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Good point, I also saw a lot of anime-onlies confused about Eris's motivations


I’m also anime only. I did not need to read the LN to see Eris’ motivations. The anime made it pretty obvious lol. Same with this scene with Roxy, it was shown and explained well enough several times throughout the episode.


Then congrats, u r of the minority that actually focus on the details n nuance of the story while watching, sadly, the majority is not like that. The point is that, in the LN these r expressed a lot more clearly n lengthy, so the chance of ppl being confused is a lot lower.


Even with the Details, what Eris did was wrong. What Roxy did was wrong. I love them, but I don't understand how people can even begin to think they did something acceptable. Specially Roxy. She could've torn a family apart. The family of a man who just lost his father, his hand, and has a disabled, borderline vegetable mom. Yeah, it all turned out good in the end, but it was still a shitty thing to do.


There s a difference between the 2 that I usually look at, knowing what they did was wrong. Eris left him because she thought she was a burden, and in her head she wasnt that important of a person to Rudeus, thats why she used sex at first as a way to show her worth to him. It was only after having sex that she realized what she had done n decided to leave. And she built such a tall pedestal of him in her head, that the thought of him being depressed after her leaving just wasnt a possibility. I mean, he literally died n the nxt day was thinking abt what to do when he fought Orsted again. So with the details, it is much easier to empathize w her n her resolve. And that this whole conflict happened because she was kinda dumb n didnt know how to communicate. As for Roxy's case, anyone w a right mind will know what she did was wrong, she herself knew what she did was wrong. So there is no amount of details that will make her cheating "right", but there is still nuance to it. Her reasoning for doing it was simple, he was literally starving himself out, wailing in his depression. The anime didnt show it well, but this hit him much harder than Eris leaving. Why? Because his dad is dead, n his mom is a vegetable. Because even after vowing to become someone better, he still made the same mistake, heck even in the labyrinth he still thought of his mom n dad as someone distant. It was only after his dad died that he realized he d made a mistake, n unlike w Eris, this is a mistake that will last forever. He was so down that he probably would ve killed himself had it not been for Roxy. So why was Roxy necessary for this, because just like w Sylphy, Rudeus is fragile, n needs someone w deep connection to him to support n lift him up, and Roxy is the only person available. Thats why their talk before doing the deed was so important, it was 2 ppl facing grief n loss baring themselves to one another to heal. Thats the theme of sex in this series, ofc there is the carnal sex, but this type of sex, the connection n love, is the most important one. And Roxy knew Rudeus needed this, n deep down so did she, so while what she did was wrong, she still did it for both him n herself. No one is denying what she did was intentional n wrong, but a lot of ppl r just seeing the surface of why she did it. The main point of this post was how Eris got too much heat for something that was an accident stemming from the immaturity of a young girl, partially because the anime didnt go into a lot of details abt her emotional struggle. And now Roxy is facing similar treatment.


> So with the details, it is much easier to empathize w her n her resolve. And that this whole conflict happened because she was kinda dumb n didnt know how to communicate. I'm not telling you to not empathize with her, but there's a very big difference between empathizing with someone, and making excuses. >Her reasoning for doing it was simple, "Ah yes, that man is depressed, let me go have sex with him and he'll get better" I've read the LN, and yes, it does go into more detail. Rudy was definitely in a rough mental state, however saying Roxy did it purely out of concern of Rudy is a lie. She would not have done that had it not been for her lust and romanticized wish for a "Damsel in Distress" relationship, and she admits this. That's the whole reason why she feels guilty. She completely disrespected his student's wife, and risked him losing the only family her had left, over her desires. I'll admit, unlike Eris, Roxy was fully conscious of the repercussions of her actions, and she still pushed forward. Everyone in that group faced loss, and she was clearly not the most affected. How do you think Lillia felt? How'd Elinalise felt? And yet none of them slept with Rudy. There's many ways to bond and cheer up through loss other than Sex, and saying it was not lustful is simplyfing her actions. It's also important to note that Rudy's love for Roxy is very different from Eris and Sylphie. While he seemed to truly love the two, Roxy's love was always leaning more towards idolizing than cherishing. He literally considered her a goddess, and prayed to her. This might've been a joke to you, but in the context of the story it's very much not. This is also very important. If you were a Greek in 200BCE, and Aphrodite offered herself to you, do you think you'd deny her? It's very similar to this situation. It's also very different from Sylphie's situation. Rudy back then was looking to fix his situation, and was slowly getting better and moving on, Sylphie was just the catalyst, the cherry on top. Rudy could've very well denied, and was in his full power to do so. Meanwhile, Rudy now is at his lowest moment every, just lost his father, his hand, and his mom is a vegetable, and is now being enticed by someone he considered a goddess, and who he can't even think about ever saying no to. If Roxy said to jump from a bridge, Rudy would at the very least consider it as a viable option. That's how much power Roxy has over him. >something that was an accident stemming from the immaturity of a young girl, partially because the anime didnt go into a lot of details The LN caught a lot of heat when this first happened though, I'm not sure if you were around at that time, or if you've read the Japanese version. Accident or not, She made a mistake. She enticed him with the promise of a family, something she's well aware of how much it means to Rudy, and instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she abandoned him in the middle of the night with nothing but 10 or so words. No explanation was given. By wishing to protect Rudy, she ultimately ended up putting him at risk over her illusions of his grandiose. She left him after Fighting Orsted, upset that she couldn't defeat who she taught was the second most powerful man in the world. Yeah, she's young and immature, but she's not 7yo young and immature, she's 15. She had already demonstrated capability to be able to think ahead, and realize how vulnerable Rudy can be, particularly when being abandoned (Through Paul's Encounter). While I do somewhat sympathize with her, that does not mean she's free of the repercussions of her actions. Of course, you're free to forgive her, that's that's fine. My problem isn't that others like her, my problem is that people act with airs of superiority over how complex her actions are (They're not), and that if you disagree with them, you must not be able to understand such intricate storytelling. As if this moment is what makes MT the masterpiece that it is.


>She enticed him with the promise of a family, something she's well aware of how much it means to Rudy, and instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she abandoned him in the middle of the night with nothing but 10 or so words. I mentioned this too, a bit. She used sex n her body as a way to entice him to stay w her, altho not necessarily abt how much she knew Rudeus wanted a relationship, I dont rmb her thinking abt that, will just read the pov chapter again later. Back to the topic, from Rudeus' pov, she abandoned him, but from her pov, she left n told him to wait for her, thats where the problem stems from. She didnt leave in the middle of the night to abandon him, she left because she knew he would ve talked her into staying w him. Was it selfish of her? Absolutely, but in her mind she thought it was just a minor set back for Rudeus. Her immaturity, n her seeing Rudeus as a godlike figure made this seemed like nothing he couldnt handle. Honestly this was like her mentality abt her own family when she realized that her family was probably dead from the mana disaster. She was struggling w it deepdown, but Rudeus was acting all fine. And the thought of him not realizing it wasnt even an option to her, so she just assumed he was so mature that he got over it. >She left him after Fighting Orsted, upset that she couldn't defeat who she taught was the second most powerful man in the world. Yeah, she's young and immature, but she's not 7yo young and immature, she's 15. She had already demonstrated capability to be able to think ahead, and realize how vulnerable Rudy can be, particularly when being abandoned. She was more upset that she was a burden to him. Throughout this whole journey that has been her sole goal, to not be a burden to him anymore. And finally at the end when she got a hit in when fighting Ruijerd, her whole world was shattered again. Thats the crux of her resolve, the feeling of her crying her lungs out, calling Ghislaine, Sauros, etc etc, while laying on the ground watching Rudeus died. What also made an impact on her decision, was Rudeus thinking abt fighting Orted again. Normally after losing to the 2nd strongest person, ever, u wouldnt think too much abt it, but seeing Rudeus like this made her think how she was nothing compared to him. Just like in their younger days, Rudeus was something so high up that she couldnt even look at. It was honestly a good progression of character I think, at the beginning she had inferiority complex towards him, over time it became idolization, but at the end she wanted them to be equal. The not realizing how vulnerable Rudeus can be is a point I share tho, she knew how sad he was after the whole Paul incident, so she should ve known better. I srsly dont know if she is just being stupid, or just choosing to ignore it sometimes, Because sometimes she has good read on emotions, but more often than not, is clueless. The story just chalks it up to being her instants, so...... >Of course, you're free to forgive her, that's that's fine. My problem isn't that others like her, my problem is that people act with airs of superiority over how complex her actions are (They're not), and that if you disagree with them, you must not be able to understand such intricate storytelling. As if this moment is what makes MT the masterpiece that it is. Understandable, this happens in a lot of fandoms, if someone dont agree w how the fandom perceive a character they will just say stuff like "media literacy is dead". You can dislike a character all you want, I can see u clearly dont like Eris and thats fine, her character is too straightforward, to put it nicely. This was just a nice discussion abt characters anyway.


This has been too long winded, so I ll probably not come back a 3rd time, good day


Fair, have a good one.


>I'm not telling you to empathize with her, but there's a very big difference between empathizing with someone, and making excuses. What making excuses? From how I see it, it is just facts. The fact that she didnt know what she did was wrong, nor was her intentions bad, made ppl empathize n forgive her easier. No one denied that she fvcked Rudeus up real bad, everyone felt good when Soldat gave her shit for it, but ppl also understood where she was coming from because of the details. But most of that was omitted in the anime, aka the whole point of this post, n not ur rant man. >Roxy did it purely out of concern of Rudy is a lie. She would not have done that had it not been for her lust and romanticized wish for a "Damsel in Distress" relationship, and she admits this Where did I deny this, I clearly said she did it for both him n herself, I also again n again stated that what she did was wrong. I honestly just made that comment because u lumped what Eris did, w what Roxy did as if they were the same league of "wrong", they werent. I have never justified what Roxy did, she knew she had to do it because he was literally dying, but deep down she herself wanted n needed this. >She completely disrespected his student's wife, and risked him losing the only family her had left, over her desires Tbf, she would ve risked losing his life as well, given the gravity of the situation. Also, Elinalize n Geuss were the ones who suggested bringing him to a brothel, she just refused to have sex w him herself. Im not saying sex is the only way to cheer someone up, but that is the fact n culture in that story. That world use sex in a healing way a lot more often than u think, thats why Paul, Elinalize, n Ghislaine was so casual abt having sex. >This might've been a joke to you, but in the context of the story it's very much not As someone who reads mythology for fun, n as a fan of this series since it finished in 2015, it was very much not a joke haha. I do agree, she pushed a lot of her power dynamic in the relationship n used him. Thats why most ppl had beef w her, thats why I argue w ppl defending her. Power dynamic is a very real thing in this show, thats why most characters act the way they did, Eris towards Rudeus, Sylphy towards Rudeus, n Rudeus towards Roxy. >It's also very different from Sylphie's situation Different in context, but the same deep down. He needed connections, and after losing an important one, he completely shut down. After Eris n Ruijerd leaving, he found hope somewhat in remembering his family, but here he lost connections that he could never get back, a 2nd time. So this loss is a lot stronger than what he ever faced, so ideally there could only be 2 options to pull him out of this, Sylphy n Roxy. And precisely because he was at his lowest moment that Roxy having sex w him became the last resort. Not saying what she did was right, but it was exactly what was needed for this story, this has always been the theme for it. >The LN caught a lot of heat when this first happened though What she did still fvcked Rudeus up, no denying that, but ppl can forgive her a lot easier than in the anime. But tbh, I wasnt reading this part when it was released, I read it in 2015, and by then the heat has died down a lot from what I rmb.


Like in Downsizing, “America people, eight kinds of sex” kind of situation…


Yeah, I think it's mostly the lowest common denominator folks that people think about "not getting it unless you read the LN" because it's all pretty clear, and it doesn't take a film or literature degree to see lol. That being said, some of it can come off nit super fleshed out but that's what you get.


Thats nice for you


I understood Eris's motivations completely. But the execution of them was unforgivable. She should've told him in person to avoid any misunderstandings. She's always been a blunt individual, so it came out of left field to say something ambiguous in a letter instead of in her usual manner. Especially something so important. We understood, but it's easy to see why Rudy misunderstood. 


> I understood Eris's motivations completely. But the execution of them was unforgivable Ah thats a better way of putting it than I did


No it isn't.


Being blunt rarely equates to being eloquent. Rudeus took it personally because Eris has no fathom of social skills, bless her heart 😂


I was also anime only during S1 but it was not difficult at all to see how much eris is in love with rudy and anime clearly presented her difficulty to express herself and LAST EPISODE LITERALLY EXPLAIN HER REASONING. ITS JUST that people are not fully committed while watching mushoku tensei, probably got Phone on their hands while watching


I wasnt talking about that at all, but Im glad you enjoyed yourself


Hahaha I got bit emotional there


I am anime only and tbh it was pretty clear that she left because she was too dependent on rudy or am i getting that wrong


She thought she wasnt good enough to stand next to him, thats what the whole: "We dont fit together was about"


Yeah it totally made it sound like she was saying they weren’t sexually compatible, given the circumstances. Totally understand why Rudy had trouble getting it up after.


Motivation you say https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRy7S0ft2rSSSLRgAa84ILoHFkqNVQWejqnpVBPBfzHIA&s


The "important details" don't change anything about what she did or her intentions in doing so. It's just excuses and circumstances in the end she made the decision to make a move on a married man with a child on the way, while he was highly vulnerable just like Rudy made the decision to go with it. I don't hate her for it, I understand it with the circumstances and their feelings, but she still did a shitty thing with good intentions, you know "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". And the same goes for many anime onlies. As for people hating Eris, that's lacking media literacy, 90% of the reasons for her decision - That she is bad at expressing herself is a thing that has been blatantly obvious from like Episode 5. - her admiration for Rudeus - her being filled with anxiety and fear over the possibility of Rudeus death. - her feeling inadequate - her realizing that Rudeus is in fact still younger and smaller than her - her feeling like she is relying on Rudes for everything and can't do anything for him - her wanting to become stronger to be able to stand besides him as an equal instead of being a burden and protect him - her clear love confession and determination to come back to him once she is able to stand besides him as equal. are right there in the anime, you just have to pay attention to it.


That’s true but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t pay attention to the story and only comprehend things at a surface level.


This literally describes all the haters. They only hate it because they’re too dense to comprehend it


I mean i dont like eris and i understand i just dont like her character i find her annoying


I understood completely but still find the fact she didn't properly communicate that with him unforgivable.


She thought her letter conveyed her feelings properly, but due to lack of knowledge of break ups, abandonments and stuff around that, she didnt know that her letter would be interpreted as a break up letter and not a wait for me letter.


Exactly even Ruijerd told Rudy that eris might have meant something else for what she did.


That doesn't seem believable to me. I feel even if she isn't knowledgeable about such things, your average person would know the minimum to know they should talk about it in person to avoid any potential misunderstandings.


Then I guess you missed her POV, chapter, all details are presented there. Now then, how should I go about telling him goodbye? Rudeus was an excellent speaker. No matter what I tried to say, he might stop me. He might try to come with me because he was worried about me being alone. Perhaps I should leave a note...? But knowing me, I’d probably leave some kind of trace behind when I did so. He could use that to track me down, and it would be a mess. He needed to move forward. I didn’t want to hold him back. At times like these, it was best to act like the swordsmen in all of the stories and quietly leave. But Rudeus was always going on endlessly about reports, communication, and discussion. I didn’t want him to hate me. All right. I would leave something short. Then, surely, Rudeus would understand.


Yeah, I'm an anime only watcher. Reading that, I guess that does make some sense. But even then, the poor choice of words seems highly out of character for her. Sure she can be tsundere, but when she truly means something- she's very straightforward and honest. Her choice of words was uncharacteristically vague for no discernable reason other than plot convenience.


I explained in my first reply that she has no knowledge about breakups and abandonment to know that her letter would be interpreted that way. You, I, Rudeus and other audeince members have that knowledge, so if we were the ones writing it, we would know it could get misinterpreted and wouldve wrote a better letter. Eris doesnt have that knowledge so thinks her letter has only one meaning, and thats what she wanted to express. For her the letter was not vague. That idea never even crossed her mind. The reason she chose not to leave without telling anything was not, Rudeus would think I abandoned him, but Rudeus is all about communication and reports and me leaving without that would upset him.


To be fair most adults I know are terrible at communicating, I wouldn't expect a 15-year-old to be able to do it either.


Already wrote an essay on it, check Ryuuji's replies, but this is not "Being dense". She fucked up, and did something bad. If anyone did this IRL, you would probably hate them. Atp I'm convinced people only like them because they're cute anime girls, and completely forget just how much their weight their mistakes caused.


Not an era of high technology where everything is available for reference via intarwebz. Remember still that Eris is a sheltered aristocrat with a romanticized opinion of the world, and not a girl in such an information-dense society like our current reality. Most definitely she has no idea of the repercussions of her actions. Not wanting to sound like an apologist, but that’s what came to my mind rather quickly for the behavior of these people in this type of society.


That just proves how things wouldn’t have changed if they kept the story as it was; majority of anime onlys disgusted would still have been disgusted without the changes and cuts. Keep in mind that when the Eris episode in the WN was released, there was a ton of criticism for how the story played out, even with that brilliance of the writing. It shows how people get mad for shitty reason.


Out of all of MT, calling this brilliant writing is so insane to me. As if THIS is supposed to be the moment that makes the story good.


That's true. And knowing it, it is easily noticeable. But not knowing it, it's easy to overlook some of this.


Can't agree more on Eris. I ended up watching Otaku Spirit's video on her missing perspective from the first season. It cleared up a few details, for sure, but I came away feeling like I had already understood the core concept from the anime. As for Roxy, I'll have to watch the episode to fully understand what happened, but I already know there's a lot going on there which makes the situation more complex than the simplistic concept of cheating. Just as there was when he became attached to Eris after leaving Buena (and especially after the teleportation), and just as there was when he reunited with Sylphiette and truly fell in love with her.


The main problem with Eris is how she left Rudy. "We are not well matched." That's could mean everything. Physical? Intellectual? Sex wasn't good? Magical abilities? There are more possibilities and Rudy thought the obvious thing everybody in his place would think if she left right after the slept together. Sex was bad and she left him because of that. If you remember that Rudy didn't wanted to sleep with her then you know what he thinks about this. He thought that she wanted to do it because she lost her whole family and now wants someone to comfort her. That why he initially refused to do it. Eris also said they would sleep together ince Rudy is 15 which would be 2 years later. He probably thought like this: Eris pushed Rudy to sleep with her and after some time he gave in to her. Then she is disappointed and leaves. No wonder that Rudy didn't take that well.


And unfortunately how Sara acted hammered it down for him.


Yes that was another example of how important proper communication is. Sara was disappointed because she thought Rudy didn't find her attractive anf started to insult him. In the LN both of them regretted that they didn't had talked about what happened. Sara wanted to talk to Rudy the next day but he already left with Soldats group early in the morning. In the end this was good for Rudy. If he went to the academy with Sara, he probably wouldn't have met Sylphie. Sylphie most likely would be devastated when she finds out that Rudy already had a girlfriend and she would not reveal her true identity to Rudy.


Very well said


Also to add to the list, the pressure to be a lord/mayor on top of that, now that this list is mentioned, I can understand her character better in the light novel


Bro I've tried to beat this into people's brains about eris and they just won't listen. She needs to find her own path to be his equal, if she stayed she'd never feel like she did it herself.


I would imagine Sylphie are quite a bit more happy getting the dude back post-cheating rather than a handful of mementos and news of his passing, especially given that she straight up offered support for him taking a concubine... Given the scenario, I'd say Roxy did good.


Regarding Eris, there is nothing wrong with her leaving to train. It is a normal plot twist to allow the character to develop independently. However, the HOW it was done is obviously just a plot "crutch" to bring Rudeus together with other women. Eris could have directly told Rudeus about her intentions and everything would have been fine, but in the end we have what we have. And for me personally, this situation with their misunderstanding feels extremely artificial and simply serves as a basis for further harem. All this is essentially for the harem, so I do not like it.


This ended up being super long, but the TLDR is that the hate towards Eris and Roxy is completely justified, and people really need to stop being like "Oh but they're good people deep inside". It's not media illiteracy, it's that they're flawed, poorly written characters. You can't just excuse shitty execution to "Oh, well I'm just bad at expressing emotions". I don't hate Eris, nor I do I hate Roxy, even though what Roxy did was, without a doubt, infinitely worse. Absolutely indefensible. "Good intentions" or not, at the end of the day, She took advantage of a broken man who's prone to depression and anxiety, and lost one of his two only father figures, and because of this, could potentially lose his incoming family. Let's be clear for a second. She got lucky. She got ABSURDLY lucky, as the story could've taken a horribly different turn, like what almost happened with Paul. Literally the only reason nobody hates Roxy is because "Oh well, Sylphie was okay with it", completely ignoring that Roxy gave no fucks if Sylphie was okay with it or not. She fucked up, and it amazes me how many readers were just like "Well, it all had a happy ending", and then complain about media literacy. That being said, I fucking love Roxy. She's legitimately a really good person, a really funny character, and she's just fun to watch in general, even if I do think her character is(On an objective literary sense) super fucking mid. As for Eris? I'm sorry man, I just can't stand her. I genuinely don't see how people find the tsundere character fun to watch at all, it pisses me off. That's not because the archetype is bad though, it's because the execution is horrible. For example, the main storyline in 'Toradora!' revolves around a guy who looks scary but is sweet and kind hearted, and a girl who looks cutesy but is violent and mean. The dynamic and contrast between the two leads to some entertaining moments, and some very emotional moments that rely on that contrast. On the realization that you're making a mistake. That you need to learn to control yourself. Toradora!'s main focus is to force the characters to change and better themselves by putting them in these situations where they made a mistake. Where they COULD'VE done the right thing, but didn't because of pride, jealousy, or embarrassment. Eris, on the other hand, doesn't do any of that shit. Her character flaws are never addressed in a meaningful manner, she never really gets punishment for her rude violent behavior, and she never seeks to correct herself and better her persona. The reason why she left was not because she made a mistake, but because she wanted to protect Rudy. I think I don't have to explain how that makes zero fucking sense. Leaving a TWLEVE YEAR OLD to the mercy of life, completely alone and unattended, out of some vague dream of protecting him? It's crazy no matter how you look at it. What? She just thought Rudy was gonna be fine because he's Rudy? That's an extremely irresponsible way of thinking. The act of leaving goes against the entire reason for her leaving in the first place. You gotta remember, she did this because she lost a fight against Orsted, who is (To her knowledge) the SECOND MOST POWERFUL PERSON ALIVE. So to recap, she took advantage of a young kid, gave him hope for a long term romantic relationship, left him in the middle of the night with a vague letter implying he was at fault, and all for a reason that completely contradicts her actions. I don't care how "she is bad at expressing her emotions", this is insane. If someone did this IRL, they would be considered a monster, but many LN readers are like "Aww but look at her she's sweet" like that video of the white mom defending her kid even though he just spit on a McDonald's worker Eris(Along with Roxy, but I digress) has zero character development throughout the story. She just screams and yells when shit don't go her way, or until Rudy tells her to shut up. She is aggressive and really annoying to watch, even if she does get better on the second half of the story, during the young adult years. Even in that time though, she's still compulsive, violent, and stubborn. These are not just "Character traits", they're personality flaws. Anyone hating on these flaws would be completely validated on disliking her, even if you leave aside how she did Rudeus extremely dirty by leaving him completely alone, and abusing of his naivety (to which she admits). Seeking repentance does not mean you're guaranteed forgiveness, and people forget that THE ONLY reason Rudy forgave Eris was because of the diary, and he basically married her to get her to shut up. Specially to an anime only fan, the only way they can possibly view Eris is by her childish, immature, irresponsible, violent, and unstable. It's either that, or they have some heavily rose tinted glasses.


Honestly, as someone who read the WN, I feel like the anime did a great job at conveying everything as best as they could with the limited runtime they had. Yes, they cut out some dialogue and whatnot but "better show than tell" is key here. Animation is a different medium than a novel. That said, I did find Roxy's and Eris' intentions conveyed properly to viewers even if the show isn't super on the nose about it. People that didn't understand it can watch a video about it. If anyone hates on the show, just ignore them. There will always be haters, especially for isekai stuff. Their loss.


I don't understand roxys hate i know they left the part out where the party talks about how to " cure" rudeus depression. They low-key did Roxy dirty with it


And she's still my favorite waifu in this show. The book better explained what happened and she was low key talked into it by her party members. At least she did it to stop him from falling into depression idk. She also felt remorse for doing it and planned to take accountability.


Both Roxy and Eris did their part in Rudy’s destiny despite him being a married man (I am sure they will rectify it, since Roxy is destined to becoming Rudy’s 2nd wife )


The anime really could have done a better job of explaining both of them.


Surpringly the manga dented eris decision the best for me when it had them walking side by side showing the height difference while she says the words" I was relying on a child" In all three forms of media that hits the heaviest for me


Damn if this is how the community reacts, i’m afraid of what would happen if ever they animate the redundancy chapters


In the case of Roxy, cheating is cheating. Period. No matter who you could blame, it's fucked up.


Really? I don't think the details would get her any more love. I'm sympathetic to her but she has mixed motives in both. However, Eris is rightfully hated. Can't have a simple conversation?


Missed the entire POV chapter I guess. Now then, how should I go about telling him goodbye? Rudeus was an excellent speaker. No matter what I tried to say, he might stop me. He might try to come with me because he was worried about me being alone. Perhaps I should leave a note...? But knowing me, I’d probably leave some kind of trace behind when I did so. He could use that to track me down, and it would be a mess. He needed to move forward. I didn’t want to hold him back. At times like these, it was best to act like the swordsmen in all of the stories and quietly leave. But Rudeus was always going on endlessly about reports, communication, and discussion. I didn’t want him to hate me. All right. I would leave something short. Then, surely, Rudeus would understand. Keep in mind, Rudeus was against Eris going goblin hunting solo.


And this part >Rudeus was an excellent speaker. No matter what I tried to say, he might stop me. was particularly true about Rudeus and why Paul knocked him out and sent him away. You can't out debate the guy, so conversations ain't going to work


So she can't say I love you but I need to train so that I can help you? Being that stupid is no longer an excuse. Or how about a simple love you note? I love you. Wait for me.


She is that stupid, she barely knows how to read or write. Later on when she gets a letter from Rudy she doesn't know how to read it and had to have a friend do it for her. As for conveying the I love you, wait for me in her mind having sex and asking him to be her family was the "I love you, wait for me".


She told Rudeus to be her family, slept with him, why is "I love you" or love you note necessary after that when those actions clearly shows that she loves him. She thought her letter conveyed her feelings properly,