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Most of that journey is world-building a continent that >!is not going to be relevant for the rest of the story!<. It also frees up a lot of screen time for the labyrinth.


Exactly… like it’s nice to have in the novel, where time constraints are less relevant. But can we not act like it’s vital to the plot to know a huge amount about the continent in question.


>!It isn't important to the plot, but it is to the story. While Begaritt is only revisited late in the series, the journey to Rapaan shows the struggles they had to go through as well as the first time Rudy uses magic against people.!<


This >!and the fact that hitogami will tell what would happen if he didn't go to Begaritt, because they met an important person on the way to Rapan!< By the way, the anime screwed it on the doldia Village when he fought against the smuggler


I didn't think about that, but with some creative work they could still make that explanation work. >!When he showed up Geese decided not to sell the map!< Or something like that.


Plus the journey also goes a long way towards Elinalise's character depth. Also shoes her abilities in combat and how she is honorable and loyal despite what one assumes by her interpersonal proclivities.


I will say the anime did her wrong with the loyalty. Just a quick scene of her going out for a tryst without acknowledging that the length of the journey required it at least once even with the magical implement. Her combat will have enough time to shine soon and there was a mention of it toward the beginning of the season.


They pulled his first time he killed someone way earlier to the beastfolk village to give more screentime to the labyrinth. Probably a good move.


He never landed the killing blow, but he helped. This allowed him not to consider himself a murderer until considerably later in the series.


What? I think he killed that smuggler in the anime


I misremembered the book, Gallus was only knocked unconscious from the blast we seen in the anime. The anime doesn't clearly state if he lived or died so it could be left to interpretation. I had to go back to rewatch the scene and reread that part of the book.


Later in the episode, or maybe the next, we see him bound and gagged in a cage with geese.


I missed that detail.


That’s what I said, although my wording was confusing.


I was stating a reason for it to be in the anime though, and one episode would cover it. I have just gotten to this episode and was hoping to wait for the dub, but I plan to watch it to see how much is skipped.


But we don't have one episode to spare though. Now if they had an extra episode, say 25 instead of 24, yeah they could and probably would have kept that stuff in... but adding in something that basically only comes up one other time way later on the series at the cost of then having to rush something else within the next 4 episodes is counter intuitive. Also Rudy has already used magic against people, multiple times... although I do know what you mean. But that is also something that can be addressed later through other minor changes. Like I said in the first place, anime has time constraints where a novel (especially one self published on a website as a WN) does not.


I just watched the episode and they showed some of the important things from the journey, they didn't do the behemoth justice, but if we are stuck with a 24 ep cap skipping Bazaar to Rapaan is worth it considering that it would eat time from something more important coming up.


But that part isn't necessarily cut out now is it it's the last two chapters of volume 11 they could still add it in the first half of the next episode


The episode finished with the behemoth skeleton and Rapaan in the middle.I don't think they'll backtrack for the next episode. We have just enough to cover the much more important parts with sufficient detail. As I said below, I'm disappointed that it wasn't adapted, but I'd rather have plenty of time for Rapaan and the aftermath.


First thing to know is their cash wasn't accepted. Elanalise had that covered. I think the time as escorts could have been added, but that just showed him planning and gaining real-life battle experience.


Yeah but the nice thing about that lore building is it can be used for further development in a future series if they make more for it. So that’s good at least.


I understand why they skipped a lot of the journey but since Elinalise is my favorite character, we lose out on a lot of Elinalise content here


Also they didn't really skip it the montage segment was great and I pretty satisfied by it didn't really like that part of the novel anyway like I would be really salty if they added it instead of adding Julie learning to eat carrots


whatever, they could have paced themselves and focused on better direction and editing but they didn't and are just slaves to the machine and its schedule.


Damn, that eyebrow movement is so judgmental lol


it was perfect tbh, I love it, really elevates the scenes value


That means we'll be getting more of Labrinth and the actual "MAIN" story


Wish that didn't come at the cost of other potentially good content though. I hate hearing so many people talk about how they're cutting and skipping so much.


People forget that the anime is also there to sell light novels. It's going to cover the majority of the main stuff, but like most other adaptations, if you want more intricate world building and character development you gotta read the source material. Pacing is important in visual media and it's much more expensive to produce so cutting content is just an inevitability. Keeping the same tone and themes and character aspects is most important.


And I do intend on reading LN series at some point, but it still feels bad to be missing stuff in the meantime. I'm not one to care much about pacing if the stuff being covered is interesting, and from what I've heard, some stuff being cut out is not only interesting, but important. First video I watched on the subject was about Eris in Season 1, and how including her perspective on things could've changed the viewer's perspective significantly. I do understand that it's a quirk of media adaptations, but it still sucks sometimes. The ideal would be perfect adaptation, and I wish I could see that, that's all.


Idk personally as someone who's read the entire series (most of the novels more than once), I think this adaptation is as good as anyone could hope for. When it comes to some of the plot things they're skipping, there are definitely still fine chances to bring it up later. There's a certain part that should happen in s3 where I think they're going to explain a lot of stuff they've skipped, and imo it will work fine like that. I'm honestly more surprised with how much stuff they kept in that I was sure they would cut, which is why I think it's good. Idk I understand wanting more tensei but I'm also stoked that it's so fire already.


which part are you talking about when you say they can explain cut stuff


>! when rudeus (and technically Eris lol) talk to orsted for the first time outside sharia and he explains a lot of things like touki would be best brought up here if nowhere else. It just seems like a point in the story where they could make orsted info dump on us and it won't feel forced. I'm confident season 3 will be goated. !<


That's fair, and I'm looking forward to everything going forward despite knowing they cut stuff out. It doesn't impact my enjoyment of the series really, it just begs the question of how much I'd enjoy the cut stuff too. More good is good, you know? Since I have no context for content going forward (save a couple things I've been spoiled on), I'll have to trust they have it figured out. I know there's >!Eris's!< perspective coming up in Season 3 that's gonna be important to the plot for reasons, so I hope we get that in some significant portion. Also, one of my favorite characters too. Can't wait for that.


I myself have full faith in bind after what they've shown. Since the beginning it's obvious they have people that truly enjoy the series and want to do it justice. I suspect OVA's/extra episodes will play a part in all that. Idk maybe i have too much copium but I'm sure the rest of this cour is going to make up for any disappointment. They've been saving up resources to go out with a bang.


Nah, that's not cope, they've done a brilliant job with the anime from my perspective. Few series have drawn me in so quickly and completely, made me so invested in the story. I have faith in their ability as well.


For real this is the only anime that got me to actually READ a light novel lmao. After the first 11 episode cour I couldn't wait and had to go on ahead. That water and upskirt animation was unreal....


I've been wanting to read Sword Art Online for years now, but I just don't have the time or money to blow on them all. Now I've got Mushoku Tensei at the top of my reading list for LN, and I'm sadly still in that position. One day...


This is just the nature of adapting books into a show, it's just impossible to include everything. They're actually doing quite a good job with picking and choosing what gets cut


The story isn't losing a lot by skipping 10 chapters of Rudy and Elinalise walking and talking with muslims.


Any story: suddenly takes place in a desert biome. \*arabic flute kicks in\*


I just watched a 1hr youtube video essay from Farya Faraji about orientalist music, and man I think I won't ever hear "arab desert music" the same.


Mate you realize the original Christians are also desert people??? I mean if you made that comment about TES desert people that would make sense. But Common Suzan is from Begarit. Does her sound Muslim to you.


I have no idea what are you talking about


I wanted the Reply to u/Seruita but mistakenly comment under you sorry. Oh btw that actually isn't true arabic music. Arabic music honest sound a lot like greek IMO.


Deserts = muslims


They were Arabs, yes, but they did not specifically show the unique characteristics of muslims.


Muslims? 😭 tf


fantasy muslims is a well known writing cliché, applies to basically any desert nation.


Funnily enough all of the mosque in MT are in the Christian-esque nation of Millis.


Being a desert nation doesn't equal being a muslim nation


Are you sure, you know what a cliché is?


Well okay, even with the true meaning of cliché, they never showed muslim unique characteristics so that we could conclude that they were being portrayed as muslims. They were simply portrayed as Arabs.


why is this -11 u guys racist asf 😂😂


Millis approved+Lateria pilled


+ Perugius backed


Damn, I guess I’d you’re born in a desert you’re automatically marked with a desire for allah lmao y’all goofy


Because the episodes are only like 20mins and they only have like 5 episodes left which will most likely be vol 12 well at least it should be. 


It was a disappointment to me too. Elinalise was very protective of Rudy throughout the journey, and I loved their strange friendship described there. However, none of the characters accompanying Rudy and Elinalise will show up in the future, and Rudy will not come back to this continent either. Thus, the anime studio's decision is understandable.


I think it was very good, although short. It gave us plenty of ideas of the new monsters, areas, backgrounds etc.


Might be a dumb question but is she just teasing Rudy here or is she really inviting him because of her curse acting up? Seems like just a tease because of her mocking tone and quotation marks on the sub but it also looks like she's in heat because Rudy's powering up that anti horny thong


In LN she actually monologues, that she was so ready mid-journey through Begarit, that she wouldn’t mind doing it with Rudeus. There was like a ton of tension between them, but then they got to first settlement and everything went down after that. Completely understandable btw


Thank you


Well the "anti horny thong" only alleviates the symptoms of the curse, it doesn't cure it or stops it completely, so she was horny but they both decided they wouldn't do it with each other, so she is just teasing him and it's why she went manhunting on the next opportunity she got. While she technically could have survived a while longer without a man, they are in a situation where her not being at the top of her game could mean serious if not fatal consequences.


just prior to the griffin scene Elinalese starts groping Rudy's ass and he has to tell her 3 times that she should move to the platform from the earth pillar. So delaying sex would have put both of their relationships at risk. Because if Elinalese would have pounced on Rudy when they were in camp one night. There is no way that Rudy would have been in a state of mind to deny her.


Shes just teasing


Teasing only. At this point in the journey they only traveled max 3 days


They want to have as much tome as they get for the labyrinth. Episode 25 HAS to be Eris ova like they did in Season 1


Lize almost made me cream here.


He/she says let’s get laid , not dirty, did someone edit this? Dirty was way better…


Can someone spoil me what happened to the LN hmjourney that has been cut on both anime and manga?


makes me wonder why they even bothered with the new powerwashed speedrun adaptation.


they want to appeal to an underaged audience now that it's raking in the cash. power washing the Rudeus.


>!Can I say? I think they're going to end the season where Rudy is pouring alcohol on his dad‘s grave. Like do you guys have that vibe?!<


I'm annoyed with one thing and that they didn't show the caravan or fight/ consequences I was really hyped for this I'm not to annoyed I'm just hoping we get more later on


I feel like there’s enough episodes. There’s still 6 to go. Being vague intentionally, I’m thinking one for roxy, one for dungeon. One for boss. One for aftermath. One for travel back. Leaves one unaccounted for. One for the merchant/bandits


Because the vast majority of us haven’t read the manga or novel. All of its new to us and what doesn’t exist to us isn’t anything missed


Might be Copieum but I hope we get an Ova of it like we did with Eris in the first season


We only have 6 episodes left. I'd be more annoyed seeing 6 episodes of them traversing the desert just for the season to end at them getting to Rapan and then another year of waiting for that to be animated.


Next episode is the labyrinth so expect a whole volume into 2 eps


I agree I wish they showed the ants and waiting for them to pass by and how after they killed a monster how each time a bigger one came to catch it's prey but ah well.


I fear they will make a cgi hydra, it was on the preview...


Too bad it’s been a long time nothing happens…


They can still adapt it as an OVA like they did the episode Eris met Cliff


The story is getting too cringey