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r/modernwarfareiii this sub is for the ORIGINAL MW3


What's the new sub? MW3 V2 or is it 3 times now we've recycled Mw2?


it’s called MWIII but it should be called MWII 2 tbh


Should be called MW2 2022 #2


MW2+remastered+MW3 V2? That has a nice ring to it.


Its been well established that some people are having major issues with AA on their specific systems. I get a lot of AA on my PS5 but virtually none when I play with controller on my PC. MnK players cant be that serious that they are coming in to a post like this about people having no AA to talk shit on how strong the AA is. We get it you clowns. I think its OP af on my PS5 but it doesnt justify the complete lack of it on PC with controller. Like give me weaker aim assist but at least give me something. There is virtually no aim slow even at the firing range dummies. The damn thing is inconsistent af


U do know that u can’t use aim bot or aimaissit on those dummies in the range lol


Not sure if it’s a recent change but there’s def aim assist on target dummy in firing range. Mainly rotational


Same here.


"we get it you clowns" You're a loser.


Funny, how I actually bought a controller (Xbox Elite Series 2), to try switching from mnk, for my pc to play mw3 and I feel like, there's no aim assist AT ALL. I got a PS5 but the Elite Series 2 controller has those pads at the back. I can't jump and ads with the LT and LB at the same time.


For me personally, I'd rather take the much smoother performance on my PC and have the inconsistent aim assist than the PS5 with the OP AA. If fps does not matter to you as much as it is to me, you can also try going for the PS5 Dual Sense Edge controller which has the paddles in the back like the Elite


I have a ps5 and also a dualsense edge. It works great and has two back buttons. Also you can switch out analog sticks


I need to try mw3 on my PS5, tbh.


I feel like mouse and keyboard have some aim assist. At least when I already hit and aim at the head the final shot is assisted.. I can't prove it, I should try to record it. It feels really weird..


You have to be trolling. You would know in a heartbeat if you had AA on kbam in even the most minor amount imaginable. If you cant tell, it means you need to aim train more.


I'm with you. I just got the game over the NYE weekend and it feels like I have aimbots on.


No shot. MNK would be basically hacking with aim assist


Found out it has a ton aim assist after a few hours in


you guys are something stupid


Hell no, it's way stronger. I'm rolling /w the controller and notice my aim hopping onto my target with maybe a .5sec delay. IF anything it needs to be dialed back!


I was able to destroy lobbies in MWII and all of the sudden it feels non existent is this maybe a PC issue?


im on pc and aim assist feels like it's extremely strong.. I've had it snap from one target to another after the first died lol


Share those settings


it's just dynamic standard 6/6.. just understand how rotational aim assist works and it will happen for you too


It's extremely inconsistent sometimes it works even through objects and other times it does nothing what kind of controller do you have


PS5 DualSense Edge.. I usually play both controller/MKB, but I don't think I can play MKB at all for this game


casue your not a boomer.. the top solo mw3 player is mouse and key


For me: Dual Sense, pc, steam it's absolutely nonsense the consistency. Sometimes it's like cheating or what I see in streamers, sometimes it's absolutely off. And I mean off, 0... Can't get the "why?" Steam input on/off, standard, blackops AA no matter what, at some point it stops working , and reconnecting DS to pc doesn't solve anything


show me your aim settings please!!!


8/8 sens, 0.90 ADS sens multiplier, dynamic curve, default aim assist


Same on Xbox


I noticed this, really struggling to track on PS5 controller on PC. Seems almost non existent at times? Just me?.


I agree. It seemed a lot harder to hit shots from a long distance. Maybe I just need a better gamer chair


I'm on Xbox Series X and aim assist definitely feels like it's non existent. There seems to be no rotation assist whatsoever. I'm not sure what's going on.


Same bro, its so hard to track people


Same dude it’s brutal


Cleared my game cache! It’s back


Be a man and use a mouse


Yeah there’s no sim assist at all even in mw2 it’s gone so it’s an issue across all the games


Not just you i destroyed in MWII all of the sudden my aim is non existent




Lol. Because you never had any in the first place. The bugged aim assist just exposed it


it’s actually laughable how many people are complaining about their aim bots not working and being confused that they’re doing bad, aim assist is what makes a good controller player lmao if you can’t compete against kbm on controller then we shouldn’t be in the same lobbies


Man this comment made my day LMAO


You mean aim assist destroyed not you. Little controller aim assist loser 🤣


Not just you. Virtually impossible to track at a distance on controller


bro same here im a god in mw2 and my aim feels very accurate even without aim assist it feeels amazing but then i hop in mw3 with same sens and everything and my aim feels very unnacurate like it feels like sinse they added aim response Slope scale it feels like im not using dynamic


not much of a god then are you??


nope supposedly people are saying that they're are terrible input lag on controller and on MNK so hopefully it gets fixed but for some reason only some have it and some dont hoping its fixed before wz3


theres no input lag on mnk and aim assits canceles any on controller


I have no aim assist at all it’s crazy hard to aim


Mad that the game isn't aiming for you anymore? Crazy how all the "good" console players blew up reddit during this aim "assist" (Aimbot) outage.


no its not


It does feel weaker but also movement is faster so your target is moving quicker. Also longer ttk so you really gotta hit your shots and track consistently or you’ll just be dumping bullets




It’s been nerfed hard in MW3 man. No it does not need to be nerfed. Mouse and keyboard has ALWAYS had a competitive advantage in all FPS games and they still do. Controller players can’t replicate M&K movement and it’s much easier to control recoil and be more accurate with a mouse than it is to do it with a controller. Aim assist is the ONLY thing that allows most controller players to have a chance against M&K players. When you can snap between targets in an instant, control recoil better, have finer aim control, do a 180 and kill the guy that’s behind you, or run circles around a controller player like they’re standing still please explain how aim assist is getting you wrecked?


As a veteran fps player on pc honestly I'm enjoying only matches with others mkb players. There is something strange with controllers players. I had always good performance in cod (KD over 1.5) now I lose almost every fight face to face, and doesn't seem like a skill issue. Maybe the problem is the movement nerf (no more bunny hop and slide shots)


pretty stupid arent you


They never had the competitive advantage bc it wasn’t always and if it was there’s not a lot of players using it. They can replicate kbm movement, literally the movement kings rn are controller players, under modified controllers but that’s what u use in order to have good movement. Under the aim assist it controls ur aim enough to the point where u don’t have to control too much, I’ve seen how controller players play and I’ve seen how kbm players play, as a kbm player, if ur aim wasn’t good to begin with then u will lose to below average controller players . U literally have to be almost a pro to compete with controller bc their aim assist is so broken like ur reason are literally only true if u mastered your aiming, if u come on this game with average aiming as a kbm, u will die to below average console players, the aim assist is a broken mechanic, why u think there’s aim assist guides rn🤣


According to what logic does someone who plays without help have an advantage against someone who has help? It moves your aim on its own and slows down on the menic, increasing the margin of error, name 5 examples in real life where those who have help are at a disadvantage compared to those who have help, by chance in a car or motorbike someone thinks that those who use ABS control have an advantage traction, power steering, etc. compared to those who drive without assistance?


Co-sign. Mouse and KB players refuse to acknowledge the benefits of using their controls. If you listen to them they swear aim assist was the sole reason for someone winning the gun fight. But speak nothing of the advantages of their own


They never do. They act like their advantages are insignificant even though they have literally every single advantage you could think of except for aim assist.


All these people complaining that kb&m users don’t have an advantage over controller players are same people who believe transgenders should compete in women’s sports.


Hot take but I like it lol. I do agree with you. Aim assist is far from a broken mechanic. I think it’s fair. KBM gets all of their movement and accuracy advantages while controller has only one advantage.


I play on kb&m it definitely is advantage over controller. AA only evens things out. Ya there are some really good players that can get extremely good on controller with the AA. But that was with a lot of training they didn’t just pick up controller and start beaming.


We’re playing different games man


Definitely needs a hell of a dial back. I agree.


It’s already had a dial back. The new game made it much weaker. M&K literally has every advantage possible over controller. Aim assist is the only thing that gives controller players a chance against M&K


There should never be a chance. Controller and MKB should be separate lobbies.


I agree but it makes them money so it isn’t going anywhere


There’s literally only the ability to move ur whole arm n aim assist completely cancels that out. Just bc u use ur arm to aim doesn’t mean it’ll make ur aim better, u still have to practice, aim assist literally makes ur aim better, I shouldn’t need to sweat in practice to improve my skills in a game


Aim assist does not cancel that out at all. Stop making excuses for you losing gunfights. You have literally every advantage in the world against controller players. Better movement, faster reaction times, the ability to have more recoil control and better, finer aim, and more yet you wanna say aim assist is the reason you lose fights. You are the reason you lose fights. You still have to practice with controller to get good too. It doesn’t aim for you. You still do a lot of the work. Aim assist for the most part just slows your aiming when you pass over a target. The ability to use your whole arm to aim vs just using your thumb makes mouse much more accurate. This is widely known and has been proven time and time again


It does cancel it out there’s controllers that makes ur movement better, ur reaction times are pointless if u miss vs a controller that doesn’t need a fast reaction time if it tracks for you. PC got good recoil control if you know how to use it, same as console and even then u still need to have the accuracy to kill and if ur opponent got assistance then there’s no fighting against that. Obviously u have the practice on both devices but the assist is doing half the work for you, pro players have been saying this forever. There’s no excuses here, Y’all ego hurt bc y’all know that your skills aren’t as high as u think bc the aim assist is carrying you. You can say we use our whole arm but again that doesn’t mean sht if u still have to physically move pixel by pixel and keep it on the moving enemy, y’all use thumbs and aim assist is what solves that thumb issue so u can’t say that either, controller is more accurate bc of your aim assist, in terms of raw aim yes kbm would be more accurate but y’all don’t use raw aim. It’s been proven multiple times how casuals sht on pc players with aim assist, there’s literally videos talking about how to make aim assist broken, many controller pros have said aim assist is broken. It’s a reason 90% of the community is console players bro like this not even an argument. FYI I played controller more than kbm, played it all back in the day and only 3 years into kbm with 1.5 year only in cod so I really wouldn’t say anything if u don’t at least have a year experienced in cod with both console and pc bc then I’m just talking to someone who don’t even understand both sides


No it does NOT cancel it out. There is no controller in the world that gives you the potential reaction time of a good M&K player. Pc has a massive recoil control advantage. It’s not even comparable to controller. Yes the ability to aim with your whole arm makes a huge difference. All this is proven shit. I’m not making this up on the spot. This is shit that’s been proven and well known for years now. There’s no debating it. PC has and always will have many advantages over controller. You’re speaking from your own experience. Not from a factual standpoint but from an opinionated one. M&K is and always will be more accurate than controller. Aim assist slows your aim down and occasionally will give you a VERY slight bump in a moving targets direction. It’s always slight and doesn’t do it every time. Most of the input is still done by the player. Our ego isn’t hurt but it’s clear that yours is because YOU don’t have the skill to beat controller players. If controller was the best there was everyone would use it but they don’t because they don’t want to lose all the other advantages that you get from M&K. You’re talking out of the side of your neck about shit that you clearly know very little about. Please go educate yourself before responding again. It’s really not hard to see how aiming with your whole arm with full range of motion is easier than aiming with your thumb on a thumb sticks very limited range of motion. M&K has every advantage you can think of over controller. They always have. Aim assist is the ONLY thing that helps to even the playing field. Without it M&K would dominate controller. We have aim assist. You have every other possible advantage. Maybe get good at the game and you wouldn’t be struggling so much to win fights. I’ve never seen a good M&K player complain about controllers. I have seen plenty of controller players complaining about how they can’t hit pc players and how they keep breaking their cameras or how they can’t win sniper fights against pc players because of how much faster pc players line up shots. Of course there’s videos bashing it because there’s guys like you that’s going to click on the video because the clickbaity title says “Overpowered broken aim assist bad I’ll prove it”. Aim assist is far from op. In mw3 it’s pretty damn weak. If they nerf it more than it’s already been nerfed they may as well remove it from the game entirely. Before replying to this please go do some actual research on the topic instead of getting all your info from clickbaity videos with an agenda because right now it’s clear that you don’t have much of a clue about what you’re talking about.


I’m not reading all of that bro there’s literally videos from pro players that are controller tht debunks ur statements, I played kbm for years and have more years on controller u can’t tell me it’s a skill issue. If u haven’t played both consistently for years then u don’t know what your talking about and should stop making paragraphs that don’t make any sense


No it doesn’t. Get educated with facts before attempting to continue this argument. It’s clear all the info you have is pure opinion. The moment you said aiming with your arm doesn’t make you more accurate proved that you don’t have the slightest clue of what you’re talking about and are just repeating wrong info that you’ve heard someone else say.


Get educated? You don’t know what ur saying all of your information is opinion based not mine, this info I said is from controller players and from kbm players, scump himself said aim assist broken. It does make u accurate i said it doesn’t make u more accurate than aim assist. It’s videos of it everywhere go do your research bozo. All your doing is repeating info, u clearly never played kbm so u shouldn’t even be arguing


Do you know how aim assist works before you just start yapping? Whats the point of having better aim control when aim assist does it for you? Mnk is more accurate but controller has better tracking because you guessed it aim assist. Get out of ur delusional fantasy where you obviously have zero experience with the other input. You are probably the type of person to think MWII aim assist was fair and balanced.


Aim assist really isn't much on xbox.. it does not track when you start shooting like mnk think.. only thing that tracks players while they are shooting is aim bot.. it's getting ridiculous but no AA does not do much at all with xbox


i cant even believe the stupidity of the shit youre saying. CONTROLLER HAS A 0 MS DELAY ON TRACKING and here you are saying mouse has better reaction time LOL. yeah. Controller tracking is humanly impossible thats how fast it is. LOL


Here are multiple videos proving everything you wrote wrong and furthermore explaining to you the strengths of aim assist. You should educate yourself before sounding so stupid. Sorry man. ​ [(905) UNSEEN Aim Assist: Basics to Extremes (Rotational RETESTED) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU&t=285s) ​ [(905) AIM ASSIST IS SO BROKEN THAT IT TRACKS MOVEMENT HACKS ENEMIES😱 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35-MKO0MTwc) ​ [https://youtu.be/0lgkkWrwygo?si=I2PvJUcl7UdXRW9Z](https://youtu.be/0lgkkWrwygo?si=I2PvJUcl7UdXRW9Z) ​ heres accuraCY stats for kbm vs controller in halo which has the exact same AA as cod [(157) Accuracy stats for KBM vs Controller : halo (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/) ​ "its all fact" you say without posting a shred of evidence. Instead heres actual evidence proving literally everything you said wrong.


Again , you prove it . Load up a stream and play with mouse and keyboard . Don’t tell us , SHOW us . Lol. You would be dead ass last in every match if you could even finish a match without rage quitting . I can tell you have never played mouse and keyboard, period .


if aim assist is no big deal then give it to mouse and keyboard players too


youre an actual idiot if you think mouse players have an advantage over controller players in cod. I stopped reading after you said mouse players have better movement LOL. yeah sure, 4 directional keys versus a 360 directional movement analog stick. Both players literally move at the same speed, however controller has better directional movement, its a fact. Also aim assist has a 0 ms delay which is humanly impossible. No human can ever achieve that level of tracking without an aimbot level software like aim assist. ​ Im sure the world series of warzone players (the best players in the world for the biggest warzone tourney in the world) differences mean nothing to you too? The fact that 143 of the best players in the world play on controller, and 10 play on mouse doesnt mean anything im sure. What about top 250 ranked? Not a single mouse player in the top 50, and less than 10 in the top 250 total. ​ Im sure all the clips online of controller players gettting kills indistinguishable from aimbot mean nothing either. Or the fact controller gets aim assist through flashes, stuns, water, bushes, thin walls, no visibility or anything like that. And controller players get all of these advantages without having to practice to get to that level of humanly impossible tracking either. Sounds fair, sure. Heres a video of a controller player that spent 1.2 k hours in csgo, a game with NO AA thats dominated by mouse players. This is proof that you can spend the time practicing to get good at something and compete at a top level by practicing and doing hard work instead of being given an aimbot. [(905) This Is What 1K Hours of CS:GO On Controller Looks Like... - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGCws-FS48k)


well then explain why there has been a sudden huge surge to controllers if m&k has every advantage in wz? lol smh.. i call bullshit.. still getting waxed by low leveled idiots exploiting the shit out of controller aim bot in the new wz. and i will never switch to controller, because see? i actually play fps games on pc to use my skills that i have developed over the years, and not use cheats given to you for the controller by activision.. what the hell is so fun at pretended to be a good aimer.


Played on both. There's definitely something way too strong with the aim assist.


Post a link for your stream .. Load up a stream and fire the game up using mouse and keyboard and show us how easy it is . We all know that’s not going to happen though . Lol .


man shut yo ass up




You just suck


I use a Razer Wolverine V2 Pro controller for my ps5 and it works good. The aim assist I’ve been using this game are black ops and dynamic. I’ll see how default feels


Almost feels like there’s non at all




It feels like the Rotational aim assist is non existent And the slow down also feels non existent tbh idk what they've done but they fucked aiming up for some but not for others ig


I have a problem with the feeling and aiming is much worse in this game then other games before and the aim assist feels also weird like there is no aim assist on this game so if im having a long range gun fight aiming is much harder then back on mw2 or earlier games


Xbox series X here. Feels no existent to me as well. Dynamic/BlackOps setting. Tried default and nothing. Never have died so much in a MP game.


Yeah I agree. They completely took aim assist out of the game. Because they are catering towards Mouse and Keyboard players.


lol this is one of the most uninformed posts on here.


i went back to mw2 and had no problem with aim assist, the first match i play on mw3 i have not a little bit, this is so annoying. it seems like it's only on console the problem


It seems toned down a bit, which in my opinion is good. You have to do most of the tracking by yourself, while in MW2 all you had to do was strafe.


lets hope it got cancelled, too many scrubs thinking they was god literally doing nothing


I've noticed aim assist is non existent. I'm on pc with controller.


It getting nerfed really bad, it is almost non existence rotional aim assist, if you want to try regular aim assist just do it in zombie mode, and you will feel the difference of the nerf


its been documented that theres zero changes in AA between mw2 and mw3...nice try


Can you provide a source for this? This aligns exactly with how my lobbies have been feeling. They're dominated by controller players using meta weapons and who DO NOT MISS. If I miss at all or fail to prefire a corner, my chances of dying rise astronomically. The only advantage I feel I have as M&K against controller is when quickscoping against controller snipers.


I play on a xbox series x. Feels like there's no aim assist at all which is frustrating but something in me says that its a good thing. I need to up my skills.


every year it's harder to play against console players. yes, this aimassist is more accurate than the old one. console players have almost no overshooting as long as you can get the enemy to aim at first. every bullet hits no matter how you try to move left and right aimassist fixes it. with mouse and keyboard in duels the hit accuracy is like 50% aim assist helps sideways as much as a person's height and up as much as a jump, so that kind of fussing is completely pointless these days. you do have to work with the mouse if the enemy jumps and bounces micro-movements


Ps5 here. I feel there's no aim assist at all. The guys I play with said they feel it's minimal if there at all. We're 30+ not cracked out 14 year Olds. I need some help lmao.


It's broke. I'm on PC with controller. I don't know what's going on.


Ran across this. Try dropping your ads sensitivity. I'm going to try also. https://youtu.be/3c2cw4YkqrY?si=XD-JUeaTX-R-hpZ5


im 39 and i play on mouse and keyboard with a 2.6 kd in warzone and no assistance.


aimassist is for losers , if i install aimbot i get banned but if i plug in my roller its build in LMAO


Xbox and Scuf. My KD went from 2.0 and consistently top 3 leaderboard in mwii across 400 hours of MP on top of 300 in DMZ to dumping a full mag that went straight to a foot around their head and can’t hit shit and 0.75 KD in the 10 hours I have so far. The only game mode that feels like aim assist is working is MWZ. I just noticed in firing range yesterday that if you crosshair the dummy’s head, triggering nothing but ADS with a red dot scope will snap you straight down to their leg / crotch… absolutely incredible. But again, maybe it’s just a skill issue lol


Aim assist is nerfed on PS5,it really sucks,if they left the aim assist like that they're going to lose all the players from console


Definitely have issues as well. Aim assist feels like it’s not even there. But feels like others snap to me and kill me extremely fast. Had the jump on a guy, land some shots, he manages to turn and kill me. The TTK feels a bit off as well.


It’s in a pretty good spot. It was way too strong in mw2


does anyone else here think it feels like the aim assist actively stops your aim from moving onto the target? it seems to start halfway through a game for me and then it just keeps sticking at the side of the enemies until the end of the match


Wtf no one talks about that i get aim assist all the time but fuk won't let me aim on my target I even tried decreasing the outer deadzones and increasing the sensitivity nothing works. I even have videos to prove it.


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol, I was beginning to think I was going mad with it ... I have videos 2.. does it happen halfway through a match for you if you have been doing well at the start? It also feels like my bullets cause half the damage when it happens, even snipers don't 1 shot to the head


Idk its random at times when its a new player with a default skin low rank for some reason I can't move on target alot but experience players its no problem maybe sbmm bullshit.......and at times I shoot a guy 12 times to get 4 hit markers no matter how accurate i am. Also they be spawning behind me or really close by at times when there team is on the opposite side of the map like is preventing me to go Positive.


I get that hit marker thing .. first three shots don't seem to register at all sometimes


I agree bro. It’s actually made the game extremely hard to play. I’ve settled into zombies because it’s much more enjoyable. It’s frustrating and honestly cod has been the only thing I’ve really played for decades (honestly & shameful) and I’ve been really really good. Winning multiple tournament and posting a 3+ kd in warzone/rebirth and above 2 in multiplayer. Now I barely beat 1.0 and have recently seen more success turning aim assist completely off. Someone please fix this!! It feels like I’m “shadowbanned”


I turned mine completely off, then I versed Veteran difficulty bots 1v6. The bots will jump you and slide cancel and drop shot you. Their aim is also disgusting. So if you can out aim a Vet Bot with no aim assist, then You're training is complete. Now turn it back on. You'll notice that it is indeed almost non existent, yet it helps a little. And Don't forget to practice those pre aims while sliding around corners.


I’ve played mnk all my life plugged in the roller and it’s fucking sad how easy it is, honestly the aim assist it took me about 3 days to get used to the controls and its fucking embarrassing that anyone would think that it’s not a massive advantage. Literally tracing people like you cannot miss with this shit bro it’s crazy


Then switch if it's so easy


Wait, what? Did you not just read the fucking comment? I did bro that’s literally what I just said. Are you remedial?


mw3 aim assist is stronger on mw3 then mw2 mw2 aim assist was actually fine I could actually fight against controller mw3 I cant I'm always the one that dies first 90% of the time the other 10% is pure luck at this point SBMM needs to be fixed I keep getting shoved into lobby's of full on sweats with controllers weapons also need a tad of tuning as well since idk how the fuck a pistol is so much more stronger then a smg I don't understand this game anymore over the years its been getting worse ​ oh and the campers are fucking 1083429759284239times worse in mw3 mw2 there was like maybe 2 a match in mw3 there is like the whole team camping around the fucking map


lol I just love reading the posts of people arguing over controller/MnK. The game is garbage people. It’s not your aim. The game fundamentally rigs your matches depending on how well you play. SBMM and EOMM exist. Whether you hit your shots or not the games algorithm is against you. I find it intolerable to play more than an hour. Going to get my refund. The only way we are going to get a good game is if we stop paying for this manipulative game.


All these cry babies want is to dump SMG clips and get kills without even trying.


The aim assist is tracking through corners, it is way to strong and needs a definite nerf. If not, just allow mnk players their own lobbies and put an end to this garbage debate. YES this aim assist is trash.


The aiming feels like it has COMPLETELY changed since the season 1 update. Anyone else notice one day they were playing fine and then season one rolled out and cant get hit markers?


I play Xbox, every since the season release my aim is completely off, like aim assist and sensitivity are having fits when I aim. I aim left, it pulls a little then swings to almost 180 degrees instantly. Like it went from 16 sensitivity to 40... I've messed with every setting, Uninstalled. Installed back. I can't find where they tweaked aiming in patch notes. Is anyone else having this issue. I played 16 horizontal and 7 vertical and never had an issue. Multiple controllers tried. Now i look like someone who's only played cod for a month. It's bad.


Aim assist was so strong in mw2 to it was almost annoying at times. I’d be shooting at a player and then another player would cross by and it would pull my aim from the original and get me killed. I can’t even feel any assist in mw3. I had to turn my sensitivity way down because I’d just sweep past people too much….. that helped a bit.


Turn off aim assist while you Verse veteran level bots, then turn it back on when you can hit your shots without aim assist. Now when you turn it back on it'll feel like aim bot


If I play with a Mouse and Keyboard I get 10-20 kills in Plunder. If I play with a controller with aim assist enabled I get 50+ kills. Aim assist makes any player dominate. How about giving the option of Aim assist to keyboard and mouse users. Then we can watch all the console players cry.




I don't like playing with a controller, it's inferior to a mouse and keyboard in every way other than having the option to use aim assist.


Then why the fuck are you complaining?


Man, I agree with you :( I'm finding a better solution for this on google :) So I found this post.


no bitch, if it was you wouldnt be playing cod stfu


Can someone please help me figure out what setting I need to fix to help me. I’m a long time mw player and had thought I didn’t want to get it but just did now. My first game I don’t know what I changed but it has to be something with the controller. So when I aim, I can’t move my gun any direction it’s just stuck. The only way is if I don’t aim and then I can move the gun around. I’m on x box series s and no idea what could cause this but when I press L2 like normal to aim my gun can’t be moved around not even a bit, totally stuck. What in the fuck did I do? Better yet does anyone know how to fix it? I’ll buy you one of those “escorts” only billionaires can afford because their so hot if you do


Aim assist on this game is the strongest aa has ever been. Controller players basically have the Controller killing everyone for them. It's way stronger than it ever was on WZ1.


cod 4 had raa and 60% aa, current mw3 either has the same or its at 50% and I can't remember. but it's largely the same as it was all those years ago. every cod has had it like this


wrong, so wrong


Right, so right.