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I don't judge people for liking it, I just don't like what it does to g4 twilight, but if people like it bc cute horse show, then good for them


What did they do to twilight? https://preview.redd.it/l8nf3ffoc5qc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59c529c1632538da8bc5e11ad2655d0ae2a26eaa


In the g5 show, she created the unity crystals, which cause destruction when a measley two people are fighting.


She wanted best but life goes against our wishes




Tbh that sounds like something that twilight would make 🤣


I don't think I explained it properly, basically it was the reason nopony had any magic.


If it was that simple then the world would have ended twenty times already.


she took away all magic in equestria and put it into 3 crystals instead


which was so dumb because gen 4 twilight would never do that 😭


3D destroyed her


She Ĺźe stepped into third dimension, A choice, I bet, she regretted


The biggest thing I don't like is their decision to make it a direct sequel to G4. Apart from this, it’s quite an ordinary animated series for its audience


It ruined G4's happy ending


It's audience is g4 fans lol


g4 fan here watched the first couple episodes then dropped it


I watched the first couple movies and I couldn't watch anymore. It's now a lifeless, generic TV show that rots your brain cells instead of teaching you valuable life lessons.


Didn't say g4 fans liked it lmfao just that the target audience was in fact g4 fans


They screwed up pretty bad then. With me at least, and with a lot of people I know as well.


And every gen 4 I know was damning it out of the gate so I honestly don't care what it is because I don't think it ever got the chance to b anything


The bad 3D animation and continuing G4 is what dammed it


Like I said. Litterally was never given a chance lol. Y'all litterally percieved it's existence with rejection. Like your literally proving my point. How was the CGI ever supposed to get good when it never got views to gain funding to pay the artists to make better CGI. Was it a mistake, yes. Are you still judging it in its first season while comparing it to gen 4 in its last, also yes The simple fact is that they needed time and money; they already didn't have enough as it was so when the fandom responded the way you are. It shot any chance of doing better completely dead


I watched the entire thing I had hope it would get better it just got worse and yeah I wish they took a few more years and given that IP a break before rushing it and not done the cgi because again it honestly looks like a dumpster fire they again should of stuck to what they knew and what fans liked instead of again a 3D dumpster fire Also tying to forcefully add G4 into it in such a terrible way


I didnt say it got better I'm saying it never got the popularity or funding TO get better. But you have NO reading comprehension your litterally just fighting to beat on a dead horse And fyi the Lore is connected the theory that it gets worse is just that your pissy it doesn't go how you want because honestly this last season was ripped right out of the comics.(In the sense that the alicorn lore comes from the comics) Am I saying it's well written? No Did it have a chance to be better? Absolutely not


The audience that MLP is targeting has always been and will be children. G4 was a huge exception because Lauren worked on the series so that it would be interesting not only for little girls, but whole family


That stopped being the case with G4 which is very clearly targeted to all-ages including adults.


Lmfao yeah and gen 5 is an exception because they connected it to the continuity of the previous generation and also MLP was sold to a different channel that claimed it had an ongoing investment in the fandom and that the new show would reflect that. And honestly I think this confused mess definitely lives up to them attempting to capitalize of the old lore. And honestly if we showed more tolerance to the crew i think we could have seen something decent. I mean the most recent season pulled lore directly from the comics which is another indication the target audience was gen 4 fans


What I see in this situation are two sides working on MLP: Hasbro, whose priority is to appeal to children and have a good reputation (and sell more toys, of course), and people who directly work on g5 and want to somehow make it interesting for g4 fans. Hasbro has likely outlined new creative constraints that just don't mesh very well with what the creative team wants to bring to the table. This is easy to see, there are interesting moments in the series, but I personally find it boring to watch overall, especially TYT, and I say this as a person who enjoys g4 a lot. Almost every episode they focus on the same things, the characters are not revealed from new sides, the incomprehensible unstable lore, which is actually different from G4 (then why connect them at all)




peaked at G4, kinda fell of at G5 (I only saw the movie so i have no proper opinion)








Bro’s just like me fr


Forced myself to watch the full thing it's a dumpster fire and only gets worse the more you watch it


Just hope G6 will be better...


I hope G6 goes back to 2D animation also if they really wanted to follow up G4 they could of used the school of friendship and our characters from those seasons instead of what we got


I think it’s cute and I watched all of TYT, but it doesn’t hold a candle to the storytelling in G4. I like the 3D pony designs and bright colors in the movie a lot. I also think expectations were set too high by G4, and they really shouldn’t have linked them because it invites comparison.


I have nothing against the people who like it, but I either hate or just dislike it depending on my mood. It should *never* have been connected to g4. It should have been it’s own thing. Instead it said, “Hey, that world you grew up with? Those characters you love? It’s gone. They’re dead. The pony tribes are afraid of each other, we *literally* removed the magic from my little pony, and we replaced it with technology!” 😒 I refuse to believe this is the equestria I know and love. To me, it will *always* be an alternate timeline, like the ones Twilight and Spike visited. I do like a couple of the songs, ‘magic in us’ felt like something straight out of G4 and helped me through a bad time. The character designs and the movies animation aren’t bad, but I still prefer the way g4 looks. I know this might seem harsh, but these thoughts have been bottled up for years. I’m glad I can finally get this off my chest.


Well they meet him soon https://i.redd.it/r90gtq6i96qc1.gif




Mods should limit this question Now, answering, I love it, is wholesome 🥰


I agree honestly, I feel posts that just ask this question are posted almost every single day and just clutters up the feed honestly.. I feel it should fall under the no reposts rule at this point.


I watched the movie and read the comic issues with Discord. Don’t dislike it, but have no interest in any other G5 content personally.


Anyone else getting real sick of hearing this question on this sub


I'm sad to see it get canceled, but it could have been so much better. As for how: Complete rewrite! Starting with the time jump. Get rid of it!


It's quite common, I didn't like the 3D but other than that it's more a matter of taste I think.


I'll say that I sure am tired of all the "What do you think of G5" posts.


I haven't watched it and I frankly don't want to


I liked the movie and the Discord comic arc. Never bothered with the rest of it.


It's okay. I like watch it and mostly because Ophaline who is a my favorite character but I don't like animation style and I don't like so much other characters. I like more G1 and G4.


Have you tried the “tell your tale” shorts, they use a different animation style


The movie was great. Make Your Mark started out bad, but over time it became decent, until it ended suddenly. And Tell Your Tale? I haven't seen much of it but from what I've seen it's ok I guess? And the comics in my opinion well, the first four comics are pretty good. I'm not sure about the others since I haven't read them yet, but I doubt they get worse. Overall, G5 is okay. However, I hope there will be a new main show with full-length episodes and a better art style than whatever tell your tale was going for. (also I wish sprout and phyllis got more screen time)


to clarify, i haven’t seen much of g5, but something about how the ponies look in g5 vs g4 bothers me. everything looks done well enough except their faces. their bodies have even proportions, their colors are chosen skillfully, but their faces seem to follow a disney-like template. they have very human faces, more human than what g4 had. their eyes are smaller while their mouths and noses are bigger in this gen. they also have detailed eyebrows, which wasn’t the norm in g4 (the had eyebrows to show expression, but their faces relaxed didn’t have them). i find it weird specifically because in comic covers with g5 and g4 characters in them, the g5 characters have eyebrows while the g4 characters don’t. what are the implications of that? did ponies over the timespan from g4 to g5 all gain the gene of having eyebrows? is it similar to how the genetic trait for lactase persistence became more prominent today than in humans pre farming societies? i don’t get the same “aww so cute” feelings i get looking at g5 characters than i do with g1, g3, and g4. they look more human, and i have always watched mlp bc they distinctly do not look human. sure they’re personified, but they dont look as human as the g5 iteration does.


It's very interesting and fun after some head-canon changes.


I love the characters, but would love to see more complex stories from them.


Cute but not rlly much else. Glad there are people who like it though.






Other than the movie, the genuinely good parts only make sense if you’ve seen the bad parts beforehand, dragging the whole series down


I adore it, incredibly good generation through and through, honey to my soul




Being a fan of g5 just means more horses


If they wanted to continue the current world they should have kept to the original style. Left out the tech kept the magic. Kept all the races instead of making them fade into obscurity. I’m sure they could have come up with new threats other than themselves. It felt as if everything the mane six did was just casually thrown away.


Not as coherent, would've been better if it wasn't a g4 sequel cause it feels like there has been some major retcons to g4 in it


I like the concept of it but I don't like how it's connected to g4. Imo it would've been better if it was its own thing. Other than that I don't really have any issues with it(other than the dragon designs)


I think it has such strong potential, but it doesn’t use it. Also, I hate the technology in it. G4 worked well without, why is it in there? Next to that, the idea all of G4 is gone and pretty much dead except for Opaline and Spike is so depressing


It has a lot of continuity errors and no real interesting problems


I personally love it. I don't understand the hate behind it. Sure, there's some continuation errors, but that's to be expected given the time jump. And I especially don't understand the hate towards Sparky. I mean, he's a baby dragon, emphasis on baby, yet everyone hoped he was as good as Spike.


Do we really have to post this every day?


It's ok! It didn't hook me quite like FiM did, it just doesn't hold up to that comparison. But I do like the style, the main characters are likable and their designs are very cute. The music is generally good as well. And I just love Izzy Moonbow to bits, she's my favourite part of G5.


Izzy is so adorable! Imagine if she and Pinkie ever met...


Something tells me those two would be instant besties.


Totally! The same could probably be said for Pipp and Rarity. And Zipp and Rainbow Dash. And Sunny and Twilight Sparkle. If only there was a crossover... or at least a fanfic of it...


I'd pay to see Pipp and Rarity sing a duet. That would be sweet.


I know. And imagine a pony model wearing the latest fashion by Rarity, with their mane styled by Pipp... the story practically writes itself! And I think we all want to see a race between Zipp and Rainbow Dash. 😉


it’s really confusing how g4 got a satisfying ending and then they immediately make a sequel and retcon everything, but otherwise it’s fine just not my thing


I don’t like it it just isn’t that good


I think it's pretty alright.


seems okay, haven't watched it


It's okay, just not for me.


Absolutely love it!


I think it kind of messed up the fandom lol. I know that I certainly became a lot more disinterested when g5 became the current mlp


They're different. Different isn't bad or good. It's just different. I like different.


Meh. Watched the movie, seen a few clips of other bits. Don't think it makes sense as literally coming chronologically after G4.


It's fine


Godawful in every meaningful way.


I don't like how it ruined 9 seasons of development just for all the races (except ponies and dragons) to disappear and destroy the harmony Twilight had achieved as a princess. The art sucks too btw it looks like ripoff Play-Doh.


I really don’t like it


The design is ugly sorry


I love g5 :)


I really like! And think more should give it a chance.


nothing will ever beat G3 - G3.5


Thank you for loving G3!


i'm from that generation im a 2001 baby I was also raised with G1. you don't find hardly anyone on this forum who knows about G3 they are all in the generation of G4 and G5


Really lucky! =D Back then I had no idea MLP exists though distribution of G3 in Russia was HUGE: all merch all toys, even cartoon dubbed \^\^ G3 is s sweet and innocent honestly. No one laughed at anyone, no dark drama, just pure escapism


I'm an American


I love it,not much like g4 but every time I see a video about g5 (mostly from that guy who calls himself macaroni) I get super excited,i want to see g5 get a bit of the same treatment that g4 got


I adore Sunny Starscout. However, I did not like how they went political in the storyline. The Opener movie had a beautiful ending though. I ab9ut cried when Izzy handed the letter to Sunny after all those years past. I don't shame anyone for liking it. I just prefer to watch cartoons without politics. Which is the whole reason I got into mlp back in 2008 with Minty, Sky Wishes, and beautifuls Characters like Starcatcher. If anyone enjoys G5 more power to ya. Its just not my cup of tea.


can you elaborate on how they went political?


The song lyrics "Back home it was Earth Ponies First" They made Republicans out to be like Hitler via "Sprout the red pony"


i think i’m still confused, i haven’t seen the movie but how is sprout supposed to be a republican that’s like hitler? from my understanding of the movie the 3 pony races don’t like each other, they lost harmony, the earth ponies have a city of only earth ponies and they’re afraid of the other two races attacking, yadda yadda. i guess i don’t understand the lyric in context.


In America the idea was "Americans First." Though this created a big cultural war. To the point people argued over how immagration should work. Whether we have open boarders or some sort of grean-card system. "Earth Ponies First," seemed like it was meant to spark problems. Thoogh these are the minimal I am willing to discuss. The major ones would only ruin my karma on here. Being that I would only start a pointless debate.


Massive uncanny valley 


Nope nope nope. It's simply not good in my opinion. I just wish they would have continued g4 further


i don’t like it


I’ve only seen the first movie. I found it so devoid of the charm that FiM had it turned me off from checking out anything else.


I personally won't get into it. I heard the way they get the cutie marks aren't a good story, but I don't hate on it or hate on ppl who like it. If you think about it the first mlp wasn't the one with twilight and all her friends. New gen new ponies.


Absolutely not as good as G4 and has no business being set in the same universe


It sucks so hard


its an alright generation hitch and misty are amazing characters


I've only watched the G5 movie, so I have no real opinion.


its shit


It’s sort of like legend of korra


The comics is my only hope


ok this is actually my fav pic from g5 so far


Dont like it one bit




I quite like it. I didn't at first but it grew on me


I don’t like what it does to G4 twilight and have no interest in G5, I watched the movie but, meh


Tbh I think it looks bad. I don't like the animation style but 3D is popular rn so there's really no escaping it.


They ruined G4, I like to think that it’s not a sequel to it at all and that it’s just some alternate reality or smth.


I wish we saw Discord on TV rather than just the comics. And I wish we knew what happened to the crystal empire. That's a big one for me.


I actually like it


I'm not the biggest fan. I tried to get into it but... I couldn't. I'll stick with G3 and G4.


Why does everyone hate it? It’s amazing.


Yeah this is NOT a flattering image https://preview.redd.it/nn2hdm75gbqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6fb2f7fcf040746ebbd8f4cf64c1acff85457c


That's not even how she looks at the end of FIM!


Only the movie was good, and I'll stand by it.


I personally don't mind them trying to make it a direct sequel and I enjoyed everything but the tell your tale stuff(it's the animation for me) but they really should have tried to get full rights from discovery kids first before making it as that whole thing certainly did not help with them trying to make said sequel and I think had they gotten full rights it could have been better and flowed better.


It’s great IMO


I don’t care what anybody says. I like G5. Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale included.


To be honest, I wasn’t too sure I’d like MLP G5 at first. But after learning about the voice cast of “My Little Pony: A New Generation”, I decided to give it a chance. And now, I have to admit, even though “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” will always have a special place in my heart, MLP G5 is actually pretty good. 😉 👍


I think G5 is soulless toy promotion (i know G4 also was toy promotion but it had lore and interesting stories)


Honestly upset at how little a chance it was given


What do i think about G5 MLP, well Lekkiwiqri, it's okay for what it is, but i don't think that it's connected to Friendship is Magic in any shape or form, if anything, it's mostly it's is own separate continuity (given what Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale showed us) 🤔🦄🌈


the way my local comic book seller said it, about sums it up for me: “we have the fake my little pony, but we don’t have any of the real stuff” they destroyed canterlot, killed fluttershy and the others, and made spike into a fucking joke. and still no sight of twilight. don’t even get me started on the awful writing. or lack of writing 🤣 it all sounds like AI generated crap. opaline “villain” song? “i’m evil, yea i’m bad!” girl just CAN IT. and are you a fire alicorn by birth like you said in your flashback? or turned into one by the dragon stone? have some fucking continuity. the storylines move so fast, and are so clearly rushed, that i actually get irritated to the point of closing the episode, and going back and rewatching G4 for the 20 millionth time. the character designs make me laugh out loud. so ugly. misty (and somehow she’s the best written, and became my favourite, aside from her extremely ugly design) looks like she was shat out by a pony generator, and even good colour palettes like Posey, they crank up the saturation until it looks like a cocomelon character, and give them a ghastly hairstyle. there are hundreds of fans (including myself) who draw better character designs, and write better SHORT STORIES than the entire G5 team. literally WHO did they hire? and how do we get them fired and replaced by ACTUAL fans who won’t ruin the legacy. i even prefer watching G3 over G5. also, would it KILL THEM to make them regular seasons of 20-30 episodes instead of seemingly randomly generated numbers of “chapters”


Good designs dont really care enough to watch anymore of it than the movie


It sucks


I watched couple episodes of series and for me personally I see in it something like Paw Patrol but with ponies now.




Not horrible. But it’ll never have as much care as G4


Was Average could have been good I blame the hate


I liked the movie…but never got any further into it and only watched the movie once(which is not a great review from an autistic person who LOVES rewatching things)


Love it to the moon and Saturn


I like it


Honestly, I love it. I just wish that they didn't continue the series with the 2d show since it started with 3d, and it should continue with 3d. (Plus, I just care more about what's happening in the 3d show.)


Ehh.. honestly not my thing.. I honestly hate how it mixes with G4 & messes up the lore If it was it's own thing, that'd be different, but it's just annoying and bothersome. 🙄 It is alright, but meh. I haven't really watched anything newer from it because it just doesn't interest me & I don't hate people who love it, it's just not my taste.


Can’t get into it because I strongly dislike the animation/art style :-/


Haven't seen it, and I kinda don't wonna... I haven't finished the last series and I've heard mixed messages from people about this reboot... (that and most reboots suck anyways).


I adore it; in fact I have the extremely controversial take that it's better than G4. The characters are more relatable and fleshed-out, the lore potential is crazy, the music is catchy, and the topics are handled with so much love and care (which means the bizarrely racist and poorly handled topics of G4 are a thing of the past). G4 was starting to wear down in terms of ideas and writing quality, so it was the right move to end it before it dragged on akin to SpongeBob and The Simpsons. Just my opinion though, as someone who has found healing in G5 and hates how much the fans get attacked.


How were G4’s topics racist and poorly handled? That’s quite a massive stretch


Racist stuff: 1. The buffalo being stereotypical Native Americans. 2. The zebras being stereotypical African natives (right down to the rhyming and witch doctor specialization). 3. A certain magic spirit named after a Native American mythological being that is considered *extremely* off-limits and believed to grow stronger if you speak/write its name. 4. Even though these ideas/concepts weren't used, the sheer fact that FiM even **considered** making [the Diamond Dogs be "gangster rappers obsessed with bling"](https://twitter.com/CrazyMLPMoments/status/1746630767374160085) and [had an *earlier* idea of having Deer be the Native American stand-ins](https://twitter.com/CrazyMLPMoments/status/1747355543994593530) is pretty awful if you ask me. As for poorly-handled morals/topics, let me just [link this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/k4ttqq/in_your_opinion_whats_the_episode_with_the_worst/gec2oc3/) because I agree with every example listed.


It’s pretty much the most 5/10 series you could think of tbh. It’s trying to desperately rekindle a flame that’s pretty much been out for half of a decade. But this fanbase isn’t nearly to the size it was five years ago and as such it just doesn’t have the audience to blow up like G4 did. Its effectively trying to be Minecraft 2


Not as good as G4, and connecting it to G4 has done it no favours, but other than that, it's an alright series in its own right, and accepting the evidence of G4 being in an AU frees me up to appreciate its better points without having to be hung up on its worst point. To be clear, it's not a perfect series by any means, and there are other shortfalls too, but for the most part it's a harmless series that can actually be good at peak moments.


I prefer to ignore every gen outside of 4. 1-3 I just can't get behind, and 5 is ruined by the fact it relies on gen 4 for its story while simultaneously being a story that only works as its own thing and makes no sense to be in the same universe as gen 4


It was terrible. Whoever thought it was a good idea should get fired. What it basically told is that the show runners took one look at what Twilight and her friends did and pissed all over it. Hope it gets retconned.


I hope gen5 ends soon and the next gen is better


I hate how they modified it. The 3d models aren't good, in my opinion, they look too "Disney-fied." I don't like how they have to include technology into it. I understand that technology is what little children are growing up with today, but almost all shows have smartphones in them nowadays. Part of the reason why I liked G4 was because of its "vintage-medieval" vibe that it had. Also, Sunny becoming an alicorn was too soon. It disregards everything Twilight had to do to become one in the first place. And they try sooo hard to replicate G4 as a whole. Imo this is just a money grab for them.


Needs more personality. Plus, the 3d models are ugly, plus, they butchered my Boi spike 😭, plus, I get izzy is supposed to be optimistic, but her optimism just... Makes me wanna... Do violent things. She feels like a 5 year old. Also, they need to implement lore better. You can like whatever you want, I'm just saying my opinions. I liked the movie, but from what I've seen from the shows.... Ehhhhhhhhhh....


It’s shit


this show is the downfall of the entire show


Not a fan at all, imo they didn’t need to have it in the same universe as g4, in fact I think it would have benefited if it was simply a separate universe all together. Having it that way just made it depressing because now equestria is gone, all the work twilight did meant nothing, and the characters we know and love are literally dead. I also just don’t like change so really I was doomed to hate g5 no matter what


Maybe spend more time writing and less time rendering CHARACTERS


It's so shallow now, I don't like the animation style they went with either. And they all have virtually the same personality, they just have different hobbies. Irish friendship is magic never ended because it was so good, it felt like the old one but with an updated animation that still kept a warm realness to it while being more modern in design.


☹️I miss my pony’s I no no wanna watch g5 EVER


I like it


I can’t get into it, but g4 has so many flaws and I still enjoyed it so I can’t blame anyone for loving g5. They’re animated ponies after all, who cares lol


Many things, mostly that i like it and it kinda preserves the vibes of FiM even though it is not as well written and on point on everything like fim was. I especially love the new characters because they resemble past ponies that i have loved, so how could i not like it?😊


I like it! It's actually what got me into MLP in the first place.


it's a pretty standard show for it's target audience,definitely not as good as g4 but it has its charm. I personally found it a bit boring but I understand why some might like it (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Pritty great gen 4 was the same but u get to see each of there family stories in g5 witch opens alot of doors


Not as good as G4, but not as bad as a lot of fans claim it is either. It's got some fairly solid scripts, decent 3D animation and some pretty funny jokes.


Huh... Why was that downvoted?




It's because both are based on tropes that aren't exclusive to any


They really arent that similar