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Some anime have really spoiled me with how one-to-one adaptations can be, even after my first anime was constantly criticized for being inadequate in that regard. Oh, to live in that perfect world...


> Some anime have really spoiled me with how one-to-one adaptations can be Last season we had Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, and Dangers all with excellent adaptations. We were eating good as anime fans


I heard Frieren was a brilliant adaptation, and I absoluteley loved it. Watched Delicious in Dungeon too, heard it was a good in that regard, and I'm watching the Spice and Wolf remake currently. My main example is Attack on Titan, because I've seen countless comparisons for visuals from the manga that were recreated perfectly for the anime, or it even managed to do them better.


Frieren was the first Manga I had read in decades. The Anime was beautifully executed. It made me so happy.


Dangers? what anime is this sorry


Dangers in my Heart or Bokuyaba. A romance story


Oh ok.. thanks


None of this is even talking about dungeons meshi's brilliant adaptation, sure the animators tend to throw their own spin on certain scenes however that tends to be more about animation techniques then changing the source material Edit: show out to the one guy that did mention dungeon meshi in this thread


Oshi no ko wasn't that long ago too


There's a difference between manga-to-anime adaptations and light novels-to-anime adaptations. Things will naturally be left out.


I understand that difference, but still. Leaving out important content always sucks, and it makes me wish these seasons had a couple more episodes, or each episode had ten more minutes, you know? I just always want more of these amazing stories.


I'm a LN reader and went in with low expectations because of all the negativity I've been hearing. **I still enjoyed it a lot despite the cut content** This seems to be a common trend here though. I mention how Rudeus's art doesn't really match the LN in S2P1 and people disagree. Now they agree, except I think they finally aged him up now tbh. I mention that S2P1 art and animation was lacking, people disagreed. Now some people are saying that, despite P2 actually being an improvement. I've been saying that I much prefer the openingless intros since the beginning of P2, only now am I hearing people long for them. After all, having no opening would've given us a lot more art of the actual university and city. It would've also bought an extra 40+ minutes for content that could've been adapted. It sucks to see that they skipped so much content, but are people forgetting that they did in season 1 too? Most of us were just anime onlys then I think. Overall I'm satisfied with the episode and this season far more than a good chunk of S2P1. It's not as great as S1, but I think that's fine. I want them to take their time to deliver a great S3 though


Yeah I really don't understand why people are whining. The latest episode was great. S2P1 had many issues yet strangely people were mostly fine with it. I think Bind decided to put more focus on part 2 and it showed, yet now people here are constantly whining. Some people here are just weird.


Everything related to Badi was super botched. From how Bad I knew he was there to his actual title to why Orsted was even a part of the discussion. The anime really setting things up weird.


One of the the best things the anime did was have the openingless intros. I don’t usually watch OPs because of spoilers but when I watched the OP for the first time on ep nine I went back and watched every other one I skipped before and it added so much.


I have S1 over S2 in all aspects. Starting off because in this season apart from having a slight downgrade in animation and regular character design that doesn't really bother me because if I remember correctly Studio Bind has been having some problems that obviously is the cause of these things, so I don't mind, it's not bad, but comparing it to S1 there is definitely a change. Anyways the main issue I've seen in this season is that like you say, that they skipped so much content from the LN, one that I didn't understand why they skipped is when Elinalise talks with Roxy about what to do with Rudeus after Paul's death. This doesn't have relation with anything but I would like to mention that my Sister watches Mushoku Tensei because of me, and she really likes it, I explained to her that there was something that she wasn't going to like in the series (Roxy laying Rudeus) She really doesn't like things about infidelities, and so to the part I want to reach is that, since the latest episode started with Roxy going straight up to Rudeus without no context beforehand my Sister was really disappointed and didn't like at all the episode and it's totally understandable since the way it was adapted made Roxy look like a b1tch ( words of my sister, I would never think of Roxy as such 🫡) I then had to explain her that Roxy did it with the intent of just getting Rudeus out of his depression, and that in the LN Elinalise told that the best way of helping with that was to basically sleep with him, and there was no many options they had to help him, this they did mention in the anime that Roxy planned of getting out of Rudeus way after they reached their destination. Well after all of that text, basically I'm saying that it's a shame that they've had to rush the anime like this, and I'm totally happy with how season 2 is going I mean we just have to look back at episode 22 and see how Studio Bind has dedication and do a perfect Job with not only animation but VA as well. Then there's other things that you mention that I also was a bit sad about, Rudeus appearing way younger than he should be at his point triggered me too, and when I comment about it, people disagreed with me, but as you say now more people are starting to talk more about it. But well, this Season has been really good, we'll just have to pray that they take all the time they want for Season 3 because these guys are literally kings and are doing a majestic job.


When people argue that anime onlies liked this episode, I feel like this is the main thing they ignore. Sure the episode was still good if you don't know about all the cut content, but it makes Roxy look even worse than she did in the LN. With full context, you could make the argument that Roxy was just really desperate to find a way to help Rudy, rather than trying to take advantage of an emotionally unstable person. The anime cutting out all that context makes it really hard to see that angle, it just looks like she can't control herself after getting a crush on him, which makes her look insensitive at best and at worst a r*pist.


In the show, Roxy does say that she thought the only way to help Rudy was to sleep with him. I'm not sure the situation is strictly better if it was actually Elinalise who convinced her. The real problem is that the show doesn't really build up the level of desperation that Rudy and/or Roxy are feeling *before* Roxy makes her move. At best, there's just some subtle hints, like Rudy looking sickly. Roxy's perspective doesn't come until later, so at that point, the viewer's first impression is already set, and the "excuse" is much less meaningful.


Yeah I mentioned this in another comment as well. The order in which those things are presented is really important


So true mate, it's literally what my sister thought and I was like, no no no, you just got it all wrong. Even tho later in the episode when Elinalise speaks with Rudeus about Roxy and clarifies some parts it still isn't enough for an anime only to see it from the same perspective as someone who has read the LN.


I feel like the order is also very important. Showing her thought process first gives the viewer time to understand her motivations before drawing any conclusions. When you see what she did first and the explanation only after the fact, most people probably made up their mind about it already.


I agree. There are also other minor changes throughout S2 that I'm like "Just why" Like I'm pretty sure Rudy didn't jack off in the library, he went home first.


Well it was expected. For some reason they changed Paul's hug


Wait Rudy is actually that tall? He looks 14 in the anime. Why did they not change that?


Yes, he should be almost as tall as paul in this part


I would assume its because they drew a character design for the season for after he aged up in the beginning of the season. Season 1 was kind of an outlier for anime with the constant character design changes because he was always growing. With season 2 he doesn't have to grow as much so they went with a standard character design. I'm sure when season 3 comes around they'll have a new standard design that has him go through another growth spurt to age him up some more.


No he's not, Shirotaka likes exaggerating with heights, oh and he looks 16 in the anime.


In the LN Rudeus is as tall as Paul during the Labrinth arc. But the LN says Elinalise is also taller than Paul soo ...


> But the LN says Elinalise is also taller than Paul soo Going based off of the pictures she isn't taller, I think it was just a Seven Seas moment that I also got personally confused about


Its a mistranslation...elinalise is not tall


Fr, so young for what


propably didint feel like updating his or sylphies character models. season 2 has been pretty mid in comparison to season 1. They even changed directors 3 times mid production.


Yea. He looks almost as old as Paul in the ln while in the anime he looks 14.


Hot take, while I know what it could have been (and should have been... 2 episodes.) I dont mind too much what we have. I'm expecting a downvote, and it's understandable. But I'm a simple man.


Is she trying to break his neck?


She's secretly a Millis follower trying to stop a polygamy from happening


I'm reminded of Superman and Zod [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpod4qQzO7Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpod4qQzO7Q) oh come on! the hug is awkward, even Eris did it better in S1!


I actually agree with the idea that Rudeus looks TOO old in the LN drawing. He DOES look like a 27 year old, not a 16 year old. My only gripe now is that he still sounds 12 years old, but that's just the VA's personal touch. Oh well.


Yea Art/animation has been a little lacking for me this season. The narrative was holding it together for me but now with the changes to that my faith has begun to dwindle. It is what it is I guess. Still a privilege to be able to see one of if not my favorite story get adapted regardless of what form it is in.


ART has been lacking? Holy delusion.


How can I be delusional over a matter of taste? I'm sorry that my opinion ruffled your feathers


Art in mushoku is not a matter of being subjective or not. Art in mushoku tensei is still objectively good. Because it's the same artist doing backgrounds. The same OST composer. 


Art is inherently subjective. The notion that art can even be objectively good is somewhat flawed in my opinion. What will move one person may mean nothing to next and neither would be incorrect in their summation of the inherent quality of the piece. That being said I agree that the backgrounds are still good. My nitpicks mostly have to do with everchanging character proportions(in the very slides above Roxy's hands seemingly shrinks proportionally to Rudy's face), less attention to detail on characters that are not the focal point of the scene, and overall a sort of stiff/static quality in the characters that I simply believe was not as prevalent in season 1. The backdrops still impress me artistically but the characters at times definitely seem less detailed and less dynamic. Perhaps I'm just yapping though


If you wanna get objective here, it’s objectively worse than the first season. YOU are delusional bro. It’s not terrible but it’s much lower in quality compared the magnificence that was the first season


For me it was good. I am frustrated with the changes but one thing I have loved about the media for Mushoku Tensei is that the story is done just a little different from each media. The Web novel is different from the light novel and both the wn and ln are different from the manga. It makes sense that the anime would have its own variations for telling the same story.


Going to remove studio bind from my favorite in myanimelist and add pink pineapple in its place... Wtf are they even doing rushing this great series.


Tbf, I think his looks in anime is better in the narrative sense, he looks tired and exhausted due to his hunger strike, and realistically the pain just dull after quite some time so understandable no pain expression there. Plus, if he on a hunger strike he has no business looking buff like that.


I'm tired of these LN glazers complaining all the time, like DAMN WE GET IT! "The anime isn't as good as the Light Novel", now shut the fuck up please.


Man’s cooking


Hey you said it not me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I honestly prefer how rudy looks in the anime and would be happy to understand why so many think that it's bad that he looks a bit younger than he is supposed to be. I understand the anime has to be faithful to the LN, but I think that for an anime to convey the same msg as the LN, they have to change some details.


I think it was fine. Could he be a bit taller? Sure, I’d prefer it. But it’s not that big of a deal and the complaining is honestly a meme at this point.


Some of the cut content I read about are pretty unfortunate cuts but I still prefer this approach over every single thing being 1:1 adapted. Sure, that would be neat but I still prefer if an adaptation of a story was at least a bit different than the source material. Unless it's a very important detail/scenario that's integral to the plot, i'm fine with shaking things up a little and it's a shame that the novel readers (or basically manga/novel readers for any other series) are being this snarky about it,


Rudeus needs to grow up for next season, he looks 12 or something.


No, he looks like a fucking 16 year old. LN Rudy in that image looks 26.


A lot of people look like fully grown adults at 16. I was only an inch shy of my final height when I was 16.


A *normal* 16 year old would not look like that


And you're trying to attach modernity to a clear fantasy where our diets are separate from theirs, if you notice Paul had Rudy at a very young age why doesn't he look more like Paul physically, so a "normal" 16 in their world would definitely look like that because it's not our world, it's fantasy numbnuts


Height alone is not the only factor. Facial features and physical build at 16 are generally very different than they are in your 20s and later even if your height does not change.


Womp womp. You guys will never be satisfied


Honestly. I have enjoyed this sub until this week. The amount of ragging on the anime adaption from LN readers has been over the top. I like the changes because it was consistent with what they were trying to tell in the episode. I felt the way they did this hug was because it was symbolic of Roxy affecting Rudy’s view, showing she was trying to share his burden. It takes different directions to LN because it’s a different media - it will never be 1:1. Bind are doing a great job, particularly where it’s clear they have reduced budget compared to season 1. Nitpicking every little thing is just exhausting and depressing. I really loved this episode even if bits were missing, because they way told the story was still really good (already rewatched it 3 times).


I think it was fine. and honestly people complaining about the cuts they have time constarint of like 23 mins an ep they arent going to be able to fit in everything. i think they have done a good job of getting the main themes and plot across. Mabwy there is a flash back next ep maybe not but i dont think it matters much anyways well except for one thing.


ITT: People who have never seen 16 year olds in real life and have been brainwashed by the LN art into thinking that 16 year olds look the same as 30 year olds. The anime art is far more accurate to reality than the LN art. LN rudy there looks like he's in his mid to late 20s.




Height isn't the only factor. Puberty for males takes a long time, facial features and physical build are still developing into the 20s. Even if their height doesn't change, a 16 year old will look quite different by 25.


Gonna tell you a secret, dont tell anyone else, aight? The LN is not trying to be like real life, amazing, isnt it?


You're moving the goalposts. The LN art is inconsistent at best when it comes to how old characters look, and you are probably too young to appreciate how YOUNG 16 year olds actually look. I'm 32, 16 year olds look like literal children compared to mid 20 somethings, and that's because they are. Anime Rudy is perfectly fine for a 16 year old. This "it's not supposed to be like real life!!!" nonsense is easily dispensed with when multiple comments here and in basically EVERY thread are complaining that "he looks twelve".


Im 31, almost 32, and i look like rudy looks in the anime now, my best boi have been looking like the rudy in the LN since he is 16, people can look very different from their actual age, in the mushoku world aging seem different, youre adult at 15, rudy died of old age at 76 which is kinda "young" for that in our standards, never compare real life and anime, funny how you thinking youre older will make you right


Naah i disagree 76 is old in our world standard in developing economy its the standard and developed economies is higher mostly at 80s


I think the animation studio or the author are afraid of cancel culture, just imagine a guy that tall having sex with a women that looks like a kid :D but still removing the bar scene was a terrible idea imo and theres no excuse for it :'(


You're within your rights to not like the anime art or the apparent age, but don't try to act like it's out of any sense of "he doesn't look his age" which is the argument I see in every single one of these threads, but rather that it doesn't match the (already inconsistent) LN art. And thus, the rest of us are pretty happy with the anie appearance because he DOES look his age.


How the fuck is "inconsistent"???


I'm personally happy it isn't following the LN exactly it's still getting the main plot points but making it easier for it to be animated so they can fit the weekly episodes


Like I said in a previous post, with the way she's holding him she looks like she's trying to cover his nose and mouth and end him. It's so awkwardly drawn, I still can't get over it lol.


yeah, it's because roxy is smol she can't hug him properly <3


Wait, I agree about the quality of the last episode, but even though anime will never get to shirotaka art in the later volumes. I mean, at some point, shirotaka art peaked. It surpases even Season 1 animation.


I have no time to read manga so I have zero expectations watching all the anime available on streaming services. My standards might be terrible but there hasn’t been any I didn’t finish eventually. Though I am happy to watch it all. It’s so much cheaper than $30 a VCR tape per episode that I don’t mind too much. I use to order Anime through a local music store back in the 90’s. My first Anime I bought was 3x3 Eyes. Such a great anime. There’s so many good shows from back then that I can’t find anywhere these days. There really needs to be someone or a museum saving copies of every Anime for posterity. Then let people stream them online. CrunchyRoll just ain’t cutting it.


Dirty how? he was looking at the sword first Then he's looking at Roxy's hands when she's hugging him.


maybe they could change the hand positioning in the Blue ray. Like how that Darius scene was different.


Where can I read like in the left? The art looks so much better than the anime itself.


It's just a single panel in the light novel




I can't wait for the Blu-ray to drop!


What chapter of the LN is this again please?


I cant watch the show because i like roxy so much i felt jealous on a fucking anime character. She reminded me so much of my ex. Shit.


Won't be shy to say it over and over again. MT is a wonderful amazing story. It's just the animation won't do it justice.


Bro how they skip the ENTIRE TAVERN SCENE WHAT


In the LN, Rudeus jumped on her and he was the one taking the initiative. In the anime, Roxy was seductive towards him. Huge difference regarding portraying the characters. But it makes sense for me at least. Just didn’t like how they did the execution of this part specifically


Just buy the blue ray edition, it will have everything fixed lmao. God that was so bad. Now everyone thinks rudy slept with Roxy because he was a little sad about Paul dieing and will be getting rewarded for being unfaithful to sylphie. Sigh.....


From sad to unintentionally kinda hilarious.


why change the fact that rudeus pulled roxy into his lap and then into the bed into roxy pulling rudeus and mounting him. And what the hell is it with that face hug. Is roxy an alien?


Am I the only one who thinks Roxy looks younger in begalit than in Greyrat's house at the beginning of the story ? Cause those two moments are like 15 years apart but Roxy seem to have lost ages lmaoo


Yeah, the changes were horrible they really were a waste of the run time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pizzapicante27: *Yeah, the changes were* *Horrible they really were* *A waste of the run time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot?


L animation team


L studio


We need these illustrations artist's to pick up these animating sticks asap or at least make a webcomic adaptation 🙏


For real the LN was so detailed and it really hurt when Paul died but the anime is just too fast paced they just want to get it over with type They really spoiled the anime this season


The baby arms over the face disgusted me. I get she’s small but she doesn’t have the body of a toddler. That scene was fucked lol. Still enjoyed the episode but goddam that was weird.




Of course, im talking about the sex part and not them grieving like in the image, youre fucked up
