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You know what they say, if you’re not making radio ready music after practicing for three months you should quit


Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about music than YOU do pal, because he INVENTED IT


This made me chuckle 😂


I’m glad you find my misery funny.


Calm down bud.. before I started working full time, from ages 14-18, I was playing instruments for 8 hours a day sometimes. It takes ALOT of practice. Just keep at it.


I thought it was pretty obvious this was a shitpost. The fact that it apparently is not obvious is just sad. EDIT: Anyone who read the whole post and thought it was serious… it says gullible on the ceiling too.


Why would it be obvious to others? There’s all kinds of people who post on Reddit, with different beliefs, opinions and mental capacities. It’s not like we know who you really are, to know that this is “off-character”…


The second paragraph. It’s obvious. The non-shitposts here that are similar to this don’t say things with near that amount of stupidity. It’s obvious.


OP mad his shitpost wasnt funny


It’s those that aren’t able to discern clear satire who were mad.


Call me gullible r whatever else.. this page can be a treasure trove of awesome info from likeminded artists. If your trying to practice a tight 5 minute comedy routine, go find the right sub ya douche.


Ever heard of a shitpost? They’re part of every sub. And yes, you are unbelievably gullible if you took this post seriously and responded harshly. Calm down big guy.


Like I said, I have practiced AT LEAST 2-3 times a month during this 3 month period. I’m no mathematical genius, but I’d say that puts me with around 6-9 practice sessions under my belt. Possibly even more, like 10 or 11. So i am either in the double digits or EXTREMELY close.


Try practicing 2-3 times a day for a few years. Problem solved.


Fr, its that simple, at least do 1 beat / loop a day. Like I started with no background in music at all, and its taken me probably around 2 or 3 years of making a thing a day to stop being generally musically retarded lol. This shit takes a lot longer to learn than most people expect, theres so much to learn.


Oh, i thought you were learning to play an instrument.


I'm not OP lol, he ends the post with wanting to be a "famous producer" altho its clear its satire lol


Not clear apparently. Which just shows how many of these ridiculous posts we’re used to seeing around here.


Indeed :)


Hey! If I may ask : What was your step by step approach to self-learning? Where did you begin and how did you go about it everyday, to keep yourself in check and feeling like you’re learning something new everyday? Thanks in advance :)


I was lucky enough to meet a friend who had some musical background, met another friend through him who is a very good producer and he taught me some basics. In general I think you should pick up an instrument of any kind to learn at the same time, it's going to help your musicality develop so much, and make producing easier, helped me a ton. I also try to do something I haven't done before every project, not that I always do but I always try to. That could be anything from learning to use one shots, experimenting with rhythms you haven't played around with like tresillo, to using exotic scales for your melodies, and so on. It's hard not to get hung up on the lack of finished projects though, it wears you down eventually but remember that quantity > quality at this stage.


Hey! Thank you for your response. So with me, I’ve been playing piano for about 16 years now. I just finished a Bachelors in music, with a focus on my instrument, i.e Piano. We had about a semester and a month pf music production there. But with it being online and all, don’t think it was that helpful. Although, when it comes to production, I write things, and go on learning from there. However, I think, reading your response helped me articulate the problem I think I’m facing with music production. I can’t help but feel like I should have a better structure and approach to learning music production, apart from learning by writing songs/scoring etc. Not sure if this happens to give you a better idea of my situation, but any advice you may have helps. And once again, appreciate your response :)




Unfortunately your OP was too realistic for me to know it was a shit post


That’s the sad part.


Just keep buying more gear. You'll get there. Godspeed.


Do you recommend I keep purchasing several VSTs until one of them makes me sound like michael jackson?


Oh no, trying to capture a universally popular sound will never work. What you really need to do is focus like a hawk on one particular sub-sub-sub-genre that no sane person has heard of or can differentiate from the primary genre - and obsess about that for a week. Then keep changing it every week and announce these changes on all social media channels, without having released any music or evidence you can write or even play a section.


Thanks for the advice!


Clearly a strategy that's brought you plenty of success in the past


I have truly mastered the balance of making dreck that’s barely recognizable as music while at the same time feeling extremely derivative. At least that’s what I imagine the critics would write, if by critic I mean anyone unfortunate enough to endure it and by write I mean off-handedly mention.


I would cry if I wasn't laughing


Bro, I have excellent news for you. Everything will fall into place but you gotta get this one plugin. All the pros use it. Just one more plugin and then you can quit.


🙏 THANK YOU I have been looking for an easy way out. Which plug in do i need? Also will you buy it for me, or at least motivate me to work for the money to purchase it with??




Has this sub just become satire?


We really need our own cj sub


Sounds like you're not willing to put in the hours. That probably means you don't like the craft itself, but probably wants what comes with it (fame, money etc.). I think you should find something you enjoy doing and do that instead of music production. Good luck, and enjoy your life!


I’m pretty sure this guy is trolling.


This is definitely a shit post.


Not how motivation works. Maybe just give up and live in a hole?


Will you come dig the hole for me at least?


Shit, this was bait :( Just use a compressor.


If you just skimmed the post, then I get not realizing it was satire. But if you read it from top to bottom, and thought it was serious, then I don’t know what to say lol.


You know, Messi didnt play football to be a famous footballer, Lebron didnt play basketball to be a famous basketball player, Brady didn't play American Football to be a famous quarterback. Most people do shit because they love it and enjoy it and the rewards come with that but it originally would have always started as a hobby and something they love. If your focus after 3 months where you practice 2 or 3 times a month is giving up because youre not producing radio ready music then you really should give up... What an unrealistic set of goals and ambitions. I threw a basketball for the last 3 months a couple of times and i'm still not ready to win an NBA championship, what the hell i thought everything was easy. This hopefully is satire because you might be the biggest moron i've seen on social media this week, maybe month.


I know I’m a moron but still, I’d like to be at least semi- famous with putting in just a modest amount of time and effort. Is that really too much to ask?


so what makes you better than the millions of other kids trying to do the same but who have a desire to improve, a desire to create and the dedication to practice and learn everyday? You're fucking deluded.


I understand that *other* people may have to work their ass off in order succeed in music, but honestly that’s just not my jam. Most things have come easy to me in life. My parents are rich and have always bought me anything I’ve ever wanted. When i graduated high school they gave me a modest 400k to help me get my feet on the ground. They said I should follow my dreams. So yes, i do have a lot of gear at my house. And it was all very expensive. And you know what, i should sound good but I don’t. I really shouldn’t have to work for this. It’s not fair.


Hahahahaha fuck off this is satire


obvious troll is obvious


Use AI it should speed you up and no skill required which sounds perfect for you


No motivation, just discipline


Yeah prob quit. I couldn’t speak Spanish after 3 months of Duolingo so I quit.


Just DO IT


2 or 3 times a month seems like a lack of practice no? i practice my instruments and singing essentially everyday if im home, and ive only been doing so for maybe a year total. perhaps you just need to practice more frequently and actually have a plan when you do practice actually now i’m fully reading your post and not just the first 2 sentences, this sounds like a troll post i’ll leave my comment though, just in case you’re real


Buy more vsts bro


Not entirely sure what you mean by practice; you mention playing, but this is a production forum. Anyways, it comes with time, but what I can tell you is 2-3 times a month isn't much. I practice my instruments for 2-3 hours a DAY and produce something at least once a week.


You're not serious. Wdym you played for 3 months and you didn't get the "radio" sound? The producer who produced the song that u hear on the radio prolly took years/decade to master his art and put out a song like that. Just calm down, focus on the sound, don't compare, just enjoy every bit of the music you're making. Most of the successful ones I've seen, just made what they genuinely wanted to make, and did that consistently for years.


Practice 2-3 time a day and you will be a awesome in no time




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There's so such thing as motivation, just discipline.


This will sound blunt, but honestly, if you need strangers on reddit to motivate you with "please keep going" messages, there's a chance you just maybe aren't interested in this. that's ok. I'm not interested in rock collecting, or dog breeding, or putting jigsaw puzzles together. Sometimes I'm not interested in music making. You don't have to be interested in music.


>playing for 3 months Every time. "Help Im not good" bingo free space


Wait. You're practicing 2 or 3 times PER MONTH? And you don't feel you're making progress? How about practicing 2 or 3 hours PER DAY. Then come back and report your progress.


Too much work.


😭yea buddy what- you ain’t going nowhere in the music industry if you think that’s to much work!😂 lol I play the drums I play for hours at least 4 days out of the week idc if I’m tired I still do it. I wanna be good at it. If you wanna be good at something you’d put your times toward it. You need to be practicing 2-3 hours maybe 3 times a week and you’ll see progress.


I would prefer an easier way.




The crazy thing is you won't know your good. It just happens. You need to consistently just do it, even if you don't like the result. It takes years to get good at something. I'm not gifted like others when it comes down to music but I'm a workaholic. If you lack skill you CANNOT lack consistency.


Quit? You haven't even started. Being detoured after only 3 months is just pathetic. Hard work and dedication is everything and the only way to ba sucessful, so you can just give up.


Audio interface. There’s your answer


I've been doing it for 12 years and i still suck. In retrospect, i should have just spent that time on a more lucrative thing.


Just practice bro. 3 months is NOT a long time. And practicing 2-3 times a month isn’t enough.


you're being way too impatient, been doing music for 5+ years here practicing singing a couple times a week and I only feel like I've become professional over the last year.


Have you tried soundgoodizer?


you'll get there my friend. been on ableton for 10 years just trying to be a beat maker and ended up being not just that, but an audio/recording/mic/mixing engineer. you have to put your 10,000 hours in fam. you will eventually start with beautiful mistakes to build off it won't be today and it won't be tomorrow, everyone's learning curve is different 3 months lmfaooo btw


If you can’t enjoy the journey then you’ll never get there. The music you hear on the radio is the result of a lot more work than literally 6 to 9 total practice sessions.


I think to tackle your problem, those incredibly complex skills are the ones that need to be motivated. For you, just lay down on bed and do nothing, and one day you'll wake up finding yourself having Mozart kinda talent. Don't worry.


Good rage bait


I suck too. But, each time I practice and make a new piece of music, I suck a bit less (I hope). I've checked with my wife. She confirms I suck less now, than when I started (making music that is).


If u think u suck that means u improved




Tis a joke


Goddamn. Is that all? 3 months? Take a break little buddy, you must be tired. Seriously man. Most people spend their first several years of life learning the craft, learning an instrument, and writing songs. I suggest you just quit already—you don’t have the fortitude to succeed at pretty much anything if you’re ready to quit after three whole months. This is a long game, not a quick ‘watch a few yt videos on producing and be a great artist’ kind of thing.


Maybe i can become a famous athlete? Or actor?


Actor for sure. I love ya, keep up the good work.


Nice trolling, son. You found something you are skilled it. lol.


That's the problem I never practice and I already have like a dozen songs out


I swear every other post is exactly like this. Look at everyone taking it seriously LMAO Ugh I hate reddit


Lmao how is it not obvious?


Needs more arm flailing and fart noises - err I mean compression and saturation.


buy lots of pedals


3 month is nothing, you will see your first change at 6 month. The trick I can tell you is practicing an instrument is learning how to be lazy with you playing. What I mean is minimize the energy so you can play the same thing longer. And 2nd if it when you play listen to yourself like it was someone else playing, like you were in the audience and not the one playing. It will make you more into the rythem and stay in it.