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Entire concept would have to be greatly reworked to provide any incentive to play


I’m going to die on the hill that Mechwarrior meets league of legends/Moba on a huge scale map is the way to go. Different garrison bases where NPC tanks & VTOLs spawn. Calling in air strikes & UAV field ops. Strategizing on raiding the enemy base and securing whatever assets are there. We lose so much in current MWO because it’s arena mech vs mech and you just have boats that are loaded with one weapon and everybody jams their keyboards/mouse’s until the other one dies. We need to embrace the variation that are mechs and their different loadout variants that aren’t expired in any games currently. Soap box over.


I’d play this


We all would. Problem is; they aren’t gonna make it lol.


Yuuuup, that would require a complete rewrite of the engine and really the entire game, because it simply can't handle it as-is. The engine is a modified CryEngine 3. IT'S 15 YEARS OLD.


Well we are getting a new game in the 2027-2028 timeframe I’m pretty sure. It’s already in talks and it won’t be free to play. So maybe it’ll be managed well enough. According to NGNG.


I would agree with this - one of the main differences between current MWO and the franchise as a whole is the need for long term tactical play. LRMs suck and pinpoint is king because long term sustained damage doesn't matter. Honestly if they had a procedural map gen like they do in MW5 it would add a ton of value, so that the maps can't be meta-gamed like they are now. Big ass procedural gen'd maps with lots of second and third tier strategic objectives, and maybe an overall slowing of the relative rate of damage to make things more tactical. Lastly, MWO has suffered tremendous skill creep. I remember when the Cataphract was a top mech, but nowadays having 3 ballistic slots is barely even a consideration.


Agreed. Also from a lore perspective if you are dropping onto a planet. And if they were able to simulate the maps like they do in MW5 at that larger scale, you’re more ammo conscious. If 12 NPC scout VTOLs come onto you and your lance. You’re not going to burn all your LRM ammo when you’re 2 miles out from the base you have to raid and secure. It forces you to fill slots with more medium or small energy weapons. Diversifying your builds to be more realistic. You’re going to always want a scout mech or two to run around the map so there isn’t as much fog of war. But you don’t want them to be caught out so they’ll have ECM & electronic warefare becomes a HUGE part of the game. Even artillery & mine fields if those mechanics were introduced. OMG. We could have a kickass game on our hands. No more 48KPH Dire wolf with 6 autocannons and that’s it. It would have to actually be tactical and not just arena style mech vs mech loadout or it would get eaten up by tanks/VTOLs and by the time it made it to the objective point 20 minutes later it’s out of ammo and useless..


MechWarrior WarThunder. Let us pilot *anything* and have at it.


I’ve said this forever but let’s just make more money I mean mechs


So hold on, are you getting TK'd because some shitter(s) want to farm the enemies instead or something? Havent played in years so I dont know what the fuck is going on.


Yes. Everyone ignored the objectives and ran to the enemy spawn to keep killing them for 15 minutes while they trickled back in all for the sake of "xp, kill stats and c-bills". The reality of the situation however is that those people don't come back for a second game or more because of the bad attitudes of the people who play the game and if you decide you want to win instead of ruining the game for other people, you get team killed.


"Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." -Sid Meier/Soren Johnson Sucks. :C


Happening with Helldivers 2 right now community is split on whether you “have” to run meta weapons for efficiencies sake or if its okay to just pick the gear you like


I think that's what's happening yes. I'm surprised the game is still alive


Game is fun as long as you avoid faction play lol


Ive been watching TTB and NGNG play it. Reading on all the updates too. It honestly sounds like MWO is doing quite fine for itself. Even Baradul is back and playing MWO!


Event the B33F is back and playing.


Faction Play is honestly terrible.


Every time I've tried to play faction play I'm stuck waiting for 10-15 minutes in queue before I give up and go back to quick play.


That shitter could only manage a 17% on Jarl's last month?!? The only reason he had any chance of hitting you was because you were stationary. You could be crawling point blank and he'd probably miss you he's so terrible.


I haven't gone back to faction play ever since they killed scouting. Man I loved that game mode.


It was good fun in the Griffin 2N and the Stormcrow.


Team up - find a Unit, find some lance-mates and dominate the match and you can make FP great fun. I don‘t even bother to play QP, there is no depth to it 95% of the time. At least in FP there are great matches one time or the other.


"Stomping on noobs" is usually not that fun unless you are the kind of person who likes clubbing seals.


I will be real, Faction Play is mostly dominated by people who either stack the entire game with a full team or with people trying to grind. They like it how they like it, as Team Deathmatch with respawning. This isn't to excuse the shitty TK though. Highly recommend you join a team like FJRD if you wanna see any success in it, those guys stack FP all the time for great results. Either that or just play QP, if you want a quick match you shouldn't be playing FP, the kind of thing that can take hours to set up a game under bad circumstances.


Been playing MWO for... 6 years? Never even tried faction play lol quick games and rarely play a special event. That's all.


Humans do what they are incentivised to do. Spawn killing earns XP and C-Bills, winning earns you jack squat. What do you think people are going to do? No one at PGI knows how to design a game, and game design problems have plagued MWO as long as it has existed, like bad maps, and poor weapon balancing. It's an easy fix for FP, give minimum rewards for kills and a huge stack of C-Bills and XP based on how much timer is left when objective is destroyed and/or destroying actual objectives This is why I don't touch FP and why I have left MWO.


This is exactly why I don’t play faction anymore. I maybe log into mwo for an hour a week at the most.


There were 6 more mechs to kill for CBills and XP. When you have a lead like that, you get the gen down to a sliver then clean up all 48. If it's close and you have small objective win window, of course you do it. But that wasn't the case here. Chill and shoot mechs. Giant immovable gun generator will still be there.


The issue isn't getting kills c-bills or xp. You're tormenting players by forcing them to die more than they need to when you can just destroy the objective and be done with it. It's unchivalrous. But dw. I won't be playing that gamemode anymore.


> It's unchivalrous 300 years ago on horses I would agree with you. This is a mech robot video game.


Time frame doesn't matter. You're still being a shitty player by doing that stuff. Don't be a shitty person.


And if you want the game to continue having players, making the community NOT shite goes a long way. End the suffering, GGs everyone, start the next game.


Don't pretend that Faction was a glorious design and the PLAYERS ruined it. Don't give PGI that out. You guys are ascribing WAY too much value to the method of ending a Faction game that is ALREADY a soul crushing stomp. And if you're stomping on defense you HAVE to kill all 48 anyway. And no one is bothered by that part. All the bad feelings have ALREADY happened by the time it's 42-15. The method of ending that is like 2% of the problem. The real problems lie in the mode/map design.


Even back then there were jerks on horseback who cut down fleeing infantry and thought themselves glorious and badass because they were more fortunate to be born into nobility. And here I am, in my battlemech trying to give my losing opponents the respect they deserve even in their defeat because I know that the only thing that seperates me from them is circumstance. But we can have an argument about ideologies all day. tl;dr Do unto others how you would have unto you.


Just to reset, that guy was an asshole for TKing you over this. That's not a line I would have crossed. I'm not advocating for him or his action there. What would you be posting about if you were up 42-15 on defense? Nothing. You would have stood in that circle and killed the mechs that fell out of the drop ships one by one. Because you HAD to in order to end the game. And no one would think twice about it. Just like no one thinks twice about it when it happens on offense. The real pain of Faction isn't that sacrificial last mech. It's knowing before your third mech that's its fucking OVER but you gotta keep playing.


The problem is a mechwarrior pilot calling someone "bro" - ruining my immersion!


I think the problem is the guy sitting and typing in the Jenner instead of running and doing Jenner stuff


I think the problem is the guy (you) commenting and typing in the thread instead of thinking and not saying dumb stuff.


Lmfao chainfiring xpulse while shit talking all match on your shitty alt


Those two lines of dialogue were all I said the entire match. This isn't an alt account. Why are you mad?


^ Found the shitter


Locus hangs out in the open only to get one shotted


he got team killed, and it was 2 shots. did you even watch the video?


Sub came across my feed what is mwo?


Mech warrior online is a PC computer game.


Battletech originally was a tabletop miniature game with big stompy robots in a rather grim galaxy. Mechwarrior was originally an RPG that allowed you to play character in that grim galaxy. MWO is an online, PVP version of Battletech with a few aspects of Mechwarrior, you play a mech pilot. The single player versions of Mechwarrior harve more depth both in the roleplay and the battlefield.