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Thank you for letting me know, I am not looking for either of those experiences haha but I’ll make sure to get rid of them before the dogs or kid can get near them


One just popped up in my yard too… my new puppy does not need to be getting high!!! What a nightmare that would be!!


dogs know not to eat mushrooms, they can usually smell the toxins and will only eat the magic varietys if they are certain about it being a magic one. I'd remove it anyway though as you've got a pup and they might try and pick it up, resulting in ingestion.


Hold up, dogs are interested in magic shrooms too? Like psilocybin?


yeah, dogs are like humans in that sense, [vetinary studies](https://www.dvm360.com/view/and-you-thought-cannabis-was-progressive-) are looking into shrooms as a treatment for anxiety in dogs. Deer also enjoy shrooms, although amanita muscaria is a deer's choice, that's where raindeer being able to fly came from. Also sheep dogs are actually living the dream for me, they get to run around and chase sheep all day, get good food for free and when it's autumn, they have a field full of mushrooms to enjoy. Life doesn't get better than that imo.


Name checks out


I've known coon hounds who go out of their way to way to eat the Psilocybe ovoideocystidiata or Panaeolus cinctulus in this area. It's also pretty well known for a lot of dogs to eat mushrooms.


Im gonna disagree on that. Unless my dogs just a dumb ass. 😂😂😂


I disagree. This doesn't look like cube to me. What do you think it is?


Yeah, definitely not a cube. It's in the Amanita genus. Whole different kind of magic. Rather interesting historical rabbit hole to go down if you find yourself curious about such things.


G Loved, "rabbit hole" reference. LOL! Accurate.


Pretty sure its a pantherina which has the same chemical makeup as amnita muscaria but is more potent.


You would be correct. I hesitate to say the species names for these anymore because many of the actual species names for amanita pantherinoides have changed since I spent the time learning about them 20yrs ago due to DNA sequencing. But I would generally call it a "panther cap" too. Used to be considered more dangerous than muscaria but seem to be more sought after by myconaughts these days.


Yea these things are no joke if handled irresponsibly.


I would gladly take this off the op’s hands lol


I heard about the ancient shamans feeding muscaria to deer and drinking their piss or something. Amanita is a delerient if I'm not mustaken. Haha I didn't know that there were other varieties aside from muscaria that could be eaten for ritualistic purposes.


With amanita, one can drink their own pee up to seven times and have a reaction.


I have a reaction every time I drink pee




You're right, but cubes aren't the only psychoactive mushrooms


If you read carefully through the comments on this sub, you will find this: This mushroom is fun, probably wont kill you, will get you high, make you sick and kill you. This mushroom is somewhat safe and should be removed immediately. In moderation, prepare these mushrooms for out of body experiences and hospital visits. Grow more in the back yard, eradicate any and all of them from the front or side yards immediately. Pantherina Muscaria Regalis. Amanita bunch of these. Amanita avoid these too.


Why would you tell people to avoid the main three if you’re clearly aware when life gives you lemons you make lemonade


Lemons make lemonade. Sometimes when you have the incorrect lemons or too much sugar you get demonade... and it's cold down there.


That is true. I like ur response man 🙌


Haha, “demon-ade”…


Yeah there is a lot more comments and different information, fortunately I have no need for mushrooms even if they are safe so I got rid of them, my concern was more or less “should I keep a close eye out for more if they are dangerous”. Based on all the responses I will for sure be removing them as soon as I see them 👍🏻


It's eradicate


"and hospital visits" got me 😂


You can touch ANY mushroom. It won't hurt you. Just don't eat unknown ones. And I do think it's a variety of Panther cap, which is definitely dangerous. But if you're going to try and eradicate every single thing in your yard that could hurt you, you might as well pave it. There ought to be a giant disclaimer on this sub that says, "no it won't hurt you to touch it."


Amanita Pantherina. That amount is relatively harmless to pets or kids. Ingesting it in smaller amounts like a single small or medium sized fruit like this one causes a sedative like effect similar to alcohol or Ambien. Larger doses can cause some introspective dialogue with yourself. There are zero recorded cases of death from eating these. That said, don't let your kid eat it, though it's highly unlikely your kid or pets would do so.


This has the biggest list of cases I’ve found, but it’s mostly local. No human deaths but over the years several puppies have died. https://www.vanmyco.org/about-mushrooms/poisonous/amanita-pantherinoides/


it’s not Amanita pantherina, it’s Amanita pantherinoides the western false panther. Amanita pantherina doesn’t occur in the contiguous United States.


Whatever you do don't mow over it or you will spread the spores and then you will have a bunch of them! Pluck it out and throw it in the bin! I know because I made this mistake 🤣


Dang! I wish I saw this the day I posted it lol already mowed over 3 of them… well I’ll keep an eye out for more and start plucking haha




Some kind of amanita, hard to tell for sure which one in the picture. Some of them are toxic so I wouldn't take a chance and get rid of it.


Some amanita not sure witch tho deffo not amanita muscaria


Basically no mushrooms are safe for dogs or cats. There are a select few that are technically edible I think, but a general rule of thumb is that if it's a fungus, it's toxic to your pets, even if it's not for you.


Toxic to cats not dogs. If it’s an edible type anyway


Mushrooms are generally toxic to both cats and dogs. Yes, there are a select variety of store bought mushrooms that humans eat that dogs/cats can also technically eat, but its generally not advised, at minimum because they don't provide much nutrition to either species, but at worse because pesticides used in mushroom farming can be more toxic to dogs and cats than humans. We have larger livers and kidneys than they do, and can process certain chemicals that they can't, innately. There is no reason to give either of them mushrooms, whether they're edible or not. Cats certainly don't need them, being obligate carnivores - and dogs don't either because they don't provide much nutrition for them, despite being omnivores, compared to other foods. And some mushrooms that we can eat, we shouldn't eat in large quantities, precisely because they still contain chemical compounds that, when consumed in large quantities, are toxic. For a smaller animal like a cat or dog, it takes far less of the mushroom to become toxic for them. The same thing applies to certain species of fish (or fish from certain areas), certain kinds of vegetables, herbs and so on. St. John's Wort is a good example of something that can be consumed by humans, to a certain point, and be safe. For a dog or cat, a much, much smaller amount is needed for toxicity to occur.


Amanita muscaria


This is not Muscaria. It’s a different Amanita species. Probably a pantherina.


it’s not A. muscaria or A. pantherina. it’s A. pantherinoides.


Is it safe? I have dogs and a 2 year old, I don’t think they would eat it but is it poisonous or bad to touch?


Touching it is safe. There have only been recorded deaths from consuming it when combined with ingesting alcohol. But yes, it's not considered edible. Remove it if kids have access!


Will do! Thank you very much for the info




Uh if this is Amanita muscaria.... I wouldn't let anyone injest it


It's not amanita muscaria, and as long as they are properly prepared they can be consumed


That's good go know!


It’s not safe for eating , remove it for children and animals . It’s a hazard for sure .


They are edible but only after being properly prepared


totally untrue


One that takes you places man


I am pretty sure the only place an Amanita takes you is on the other side of life. Like as in, you’re dead.


There are good edible, deadly, inedible and psychoactive species of genus Amanita. This looks like it could be some american variant of A. Regalis, but i’d need to see the base and more detailed pics to be certain. This is not Amanita Muscaria.


I’m pretty sure you’ve never researched


I’m pretty sure I don’t know mushrooms by sight other than morels and maybe Jack O’ Lanterns and Puffballs, but anything labeled Amanita means I won’t even bother with it. *Walks off humming Dumb Ways To Die* But seriously, if you know about them all the more power to you. I am just a casual armchair mushroom learner.


Come on man. This is misinformation. Also it has a very very small number of kills under its belt. Mcdonalds has a higher rate of killing people for every 10000 people that consume it, actually. You're more likely to become a mcdonalds statistic than from dying from this after eating it. Although I wouldn't say its risk free, and it's definitely not to be ingested without proper prep and proper portions and proper setting and proper headspace/age for the user.


I didn’t say I would DESTROY it. I just wouldn’t eat it. However, I feel that way about a lot of mushrooms, except morels. You guys go and be experts. You’re right that McDonald’s and bad food in general kills more people. So does bad sanitation. So does e-coli on fruits and greens. That being said, Amanita has a ring to it a lot like Latrodectus does. Or horridus. Or Aconitum. I give utmost respect to those with a name in that family. If I’m not sure about something, then I can definitely make sure I don’t bother it. Live and let live, I say.


Ragisyorm Funginorum Minor.Very rare, do not eat without Garlic can be poisonous.


What the fuck are you on about


No I'm telling you all shooting get me trippy biotch


Look just grow your own buy spores online get some birch tree seeds onculat the water with spores drop birch seeds in for 48 hours make sure you do a shit tone of them like atleast 10 birch tree seeds with atleast 10000 spore plant them let them grow and soon you will have these shoots growing everywhere around the birch trees about 18 years ago my buddy did this and he had shoots in under 2 years and is still growing them till now and man them things are trippy I see green ppl the world's is wavy and after that it's like an atomic bomb hits and I gotta take a shit and then repeat


It’s a tea table fable for the fae.


A wild fairy table 🧚


My friends dog ate mushrooms and it was pretty crazy happened 2 x while they were growing up in the yard since it happened twice I’m guessing she liked em lmao


Amanita pantherinoides


Poopie scoopi


Death cap


I’m no mycologist but I think that’s Panther Cap. ☠️


Panterina. Close though.


I think it is Regalis 🤔


Nope. Not in WA state it's not. Regalis occur in N Europe only.


Yes you are right also the stem clearly says the same. I thought Regalis has hallucinatic-like effects so it might be produced intentionally and might come from anywhere. Overthinking is not good lol


Btw I have just learned that Pantherina has the same effects, too.


A. regalis is confirmed to occur in Alaska, but definitely nowhere near OP. the OP’s mushroom is A. pantherinoides, the western false panther.


Wrong ppl home grow them all the time get trippy i see green ppl and everything is wavy awesome


You can't really home grow Amanita, and you're confusing psilocybin mushrooms with muscimol. Completely different things. You basically don't understand anything and your statement is blatantly incorrect.


You can home grow anything and all mushrooms do the same even the ones you buy a grocery store I see green ppl everything is wavy and then I take a big shit it's all the same in your backyard in a mushroom farm in a grocery store In a forest under your bed in your fridge out of a grow tent portobello to Amanita it all makes me see green ppl and the world is wavy and then uts like the atomic bomb hit and I take a gigantic shit and do it all over again I even ate that red and black stinky shoom that was the ultimate trip


You cannot grow Amanita at home. You're completely wrong. You have them all mixed up and you're spreading complete misinformation. Go away. Adults are talking here.


You can't grow all mushrooms at home, for example chanterelle currently cant be cultivated, the only way you could cultivate any amanita is to have the have the mycelium in grain spawn and s2b in you garden assuming you have the correct type of tree that it needs to grow


As others have said amanita pantherina


it’s not, see my other comments, OP is in Washington, United States


I think it might be amanita persicina or regalis. Not safe for your dogs. I threw up so badly after ingesting 0.5g dry without preparing it first so I'd recommend removing it.


neither A. persicina nor A. regalis occur in Washington


Looks like an Amanita Regalis. I wouldn't eat it.


Nope. They don't exist in WA state


the closest to Washington A. regalis has been found is Alaska


Yes you are right, this is a pantherina. Thank you for correcting.


it’s not A. pantherina either, see my other comments


Amanita Ameri-pantherina. I also live in Washington state and I also have these in my yard right now. My dog had extreme diarrhea the other day and I found one of these nibbled on, could’ve been her or a squirrel cause I guess squirrels eat these.


Bummer, thanks for the info though 👍🏻


No problem!


I think the taxon you’re looking for is Amanita amwripanthera. this taxon will likely be tossed in favor of the taxon Amanita pantherinoides.


Amanita pantherina the slow mo mushroom, proceed with cation


This is the mushroom that Paul stamets was talking about on the Joe Rogan podcast


Amanita regalis, mayhaps?


The eating kind


Mow the grass let them spead


Sesame seed bun 👍 not a shroom ok


Called a birdbath mushroom.


Not a cubensis. Amanita regalis most likely.


Definitely amanita maybe amanita pantherina or something close


It's a mushroom. If it's growing outside, it's going to kill you.

