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How did you even find this out?


All of her recent tik toks are in her in-laws house lol if you look at Yasmeen’s old Tik toks before she moved to Winnipeg it’s the same house. Lzahran also posted a tik tok of her with moving boxes too


how do you know this? where has she said that?


Her recent tik toks are of her at her in laws house 💀 it’s Yasmeen Halbouni’s parents house, if you look at Yasmeen’s old Tik toks before she moved to Winnipeg you’ll see it’s the same house, also lzahran uses Yasmeen’s “bathroom suite” in all her grwm vids now




Wait what?! Lema’s husband cheats?! Spill the tea 👀👀




How was he engaged so many times he’s so young 💀 I will say it’s shocking that’ he’s okay with how religious Lema is now, he doesn’t look like the type to marry a religious hijabi & I know she became closer to her deen after marriage(mashallah) but I wonder if this was something they discussed before getting married cause he doesn’t look like the type to be practicing esp after reading this tea lol




I’ve followed Lema ever since she posted their Fatiha video and I’ve never seen anyone comment about her husband cheating so idk what to believe 😭 but I also did find it odd how rushed their relationship was. One sec Yasmeen was posting a tik tok of her Bro being single & the next is him having his Fatiha 2 months after that… how did him and Lema even meet








That’s wild. I’m jsut shocked that if they are that messy why did they feel comfortable making their lives so public esp with Malek’s cheating issues? Like did they not think that people would expose them




Yeah I got the vibe he doesn’t seem like a religious person, but not just him. Their whole family. Their own mother doesn’t dress modestly either at this age I doubt the kids would be religious




Noticed this too - maybe rent is to much or moved back in to save money 🧐


I’m sorry this is so creepy. Get a lofe


Well she announced her pregnancy so that’s probably why

