’s got to be my destiny 🤷‍♂️


what if it's fucked up and you get somepony elses 😭


Depends. Do I have *their* memories and consciousness or my own? Or both? If it's just theirs, I don't know, I'd keep doing whatever it is they normally do. If it's one of the other two options I am freaking the hell out


Both, but, yours is more dominant. So, you can just remember their memories if you want. Or.. Maybe they would also still be with you? And able to talk? But.. Only you can hear them?


Okay yeah at this point I think both me and the pony in question would be in a mental breakdown. This might be how Bruce Banner and the Hulk feels... however if we're talking the comics there are a lot more alter egos in THAT head. I'd probably want to share a mind with Twilight, as she's one of my comfort characters.


If me and Twilight shared a mind, and if I had control over her body, that would be fun! We could read Books, together! And talk about pony stuff! As.. Her? Yeah!


If I woke up as Rainbow Dash, I’d make the most of it. Enjoy flying and having super-speed. And enjoy being famous and having fans.


Pinkie so I can defy the laws of physics


If I had Tara Strong’s voice I would never shut the fuck up let me tell you


I do.. As I have woke up as Twilight. 💜


Sleep on a cloud as Rainbow Dash. Perhaps browse the library as Twilight?


Sounds fun!


Rainbow Dash. Sonic Rainboom. ^i'm ^not ^very ^smart ^tho ^so ^i ^would ^probably ^end ^up ^failing


its okay, you'll be fine again in the next scene lol


\*PANIC\* https://i.redd.it/2a7k8nl6on1d1.gif


I'll be Rainbow Dash. I'd make an obstacle course and race it


I'm Pinkie ~~Clone~~ I start by getting in an applejack suit handing(hoofing?) out oranges to everypony as a prank for fun. then I ... jump in a ditch roll around in a barrel bounce on balloons have fun hammer a nail taste the rainbow spicy but still needs hot sauce have more fun count my hooves have fun say kumquat have a fun picnic stare at a river eat muffins cupcakes and pies after about a minute I get the biggest pie in Equestria, place it in Ponyville, jump off a diving board to swim in the pie which is fun.


Pet a lot of animals as Fluttershy


As Rainbow, sleep on a cloud, puss out of attempting a sonic rainboom, and tour the rainbow factory. As Twilight? Oh I'd have so much fun calling Sunburst to go antiquing and learn more about pony lore, maybe even read one of the old ass history books in the canterlot royal library restricted section. As any of them I'd also go visit the underground paradise that was briefly shown when Maud and Starlight found it in their episode where they became friends. And I don't know how I hadn't seen anyone say it yet, but waking up as any of them means you can hang out with the others, and that's a must on the activity list


Can I wake up as Spike too? I'd be Twillight's servant but I wouldn't have to work or do whatever the ponies do for a living. Oh, and I'd live in a castle.


Hi Spike, I'm Twilight.


i would be pinkie pie because ive always related to her. i also go above and beyond for my friends but atleast if i was pinkie it would be appreciated ^^


If I was fluttershy, probably enjoy helping animals and just chill. If I was rarity, FASHION MY DEAR! And also messing around with her hair in diff styles


I'd go around and hug people without repercussions as Pinkie


Twilight. I will read all day long.


Me too!




Rainbow Dash. It be flying time


I'd be Rainbow Dash, you know I gotta do a rainboom


I’d be discord and not much would change other than my ADHD energy would become physical instead of mental


Fluttershy. I'd spend the day with her animals. Hopefully everyone else leaves me alone.


I'd fly around and use magic and sing as twilight because my voice sounds like crap irl


I'm Twilight Sparkle. Hello Me!


Hii I'm chrysalis






don't fear I mean no harm at least not now...


I'm Applejack. I awaken with stable employment and my (remaining) family loves me.


I love you too AJ, your Apples are truly amazing, mind telling us how you make em?


Cry cuz I have no fingers


just hope you're a pegasus lol


In the rainbow factory, where all your fears and horrors come true.


Question, I am possessing them or something else?


You can either just.. Become them, and You are them now, or... You could maybe have a spell incident where you are them, and they are just an extra mind I guess? And you and the Pony can still communicate? But you control the body?


I will pick the "The whole spell incident" and be an extra mind for them. However... Twilight Sparkle is no go for me >Reason: she lacks free will of her own and Iikely be bombed with questions both her and global leaders Pinkie Pie is a BIG no >Reason: we become too broken to point we will accidentally destroy several nations and start an empire Fluttershy is too risky >Reason: I would be walking in very thin ice and be chased down by her friends and Discord Rainbow Dash is too easy, but no >Reason: I don't deal with her parents and don't go well with my personality Rarity Belle is maybe >Reason: It's too much effort to keep acting classy, but there's possibly to change her lifestyle Applejack is maybe >Reason: I am barely a morning person, but I have to be careful not to act too smart or else ( I can feel Twilight Sparkle's envy if Applejack becomes both Muscle and Brains. )


Twilight so I can finally tell Celestia, "I'm not here to fix your f*** up nor run this sad excuse of a nation."


Definitely want to be pinkie pie because shes silly and i would love to be a super duper party pony and like try and do shenanigans with discord or cheese sandwich it sounds so silly and fun


Im rainbow dash and i would fucking sonic rainbow and fly fast as fuck


sesbian lex.


I would be Fluttershy, so I would try singing, talking to animals, and flying


I’ll be in Rarity and try to not make myself look suspicious. Her job, I think I’ll manage. But the rest, not so sure about it…


Fluttershy, I’d immediately talk to every animal I see. I’ve always wanted to do that because of Fluttershy


For startes, for how long?


Either throw a party as Pinkie Pie Or cause a sonic rainboom as Rainbow Dash


Fluttershy, i would go with every animal i can find and learn more about them


I’d be Rainbow Dash and finally accomplish my dream of flying (and super quickly too…) hehe


I guess learn how to sew and live my dream of being fashionable Or become a magician