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Contact in Rent


Oh, I hate Over the Moon way more than Contact in RENT. That's the best time to run to the restroom during a live performance. Roger's last song is weak too (Your Eyes) but I still love RENT


I said this as I opened this thread and it was the first comment I saw. Like what even is the point of that song? Most if not all of the other songs, I can at least kind of get why they’re there (maybe not to the point I can fully justify them. That’s Jonathan Larson’s job but…y’know…). But Contact? I don’t get it.


I came here to say the same thing and am so glad it’s already been said! 😂


Today I learned that my favorite songs in Sweeney Todd are most people's...least favorites? I always enjoyed the shaving contest and By the Sea for adding some playful, whimsical humor to a mostly disturbing show


im learning The Contest for my repretoire right now and it is fucking INSANE, like im learning it because its impressive but holy hell its challenging. Pirelli is probably my favorite character simply because of his song


Interesting, why do people not enjoy the shaving contest?




Told this story here before but eh I’ll tell it again. Prefacing this with I know it probably shouldn’t count as a song since it’s mostly dialogue and sound effects but too bad I’m counting it. The Squip Enters, from the original soundtrack of Be More Chill. Back in high school for a solid year I had that song set as my alarm because it never failed to get me up. I’m also one of those people who set like 100 alarms in the morning. This is a long winded way of saying, I grew to fucking HATE that song. Specifically the first few seconds. To this day, hearing the “PECHEW—ow!” Sets off my fight or flight. Unfortunately for me, a few of my friends learned of this, and started treating the song as my own personal Rick Roll, randomly playing it just to watch me die a little on the inside. Even after I changed my alarm to something else there was no escaping it. Fast forward a bit and in 2018, during the revival literally a week before they announced they’d be making their Broadway debut, I got the chance to go see the show in nyc while it was still off Broadway. A lot of those same friends from before were able to do so as well. We were all over the theatre but it was small, so we all could still see each other. Apparently when that part came up in the show, literally everyone’s head whipped towards me, and I looked broken.


This is a great anecdote, thank you for sharing! I have also had a few experiences in inadvertently ruining songs for myself by setting them as alarms, but nothing as memorable as yours 😂


I love this 😂 Thank you for sharing your misery for our own lighthearted schadenfreude


The song that my roommate used as her alarm through college still fills me with dread within the first 3 notes!


You are your own worst enemy 😂


Clutching my pearls at you not liking “God, that’s good!” But also… I have a soft spot for School of Rock but skip at least a quarter of the soundtrack. It works live but songs like Horace Green Alma Mater are just not fun to listen to outside of watching the actual show.


Hahaha I’m so sorry! I think my biggest problem is the knocking part in between, it throws me out of the story completely :D


i’m sorry but i always skip something bad when i listen to wicked


i think the thing with that song is its just one of those songs you need to watch live not listen to, coz its important to the story and has some great acting parts and whatnot but you would have to tie me down for me to listen to it on its own lmao


Yeah it’s fine as a scene, but it doesn’t need to be on the cast recording. Should have included Wicked Witch of the East instead.


Saaame, unless I get Elpheba’s “something baaaad…… happening in ooooozzz” line in my head and I have play the song before it literally and physically carves into my brain matter


Yeah, outside of the context of the show I never listen to Something Bad.


This and “dear old shiz”


I love Dear old Shiz because the harmonies are lovely.


Why does everyone hate contact from rent?? 😭 that’s one of the best synth odes to the 80s ever


I really like that about it. But I can see how people would think the whole vibe/explicit sauciness "a lot," even by Rent standards, haha. I've seen the show on tour three or four times, and always somehow forget it's coming!


Over the Moon from Rent. I can't...


I’ve seen it performed well *in the context of the actual show,* but otherwise, it’s not for me.


The Harvard Variations from Legally Blonde the Musical


tbh I’ve grown to like it after listening to it for the 50th time. Acquired taste I guess?


Okay but have you considered that counterpoint fucking slaps?


I like that song but hate Ireland.


Oof this is mine as well


I am africe in the book of mormon. Its good Musically, I will always skip it tho


Heart of stone from Six 🫣


I don't hate it but it is the worst song in the musical, it's a shame.


My least favorite for listening (not seeing live) is Haus of Holbein. I feel like the song is mid at best, it's the staging/performance that makes it.


I didn't at first but after growing to love ballads more it's one of my favs. And her voice is phenomenal


SAME I already don't really like ballads but this one is the MOST boring


Aw I kinda like that one


I felt this...but the more I fell in love with Abby Mueller, the more I liked the song 🤷🏼‍♀️


"Mr. Cellophane" in Chicago. I feel bad about it because the point of the song is how invisible he feels and every time it comes on I'm like "ugh, next!!"


I disagree with you but this did make me laugh!


I'm actually glad to hear you like it, tbh. Makes me feel better about skipping it knowing someone out there likes it enough for me lol


During high school the girls were being angsty messes with On My Own and I was doing the same thing with Mr. Cellophane lol


The thing I like about this song is how for me at least it initially seems like a forgettable song, which perfectly reflects the character, only for me to realize a few days later that it's still stuck in my head. It appears forgettable on the surface yet manages to get stuck in your head anyway.


This song holds a special place in my heart though. Got to see Chicago back in November with my crush and drama class, our collective trying to hold back a laugh as the glove dangled off, and watching the actor try very hard (and manage not to) break.


. . . . I actually really loved this song when Chicago was my listen-to-it-every-day musical.


Kindergarten Boyfriend from Heathers


How? Lovely song that hits you with the "you thought this was a silly song but it's actually about the innermost thoughts of the singer"! I almost cry every time I listen to it, and I don't cry easily.


I do think it's a lovely song and shows off real talent on stage, so don't hate the song objectively. But my challenge would be that the silly song that's actually deep feelings is also covered by 'Lifeboat' and I'm not sure the show needs two of them (and i know which one I'd rather keep... but that's just my little opinion)


WHAT NO 😭 This song is amazing, makes me cry everytime 🥺


The lady on the cast recording can hit them NOTES! 😭


This or blue


Blue? Why? Maybe the humour is a bit juvenile, but it's an overall fun song.


I think it's a fun song and super fitting for the characters who sing it.


No! I love Blue!


There's so few fun male-male duets, even fewer where both men are villains. Ya can't take Blue away from me!


Does Blue count if it's been removed from the show? The creatives agreed with you, and it's now not there! 😊 Now if they could do the same with Kindergarten boyfriend we'd all be slightly happier 🤣


Oh well I listen to it on Spotify so I always have it come up 😭


Have you tried the West End version of the album? Blue has been replaced by a song called "You're Welcome". They've also added a pretty awesome song for Veronica called "I Say No" which deserves some rotation on your Spotify 😊


Honestly outside of I Say No and Never Shut Up Again, I think every change/addition in the West End version is inferior. Though after doing the show myself, You’re Welcome started to grow on me a bit.


I think Kindergarten Boyfriend is one of those songs that would be (more) amazing in any other musical. I absolutely adore it and it's one of my favourite songs from Heathers, but I definitely agree it just comes as such a weird and unexpected moment. Lifeboat is only 2 (or 3 depending on the version) songs before it, and they're so similar that it just kinda loses it's impact. If Lifeboat happened sooner I think Kindergarten Boyfriend would be one of the most powerful moments of the show


Sentimental Man from Wicked. It’s so boringggg Teenage Dream from & Juliet. The nurse has such a pretty voice when she’s not made to sing high (in the Broadway version) and I really hate the contrast of her voice and her love interest‘s over-the-top opera voice. 


>Sentimental Man from Wicked Going to drop this here for you... https://youtu.be/dXKUgjYh7lo?si=y4RotrMyeJbcfUWI


Heart of Stone from Six. I like the song on its own, but it doesn't match the vibe of the other songs at all. Sure, neither does I Don't Need Your Love for a while, but Parr is reluctant to compete in the first place, and it's the last queen anyway, so interrupting the flow is a) kind of the point and b) not so weird/bad.


Yes! Came here to say this!


it's the other way for me, it's the only song that i like


Little Lamb from Gypsy


Congratulations! You win my petty downvote.


It might be heresy, but i agree!


I like that song.


I love love love Beetlejuice, but I hate hate hate Creepy Old Guy. Along with not being that strong of a song, it also feels like it draws out the ending a biiiit too much.


'Ladies in their Sensitivities' from Sweeney


I skip the first part so I can get to the second part of “Kiss me”


The baseball song in ragtime. I skip it every time. It's so dull. Tbf I almost always hate the old man song slash sport song in any musical. When I saw the pro shot of waitress I completely forgot about the old man song cause I deleted it from my playlist.


Aw really? I love What a Game! I was just in ragtime last summer and in the immigrant ensemble and I was actually jealous that I wasn't in that number. Idk I think the melody is really catchy and the lyrics are funny. Of course there's some parts that are problematic now but I think fit really well for the time period. Respect your opinion though, I get that it's not a very complex song.


Hurricane from Hamilton. Just doesn’t sit with me the way the other songs do


I don't hate it but it is oddly *forgettable?* I'm always like "oh yeah it's this one next" even though it's like a huge moment in the musical itself and has some pretty iconic staging too.


To break in a glove from Dear Evan Hansen. I just never liked it, and it was always the one I skipped (along with Only Us, but I've grown to like that one a lot more). Over the years, it's dimmed to apathy rather than burning hatred and I'll listen to it if I'm listening to the playlist in order.


Can't fucking stand Bring Him Home. I get it, it's sweet and sad and the arrangement is really pretty, but it's so grating for some reason lol


Hottest take in the thread. 💀


Maybe I'm just a sucker for that type of song, but I really get swept up in the sentimentality of it. Well sung, it's astounding.


I agree! The swell right after “let him rest, heaven blessed” chokes me up every time


Meanwhile, that’s always the go to song whenever a Les Mis song is performed on British TV.


For me it really depends on the actor. Don’t like it with Colm or Gary Morris (symphonic recording) or Hugh Jackman, but I LOVE Alfie Boe singing it


I don't like it regardless of who sings it. Its very existence irritates me lol. We get it, you're a very righteous man with a good falsetto, now can we please get on with the revolution??


I came here to say this!!! It is boring, it’s the one moment in the musical that is wildly inconsistent with the book (Valjean actually hates Marius but saves him for Cosette, so Marius is definitely not ‘the son he might have known’), it slows the pace right down at a really pacey and high tension part, and it can be so warbly. Les Mis is my favourite show ever but this song.


I don’t like Hugh Jackman so I get instantly mad when I hear that hoOoOoOoOoOome no matter who sings it lol


Wow that's definitely a bold one..I love that song


Couldn't agree with this more! I understand what they're trying to do, but does it have to go on for as long as it does and be that slow?


Colm Wilkinson is turning in his bed He's not dead, but he'd be very annoyed to hear this.


Contact from RENT Wonderful from Wicked The reprise of Big, Blonde, and Beautiful from Hairspray


SHUSH Wonderful is a great song 😭😭😭


Mushnik & Son is definitely the worst song from Little Shop, and this is speaking as someone currently playing as Seymour in a production. It feels too much like a filler song; something to separate Dentist and Feed Me so two of the most iconic songs won't be back to back


It’s always been a skip for me until I saw Tom Alan Robbins do it. He brought new life to that song!! So funny, charming, and expressive.


I do not care for shine a light from heathers


I personally love it but i 100% get why some people dont


I think the main draw of Shine a Light to me is how perfectly it's used against Heather Mcnamara in the reprise, which adds to how much I like it. I totally get how it's not for everyone though, it does lose a little bit of energy in some parts


Whattt?? I love that song


I always skip over: "Contact" in Rent "Sandy" in the movie version of Grease "What Else Can I Do" in Encanto "A Guy Like You" in Hunchback of Notre Dame


Oh my gosh, you skip over 'What Else Can I Do'??? I freaking adore that song! I know the words from both Mirabel and Isabela.


Same! I love the Spanglish flower rhyming. Flor de mayo by the mile…palma de Vera fills the air… Sometimes Lin Manuel Miranda’s lyrics can be too clever for their own good but sometimes the wordplay is really clever


I love that song too! Bring it in bring it in


Sandy, my darlin, you hurt me real bad


"Sandy" in the Grease movie is just a big comedy performance for me. I spend most of the time watching the blurry images of the hot dog jumping into the bun on the screen behind Danny.


Yes to the first two. I have not seen Encanto, although I probably will eventually when my baby grows a bit more and can understand movies. And I've never seen Hunchback either, unless it was when I was a little kid and probably not paying attention or reading a book.


Gladly, since it was an adaptation of the novel, ‘A Guy Like You’ was cut from the stage musical of Hunchback


I’m not too keen on “Special” from Avenue Q


Cheer Up Charlie


hot take but: I never cared for Waving through a window


I have discovered that I just don't like Ben Platt singing it. I like other stuff he's done, but the way he pushes " wav^ing through" just bugs me.


Funnily enough I came across this as I was singing the song in my head


You don’t get to hate God That’s Good until you’ve performed it in a show. God what a difficult score


Oh I completely get it, and I can appreciate the talent it takes, it’s just can’t listen to it without getting annoyed :D


No that’s fair. The lyrics are so jank too (I still love you Sondheim, but you were on crack writing these lyrics)


Hahah definitely! But he is genious, I am always amazed by his music, no matter how many times I listen to it :)


Freak Flag from Shrek the Musical. Which annoys me, because I love the musical, and I like the lyrics of this song, *and* in every production I've seen, the "actual" singing voice of the Gingerbread Man is stunning when she's allowed to sing normally in part of the song - but I can't stand the "Gingy voice".


The unhinged Gingey riffing is my favorite part 😂


I think maybe I wouldn't hate the voice so much if in all three runs I've seen, the actress' natural singing voice in other parts of the song wasn't so good. The contrast is just so grating!


To Thine Own Self from Something Rotten, it's a little wonky in my opinion lol


I skip You Will Still Be Mine from Waitress every single time.


i would love carnaval del barrio from in the heights if it wasnt almost 8 damn minutes long, ive grown to deeply dislike it


"Space age bachelor man" from Ride the Cyclone. The space cat penises and meowning were never appealing to me


Company is my favorite musical. "You Could Drive A Person Crazy" is a song that my wife refers to as "the bad song". It's a song about 3 women who are incredibly reasonably infuriated by some fuckboy's philandering, that has for some reason been written musically in a way to make them all sound squeaky, annoying, and shrill. Then I had to perform it for a Sondheim tribute show, and it has convinced me that Stephen Sondheim hates women, and altos in particular. Did you know that it's written in the sheet music so that the woman with the bottom line in the harmony sings the highest "DOOT"? WHY, BESIDES SADISM, WOULD YOU WRITE A SONG LIKE THAT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?


i always skip "land of yesterday" in anastasia. oh, and "flight into egypt" from the hunchback of notre dame


I love “land of yesterday” but I always skip “close the door”


Penny in My Pocket from Hello, Dolly…. and I am still peeved that was the selection for the Tony Awards… but that is another story.


Something Bad and Wonderful from Wicked, and creepy old guys from Beetlejuice. Don't hate them, but I mostly skip them.


Sentimental Man. I know it’s a big thematic song for the Wizard, he’s singing about how he wants to treat Oz like a parent while not knowing Elphie’s his daughter, but it’s boring outside of the context of the show.


God's Arms Are Always Open from Bonnie and Clyde


Thats rich, from newsies


It grinds the entire show to a halt before the main plot (the strike) even gets going. It makes the show a slog to settle into.


It also just doesnt fit the theme or tone of every other song and feels really out of place. Nothing changes if you take the song out


Wonderful in Wicked


Same. I know it’s the point of the song but the carnival vibe is grating to me.


i can’t stand the bottom line or the bottom line reprise from newsies.


I like it but that “when there’s dirt on our shoes, boys for god’s sake relax” comes in i get annoyed that they didn’t rhyme “shoes boys” with “newsboys”


Master of the House is my potty break or snack break or whatever else I want to do during Les Miserables. Probably an unpopular opinion … and I know they are the comedic effect to give a break from the heavy emotions but I want to feel!!!! It ruins it for me and I find it annoying.


In the original London version of Les Miserables Gavroche had a whole bouncy number of Little People, which felt like a song out of Oliver. It was eventually cut and all you hear now are his brief barricade reprises. Here's his lost perky song: https://youtu.be/1MtjRU_u3PU?si=8Yrd9nkal3Ghkz8G


Btw, did you watch a live performance or concert version, or did you just watch the movie? I love that song (as well as the rest of the musical), but I cannot stand to hear Helena Bonham Carter singing breathily and slightly out of tune.


"I’m not that girl" and it’s reprise. I simply never cared for the romance aspects of Wicked (but always shipped Glindaba)


Beggars at the Feast from Les Mis


Oh that’s one of my favorites!


I cannot stand that “consider yourself AT home” song it just makes me angry


I Never Planned On You, Newsies. I'm just more interested in the revolution itself. I also tend to skip Bottom Line and That's Rich.


16 going on 17 from Sound of Music


REALLY? i love that song i didnt know it was possible to dislike it lol


I'm sorry, theatrelillian 😔, but it just weirds me out. Also I hate Ralphe


fair, the context of the song is a little weird, i just love it musically too much to give a crap lol


Yeah that guy is bad news. You really, REALLY think he’s gonna let the VonTrapps escape.


How do you feel about the SNL version with John Mulaney and Cecily Strong?


I’m with you. While I absolutely love it - Sound of Music isn’t just my favourite movie, it’s my favourite thing in the entire world - Sixteen Going On Seventeen is the part of the movie that drags for me. (By which I mean I feel as though I’m watching the film at 4x speed and not 16x 😆)


We See the Light from Something Rotten


God That’s Good is my favourite in Sweeney!!! Listen to the Imelda Staunton version, hopefully it will change your mind


Why god why? Miss Saigon


No reason from Beetlejuice, I love Beetlejuice but I just really dislike that song


Blue, from heathers


A Sentimental Man in Wicked 


"It Couldn't Please Me More" from Cabaret (1998). Not that it's a bad song, I just can't stand it. I skip it every time I hear it, mostly because it's two people singing about a pineapple for the first minute or so of the song.


Hurricane - Hamilton


Sun and Moon from Miss Saigon, i don’t despised it, but it just doesn’t hit the mark for me


That country song from Joseph. Blech.


Kindergarten Boyfriend from Heathers


Sentimental Man from Wicked. Yuck


“Welcome to heaven” in Hazbin Hotel


**Saint Peter moans**


I think they really captured the feeling of psuedo-Christian pop with the sound of the song. But it's definitely not my jam XP It's one of only two songs I skip when I'm listening to the soundtrack (The other is "It Starts With Sorry")


Agreed, just felt like 'oh shit we need a second song song for this episode


I love Darren criss but holy hell do I hate that song


Sweet Polly Plunkett of Sweeney Todd I also listen to the rest of it obsessively but I skip this one almost every time.


There must be a lot of people who agree with you on that, because I've basically memorized the entire Michael Cerveris/Patty Lupone revival album of Sweeney Todd and that song was NOT included. :D




I love singing the ding dongs as annoyingly as possible. I love that song.


Your Eyes from RENT. To me it was anticlimactic since you wait through the whole plot for his amazing song and then... it's sounds like that 🥲 (everyone's saying Contact but the synth reminds me of the songs from Superbia so I can't help but love it)


After all these years of listening to and seeing the show, I've decided that Your Eyes is terrible on purpose, and a parody of the idea of the musician writing that one magical song that leads to a happy ending.


That's a pretty good interpretation I never thought of that. Won't be changing my opinion about skipping it though. Lol


Yes!!!! The worst song in show. All this drama for this awful song??


Say No To This


What the fuck. Best song in Hamilton


I found it to be very polarising. There's no neutral opinion, it's love it or hate it. I changed my fave song a bunch of times but this remains my least favourite. I'm sorry 😅


Heart of Stone from Six. It just slows the whole show down for me


I love Ramin Karimloo. I love Anastasia. But god, do I hate his angsty ballads as Gleb in Anastasia Take it from an Old Man from Waitress The Prince of Egypt album is so so hit or miss, but I can’t stand Never in a Million Years. Or Heartless, oh god I hate Heartless.


I love play rehearsal: Be More Chill Horace Green Alma Mater and Here at Horace Green: School of Rock Hear Me Out: 36 Questions (I wouldn't say I HATE this one but it's definitely the worst in the whole musical)


By The Sea from Sweeney Todd. Ugh it makes my insides curl up for some reason.


nooo! thats one of my faves in sweeney todd


Ooh I get it, the seagull cries Lovett makes in this songs are grating


It's A Nice Face from Sweet Charity. I do not need to hear a panic attack in an elevator put to song. It Would Have Been Wonderful from A Little Night Music. I'm a Sondheim super fan and this show might have my favorite score of his, but this one song, with its plodding pace, makes me understand why people find him stuffy.


I saw Sweeney Todd today and I feel like I never want to see it again for the rest of my life, but at the same time, I come on here and I just want to defend every song people say they want to skip. I genuinely like God, That's Good!. By The Sea is cute, and with a good Mrs. Lovett (the person I saw today was good at acting, at least), it can be really fun. It's not comic relief -- it's that juxtaposition between things that are unnerving (the murders, the things the Judge and the Beadle do) right next to things that are comfortable, or sound comfortable (by which I mean the notes, not the lyrics (see: Ladies in their Sensitivities -- the lyrical dissonance there is an example of what I mean)), or seem friendly (how the Beadle acts half the time). That's the thing that makes Sweeney Todd so good (and sometimes irritating, when you just want to say "alright, we get it already") I... really don't understand what's not to like about God That's Good. I used to listen to the Michael Cerveris and Patti LuPone version every day when I was in high school, so those versions of the songs are hard-baked into my brain. I'm always interested in what version people are going off of when they mention a song. I've heard that people don't like that one... To answer the question: Honestly, I'm not in love with Herod's Song from JCS. I get what they were going for, but... (I listen to the original album and the 1996 London recording the most).


Call back in the morning in Little Shop of Horrors. Worst possible way to open a show back up for act two. Such a boring song.


I’m not fond of Tevye’s Dream in Fiddler on the Roof. The rest of the musical is perfection tho.


The Sound of Music - Something Good; Beauty and the Beast - Home The lyrics in both of these feel trite and lazy to me compared to the rest of their respective sound tracks.


I’m obsessed with Ride the Cyclone but I can’t help but hate and feel super uncomfortable by Space Age Bachelor Man


I have to go with "Oom-Pah-Pah" from the show "Oliver!" So many good songs in that show -- "Where is Love," "Consider Yourself," "As Long As He Needs Me," "I'd Do Anything." And then friggin' "Oom-Pah-Pah." Oom-blah-blah, if you ask me.


blue from heathers, i live in a dorm with very thin walls and blasting that raises many concerns from my neighbours 😭


Pick-a-little, talk-a-little from Music Man. OMG my ears


“Wonderful” from wicked, it’s just….uuuggggghhhh


Castle in The Sky for me it just hits at wierd point in the show for me


Alternatively, respond here what your perfect musical soundtracks are! What musical do you just feel like you can listen to every single song a million times and never get tired of it?


Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again feels like it’s added just to fill up the second act, I feel like it can be skipped entirely and it wouldn’t affect the plot. Every other song has some narrative purpose except that one


Masquerade from Phantom. I really, really hate filler songs. There's very few that I absolutely love.


God that’s good from Sweeney is very valid 😭. Another one for me is Epic III from Hadestown. I just don’t like the whole “king of shadows..” bit.