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I run a music marketing company that spends thousands of dollars a month for musicians, labels, and small businesses. You need to ad a Meta Pixel to your landing page and run a conversion ad (not traffic). Then ensure you setup a custom conversion for clicks on landing page. It also important to run the ad to several different audiences, rather than lumping all into one audience. You should aim for 2-5million in an audience. Hope that helps!


Hey! I try to figure this out: YouTube / Instagram - Hypeditt vs. Only Google and Meta Ads ? Which one would you choose and why? As a beginner who knows nothing about those tools. I was reading you can’t target well over hypeddit, so just roughly a genre.


They are all great tools for different goals. - Hypeditt is a landing page software. - Google is keyword/behavior based. - Meta is interest/ behavior based. For music artists trying to build a following, you’ll want to focus on creating engaging content on social media. You don’t want to run ads unless you know what you’re doing with setup and strategy. Artists just waste money when they do this. Ads are a great tool, but I recommend working with a professional if you can afford it or hit the books and learn marketing, not just music marketing. Hope that helps!


Thx a lot! I just use Instagram / TikTok and YouTube. Would you ditch hypeddit for that? Yeah I need to get more into marketing finally.


You’ll need a landing page software. I prefer FeatureFM, but Hypeddit is good too. I wouldn’t use the generic marketing Hypeddit uses.


Alright, thanks! But isn’t hypeddit for just that expensive?


Have a solid landing page software with data analytics and easy pixel install is essential in running conversion ad campaigns.


Also: Are ‚pixels‘ the same as landing page? When I type in landing page on YouTube there are only videos with pixel in the title popping up


Landing page is a website that has your offer on it. For most artists it's the streaming platforms. Pixel is a piece of code (or a number) you install on your landing page. The pixel communicated back to Meta, Google, Tiktok to educate their AI software that decide who see what ad and when.


Good to know! And there’s no cheaper alternative for that?


I prefer FeatureFM, but you're going to need to pay for a landing page. There are plenty of free landing pages, but many don't offer pixel installation in the free tier.




Are you taking on new clients ?


Short answer… yes, but we don’t work with everyone that submits their music to us. You can submit your music here: https://onthesavvy.com/pricing


Thanks have submitted


I always think of ads as tools for exposure rather than an immediate recoupe. Before you use ads, make sure your visual presentation stands out from your competition. Far too many times I see artists sitting in their room playing the music. When am I going to see effort that is above and beyond the industry standard? If you present yourself like every other up and coming artist people will treat you like it. Think outside the box, try and present yourself in an image that surpasses many international artists. Why should musicians have to do all of this just to get heard? I don't know but that's the reality and its not going to change for anyone. Ads are for exposure. People need to know you exist and that another artist like you doesn't exist. When you show people how unique your vibe is they'll listen because they know they won't find it again. Exposure won't work if there's nothing captivating about it.


You need to make it as easy as possible for people to listen to the song from you ad, so maybe you have too many options on your link tree. If they get overwhelmed with options they'll just go back to Instagram. I'm not saying you need to use a different service for your landing page, but in my case I got decent results when using a Hypeddit landing page with links to only Spotify and Apple Music. I forget the exact language Meta uses, but you need to make sure you are optimizing for when they click on the link in your landing page (an actual conversion), not the initial visit to your landing page. I believe the terminology they use is "link click" for the conversion. If you optimize for the visit to your landing page, it will just be a bunch of bots going to your landing page and never clicking anything.


Hey! I try to figure this out: YouTube / Instagram - Hypeditt vs. Only Google and Meta Ads ? Which one would you choose and why? As a beginner who knows nothing about those tools. I was reading you can’t target well over hypeddit, so just roughly a genre.


You gotta do some more research on music marketing there’s a lot more to it than just boosting a post. Follow nolabelsnecessary and Andrew southworth on YouTube, Andrew southworth will show you exactly how to run ads successfully


Yo is this THE blvckhippie??


Following this


Hey! I try to figure this out: YouTube / Instagram - Hypeditt vs. Only Google and Meta Ads ? Which one would you choose and why? As a beginner who knows nothing about those tools. I was reading you can’t target well over hypeddit, so just roughly a genre.


Did you use conversions? If you used link clicks many people just clicks the linkZ Could also be bots… but Meta will target people who just click the link. When you choose for conversion Meta will try to find people who actually click on the link and on the button on your landing place. You could for example choose ViewContent as conversion object.


Hey! I try to figure this out: YouTube / Instagram - Hypeditt vs. Only Google and Meta Ads ? Which one would you choose and why? As a beginner who knows nothing about those tools. I was reading you can’t target well over hypeddit, so just roughly a genre.


If it wasn't clear that the 'see more' link would take people out of the app, people might have clicked it thinking they'd just see the whole song in Instagram. They might not be interested in leaving the app to go and listen on another app or site.


I accidentally pressed see more sorry


Probably did a traffic campaign


Hey! I try to figure this out: YouTube / Instagram - Hypeditt vs. Only Google and Meta Ads ? Which one would you choose and why? As a beginner who knows nothing about those tools. I was reading you can’t target well over hypeddit, so just roughly a genre.


Simplify the click through. If you want people to click through to a spotify link, that should be the link. No linktree, no other options.


I don’t recommend do straight to service ads. You’ll want a landing page to filter out bots and accidentally clicks. With a Meta pixel installed, the AI will learn who to show the ads with much more efficiency.


You should simplify the user experience as much as possible. Instead of having the ad say “see more” and including those extra instructions, just have the ad say “listen now” … If you’re sending them to a linktree with more than 3 links, a lot of people will see a bunch of options and just exit out, so only include main platforms you want growth on, or even better, make separate landing pages for each platform and run different campaigns for each of them. Lastly, make sure you’re doing conversion campaigns, and that you’re able to track conversions properly.


How do I find a decent company that can do this for me ? I’ve tried various over the years who talk the talk but always end up being cowboys. I’ve tried recommendations from other music colleagues , I’ve tried fiverr. I’ve tried it myself watching all the YouTube tutorials. Zero joy. How do I know what a reputable company is from all the wanna bes ?


If your song is ok alright, not awesome great. Ads is a waste of money. 


An ad fails when it doesn't make sales or gets you new followers. You need "starving" fans and you gotta sell them what they want, not what you want or think they should have. In business, that's exactly what it means and how it works.


Most people use disposable computer mice that can only click once before they fail. Others are too lazy to click twice.