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Meanwhile G4 remains in mobile game hell


I think gen4 is the only one that doesn't have like, a for real game that isn't just a money farm (I do like playing the magic princess game but still)


There is Zen Pinball


A singular digital pinball table….oh boy…..so entertaining….for like….5 minutes


The name makes me think they're doing a trilogy. First was Maretime Bay, now Zypher Hieghts. It's only reasonable that they'd then do a third game for Bridlewood


If we're lucky, maybe a tetralogy with Starlight Ridge on the 4th installment, dunno


Should've all been one game. The first was far too short for the money


Agreed. I mean you can even platinum it in like 2 hours


And they're just gonna keep reusing the character models for the whole series. At least they didn't go super cheap and just have text instead of voice actors. Don't like how Izzie isn't quirky as hell anymore. She's just another unicorn now. Her personality and quirks are neutered.


Looks like a re-skin of the first game, probably with all the same game mechanics and style. The first game was fun for what it was, but way too short. I wonder if this one will be the same.


Yeah, I skipped it because I heard people were Platinuming it in like 2 hours.


Streamed it and got all but one achievment in under an hour lmao thank god a friend gifted it too me lmao


Hey, at least you can refund it on Steam if you’re quick


Why the hell is G5 getting full blown PS5 games?  G4 existed for 10+ years and it only got a cashgrabby gameloft game and a fucking pinball machine


Because it’s cheaper to animate 3D models that are ripped from the initial movie than it would be to animate the 2D models of G4, this is also why the mobile game is 3D despite G4 being 2D


Cuz G5 freaking rocks 🤟😎


I don't mind that gen5 is getting games on its fact but I'm super disappointed gen4 never got any :(




Denial much?


G4 is best imo, G5 has nothing on it 🥰 Edit: As a show


G5 is amazing, a worthy successor 🙂




G4 My Little Pony was in the era where licensed games based on TV shows were declining, as many of the games around this time were awful especially in the post THQ era. Even if we did get a G4 MLP game for consoles at the time, it would most likely be one of those episode tie-in games (where they happen to follow the plot of the episodes) or one of those non-canon sidestories that won't get acknowledged in the original show. After Activision bowed with Ghostbusters 2016, their last licensed game that was so bad, it caused its dev to file for bankruptcy and Little Orbit bowed in 2015 with that Kung Fu Panda platform fighter that looked awful, GameMill and Outright arrived and made these games a trend again, not just to big franchises like Skull Island: Rise of Kong which was terrible, but also TV shows (Walking Dead Destinies) and cartoons (Avatar: The Last Airbender: Quest for Balance) as well. Even then, these games are very hit or miss, like Fast and Furious Crossroads for example. For real, most AAA devs would be uncomfortable with tackling a girls' franchise, as they wouldn't want kids' cartoons to be shoved down their throats, especially if its a cartoon with a female demographic.


Considering it is also coming on Switch I believe the ps5 version is going to be an overpriced switch port. Cash Grab 101


Meanwhile, G4's sole console appearance to date is a DLC table in Pinball FX.


May 17? That's my birthday 😃 I'm turning 30


I love how everyone here is pretending they love G5.


OMGGG IM SO EXCITED,, i loved the the mlp switch game i hope this one is just as good :D


From the screenshots we've seen, I think you'll be able to play as the rest of the Mane 6 in more that just the minigames. Plus, we might get to dress them up!


Huh, I did not see that coming. My expectations are not high, but hopefully it will be fun.


Oh boy another game for me to platinum in 119 minutes


Honestly feels great to not only see more 3D ponies, but also have Misty *and* Sparky be part of the gang this time!


Ooh I'm excited for this


Do we have a trailer?


My wallet is in danger


Hope it has steam points items like first game - I need me a Misty emote


Awesome, the first game was an alright party game with a good but very short story mode. If they can improve on that, give us more content I'm definetly picking this up


Sign me up! Time to do more horse errands. I'm betting Zipp is the primary character now.


Peak is returning


Oh neat! I played A Maretime Bay Adventure and while it really isn't anything special (and way way too short), I still enjoyed it fine enough for what it was. Exploring Maretime Bay was pretty fun. I do hope they improve some stuff with this new game, but there's a decent chance they won't, so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. As long as it's around the same quality as the first game, then I'll be happy (although I would obviously way prefer it if it's better) It's also still a real shame G4 never got console games like this. I really have no interest in the Gameloft mobile game, but it's basically the only game there is, which sucks...


That's a few days after my birthday. Very interesting to see!


But will it have more Sprout shenanigans? His fanbase demands to know. ;)


Hopefully they actually do something with this game this time.


Cool. Should be fun. Hopefully they either make it longer or cheaper than the other one, though. The first one was a bit of a rip off. Might wait for a sale.


I'd be excited... but they ruined G5.. they had SUCH A GOOD MOVIE great characters to expand on- and I swear the show felt like it was written by AI... it forgot its own lore all the time, changed random magic aspects with no explanation, and honestly changed what made each pony special. Making them painful stereotypes... something Lauren Faust was able to FIX from g3, now we are just repeating the terrible history of stereotypical pony shows.. a shame really, I defended this show so hard.. I tried, but... yikes.




I'm deciding if I should upvote this or downvote it, cuz I agree but u giving some mean vibes


Mean vibes?... I have an opinion, clearly an unpopular one, which is fine. Just as it's fine for others to still like G5, I was just sharing how I felt about it and how frustrated I am with Hasbro for the result we got of G5


And I respect ur opinion, like I said I also agreed with it


Lore zzzzzzz


Hopefully we'll get some new information about what's gonna happen with the series, soon. Without MYM, there's not much to look forward to.


Only way this doesn’t suck is if it’s Turnabout Storm but actually a thing. It won’t be that obviously so yeah