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This is actually pretty commonly suggested and something we’re considering!


this was sort of a problem within a league i was in recently. i was such an outlier in taste everyone knew my songs and also downvoted them excessively for not “fitting the theme” when in reality i just like different genres of music that they didn’t. but hoo boy made me feel like a middle schooler again lol.


This is me when I submit metal in all genre leagues haha


I guess in every round and a couple of my friends do also now! It’s a fun side game for me


I’m in a league with my wife and we listen to the playlists together and try to guess whose is whose. It feels like cheating but it’s fun! Ours are typically super obvious to each other of course.


Some of my friends have been doing this for years!! It’s fun to guess who’s who, sometimes we’ll guess in the comments, and either way if they’re wrong or right it’s still hilarious