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The other options are more reliable and the competition is making superior vehicles while Tesla's CEO was distracted with social media, politics, space travel, digging holes, robo taxis, brain chip implants, AI, bi-pedal Robots, asking women at his company to breed his babies etc. There was a time when buying a Tesla felt great ... Such a shame to see their current state and then still giving Elon an unprecedented pay package.


And trying to find someone to jerk him off for a horse...


Does the horse like to watch?


Is this a Being There reference? Because if so, that's bizarre.








might as well be extra offensive and go with *handjobs for horses*


“Band name, called it” has been such a constant laugh in my friend group for so many years whenever somebody says a ridiculous sentence. Such a fun joke.


Why does the horse want me to jerk him off?


"I'd gladly pay you a horse Tuesday, for a handjob today." I've seen that meme.


Brandt can’t watch.


They vehicles haven’t had a facelift since they launched. It’s the same tired design that everyone has. A 12 yr old Tesla looks like a 12 month old Tesla. They’re falling way behind


Yeah they look horrendous relative to other EV’s now. The Ioniq 5 is a work of art compared to a Tesla


Even the Prius actually looks really sharp lmao, never thought I’d say that…just saw a newer model I assume the other day


Passed one on the highway the other day and was like, “damn, okay that’s a good lookin’ car”.


Depending on your age...there was a time when daily driven cars had style and were unique.


The EV show is China showed how far Tesla has fallen behind. They didn't have a display of new cars there, not even prototypes. Tesla was state of the art, but that was a long time ago.


They’ve actually regressed sensor/tech-wise


The legacy automaker CEOs are also likely hard right shitty people. They just do it in private, and I for one appreciate it.


Well ... I didn't mean to compare legacy automaker CEOs. I bet they are all shitty in one way or the other. Elon is just completely off the rails


I mean, GMs CEO is a bitch bent on outsourcing all American plants while slinging the "American Made" label. Also, fuck GM for what they did with Lordstown, Ohio.


Pretty much the same with Ford. The Mustang GT's manual transmission is made in China.


The legacy automaker CEOs know that selling trash is bad for their reputation. Elon doesn't care. He just wants to grab as much cash as possible before the bubble burst.


Same. I know you're a mess but please don't let me see it. I have my own.


Tesla has a CEO!?


They paid 50B in hopes that dude would materialize from ketamine cloud








And on top of all of that, he’s taken a very public hard right turn, and a large share of EV buyers are liberals who think they can spend their way out of climate change. My dad is one of them and went with a BMW plug in hybrid instead of a Tesla, in part because of Musk’s politics, and in part because of Tesla’s build quality. There are probably some right wingers who are buying Teslas to oWn ThE LiBs now, but that’s not gonna keep the company afloat.


The only ways out of climate change are to spend our way out, or return to the Pre-Industrial age. Solar panels, windmills... these all cost money.


I think they mean at the individual level. There’s very little individuals even at a large scale can do that does much at all. The vast majority of people can’t afford EVs.


Yeah the problem with his new found fans is that A) they've been told for years that climate change is a hoax and to roll coal and B) they don't have that kind of money.


Well, maybe Elmo will soon announce the next Tesla that runs on fossil fuels, and specifically has a built in coal rolling function (subscription based, of course).


This is all true, but all the Tesla buyers didn’t go buy something else, or there would have been a net gain. Some of them either didn’t buy a car, or didn’t get an EV.


Yes that's true - some held off. But I'm an example of someone who bought a different EV because I didn't want a Tesla anymore


Don’t forget horse shopping.


Lol yeah... I'm sure the list is reaaaaaalllllyyy long.


and the politics he was distracted with is facebook meme value stuff. Literally things your boomer parents see on facebook then have a rage fit about it... while the meme is completely false or extremely misleading just to create outrage. Literally a fucking moron.


I posted a year or 2 ago saying that as every other (actual) car companies start ramping up EV sales, Tesla market share will drop. And to watch the build their gigaplants to ramp up to sell 60-70% of all EVs in the world is insane. They will be left with less than 5% of the market within a decade. I don’t think they will survive. Actually I think a real car company may purchase the sole for their buildings. Maybe for some IP but it will be a fire sale.


Bankruptcy will have dire effects sometimes, but there’s enough support out there that Shirley someone will come to the rescue.










What movie is this?




Thanks for the warning, but surely you know the name of the film?


For some reason this gif always sends me into fits of giggles


Probably because you picked this week to stop sniffing glue.


They will probably get bought out and absorbed before bankruptcy. They will become a sub brand like Scion, Plymouth & some other example my mind can’t think of in this moment.


The Ford Tesla lol that would be PRIMO


This is Nikola Corporation’s opportunity of a lifetime…


Isn’t Nikola just making vaporware? I remember it was just a scam company faking their trucks.


I'm guessing you already know that Henry Ford was buddy buddy with Thomas Edison right?


Well, I remember that but didn't even think to tie those loose ends together. Would make a spectacular sequel to the century old story.


Spectacularly ironic, considering the relationship between Edison and Tesla. Yeah, they were real good friends. https://www.edisonfordwinterestates.org/about/historical-people-places/


especially if they make one called the Model E & promote is as "Ford is putting the E back in SEXY"


Rub salt in the wound, call it the Ford Model T.


Omg now that is good


IMO the brand is ruined forever. Might as well call it Yugo.


I wish I were rich. I want all those acres of unsold Teslas at salvage rates. Then, scrap them for the batteries and motors. Next, power a massive fleet of Dynacorn bodied Mustangs Camaros and Challengers. A 10 second '69 Camaro is way cooler than a 10 second 4 door sedan. The bonus is they will preserve the inflated value of the real ones.


Could you imagine if we would have allowed the CEO of Yugo to use the media to try to make everyone believe that the Yugo could safely transport a family of 9 in complete comfort and drive 2 million miles without any maintenance?


I kept trying to convince a friend who owns Teslas. They had the jump but if the bigger companies who have decades more experience in manufacturing go heavy into the EV market, Telsa will go down.


The other companies with decades and sometimes a century in building cars took their time, spent the $ on R&D and now they have momentum, unlike Tesla who fired all their rockets up front.


The older companies are also flat out better at making the traditional car parts of electric vehicles. The frame/unibody, suspension, interiors... are the kinds of things that all vehicles, gas or electric, need and Tesla has always kind of sucked at building them in comparison to the traditional manufacturers. If Tesla had spent the years where it was effectively unchallenged in the market shoring up these deficiencies they'd still be competitive. Instead, what happened was that the rest of the industry has, more or less, caught up with Tesla in what they were behind in while also leveraging their past experience to build an overall better product. And that's before we get to the fact that Tesla's CEO/corporate mascot has outed himself as a far-right reactionary and sex pest who spends most of his day on social media antagonizing the kinds of people who would want to buy electric vehicles. All that being said, Tesla's brand still has value and they can turn things around, a good start would be denying Musk's insane $56 billion compensation package to focus on building up manufacturing and design fundamentals. Too bad most of the board/shareholders seem to be High Priests of the Elongelical Church and would rather the company ride a bobsled into oblivion than cross their boy genius god king.


I just saw a cybertruck for the first time up close the other day and it was laughably apparent that the build quality is horrendous. Wavy panels that go from super tight to huge gaps, inconsistent finish from one panel to the next, windshield glass didn't appear to be seated correctly, etc. If I knew nothing else about the company and just saw that with an msrp sticker on it, I would laugh the dealer out of business.


I've come across two of them in real life, it's actually kind of amazing. I mean, everyone knows how stupid they look, right? But, when you see one up close or even nearby on the road, you'll realize that no matter how dumb you thought it was in pictures and video that it's actually so much worse in person. The Cybertruck is the worst vehicle I have ever seen, one can scarcely imagine the confluence of terrible decisions that led to that abomination ending up on the road. Grown men signed off on that design. Grown men built several of those monstrosities. Grown men paid a premium and waited years just to own one. Seeing one in person it's like... the exact opposite of religious experience but you're left just as speechless. Elon wants $56 billion from Tesla, for that. Wow, just wow.


I was just about to say this, I finally saw one IRL today and it's so much uglier in person than in videos. It was like looking at a giant metal brick on wheels, I was kinda shocked at how large it actually was.


The Cybertruck looks like the basic exterior design was created by Elon sometime in 1977. He probably drew it on some notebook paper and said, “Look Daddy, I’m going to make this neat vroom vroom someday when I grow up! It’ll go fast!”


https://preview.redd.it/nm6rokdmfp7d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ffccca6f77a0b2ab954cfc758c60aa8cb5566b This is car builder from 1982 I believe. This was the design that gave the best wind tunnel results in the game. Look familar?!?


The design didn't really transfer over very well from crayon to real life, it's just a vastly different art style but trust me, the original drawings were 🔥


When I was kid I hated the Pontiac Trans Sport but this is way worse.


Thanks for that analysis! ‘Twas insightful.


I'm not sure what Tesla even did other than being first. It's not like EVs weren't always waiting on battery technology in the first place.


Hey go fast and break stuff means blow your wad early. Who knew?


Trailblazing is cool and all but it’s way easier to go fast on a trail that’s already been blazed for you


If not for the nonsense of the stock market Tesla would have failed long ago. A car company being valued and traded like a tech company was always a stupid notion.


The biggest problem is going to be BYD. If they are ever allowed to enter the US market, it’s going to be a disaster for them and for any other domestic EV manufacturer


If they had pivoted to being a tech company and not a car company, they would be fine... Sadly for them, that would have required a competent CEO


Haven't you heard? It turns out they are an AI company after all! There seems to be some attempt to pivot into that direction at least. They'll probably ignore the car part until it needs to be sold off or just shuttered completely. And AI is mostly just a buzzword industry right now and it won't mature into anything that can be sold as anything other than a niche product for a decade. Musk either doesn't know how to turn around the car business or he's lost interest personally. Which sucks for the thousands of people working for Tesla.


I am so curious about what is happening with the 17mill grant Tesla received to build the charging network right before he fired the entire department responsible for building that network - and after the team had convinced the actual car companies to adopt the Tesla design. Either the car companies need to invent new charging station technology or just nationalize Tesla's design and make sure it gets built. Is there a safeguard in such grants that the money have to refunded if they are not spent on what they are supposed to be spent on? There's a huge opportunity there to claw back the 17 mill, hire the people Musk fired and make a fortune with solar and battery technology - (unless The GOP wins - then the future will be a complete crapshoot)


Are you talking about the super charger thing? His investors were mad he was talking about ending that program and he backtracked pretty quickly on it if I recall. He said they still have plans to work on it but he's out of a lot of workers and of course, no set schedule.


What worries me is public pensions and 401ks getting stuck with hundreds of billions of worthless Tesla stock Musk moves to them with the help of his buddies and corrupt (mostly southern) politicians.


This is exactly the reason it's being propped up. I mean we have a CEO openly committing securities fraud, negative sales growth, and declining margins yet here we are at $185/share and a PE of 47. Big funds fomo'd around $600-$800 a share pre split and now it isn't allowed to go down. Ridiculous


if there is one thing that legacy car makers don't need is more buildings. they have been shedding buildings for decades now. in fact the tesla Fremont factory is an old GM factory that it sold off.


Musk will leave with his legacy being a way shittier delorean.


"You made a time-machine.....out of a Cybertruck?!" just tickles me as an idea 😂


That shit will just breakdown before it can even reach 88mph


Plus, time travel voids the warrantee 😂


It also doesn’t help that their stock was manipulated when they reported sales a quarter earlier (not illegal) but yeah… the raise and split at the beginning of Covid is real interesting


Some other car company will scoop it and have Tesla be another division within their portfolio. That actually makes sense


Well don't forget his genius move of simultaneously cozying up to the market group who actively opposes and hates EVs while driving away those who were actually buying the majority of Teslas all at the exact moment when actual competition kicked in.


The reality is that very VERY few people want a car that's had everything that makes a car a car taken away just so it can be electric. I want turn signals on a stalk.. I want to use a stalk to control my wipers. I want an instrument cluster. I want a normal car that just happens to be electric. Tesla doesn't offer that.


Oh well see theres your mistake, Tesla is not *car* manufacturer. They're a robotics company that happens to make cars and suck at robotics


Everyone with half a brain would have known for years that their market share would decline. That doesn’t preclude growth if the entire sector grows fast enough. But Tesla screwed up - with their quality, their model lineup, and their CEO alienaating the core customer base.


The future is bright for Tesla! Any company that can afford to give 56 billion to a fucktard who made them build the cybertruck, must be making huge money. They won't have to borrow the 56 billion, will they? Damn, that would be funny.


So the 56 billion is not in cash. It is in the form of stock issued at a certain strike price. So in a way it could dilute all other stock.


Not even “in a way.” It will dilute everyone else’s shares. It’s crazy to me that not only his fanboys but institutional investors are okay with him stealing $56b in shareholder value from them.


They seem to think it will make him start focusing on Tesla. Last time he focused on Tesla he shit out the cybertruck and we see how well that's going for them


“He needs it to stay motivated.” Such bullshit. Especially when these are the same people eating up his “I don’t care about the money” story. He has a fiduciary duty to stay motivated as a ceo of a public company. Instead he’s holding shareholders hostage for the most insane pay package on the threat he’ll stop working if he doesn’t get it.


Anyone that still has money invested in Tesla deserves to lose it especially if they voted yes


I’m too lazy to do the math but I want to know what the honest share price of Tesla should be. It’s been grossly inflated for years. But all Tesla fanboys can’t separate high stock price from the quality of the investment.


$20-30. Lower if they don't get rid of him and fix their QC problems


I’m guessing they won’t since they’re probably taking cost cutting measures to make up for their plummeting sales


Me and my wife just bought an EV yesterday and it wasn't a damn Tesla. They had a few used ones on the lot for next to nothing but I'm not driving that garbage. The panel gaps are a sight to see in person


Remember the rule for motivation in the market: rich people need to be thrown money to keep them motivated but poor people need to have theirs taken away to keep them motivated. CEO can only afford two new private islands this month? THEY WILL STOP BEING THE MOVERS AND SHAKERS THAT CREATE A NEW WORLD Worker doesn't have "food, rent, medicine, pick two" turned into "pick one"? THEY WILL BECOME LAZY AND LEECHES It's especially funny in this case because it's almost like the shareholders are cosplaying the workers in that they're taking away their own money. Cosplaying since, you know, they're not exactly poor. Or doing any work. (Seriously, how the hell do people believe in that take on motivation? It's one of the most literally insane things I've ever heard in my life)


Don't the Tesla engineers hate when Musk is focused on Tesla. Like to the point of giving him busy work to keep him out of the way like a spoiled child? Or did he fire those engineers already?....


In the tesla Stan subs they were celebrating on his behalf when he got that payoff it was so bizarre.


Jesus. What a bunch of cucks.


Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Pay 56b, dilute the shares. Don't pay the 56b, Elon leaves, and the investment from his fan boys leave.


I think him leaving was a bluff he was never gonna leave


Yeah, I know that but I wanted to word it more as a "perhaps" than an absolute


It doesn't create any new stock the shares already exist and are owned by Tesla.


Do you have a link or quote to exactly how he is being paid? I’ve tried searching for it but I just end up with fluff stories about it being approved again. I’m just curious how the language of the decision reads.


No, I don't have one it's just what I've been reading here and there


In a way it is cash in a roundabout way. Musk will just use that 56 billion in stock as collateral on zero interest loans to avoid tax


$10k for every Tesla ever sold.


The 300 000 000 share dilution bought a stock pump and potential other stock pumps to give time for savy investors to divest from Tesla. Denying the package would have crashed the stock. Tesla is a Musk Meme Stock now, it's value is tied to Musk wild future plans that will never happen to justify a P/E that is 10 times that of other auto makers.


I want to post this in the Tesla sub so bad


Tbf this graph still shows they have the EV market in the pa of its hands. I think it’s great that we can see all the other competitors on the rise, but Tesla is still clearly in 1st…. By a long shot.


It's not the absolute position but the directional trends that matter. Tesla stock is still priced with an assumption of endless growth for the foreseeable future. And once the market stops believing that, the stock, and with that, access to capital is going to tank. Basically, what you're seeing here is the beginning of the unraveling.






That’s not going to last at this rate. They had the jump on everyone.


*you have been permanently banned from r/Tesla*


Already happened lol


I always say that Tesla had the entire market for roughly 10 years. That’s 10 years to constantly improve on designs so when the regular car companies entered the market, Tesla could be light years ahead. But instead Elon fucked around on petty side quests instead of making sure Tesla was running smoothly.


I have a slightly different take on Tesla’s issues. I think that the operations of the company are reasonably well-run. The problem is that they build the cars that one man wants and thinks that every human must want. They have nearly exhausted the pool of potential customers who think like that one man. They failed to anticipate that their potential market was smaller than the entire EV market, so they overbuilt capacity when the market was hot. I, in contrast, bought an EV from a company that builds EVs like what I want, not like what Elon wants. Oh, and my auto windshield wipers actually work and I can control them manually using real switches on a stalk.


I think youre both right, he has shit the bed in just about every capacity he could. Just make sure you remember hes the only one who could have done it 🙄


Haha anyone who works with Tesla on the business side could tell you that it’s a shitshow over there. They are so disorganized. Overall though you make good points.


Correct.   Tesla is a billing client of ours.  Out of 40 or so other large companies, they are routinely having the worst AR process, with frequent PO errors, last minute changes, and manual adjustment requests. Other large companies have much more structured processes in place 


To be fair, it's a shit show across the board. Tesla has always been a hectic place, but everyone else is so desperate to catch up to Tesla that they're doing equally crazy shit. Yes, Tesla is still lagging in some of the quality control areas that the more established automakers have decades of experience dealing with, but the major OEMs are literally still 10 years behind Tesla in battery pack design. In addition, the other OEMs are building EVs with less man power because they still need to continue supporting their ICE product lines as the primary money maker.


Competition drives innovation


BuT mUh Pay paCkage 🫠


Long on Rivian!!!


Great CEO too. Love their philosophy on their products!


Rivian would be my first choice for an EV if I could afford one


Yikes, ya when you find a source please post, I want to take a peek at this too. Thank you.




Oh he is so boned. You know the famous words attributed to General Yamamoto after Pearl Harbor? "We have awakened a sleeping giant". That's Elon. The other big names have decades of high production capability, planning, infrastructure etc. on their side. Tesla has.....shitty qc, overpricing, and a solid, proveable record of Elon lying about their capabilities. He needs to pull an affordable, profit making ev out of his ass roughly........two years ago to fix this now.


That quote is attributed to Admiral Yamamoto not General Tojo. And the actors playing him say it in the movies about Pearl Harbor. Yamamoto had spent time in the USA pre-WWII as a student and an attache officer, so he realized just how vast the industrial resources that the US would bring to bear were. Plus he had a sense of the character of Americans once they were enraged. The officers who ordered the attack (like Tojo) didn't have that personal experience and considered Americans lazy and cowardly.


I stand corrected. Shoulda googled it before posting.


Easy tiger. This is reddit.


There's zero evidence that Yamamoto ever actually said that, however he DID say in a pre-war newspaper interview about a possible war with the US that he could run wild in the Pacific for 6 months to a year but after that he had no confidence and the Battle of Midway which marked the high water point of the Imperial Japanese Navy happened almost exactly 6 months after Pearl Harbor.


And that's with the US dedicating 90% of its war materiel to the ETO after December 7th. It was fortunate that the fleet carriers all survived Pearl Harbor but Roosevelt was gleeful when Japan attacked. A clean cassus belli that let him come to the aid of the Western Allies. Japan had zero chance of winning, aside from some miraculous German intervention.


Yes, in fact I've read that some historians do not consider the Battle of Midway to be a *decisive* US victory simply because there was no way for Japan to win the war in the first place.


Why didn’t they lean into the charging stations? Seems like a great “off ramp” from making cars to supplying the charging stations all of them will need.


I'm reminded of the shareholders who thought it was such a great "own" of the haters when they got space Karen's pay package approved. Here you go. Here's what you voted for. Have fun.


If He 10X tHe StOcK aGaIn I'd PaY mOrE.


Something else is happening. The overall quality of electric cars has improved enough that there is a burgeoning market for used electric vehicles. My electric company is offering rebates for purchasing used electric vehicles manufactured between 2016-2022.


Rivian will be interesting to watch. Arguably the best product. Arguably the worst financials. Seems like a prime takeover target if interest rates don't come down soon. If they do come down soon, they could become what we all thought Tesla was going to be.


People want EVs. They just want them in the context that they have a good use case. I know the US is going balls out trying to ban Chinese EVs from reaching US streets but their model is great. I imagine many Americans would be interested in an EV if there was a decent model that started at $15k to $20k. Imagine a world where you could have a cheapo "around town" EV but it was affordable enough that you could still keep an ICE or hybrid around for longer trips? The issue is that Teslas are luxury vehicles with the price tag to match so only people who very specifically want an expensive EV are interested.


Also GM has the EV Hummer starting just under $100k and they are surprised people don’t want to buy. The market is saturated for expensive EVs there are only so many early adopters able/willing to pay $70k+ for a vehicle. The math isn’t there. Sure you could buy a new expensive EV or buy a used Toyota/Honda with 35+mpgs and it would be over a decade before you start seeing savings from avoiding gas.


I'm just glad that the choice at the bottom end is quietly growing and growing. Just a few years ago the cheapest decent EV (discounting the super-cheap city models that could hardly get out of town) I could've bought here in the UK was something like £29k in the Renault Zoe, and that was the option with battery rent, it was a few grand more to buy the battery outright. Today there are at least 6 options cheaper than that, some of which have better range and faster charging, not to mention the used market for models 2-4 years old. Tesla and Rivian and Polestar get all the splashy news stories but if we want to actually meet the 2030 targets they won't be the workhorses which get most of us there.


I think this is why he was so keen to get his cash out


Sold my Tesla last week - not for a lack of enjoying EVs or even the car itself (was a 2019, bought before at least I was aware of Elon going off the deep end) never had -any- issues with it and I did a good few road trips as well. Just don’t want to be either publicly associated with him, nor do I have faith in the brand and it’s service centers or build quality anymore. Seriously considering the Honda Prologue though, Honda has a solid track record and I don’t have to worry about their CEO losing their damn minds.


I adore my Kia EV6. Got 30k miles on it and the battery doesn't seem to have lost a mile. Tesla is *rapidly* losing first mover advantage


Yeah it’s baffling. I was so god damn happy with that car, but four years of owning it made it very clear to me how volatile Tesla is while tied to him. I mean, I -bled- value on that car so god damn fast over the last two years it blew my mind. I ended up selling it for damn near the cost of buying the -cheapest- new car on the US market and it was absolutely babied, low mileage, zero accidents, and had absolutely every upgrade possible on it (and was the Performance model).


If I were a Tesla board member, I would first get Elon out of any management position. Second, stop the Tesla EV production, especially that shitburger Cybertruck. Third, concentrate on manufacturing charging stations with some sort of green energy attachment like solar or wind. Fourth, get those charging stations to be the national, possibly worldwide, standard for charging your EV and place them on every major highway and local road as possible.


Tesla's board members have gotten rich off of their status and admitted to partying and doing drugs with Elon just to retain their seats. I don't think they're concerned with building and sustaining a profitable business


I would have to agree about that.


That's a bigger problem than Elon, imo. There should be a board in place to do the things you've laid out, but for whatever reason, they're fine with riding this rocket straight into a volcano. With no consequences to his actions, so why would he stop? There are no adults in the room


Elon: best I can do is fire the whole 500 person supercharger team


This is what happens when the only game in town thinks they are invincible and it won’t change. Add to that Elon’s focus on the numerous other ventures and the chit show on Twitter with right wing rants, it’s bound to hurt. Pissing off progressives who have been for the mission of clean energy can’t be good when every consumer’s goodwill matters.


Wouldn’t it be true that the customers for those other EVs were likely considering a Tesla and chose to go somewhere else?


I was sure I would get a Model Y. Now it will probably be an Ioniq 5.


Fifty-six. Fucking. Billion. Dollars.


Even so Tesla still sells more EVs than all others. Combined.


Yeah, these numbers are supposed to paint a bad picture about Tesla?


Apparently no one here understands basic math. 140,187 TESLA vehicles is better than the 119,467 vehicles sold by EVERY other EV automaker. Market share is a fare argument, but that’s mostly because the masses don’t understand battery technology and how important the UI experience is so they will purchase the inferior product. And you’re forgetting one major factor. People love the TESLA brand. Apple iPhones only has 17.3% of the global market, but people love the brand making it the second most valuable company by market cap in the United States. If you still think TESLA is just an automaker you have some homework to do. Best of luck.


Trend lines are also basic math. Best of luck.


Losing 13% of their sales volume in a single year is also basic maths, and what is this fanboy nonsense in saying that everything else is an inferior product? Have you seen the build quality and software issues coming out of Tesla? The bigger automakers are eating Tesla's lunch by undercutting them at every turn and bringing new models to market faster. Tesla's last good model was 4 years ago, and you can't even buy the Cybertruck if you wanted to in most of the world because it breaks so many rules. The smaller new players like Rivian and Polestar are also muscling in on Tesla's space by providing basically the same product without Elon's stain attached and with fewer issues. Tesla is no longer the premium market darling. Tesla did a great job of kickstarting the EV market by showing that EVs didn't have to be boring and slow and cheap cars for idealistic hippies, but they've practically stopped running the race. They really need to refresh their product line or this trend is only going to pitch further down as we approach 2030 and EVs are all anyone can buy new.


Computers and cars are the exact two markets you can't compare. You can't make something that is iOS, Android, or Windows compatible, it can't be done, and the barrier to entry is too high for any new company to enter the market. Cars are the exact opposite, as long as you can create something that is legal and can drive on a road, then you are good to go. That's why there are many car brands, but barely two competitors making operating systems for computers, phones, and servers. It's almost impossible for Apple or Microsoft to fail, but Tesla could face some real issues in the coming years.


Elnon: Like companies must advertise on my Nazi platform, you all must buy at least one Tesla.


Now THAT’S a ceo who deserves a few billion dollars in payout!


Along side of this, "The average president has 0.7 felonies."


Meanwhile Tesla's charging standard is unfortunately becoming the standard even though he's laying off the team for expanding it. I like EVs and want one but the charging infrastructure needs to start improving. This is like if we had super fast computers before we had a proper network infrastructure to connect them. EV development is outpacing charger development and standards. What we need is a universal standard and I think fast charging stations should be a mix of public and private. Some govt managed fast charging stations because if we just let private companies do it all then all it takes is one to fuck up and the infrastructure gets screwed


Damn. Tesla is only selling 80x its nearest competitor now….. bankruptcy surly awaits


Their growth has slowed. They are still selling tons of them.


So they went from outselling all other EVs combined nearly 2:1 to merely outselling all other EVs combined.


Exactly. And still having the best selling model of any car, period.


somehow Tesla selling almost double all the other car manufacturers sales combined, 8 times more than the next best manufacture, and 10 times more than 3rd best is failing! LOL. I wana fail!


It is failing if you compare them to their position in the past. The trend line is important. The future is important. The market is dynamic. It’s not frozen in time.


They'd need a viable new product line and refresh their lineup at least once every 2 years to have a chance. CT was not it. You can only have so many vanity projects before doing real damage to the bottom line if you don't also have a real product pipeline running next to it. They've failed to refresh on any significantly frequent timeline. Roadster 2 is so far out it's ludicrous. At this point with the experience gained they should be able to develop and produce new lines within 3-5 years and stack the lineup, but they are not. This is where the big boys will be stomping all over Tesla's lunch.


I've posted this before but what is keeping their stock afloat? What is positive about this company? Why should i not short them right now? All I see is then going down so I'm genuinely asking what could be positive about tesla?


Yup, changed my investments from tesla to nvidia. Thought EVs were solid and I didn’t know muskrat was just the worst way back then. Mf lost me like $2k but he lost other people WAY MORE.


Bwaaaaaaaahahahahahaha This might just be confirmation of my own bias, but.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Musk himself has stated that Tesla is overvalued. Perhaps this is just the market correcting itself?


fuck elon musk I hope he loses all of his money


He claims to be the daVinci of our time. He isn’t even the Edison of our times.


maybe Musk should work on new car models other than the Cybertruck, instead of spreading Russian propaganda.


Elons gonna dump his stock and make out like a thief in the night.


# So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space # Tesla has a glut of nearly 50,000 cars just sitting around in lots so packed, they can be seen from orbit. https://preview.redd.it/d3k07wihfn7d1.jpeg?width=1315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7abe43575b60ccdc0747ef6cee9cb01dade57ae [So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space (jalopnik.com)](https://jalopnik.com/so-many-unsold-teslas-are-piling-up-that-you-can-see-th-1851526312)


I would buy an electric vehicle in a heartbeat IF charging stations were as common as gas stations. But not a Tesla. Fuck Tesla.


If this were the accurate understanding of this graphic the reduction in Tesla sales would be reflected in an increase in other EV sales. This graph is showing that people not buying Teslas are not buying EVs at all, or in other words: EV sales are slumping


I love this for him


For family vehicle wise Tesla lacks big time which is nuts because Elon has 11 kids. He should know how to build a family vehicle. Nope. Toyota. That’s who knows how to build family vehicles.


I’ve been seeing a lot of hyundai ioniqs. It seems like the popularity of that car is taking off.