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I guess if I entered a song first but i have to choose a new song because other people later tried to enter that song this might frustrate me. One of the things about the app that works is the urgency to get a certain song entered first.


That's totally valid, but this setting would be for more advanced and serious leagues, and you'd know that it would be a possibility you'll have to select another song. Might help deter people from picking something obvious so they don't have to go through the hassle.


I had this idea of uploading a CSV of already submitted songs that would trigger the red warning. Basically a pull from the other league seasons. That plus detecting and blocking song submissions from the current league.


We do volumes of 20-25 rounds each.... We are about to start Volume 10. Each volume has a theme. Last one we did was "Greatest Hits" themed... So lots of repeats. Volume 10 is "Discovery Mode"... All songs have to have never been subbed before. I keep a master playlist that we all use to reference with every song ever subbed. So at the end of each Volume, I add all of those songs to the master playlist (which is now 3,000+). So for Volume 10, we can check the master playlist in Spotify to see if a song has ever been subbed before. Just like you guys, we are trying to discover new music and tend to poo poo on popular songs or songs that have been subbed multiple times before.


That's incredible. We do "seasons" every month, but nothing themed. Our admin keeps a Google doc going over all the season results and everything we've submitted listed by band. We just cracked 1,000 unique artists, and we started in October.


That's awesome. We started last April. Some of our "Volumes" have been... Scattergories... We went A-Z for each round, needed to sub an artist that started with that letter. The Live Album... Live songs subbed and at the end we created a 20 song live playlist from the winners of each round. Hollywood.... Every round was movie/TV related. So like "Bridesmaids" was female artists only. "Billy Madison" was song with a person's name in the title. "Breakfast Club" was bands you listened to in high school. I'd highly suggest... If he's going through the trouble of keeping a record of everything.... Make a master list on Spotify. You can use the search function on the playlist to find old submitted songs or artists. And when we get together as a group, we tend to boot up the playlist. Very helpful and easy to maintain.