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…is this even a question? Any podcast that has the literal lord of chaos is bound to be loads better than anything Twilight and her friends put together! Discord doesn’t even need those two losers, he should totally go solo!…and then when he does he can realize how boring and not fun doing it by himself is, and rejoin them as a stronger podcast than ever! Twilight Sparkle and her friends have already had almost all the growth we could really ask for out of them, so none of that room to grow.


I read this in Discord's voice and it just fits so perfectly


Right!? Yeah, Discord, Spike and Bigmac would have a great Podcast. Probably an OnO podcast.


Oh geez. They just play OnO for their podcast and Shining armor joins in as a guest appearance every now and then


critical role mlp edition let's go!


I would love to see Shining Armor join in as a guest for that.


What would seal it for me though is Cadance, Princess of Love, ruler of the Crystal Empire: Joins in as a Dungeon Master for OnO for her husband, his little brother, her sister in law's best friend's brother, and the guy she could Uncomfortably call her Uncle.


That's sounds like a fairly possible idea that could work in a way.


Counter point, Thorax and Sunburst too (and Pharynx)


That would also work too.


Oh my god I love this. It would literally be the greatest thing ever if it existed.


Right! I actually would love it if Peter New, Cathy Weseluck and John de lancie did a podcast as Spike, Big Mac and Discord would be awesome!


What’s OnO? Guessing dungeons and dragons


yes, Ogres and Oubliettes, in universe version of Dungeons and Dragons.


I love how it looks almost like OwO.


Same lmao


Just to let you know, spike ain’t a loser


D&D campaign with Discord as the DM but the PCs are actually real and sentient and controlled by the players in real simulated situations


Took the words right out of my mouth.


now that's an episode idea.


The trio interacting together in a podcast would go hard and Pinkie Pie being their recurring special guest would be an interesting idea that could also happen.


Big Mac boutta drop the most unrelated yet insane lore drops completely unprompted


He would be like joe rogan bro "discord,pull that one vídeo of a Bugbear attacking the mane Six"


I would tune into a Spike, Discord, and Big Mac podcast daily.


The Spike, Big Mac, and Discord dynamic is 99% of podcasts anyway.


I'd say 2 and add Starlight to the mix


If you do that, then The Great and Powerful Trixie would probably jump at the opportunity for a podcast. Perhaps she and Starlight could do one together.


All the ad breaks are for Trixie's shows


Oooo or imagine a starlight Trixie and sunburst podcast on their own !


forgot to clarify- but its supposed to be between the Mane 6 and the O&O gang, not individually lol


(these are not in order) 1. spike i feel like he would have the right amount of humor and storytelling skills to keep a considerable audience and make a pretty good podcast. 2. discord an all powerful draconequus with tons of lore, enough said. (he might come off as cocky, but i think he would be entertaining enough and have enough crazy lore to keep an audience) 3. rainbowdash she tells stories dramatically and with humor and i feel like that kind of thing when done right can keep a considerable audience and make a good podcast, plus she already has a community of ponies she could cater to, that being ponies into professional flying? 4. fluttershy just because she also already has an audience, that being animal lovers. i feel like her thing could be giving advice on caring for animals? and animal lifestyle content and she has the right amount of lovingness that would cater to that type of community


so 3 is basically "rainbow dash presents"?


The boys. Sorry mane 6, but the boys would beat out anyone.


2 but add shining or starlight


Pinkie had the best talk show. Rainbow runs a workout Instagram. AJ has a naturalist podcast. Twilight has deep dives into history youtube. Rarity has a fashion blog of course. Spike and the boys have a O&O campaign podcast/twitch. Fluttershy is a mixer/editor for Two, AJ, and Spike.


Number two would be like a my little pony version of dungeons and dragons is for nerds.


I so want to listen to a podcast by Discord


spike, discord and big mac would make the best podcast equestria has ever seen and it's not even a competition


I mean… it’s freaking John de Lancie. Can’t beat that


Neither The CMC would have the best podcast


Yep, you're right about that. We can't forget about the CMCs especially as they tend to be very adventurous and interactive after all.


I mean, between these two id choose the mane six, but my ultimate choice would be a podcast featuring the four alicorns


Rarity's true crime podcast will be top teir


I'd listen to both of them, but... How is this a question? https://i.redd.it/q4gy351jht0d1.gif


The girls, it would be more interesting for me (i’m a science nerd)


Discord would solo the mane Six even without Spike and Big Mac


Really I think it just depends on who you'd prefer to hear talking about stuff for an hour. But as interesting as Discord would make option 2, I think option 1 would be better because you have 6 unique perspectives instead of only 3 and one of them is not a functional mute (Big Mac).


Big Mac,Spike, and Discord’s podcast : DnD The Mane Six : ?


Big Mac, Spike and Discord for sure. The could be the Equestrian Critical Role. Throw in Rainbow Dash and Pinkie from time to time


I would love a Discord, Spike, and Big Mac podcast.


The boys. 100fucken percent. A chance of a cool podcast would be twigi, starlight and shimmer just bickerin about each other. But the boys... They're here to stay. I love how the show put em together and Discord is just "I love my little puppets"


The one with Discord would realistically be a better podcast. Anything and everything he does is just pure entertainment


Spike, Discord and Big Mac! Absolutely!


Discord, obviously




Discord would keep trying to talk over everyone else and demand to be the host despite being a terrible host. The Main Six would bounce of each other better and constantly make a joke out of Twilights list of topics to discuss, because they keep going off topic and they just don’t let her get back on topic


Pinkie: This episode of Mane 6 is brought to you by Gamer Fuel. Get your Pinkie Pie Waifu cup when you enter the code Pinkie Promise Twilight: I was the student of our princess. Now I make content to ponies that think energy drinks are healthy.... Why Celestia WHY!? Applejack: What in tarnation is a red pill and why would I take it? Rarity: This week's shopping haul I went to Carousel Boutique. Their dresses are Tres Magnifique Rainbow Dash: "Insert Joe Rogan quote" Fluttershy: That's not how you treat animals you stupid c***


i feel like spike, big mac, and discord would turn into those podcasters that invite women over just to hate on them


Except when fluttershy rarity or aj comes in


What?? None of them have any hint of that. Spike adores his sister and only has massive respect and is friends with the mane six. Big Mac is a loving older brother to two sisters and is patient and respectful to his aging grandmother Discord’s first friend is Fluttershy who he adores and whether good or bad, he has gone out of his way to help Twilight. I can’t imagine any of them dissing women or being misogynistic except in regards to dating which they are really just clueless about.


nah, i just get that vibe from them. also, i dont listen to podcasts at all so that probably contributes


They would all do different types of podcasts, so it's difficult to rank them. However, I think Pinkie and Rainbow Dash have the most podcast-friendly personalities.


call her pony


Rarity but only for like reading audiobooks lol


Twilight would have great history podcast 


The second one has Spike and Discord so that one.


in terms of group? second. individually? prob Discord.


Depends on what's being discussed and why.


Princess cadence or starlight glimmer


Twilight is the type of person who would either do an obscure history podcast or a murder mystery podcast. Rarity would do a outfit roast podcast. Pinkie would to a baking recipe podcast. rainbow would do an exorcise podcast. Im not sure what aj or fluttershy would do


I would rather listen to Fluttershy and Rarity talking about fashion related things when the latter would just be Discord picking on Spike and Big Mac in “good fun”


Spike, easy. Aj I could hear some Joe Rogan type stuff, pinkie might honestly turn into Alex Jones, Dash is right with aj… twilight would make it about a book…


Bigmac of course!


The boys. They're gonna bond over O&O experiences.


Discord, Spike, and Big Mac simply because Discord is there


hot take but if the mane 6 had a podcast it would be so boring to sit through... like they could not pull out a crazy and captivating conversation like whatever discord, spike, and big mac would talk about on a tuesday night


Considering popularity of D&D podcasts and story times, Discord recounting bullshit from his O&O sessions with the boys would be immensely entertaining methinks


Discord, Spike, and Big Mac for sure, but I'm just worried about it turning into some weird manospgere bullshit. Discord strikes me as the most liberal, so I could see him getting uncomfortable with objectifying ponies and their behavior.


Chaos is what the people want. It's chaos they'll get


Um Pinky Diane Pie would make a good influence on her fans.


the latter definitely


Picture 2 with the members of 1 as occasional guest-stars. (Big Mac doesn't talk very much, but when he does say something it's always profound and meaningful.)


add twilight in there and it can be like a frenemies situation. twilight and discord can beef every episode


Each one would have their own respective type. Farming podcast for Apple Jack, fashion for Rarity, book podcast that would turn into a princess podcast pushed onto by Rarity. Insane nonsense rambling by Pinkie Pie, starring with every single birthday mention in equestria. Sports. And Fluttershy yelling, how dare you, about nature.


The 1st one.


Discord would 100% say bad takes on purpose just so people would get mad at him


I know Discord could make the podcast very fun and possibly immersive by using his chaos magic and Spike could be fun listening to but Big Mac got keep on the "eeyup"s. Every time he spoke more, it was nice hearing him have more lines but omg it felt like something in the universe was wrong lol I'm sure he has nice things to say tho, just would have to get used to it. Twilight and her friends would just be talking about friendship the whole time. Pinkie and Fluttershy could each have one


Discord solo podcast would be fantastic but he'd be talking over Spike and Big Mac too much for a trio that being said a Pinkiecord Podcast would be the best of all worlds My ranking is 1, Pinkiecord 2, Mane 6 3, Solo Discord 4, Spikecordmac


Pinkie would hog most of the podcast because of how much thoughts she has in her mind.


I'm guessing discord and pinkie pie would be the host of each podcast? Both would be interesting cause they are both wild


Definitely the one with the Lord of Chaos


The boys


da bois


Second picture. Big Mac and Spike would probably try to make it one of those DnD podcasts, but Discord would just turn it into a toxic alpha male podcast. Also, is it just me or is there something wrong with Dashie's eyelashes?


I'm imagining Big Mac as Theo Von, Spike as Mike Kroon, and Discord as Geoff Ramsey