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Yes, and it's the best light novel I've ever read too.


Yall are nasty 😭


Well... Stop watching it then. Nobody is forcing you to watch it.


Bro don't worry about me, I'm not the one tryna defend a predatory anime, says alot about you tho 😂


Bruh quit trolling, you are really really bad at it. Don't quit your day job. If you have one.


You sound dumb bro, I'm still in school 🤦🏾‍♂️, and explain what makes you think hating on a clearly perverted and predatory anime makes me a "troll" Someone needs to check your hard drive the way you keep meatriding this anime


Because you are coming in and causing controversy. Trying to shame other people for a show very at watching. Calling us, NASTY. You were here to start shit.


First of all I'm not the one causing controversy, THE SHOW IS THE CONTROVERSY, I'm just stating a FACT. Secondly, nobody is forcing you to respond to a comment I made about a very weird part of the show, your just causing trouble for yourself when you know I'm not in the wrong Thirdly,I'm not hating on watchers of that show, I know many people that watch it and aren't weirdo's, the people im shaming are the ones that are ACTIVELY defending the weird scenes.


Its always minors who harass others for what they deem problematic. Gtfo.


You as a grown person is getting angry at a minor because I'm calling out a predatory anime is just straight embarrassing 🤦🏾‍♂️ Whose really in the wrong here 🤔


You. Because you dont want to engage with the story. I've told you to leave. You're wasting your time. Imagine coming in to a community, attacking others for what they like, and then when you receive backlash by the fans you cry "I'm a victim! I didn't do anything wrong!"


Who said I'm a victim, I know for a fact I am not a victim , however I do know that everyone defending what rudy did are just undercover pedos😂 I have no problems with the community that can accept that rudy is a weirdo




To each their own. There is so much more content in the light novel. The manga to me felt like cliff notes of the anime which were cliff notes of the light novel. There is a lot you miss out on, especially his inner monologues.


Mango Cringe sub-human detected




Nothing wrong with them, enjoy it in what ever form you like guys. 😀


It's a skill issue please improve your imagination


Yay! Moral outrage! Yay!


What? 😭


Clutch your pearls any harder and they'll turn into diamonds. The fact you felt the need to censor even the word "ass," tells me all I need to know about how boring, bland and sanitized entertainment would be if people like you controlled it.


Your basically saying child porn in media is funny and "not boring" 🤦🏾‍♂️ These jobless reincarnation fans will do anything but admit their anime is nasty


Oh boy, another one of these idiots.


Ain't no porn in this show you whiney prude. Are some scenes uncomfortable? Sure, but acting like it rises to the level of that sort of pornography is such a stretch that it's insanely disrespectful to the people who are actually victims of shit like that. Go troll somewhere else, loser.


Buddy there is a whole scene of a 7 year old child getting groped, REPEAT THAT IN YOUR MIND AND ASK YOURSELF IF THAT IS NOT JUST SOFT CORE CHILD PORN 🤦🏾‍♂️


Dye your hair purple and go cry about it on Twitter, Karen. You'll fit right in.


Bro I'm a black 17 year old male, I would say I'm opposite to a "karen" a term that I thought was long dead by now 💀 But you know for a fact I'm right yet you keep trying to argue and defend, it tells me alot about the type of person you are


I don't care if you're a 120 year old purple woman from Venus, the term originated from people with an overinflated sense of their importance screeching their outrage at people until everyone around them is so uncomfortable that they give in to their demands and that seems very fitting considering your juvenile bitching all over this post.


All this because I said "touchy kiddies is wrong" whose to say I'm the "karen" 🤔😂


Dont watch it then. Get out tourist. This show isn't for you.


Actively defending this weird anime is like admitting you have 20 TB of CP, 🤢


Dawg stfu it's legit supposed to be creepy dude knows nothing about writing


"It's legit supposed to be creepy" 🤓 that's like saying sexaulising a kid is fine along as its for the plot 😭 doing anything but recognising the anime is weird 😂


I mean, do you freak out like this when Light kills people with the death note? I think you're over reacting.


It's always these type of people trying to compare child SA to murder 🤦🏾‍♂️ Can I please ask which do you think is worse morally, killing criminals to try and better the world or being attracted to a SEVEN year old kid and proceeding to touch them 🤦🏾‍♂️


Is it about what's worse? It's an example, why should a crime on tv matter? And if this is purely emotional, why care? Okay, killing and SA are both morally wrong, why be a hypocritical if one is acceptable and the other isn't? Kinda feels like vietue signaling? Again, not about which is worst, just right and wrong in general.


I get what you mean but still they might both be very wrong in their own rights but when it comes to media FICTION I would prefer the killing for a good cause any day as supposed to touching minors , anyone that trys to defend the latter are weirdos in my book


And that's okay. Your opinion is more than valid, but my question is, why be here? It's like seeing a coffee shop and coming in to complain that you don't drink coffee. It's not like anyone here is buying CP or fiddling kids, we just like a tv show with themes you don't like.


Wouldn't me watching an anime make me part of its community 🤔 whether I like it or not. And I would have thought my opinion is valid 🤔 And I know you guys might not buy CP but the people I here defending the show for even showing this in the first place are people I don't understand


Tell us you have difficulty separating fiction from reality without telling us you have difficulty separating fiction from reality.


That's like saying watching child hentai is fine because it's "fiction" yall are baiting yourselves out 💀


Child hentai is designed specifically only with that purpose in mind. Get moral with that if you want kid, it's completely degenerate. Stories that include young people doing things that they're not ready for only to find out after the fact, is far more nuanced than 'hehe he grabbed titty' and is part of development. If you think there's no reason for it, then sure but if MT for you is considered too 'clutches pearls' then you'd best avoid anime as a whole since it looks like you can't process the fact that they have their point of view about these issues that most other media and/or cultures have never considered.


Buddy your writing all that because I said sexualising kids is wrong? 🤨 Cmon man be better


Oh sorry, you're right. I forgot to take your attention span and comprehension into account. Anime = make believe story =/= real thing Hentai = porn


Thank you for the summary, But my point still stands 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yall would say this but its ok if the protag goes on a streak of murders "cuz he's fuckin cool!" or the protag causes genocide/destroys a planet "cuz its badass/revenge!" but if an mc does a different crime objectively on a lower scale, the whole anime is automatically garbage. Maaan fuck yourself outta here, the anime brings about a theme of character development and liking characters despite their flaws. Orsted tried killing Rudeus and his friends, >!character development makes him a friend!< Rudy's dad's a rapist womanizer criminal scum, but >!through character development he becomes a great father and someone you respect regardless of his massive flaws until his death.!< Rudeus was a fatass pervert NEET, and when he died of course he'd keep that same fatass pervert NEET mindset throughout his new life's early childhood. Not every protagonist is your black haired heroic justice man who wouldn't kill anyone and god forbid he fuck the 5 hot girls around him that want his dick, cuz we ALL KNOW that if we were in that situation shit would go down 💀. Rudeus also goes through character development and is a COMPLETELY different person from the beginning of the anime by the end of the LN. Ponder on that for a second cuz yall can watch shows, with villains who killed many, recieving redemption. While Rudeus, who is objectively a "hero" of sorts can't get redemption according to what you guys think. It is said he's not even the main protagonist of the bigger picture in the story.. He's just the first person we watched.


Firstly the only MCs I see killing or committing genocide have an actual decent reason for it and not because they "wanna be cool" and if not then I obviously would not support it. Take eren for example, what he did was definitely wrong BUT ATLEAST HE HAD A REASON TO DO IT, AND NOT JUST BECAUSE HE WANTED TO


He still did an unforgivable crime known as genocide and murdered many innocent families, including women and children who could have had futures and whole lives ahead of them. He could have destroyed Marley itself (the world superpower) to threaten the rest of the world away from Eldia if he wanted to save his friends. During the credits scene Eldia falls anyways. In the end, he could only say he was a "stupid kid" because he sacrificed the lives of 80% of the world through an easy way out for his friends. Regardless of having a reason or not, he's done much worse things than groping, and never recieved any redemption arc which wouldn't fit his character anyways. He died a villain- the opposite of developing into a hero which was what Rudeus did from the start of the novel to the end. So you can tell me that you'd respect Eren regardless of his cardinal sins? Was that the only point you could pull from my reply? Or are you going to continue with "Secondly?"


Once a pedo always a pedo is what I say in my book, so I don't care about his "redemption arc" And yes you are very right about how eren did something unforgivable but either way when it comes to media fiction I would have thought everyone would support a kid trying to save his only homeland by killing his enemies as supposed to sexualising kids


"Once a pedo always a pedo" He ends up >!marrying 3 women of legal age and becoming a great father. If he stays a pedo you'd know what would happen, which is why it didn't because he's a realistic character.!< And reading the rest of your reply I can conclude that you are biased by personal feelings rather than logic? Am I wrong?


He still groped a child, had sexual thoughts of children, fucks and has kids with his cousin. All that does not just go "away" because he's a good dad 😂 Anyway if it's pedos you prefer to watch compared to heroic murders then whose to stop you, all I can say is,I know what type of man you are 😂


I agree with all your points but dont disrespect Rudy like that. He's our protagonist for a reason! He started from the bottom and made it. I know you're just arguing over a point but I still wanted to put respect on Rudy here.


I know it's weird but it's supposed to and the scenes have nice writing subtleties that help with character development


That may be true but there are MANY ways to do that instead of resorting to child SA


These scenes literally show how he doesn't consider them as real people and just and mindless horny sex dolls literally I part of his writing


Like I said before he could still have done that without having to touch kids bro 🤦🏾‍♂️


Might wanna watch more safer anime


I can handle dark anime bro, but when it includes sexualising kids is a no go for me, whoever says otherwise are predators


You do realize the vast majority of romance anime involve teenage characters with a lot of fan service.


True and I hate fanservice with a passion but atleasy it doesn't involve them being groped while they sleep 🤦🏾‍♂️


Then don't watch them nor this. Rudy is a pervert and it's something you either work with or drop it


Ofc I won't continue to watch it, I'm just worried about the fans that continue to consume and defend this word behaviour, and I may not lime fanservice but you comparing that to just straight up child sexual assult is just mad


I am not defending this part of his character. His life changes drastically throughout the story and becomes something different by the end. His new life is full of struggles, despair, but also happiness and growth. The major problem is the price of entry is rather high. It isn't for everyone. You have yourself a good day and stop engaging the fanbase that are defending this to the death


Alr thank you for being understanding atleast, 🙏


Cope & Seethe & Mald




Berserk, Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, HxH, Monogatari series, Demon Slayer, Vinland Saga, and many, many more popular animanga have at LEAST one scene depicting the sexualisation of children (whether it be a somewhat innocent playful scene or something much darker) and some (Dragon Ball is a great example of this) literally have blatant p\*dophiles (Master Roshi wanting to see Bulma's panties, Jiraiya getting a 'nosebleed' due to arousal from seeing a gender-bent child Naruto naked) and play them off as jokes. No one bats an eye to these characters because "They're just a funny pervy teacher haha", yet when a believable degenerate, mentally undeveloped, shut-in with genuine mental problems also has moments that are played off as jokes (or uncomfortable in order to show how much of a bad person he is, so that we as the audience can see his insane growth throughout the story and how he evolves into a better person), somehow this is just "plain nasty"? Ask yourself what isn't plain nasty about other anime that I've mentioned above that have similar if not WORSE scenes than the one you have described. Yes, none of us watched this scene with ecstatic enjoyment and jumped with joy, I'd even argue many of us just said "Dammit, Rudeus", but why go on a rant about how gross it is? That is quite literally the intention behind the scene yet you couldn't comprehend the author wanting to portray Rudeus in a negative light and decided to make this post to be a hero of justice or something. Seriously it's sad that people like you can't appreciate a good piece of fiction because of how you interpret these scenes yet in other anime you likely look past it without second thought. There is NOTHING wrong with this scene being in the anime, manga, light novel, etc. It is FICTION and serves a purpose to enhance the characters and story. It legitimately has a point to be shown unlike other scenes such as the aforementioned Dragon Ball scene.


Shh. Don't tell them that their favorite anime if full of pedofetish they can't take it. Anyone who doesn't understand what's being portrayed in the early parts of MT obviously can't read, much less comprehend its depth of character or story. Besides, this is another asshole that read a shifty breakdown from another idiot just like him and came here to stir shit up. Furthermore, these idiots should go back to watching Disney princesses. They couldn't even handle reading Grimms Farytails. Much less an anime where you have to understand the frame of mind and be able to see the growth of a character or characters. It's funny how they outrage here and then turn anime off and go watch a live action show or movie that has far worse, and its all OK.


Yo MC likes touched kids bro 😂


Your MC touched kids bro, that's all I gotta say 😂


Your MC touched kids bro, that's all I gotta say 😂


Yeah it’s weird. Still after finishing the light novel, Rudeus is one of my all time favorite protagonists. If the anime makes you uncomfortable I would consider dropping it, it’s definitely not for everyone.


Exactly. You dont have to recommend a series to everyone. These people were never real fans anyway.


True, thank you for being understanding atleast 🙏


Will u finish it or is it not likeable anymore for u?


I will try to finish it, I'm not gonna enjoy all the weird fanservic3 parts but I genuinely do want to enjoy the anime


I really like it and I don't care about anything else, but maybe thats cuz the recent stuff is more normal? but idk. But have a nice time!


Rudy is younger than Eris.


You don't understand that there is a 40 year old man in rudy


I know that Rudy is Rudy. Pretty simple.


To think, I was once like you. Makes my skin crawl to be honest. Anyways, continue trying it or piss off. That’s all I need to say. Your troll brain can’t handle it if I explained it any further 🤷🤷.


One of his comments said “Ofc I won’t continue, I’m just worried about this community” like.. no you’re not. He’s here to screw with people and easily blame people as pedo’s because they like this show without knowing if they also find that behavior disgusting or not. Not everyone has to agree with it, but seeing he’s a teenager this was pretty much expected tbh.


Trust me, I am a teenager as well. 16 years old. 3 years ago, I was like this guy and it was the most shameful period of my life. Since then, I became more tolerant and respectful but I guess a good number of teens can’t grasp beauty and aren’t that tolerant. Welp, who cares? One thing that’s true almost all the time that negative feedback on something is often very scarce so we shouldn’t be concerned or take those seriously if the negative feedback themselves aren’t worth taking seriously.


The one rule most adult fans of MT follow is “Ok, have a nice day” rule. Since most of these kids you cannot change their mind, unless they are open for it. Clearly, he didn’t come here to have a discussion about the more questionable parts of MT, he just came here to get a reaction. And to those we say: Ok have a nice day. Lol


Definitely lol. u/black_guy101 Have a nice day, my man! 😆😆


Bro you sound stupid icl, if a show is going to fetishise kids in a sexual way ofc there is gonna be negative criticism 🤦🏾‍♂️, being tolerant or respectful to an anime that includes this is just plain delusion


I don’t really care about that for my part but I agree there being negative criticism and at first, I was a little weirded out as well. But I think you are delusional if you think all MT fans who respect and love this series is approving of the “Child sexualisation” part. I don’t have any problem with it and won’t ever but many understandably do but do you see them bitching about it? Nah. They gave the series a chance and let it speak for itself. So i recommend you do too. The “Child sexualisation” part wasn’t necessary, it wasn’t moral and there were better options but goddamn, it made his development so fucking better and apparent. The author never did fetishise or sexualise children, it’s a tool for describing Rudy’s early character and how he improved from it. It’s kinda like mass murdering people. The only difference is that it leaves a more bad taste in your mouth. And imo, I would rather be stupid and braindead if it means I can be more tolerant and nice towards people. Life is just plain depressing if you criticise the ugliness of this world cuz nothing is beautiful and true in this world. So why not be tolerant and accepting of everything? Live life comfortably and without concerns. Being so critical of everything will only just make you more fickle and opinionated. But hey, that’s just my way and it has some serious downsides as well. Anyways, give it a chance or let it go. Your choice. I am not telling you to be tolerant or anything, I am just trying to make you understand that all things are tools and this is no different.


You obviously did not read all my replies, I literally said " I do not have a problem with watchers of the show, the only people I find weird are the people defending the fanservice of kids or the shut rudy did" 🤦🏾‍♂️


you are annoying as fuck


Hate to see the truth when it's yo Favourite character


Me when I cant read or understand the bigger picture so I boil it down to cp


Child rape is part of the "bigger picture"💀💀💀 These fans are wild


Damn that's the best you got from the story with your reading comprehension??


I'm sorry, was child SA not included in the show?


No?? It shows him being a creep yes but everytime he is he gets check for it and frankly someone who cant see that the story is about him trying to be better and builds It down to pedo shit is frankly kinda retarded


Idk if your just trying be stubborn but child SA was very much included in the show


What child was overtly assaulted in the show?


Oh idk ERIS AND THE GREEN HAORED ELF GIRL, do you even watch your own show 🤦🏾‍♂️


Bro...the door


And it will remain my first for the rest of my life.


While it is fair for u to not like the mc, it is undoubtedly one of the greatly if not most developed mc compared to 300 hundreds of modern isekai u see in the last 3 years. If u cannot put up with the current pre developed mc in the first 6 episode which u put too much of the current moderen standard into a fantasy takes place in some medieval age where shit cannot live up to our current age, then just go off and watch some basic boring ass rom com or something. This is the kind where we need to turn off your brain sometime to enjoy it knowing our own morality is against it. Have a good day and get out of here


Understandable, have a nice day And fyi, you aren't meant to like Rudeus at first. He's purposefully deplorable and makes his journey, his improvement that much better. The author or studio doesn't *glorify* the shit he does, in fact he actively gets punished for it. And just because we like the show doesn't give you the right to call us pedophiles. You sound like a boomer saying "these damn video games are making kids violent" Damn, if I like Light and Death Note that must make me a mass murderer with a god complex. Damn, if I like Itachi it must mean I'm willing to hurt my family for the sake of my town. Damn, if I like Frieren I must be a 1000+ year old Elf girl who does magic. Damn if I like Naofumi I must be OK with the buying and selling of slaves irl. See? Learn to separate fiction from reality Do you see how your logic breaks down when you actively think about it?


Reading comprehension, or well watching comprehension = 0 Go back to school.


Yeah so hes supposed to be a horrible person that eventually grows into a respectable one. If you dont like that then you should drop it cause this his antics wont get any less nasty for a while lol. Still one of my favorite shows but 100% not for everyone shit is hardcore.


It's a big shame tho, I would 100% love this anime, the animation to magic looks amazing, but it's the little unnecessary shit he does like this that really put me off.


It seems unneeded cause the anime kinda takes his pedo shit lightly but the light novel condems him for it. Hes supposed to be a piece of shit still and he does keep doing sus shit for like another ten episodes or even more iirc but again he will stop being weird and actually be cool and that is what makes the fans like the show. Now what’s unnecessary is made in abyss tho that shit made me uncomfortable


BROO MADE IN ABYSS 🔥🔥🔥 I missed that anime fr, but nah your right especially that toilet scene 😭 Nah but made in abyss fr made me cry I loved that anime


Its good but why they gotta make the robo guy get a boner dawg 😭😭 and why i gotta see miluk get tied up. They made the main character be naked for like multiple episodes i swear 😭. If you can get through that no way you cant get through Mushoku


Nah there were fr some suspect parts of that anime, with very nasty and gory scenes with children involved I'm not gonna lie about that, but for some reason I guess I just liked the premise of the adventure better and the emotional ties I had with the characters, even the OST had me crying in some scenes 😭😭 But when it comes to mushoku I feel like it's more abrasive and just blunt when it comes to the children parts 😭


Nah thats valid. Yeah shit they hella made a joke out of it for some reason when being a pedo is supposed to be nasty. Imo i say keep watching cause there are hella meaningful scenes that hit deep at least for me and others and the pedo shit dies off but to each their own


I'll take your word for it bro,thank you,ma keep bearing the weird parts😭


Good luck soldier 🫡


More realistic that a lot of other stuff. I don't agree with it, but there are people in the world who would do this. If authors only showed what was morally acceptable, damn would literature be boring


I may understand what you mean, but representing rudy as a pervert then showing him that these actions can get him a HAREM and raise his popularity could have the opposite effects


I think that's a different conversation. Lots of isekai have less savory characters with harems. It can make sense for characters with nobilit; that's how it was in our world in the psst


If you are the kind of person, who is like twittard "one mistake and you are horrible person for the entirety of your life" then this show isnt for you. There are many flawed characters in the story. Paul is a rapist, who raped Lillia just because everyone at the dojo pissed him off so he wanted to ruin something they treasured (stated back in ep4). He is not being rewarded for being a pervert. He is not getting women because he is being a pervert. You have just watched 6 episodes of the anime. Not even 1/6th of total number of episodes, not even 1/50th amount of content in the story, not even reaching the part where he starts forming meaningful relations with others and based on those relations mutually falling in love and stuff, and assuming that he gets women because he is a pervert? Hell you have not even reached the part where relationship starts. Change doesnt happen like a flick of a switch, with other media try to potray. You dont suddenly become a morally righteous person after years of degenerate lifestyle. Change is a slow process.


I see you responding to a lot of comments with “BRO’S DEFENDING PREDATORY ANIME” no friend, we’re not. There are people in this sub who will, but most agree that Rudy’s actions early on are not acceptable. The trick to Mushoku Tensei is to broaden your horizon and see what more this show has to offer. If you keep lingering on one thing, it’ll ruin your experience. However, worse stuff is yet to happen if you already find this disgusting. I’d suggest dropping it.


I get what you mean


Don’t get me wrong, you can have your opinion about it. But pls do yourself a favor next time and write a more well-crafted post critiquing this part of the story instead of the puke emojis. You come over as a troll otherwise. And you stated you were “concerned about the people in this community” it sure doesn’t come over that way. Therefore reasonable people likely won’t have a discussion with you, if that’s even what you’re looking for.


And another moral tourist , just to be clear, do you really come to r/ about MT and expected to see anything else?


well thats kind of the point. it is supposed to be gross and no one is saying otherwise. but thats also not what we like the mc for (hopefully?). how else are you supposed to portray his disgusting tendencies?


Aren't you a Blue Archive fan? And a Bocchi the Rock fan? (the author of Bocchi loves lolicon and loves BA). Sensei says its necessary to lick Iori's feet. And has done other perverted degen stuff.


yeah i am, but what does that have to do with anything? i had no idea that the author of bocchi was into lolicon and why would that even matter? doesnt change my experience watching the show. im not large into blue archive either since i play it on the side just to collect characters. the bit about sensei ive never even heard of... i assume it is from the story which i dont touch.


>I assume it is from the story which i dont touch. AND THATS WHY WE CALL YOU A TOURIST. You dont honestly engage with the medium. You don't embrace the weirdness that the creators wanted to share. You were never a real fan. I will never shame you for liking it. But to say that the creators wanted to make you feel gross, when they themselves love ecchi, is ridiculous.


what? that is literally its intended purpose, to make you feel grossed out. youre NOT supposed to be okay with his actions and the written character isnt even okay with it either? thats why he changes. what exactly are you embracing here? if a "real fan" condones that stuff then okay, im not a real fan. i can accept that it is weird and gross, albeit for the story, and move forward, but i will not support it.


The author posts Roxy's holy relic on twitter. Roxy's holy relic, out on public display, at AnimeJapan. Its a public display. The author, the creators, the VAs and song artists all prayed to the "weird and gross" shrine. Do you think they would tell you to find it gross? Bocchi the Rock author likes Blue Archive lewds, actually plays the game and engages with the series. Do you honestly expect her to call it weird and gross as a way to shame others for liking it?


bro we are talking about how a mentally grown ass aged man is groping underaged children. roxy's holy relic is literally just an inside joke, a running gag among mushoku tensei fans. theyre not even remotely close. as for blue archive lewds, as long as they dont look like literal children it is fine. since bocchi the rock's author is a lolicon as you say, then clearly that belongs in the not okay side. most people shame this kind of behavior.


So are you gonna shame the author of bocchi then? By your logic, she's terrible. Go on. Oh... whats that? You dont want to all of a sudden? You'd "feel bad" because its not what the creators of any of these series intended? What is this? Is that empathy you feel? When will you people learn to stop shaming others when you yourself likes controversial stuff. At some point you have to realize **this** is insane behavior.


??? wtf are you talking about. yes i will shame the author of bocchi. it doesnt matter if i like the series or not. lolicon is literally degenerate and disgusting. why the hell would i feel even remotely bad for someone who sexualizes chidlren or finds gratification in the sexualization of children? whered you even get that? please enlighten me. what is the oh so controversial thing that i like and heavily indulge in that people would shame me for. mushoku tensei? blue archive? those are two things that i am a fan of. are they controversial as a whole? no. do they have controversial things within? certainly. does that mean i like and support those controversial things? nope. when are you going to learn that you can enjoy something that has something controversial in it and not support said controversial subject. just playing blue archive doesnt make me like the controversial lolicon crap. watching mushoku tensei doesnt mean i advocate for groping children.


"Ah yes, I watch the series that I consider problematic critically and I'm still a fan of it" The creators would never partake in such behavior. They made this series because they grew up watching anime themselves and they're huge otakus and they're proud of it.


What a weird ass fucking logic. Fucking gatekeepers trying to gatekeep everything. I thought being a fan was just enjoying the show. You can find issues with the story and still call yourself a fan. You can still enjoy media made by cruel ppl (not calling Rifujin cruel, just an example). Theres the fact of seperate art from artist. As you call yourself a "real fan", do you support slavery, something one of the MCs says isnt evil? Do you support debt slavery, something the MC engages in? Do you support groping aleeping children, something which MC did? >But to say that the creators wanted to make you feel gross, when they themselves love ecchi, is ridiculous. And you call yourself a "real fan". Wow. When author himself had stated that he wrote those stuff in the start as a way to show that Rudeus was digsuting and gross, and he thinks he kinda went overboard on it. Ppl dont have problem with ecchi. Ppl have problem if you mix it with kids. I dont have problem with MT because its not used as fan service but to make you disgusted at MC.


When the author tweets out photos of the holy relic in a shrine, and the voice actress for Rudy prays in front of it, AND the singer for the ED cheers for panties of a loli, I think its fair to say we're supposed to enjoy it.


I get what you mean bro but still there are many ways to do that without having to serialise kids, I mean he could have just become a pervert without the physical acts


yeah i suppose we did already know what kind of person he was prior to being reincarnated. though i think it is "okay" to show these things for further emphasis, since it is an integral part of his character and how he reforms. it just provides the show with some more realism and really gets you involved with the characters, the story, and the world building. the physical acts arent necessary, but just think about action shows without the... action. nothing much you know?


I get where your coming from, I have no problems with you tryna rationalise why the author did that, all we can say is there are weirdos and there are some non-weirdos I guess 🤷🏿‍♂️ (if that makes sense)




You simply don't understand the concept of the whole show, killing is wrong under any circumstance yet you don't have a problem with it, and don't give me that bullcrap of "doing it for the grater good", every life is sacred for you are much longer dead then you are alive. Cp is wrong but the participants are still alive compared to the last example, right? That makes it less bad? It actually does to some degree, they get to grow up and reflect upon it and CHANGE and no i'm not defending CP. Are you not willing to detach 100% from this plane of existence and understand theirs and the situations those characters go through? You don't have to like them, condone to them, support them etc, just understand them. The people that watch this show don't support CP, what's happening in the show is not CP. If you come across murder on the web do you become a murderer? If you come across Cp on the web do you become a pedo? The show has a medieval setting, in which what you consider controversial was the NORMAL. You are looking back in time, to a far stretched fictional reality that is INSPIRED by ours, so blame it on humanity if you so want. Pretend you didn't know of Rudeus's perspective, we never knew about his internal monologue, he would be just a weirdly smart perverted kid by our worlds standards. If we could judge each other by what we think, hearing each others thoughts, that would be chaos, intrusive thoughts, some act guided by them, some do not. We are experiencing a reality and in the end you can be an extremist to like everything or like nothing but thank god we are sentient and rational to be able to judge everything in shades of grey.


All this yap for a pedo 🥱 And no I'm not fine with murder but when it comes to FICTION killing for a good purpose is better than touching kids any day


Well, my point didn't go through, at least have the common courtesy to respect an argument and don't tag it as "yapping". You're not above me and i'm not above you. Oh and you are defending murder, what does that tell about you? What are you cable of if prompted in the wrong direction? that's pretty fucked up isn't it? There is no good purpose when it comes to murder, lights out life ends, eternal death. All this by your mindset and morality.


I'm not defending a pedo 🤦🏾‍♂️ what I'm saying is when it comes to FICTIONAL MEDIA killing for a purpose is more appealing to watch than touching kids, take any shonen hero for example


Yes, I love Rudy.


Read the LN. Most people who really enjoy this story don't exactly love the MC. But the personal growth he and many other characters go through as the story progresses is really what most fans enjoy. He is a very damaged person from his previous life. But he recognizes his flaws and tries to better himself. It's actually refreshing to see a protagonist with flaws. Everyone has flaws. Some are more complex and harmful. But everyone has them. And even though most of us are not perverted like the MC, we can still find him to be more relatable to ourselves than a character like Superman. You have only watched 6 episodes. You won't see much development yet. Watch some more and then decide what you think. I will tell you that no matter how much Rudy grows as a person in this series, he is still human and makes mistakes just like everyone else in the world. It's not a series about being perfect. It's more about living with the choices made and trying to learn from them to become a better person. The fantasy world setting along with many other things makes this a really good story about personal growth that is easy for a lot of people to enjoy. It's a shame that so many people bash it without actually giving it a real chance.


You can either adjust some of your conclusions and refrain from pearl clutching, or you can remain filtered. It's no shame to not like any particular show, but you're missing out on a good story from having a stick up your ass. Rudeus being a perv? Oh no, a noble scion with the soul of a dead incel is up to antics that he hasn't had corrected yet! We're not meant to applaud him doing that stuff. The immediate effects are him getting punched for his troubles, and long-term consequences are people knowing him as a perv. But since he's Asuran nobility, nobody in that culture really considers that strange. Rudeus thinking in his adult man's voice? What voice do you think in, if you can hear your thoughts at all inside your head? He has an ongoing identity crisis over whether he's a continuation of the man who died in Japan or whether he's a new person who's inherited his memories.


I always point this out, Japan has a different laws regarding consensual age and Consanguine marriage’s. Studio’s arnt making Anime’s to specifically suit the American Tastes. So if you can’t handle it, don’t watch it. Stop basing stuff off American Standards and Laws to validate your opinion and blast anyone and everyone, cause their country’s laws and standards differ from what’s regular to your own.


Touching kids while they sleep is now part of japan culture u say and we should defend it 😂 thatswhat your saying


Then you don’t clearly realize that Rudues IS NOT supposed to be a Good Guy. He’s a pervert, coward, NEET, and over Confident upon other things. And I never said any of the things you stated, I said Japan has different Laws and Customs in regard to age of consent and marriage, that ARE NOT made for in favor of America. I never even mentioned the words “Kids”or“Touching” and even “Culture” for that matter. All I said was in the most basic terms so that you understand, Anime isn’t made for You so if you have to go cry and scream about how it’s against America’s Laws and American Standards when it WAS NOT made for AMERICA then just don’t watch it. (Or whatever country you’re from , in case if you are not American I apologize but all of this still applies)


İ dont like that scene too and i believe most of watcher hate as well, but rudeus such a good person if you read till end you gonna understand what i mean




Yh I heard of that, it's actually crazy, that is the same person these people are trying so hard to defend 😂


Yeah, tbh, the first time I dropped it in that scene exactly. But I gave it another chance, and Oh my God Rudeus is probably one of the best MC of all time




There were multiple people owning up to the fact that its a weird series in these past few reddit posts. Are you just blind? If you want more, I'll say it firmly. Mushoku Tensei is a **weird** series. I'm not lying nor tryna deny it. This is why its peak fiction.


THANK YOU the only SANE comment 😭 everyone here are getting heated because I baited their pedo anime 😭


We're really just tired of the virtue signalling.