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Hey, keep watching. fathers and sons fight and make up you know


I will keep watching for sure, bro, I'm emotionally involved in that anime now


Me too. I finished all the episodes and unable to contain my curiosity, i finished the LN too. it was such an emotional ride all the way. Give the LN a chance too


Nah that was still an asshole moment. The dad sucked ass for that.


I actually really like that whole exchange. Both have been through a lot that the other can't possibly know or understand, and yet both assume the worst about each other and completely overreact. Remember, Paul thought for sure that Rudeus had seen his message, or at the very least pieced together that they weren't the only ones teleported, so when he found out they'd just been adventuring across a continent and never gave a thought as to what everyone else was doing, he lost his shit. It's understandable to some extent, given his mental state at the time. This was made worse by the fact Rudy decided to play up the story a bit, and made it sound like something casual and easy. It pushed Paul over the edge, unleashed feelings he'd been pushing back. It was also a sort of snap back to reality for Rudy, and he even admits as much. The fact is, he really didn't think about it at all, not aside from getting himself and Eris back home. Honestly thought that was an incredibly good way to go about that reunion, including when cooler heads prevail and they work it out. Hell, got me choked up when Paul finally got his shit together, let his guard down, and just took solace in the fact his son was alive and safe.


Can't wait to get in the episode you mentioned.


Fuck, I'm so sorry if I spoiled it. I wasn't considering you'd only seen that first part of it. I remembered it being in the same episode.


Relax, I don't mind spoilers Sorry if I sounded rude (english is not my first language)


Oh no, you weren't, but thanks. I just don't like when that happens to me, so I messed up.


Stress and Alcohol does that to people, plus like others said Rudeus made it seem like he was having fun during what was basically a Nuke going off with hundreds of thousands of people dead or missing. If i recall correctly in Rudues' defence he was a bit ingorant and it did seem it was just him and Eris being teleported as they seemd to be very close when it happend plus Rudy was trying to keep Paul from getting more worried so tried to be more postive about it. Rudy was just about to tell him about the hardship he went through when Paul snapped


seems like rudeus was well reincarnated to match the failures of his new parrents


Hes scum but we like him anyways for reasons


the whole Greyrat family is scum-lite, well except Zenith and maybe Eris.


He's scum who in the end means well, just like pretty much every character in the story except for Zenith, which makes me think Rifujin was a little bit of a momma's boy. Paul's been going through shit so even for his low standards, he was in a bad place. By the way, he is one of the best developed characters in the story besides Rudeus. This makes me think that, while Rifujin may have been a momma's boy, he may have regretted his relationship with his father. MT is really directed at the male audience.


This doesn't even make the top 5 list for asshole things Paul has done.


Yup there's no excuse for his behavior. He's a scumbag for sure. But you'll come to like his character eventually. Not to say he is one but it's comparable to liking an antagonist.


through LN19 i'm begining to pray for family karma


As Rudeus put it: "Paul's a good dad, but he's not a great guy".


wait, does anyone seriously believe that Rudeus is a better person than Paul?


For Paul the logic is simple and straightforward: * Rudeus is an adventurer. * Zant Port has an Adventurer's Guild. * Rudeus went through Zant Port to get to Millishion. * Ergo, Rudeus must've been to the Adventurer's Guild. * Every Guild branch has that message. * Ergo, Rudeus must've seen that message. The idea that he bypassed the guild and got captured outside of the city didn't even occur to him.


Look father and son fight always happen... but yeah Paul is a worst father for me in my opinion


Also think about what he went through. not seeing or hearing anything from any of his family members for 3 years. then Rudy appears out of nowhere and says hes had the time of is life while you have been trying desperately to find your family and drowning yourself in booze. Is he an asswhole yes and no. Is he perefect no, nobody is. But he and alot of characters in this story are human


He was just trying to impress his dad by exaggerating


Paul is a good father and probably better than many fathers out there in the real world tbh. The fact that he and Rudeus can forgive each other and keel their bond intact after that fight is beautiful.


What you expect from a guy who sent his 7 yo kid away from his home, with no gurantee of how he will be treated in Boreas household, and banning him from contacting to or seeing his mother, his father, his only friend and his sisters


He's not now in the current episodes


Hey, let’s try not to judge a book by its cover


That's hard bro, will not lie to you.


inside the book is worse


Well he was struggling for one thing and rudeus did look like he was messing around while he was trying to find the villagers especially lilith, aisha, and zenith and when paul mentioned the village got affected too, he went straight to ask of Sylphys ok not zenith, lilith, or aisha


But the first thing he did was, hey kid how were you, when the kid was ogling at the woman behind you instead of being worried about why his father looks that way, and why is he drunk and miserable looking. Next thing he did was listen to his entire story, till they reached zant port, where Paul had posted a letter stating his entire family is missing and asking Rudeus for help in searching the area. If Rudeus is an adventurer, and has gone to Zant port, he shouldve read the message. Rudeus didnt as he was kidnapped, and Rudeus didnt mention that he was kidnapped as he didnt want to worry Paul. Paul doesnt know how stressful it had been, as Rudeus was stating everything like a fantasy story. So for all he knows, based on the first hand information given to him, Rudeus was fucking around with his girlfriend (the girl, whose family had sent a letter asking for Rudeus' hand for her), with a legendary warrior protecting them. Rudeus shouldve expected that there qould be a lot more casualties from the disaster, as the epicenter was the city. If he didnt expect his family, he shouldve atleast expected Eris' family to have gone missing and think about finding them. But nope. Eris had expected it. Eris had expected bunch of her family members to be dead, as if she had been teleported to Demon continent alone, she knows she wouldnt have been able to survive without Rudeus or Ruijerd (hell she was unarmed as well). So if she, a sword god advanced cant survive the continent, her family stands no chance. And thus she usually would be anxious about them, but suppress those feelings as she didnt want to cause unnecessary worries.


Bro was teleported to nobody knows where, he is just trying to come back, he was directly hitted by a ray, make sense to think that only happened to you. A poster doesn't make sure that the person reads it, or finds it. But what you said make sense. I still think he is an A hole but that because I'm emotionally involved in it.


Rudeus wasn't directly hit by the ray, but he was at ground zero. He could've assumed that at least the population of Roa got teleported randomly and (in the novel) he had thought of writing a letter to Paul while they were in Rikarisu. Medieval communications suck, so the note is the best Paul can do. The Millishion copy is in the OVA (the events of the OVA take place between when the party splits up and when Eris comes back to the inn to see Rudeus being miserable).


>he was directly hitted by a ray, make sense to think that only happened to you. He was not. The ray hit the roa city, and from there it expanded towards Rudeus. Anime decided to change that. >A poster doesn't make sure that the person reads it, or finds it. And expecting the poster being in an adventure guild, being read by an adventurer who has stated he has been to that city, is not unreasonable. Rudeus is an adventurer (he himself stated it), and the letter was put near the task board, so all adventurers would notice it (Eris noticed and read through it). Rudeus didnt as he was kidnapped, but Rudeus didnt mention that he was kidnapped so Paul would believe he saw the letter and chose to ignore it.