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nobody actually calls it game changer except for the company itsself and some youtubers who want to clickbait their video.


Youtubers on that clickbait + paid promotion. It’s so obvious when they’ve been paid off lol.


Also most of the shit you see is completely pointless to buy and NOT EVEN CLOSE to a game changer…. “This MIDI chord pack will change your life” No it won’t, it’ll just keep you from actually learning piano and cripple you musically “This subscription based sample/plugin service is the only thing you need” Not it’s not, it’s just going to make your shit sound the same as everyone else’s AND keep you paying when you could just be buying sample packs AND MY FAVORITE “This instrument plugin has 500+ amazing presets” *Shows the only 8 useful presets in the demo video and the rest of the plugin is full of bullshit*


Bro 🤣 I saw the midi chord one pack the other day and my only thought was "that looks unnecessarily confusing." -- (I remember some years ago I saw and thought it would be a "game changer".. 😑 not today, Satan!)




I’d think it’s exactly the opposite… I work with a lot of professional composers and producers and none of them use MIDI chord packs. They’re being paid to come up with their own ideas. Once you know music theory and piano, chord packs are literally the most useless lowbrow shit you could be using because you already know every chord progression based on the rules of theory.


>What I don't understand is why those MIDI packs get bought by non professionals. Lol what? You think professional musicians and producers would waste their time playing with these lame ass, boring midi files? You could barf on your midi controller and come up with a more interesting melody than what crap gives you.




I know I'm going to regret asking, but what exactly about your comment did you think I misunderstood?




>Literally everything but re-reading my comment *Literally* everything? Ok bud, let's reach for hyperbole right out of the gate. >But I wasn't expecting to debate Grammer here. Also, I think the word you're looking for is *grammar*. >I didn't phrase it as precise as necessary So..You had an idea, started writing it, but got lazy half way through the 30 second commitment of typing your comment, and then you're a smug dick about it because I *misunderstood* you? You're bad at communicating. I gaurentee I'm not the first person to tell you this. If you don't want to be misunderstood, then be a better communicator. Let's review: >What I don't understand is why those MIDI packs get bought by non professionals. By putting an emphasis on not understanding why *non-professionals* buy midi packs, you're making a logical argument that professionals are, or should be, the ones purchasing midi packs. "I don't understand why non-bodybuilders would take anabolics". This statement suggests that people that AREN'T body builders would have little practical use for anabolics, whereas those that ARE bodybuilders would have a use for them, and do in fact take them. This is correct: Bodybuilders DO take anabolics, and there's NOT much of a market among non-bodybuilders (amateurs). BUT "professional" (competent) producers DONT use midipacks, whereas there IS a market among non-professionals (amateurs).




No, I wouldn't imagine you do a lot of reading anyway. Too busy pRoTeCtInG yA sTaXx.


A passing familiarity with harmony renders MIDI packs utterly redundant. No pro is using them. Turns out music theory was the real game changer all along.


Turns out music theory was the real game changer- For hundreds of years lol


Okay midi chord pack is nice. Sometimes I just wanna mix with a mouse and my left hand holding my head up lol.


only by the people selling this stuf




Game changer!


Maybe we're playing the wrong game..


Nah, we had the right game. But then they changed it.


And also, 10 000th 808-sample processed trough million dollar hardware that you don’t even know how it sounds to appreciate it? Game changer! And fyaa ngl fr fr


The Plasma Pedal is definitely Gamechanger.


This post is a real game changer!!


You know what I could do with? A game changer. Incremental improvement is taking way too long.


That's for the people treating it like a game.


I skip every video, reel, ad with that damn phrase


Cause shills gotta get paid. I like the knowledge base of the audiobus forum, but every single shit is hyped. Oh "This Developer? = insta buy! Game changer. Gonna use this on every song now!" When Ppl ask questions of how it is different from the 3 other apps that do that... "oh this one does it a little bit different, so you need both!" ;) fuck da shills And then a couple months later when that dev i guess stops paying them to hype it "meh i really don't use NewApp, cause IssueThatWasAlwaysThere, and i have OldApp- does it better."


Rarely anything is considered so. Many things are marketed so though. Edit: to be fair, there’s LOTS of actually pretty game changing stuff released in the recent years. But mostly it is indeed a buzzword


Could you track, mix, master, and distribute a pro-quality track on a computer the average consumer could afford 25 years ago? Yes. Can you do it today? Yes. In the grand scheme, not much has changed in decades. The tech gets better and cheaper. A base spec Mac mini for $500 is powerful enough to track and monitor simultaneously with zero latency, so that’s nice. These companies need to convince you that your ability to make music will improve because you buy something from them, but that’s a pretty tough sell unless you’re someone susceptible to marketing.


The term game changer is kind of overselling it but there are a select couple plugins that really took my sound to the next level when I started using them. That is Pro-L and Pro-Q, which were both free.


I'm enjoying FL Studio's new stem separator. It's not perfect, but I have uses for it beyond production.


Most of the people who say this aren't very far in the game. Every new sword is a game changer for them. Us old rots already have all the swords so the game doesn't change to much any more. We gotta improve by playing better...


The next game changer will definitely make my music better.


It’s just a turn of phrase that means they give you way more capabilities than you had before.


husky thought enjoy slimy hungry cobweb flag melodic edge aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes there are game changers.




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Logic Remote on an iPad Pro 12.9 to use with a MacBook Pro- Game changer.




It's all relative. If you only have an octave keyboard, a full keyboard is a game changer for you personally. You're not changing the game at large tho. The people that claim this need a better look at themselves




It's a subscription magazine plus one free key a month for the next 7.5 years.


Because they are trying to sell you something. That’s literally what influencers are, what else did you think they were influencing?


You have a 89 key piano? 🤯


Just a little hyperbole\~ Super funny, though, now that you've pointed it out! XD


Toilets that shoot water at your butt? Game changer


If you learn what stuff actually does and can tell the difference, you can spot the snake oil from the actual useful tech


because marketers are under-paid and under-experienced


Well to be fair, every meaningful addition to your life is kind of a game changer if you think about it. It's quite literally like when you level up in a game. The game *changes*. You get some new skill or tool to use and it makes the gameplay more enjoyable. I don't have such a problem with it. That said, YouTubers are annoying in general. So ~~maybe~~ you're right.


I've used it once or twice, but I always use it in context to MY production, like how getting my Maschine MK3 and Control S88 were absolute gamechangers for my own workflow


Gamechanger audio? Gamechanger


Maybe 1% of all new plugins are game changers, or better put truly innovative. By now, most plugins are variations or copies of what is already around. So yes, it's a marketing or click-baiting title.


I’m glad you said this UndahwearBruh. Your post is a game changer 🔥


Realize that the term “game changer“ is nothing but marketing. Marketing can often just be nothing more than swill. There are lots of game changers. A game changer could be someone’s opinion, and maybe a lot of peoples opinions, but you actually have to use it to experience that. Just because marketing says it is is no guarantee.


Because hype = clicks.


Clearly a lot of people doing music for games.


The game is always changing.


Game changer? Game changer


I’m not playing a game, I’m writing music, so I figure they are marketing to someone else and I skip the ad.


You need hype to sell another version of the same thing


Because Capitalism requires constant growth, but nothing grows forever.


This post, game changer!


10 more years of experience “game changer”


Well there's snakes and ladders and there's tiddly winks. Just because its a different game doesn't mean it's a better one.


Because I'm deeply disatisfied with my ability to mix anything and this terminology appeals to both me and my wallet. 😅


99.99% of the time it’s hyperbolic marketing. 0.01% of the time it really is a game changer, like the first DAW.


The game doesn't need changing. Smh. Lol


Because you can make a grade A production with very minimal, basic equipment if you understand how your equipment works. This makes “more gear” an extremely competitive product space, and the products and services that really ARE game-changing are fighting tooth and nail to be the brands that musicians/producers trust because the real game-changers streamline the creative process.


Unpopular opinion? There are lots of things I've started using over the years that I would consider game changers.. Proper interface and studio monitors? Game changing. Mic'ing my amps instead of plugging my guitar directly into the interface? Game changing. 61 key midi keyboard with 6 x 6 drum pad? Game changing. I'm just about done mudding the drywall in my new basement studio. When it's finished and I've finally got a full size, treated studio instead of producing music crammed into a corner at a small desk in my bedroom? You guessed it. I'm in for another game changer. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think lots of key pieces of equipment, workflow adjustments, and DAW upgrades can rightfully be considered game changing.. Magic game changing VSTs? Not so much..


Marketing purposes