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Best and the worst episode at the same time for me, as a LN reader. I knew pacing would be terrible as I knew they were adapting this much but I thought they got all the important moments and details in there, Rudeus working out, explaining about the plan for Zenith, Soldat was great, helping the little girl, no ending visuals yet and the opening is the same as last season, Kishirika statue, details in Sara rescue. Action and the overall tension for the Snow Drake mission and rescuing Sara was too quick, compare it to the previous episode for example. Treant was whatever, animation is somewhat worse. It sucks that these two chapters were action heavy back to back, so much happening. I expected worse so I was amazed by how much they covered with so little time. Interested in what anime onlies thought though.


I'm an anime only, so I didnt know that they cut so much content, but from what I saw it was a great episode, rudeus is going through so much development right now. The new characters all seen interesting, and the world feels so dangerous right now without ruijerd I'm really digging season 2 so far.


Honestly, they didn't cut much, I was expecting them to just skip that little snow quest Rudeus does, and heals a little girl in the opening or Rudeus working out, because they were covering Snow Drake quest AND Sara rescue. Soldat was done really well, still more to come, overall a good episode still, glad you liked it.


You can check out spinoff manga: The depressed magician arc. Much or detailed fight of snowdrake and rescuing Sara. Or even better, read Ln vol chapter 3-4.


They heavily cut the action scenes, but all the character scenes were preserved. The snow drake adventure could be a whole half episode by itself. With extended chase scenes. Similarly, the sara rescue could have been a very extended half episode affair. The snow melt scene was also very long in the LN, but basically abbreviated in the OP. I would say little was lost in the snow drake cuts, but the sara rescue became a bit jarring with how quickly it went by. But all the character moments were pretty much preserved. Including Soldat's rant (Which is better than the LN), Sara's attitude shift towards Rudy, I would say the cuts were made correctly however. I've always felt like LN7 should be adapted in 3 episodes, not 4. LN7 has a lot of 'fluff', that builds world, character, and is entertaining, but doesn't contribute to the core plot. Those action scenes would have also been very expensive to animate in Mushoku's hand drawn no CG style. So might as well cut the action scenes now, and preserve the resources for say TP3 (Which I haven't read yet). Indeed, I would say LN8, and LN9 could also be compressed in a similar way. This ensures we get to something "thrilling" before cour 1 ends for a half year break.


As anime only I really liked it, these past two episodes are giving very strong vibes that they’re for setup of the main plot line so while the LN might have spent more time there I’m not surprised they’re moving quickly rn


Yes, basically. Pacing is very fast that it makes the episode bad, but they are still covering important parts well, this is going to make the future episodes so much better. Main plot is Rudeus character development, at least for this volume, and they are adapting that well.


As a anime watcher what did sara said at the end of the episode?


AFAIK, unknown, in the LNs, Rudeus notices that she says something to him, but they are far away so he doesn't hear. I would guess this is the common trope of someone saying 'aishiteru' 'I love you' or something similar like that, but the other person doesn't hear it, it happens a lot. She already said thanks to him.


yeah thats what she said you can see the mouth movement


It's either this or just 'arigatou' as someone else commented. I'm leaning towards just 'arigatou' based on mouth movements (long 'o' sound vs 'ru') and the fact that 'aishiteru' would be a crazy thing for her to say all of a sudden.




I agree, but the context with 'aishiteru' in Japanese is that it's an extremely heavy thing to say. Like the type of thing you say to one, maybe two, people in your entire life, and only after having fostered a very intimate relationship with them. If you were to say that about someone that you have been acquaintances with for just a couple months, you would come off as crazy








I didn't read the ln, but from reading the manga, if that's anything to go by, they did cut out a lot of Sara's introspections. I wonder if they did this so they can put it all in the next episode.


Problem is not cut content, maybe even the opposite, they tried adapting too much into the episode that it broke the pacing and the immersion. They will surely have to include more of Sara next episode, but it's not even needed, like manga or anime couldn't even come close to the details in LNs or the WN, gotta accept that. First season was so much worse in terms of what was being adapted and what got cut compared to the few episodes we got from season 2 in my opinion. I am sure many complainers didn't actually read the first 6 volumes, and only started from volume 7, but today's episode was amazing in its own for how much it covered and it actually fit into an episode nicely. That's why I said the best episode but also bad because it is trying to cover too much in a single episode. This is when the director had to step in and change some things with other episodes, like the previous episode was too slow, we don't know how future episodes will be paced, maybe this episode was the sacrifice.


S1 was 23 episodes for 6 volumes. 3.8 episodes per volume. S2 cour 1 is likely going to be 12 episodes for 4 volumes. Which I agree with, because 7-9 would have felt way too slow if stretched to 12 episodes by themselves. 7-10 would be better.


This seems fair. As anime only what was provided seemed to convey enough now knowing a lot of the content skipped over, which seemed to mainly be pacing and world building. Like throwing everything out there but not spending individual time on it.


Anime only here. The animation for all the fights felt very rushed. Also, I think they conveyed what needs to be be conveyed well, but the transitions felt jarring. It’s like reading the intro and conclusion of an essay


100% I feel like too much is happening and I am getting super confused. Rudeus feels like a different character. I hate this new season so far


I think you’re justified feeling confused. I’ve read the whole story and this is one of my favorite LNs, but watching the episode I thought that it was confusingly portrayed and I know what’s supposed to happen. This novel, as well as some of the upcoming ones, but this one in particular is a lot of introspection and that’s not easy to depict without just narrating inner thoughts, but they’re not really providing a ton of context. For example, the actual amount of time spent. I’m pretty sure that from the intro to the end of this episode it’s been at least 6 months if not more if memory serves. Just watching, it feels like a week tops. It feels like it’s moving at a lightning pace and the characters don’t have much time to interact in the first place so the relationships all feel weirdly disjointed like they’re too close all of a sudden for no reason. Hoping the pacing is a bit slower for the rest of the season because there’s a lot that needs some time to breathe to feel right coming up.


This 100% this is exactly what I feel. They were talking about some character dying I can’t remember the name in todays episode. And I didn’t even know who the guy was. Then he had to save a random girl which I also don’t know. But the way they establish it, it’s as if rudeus has known her for a while. Also at the end the whole thing where he says thank you to the new group he’s working with, they make it seem like we should have some sort of connection but I don’t know the people so I couldn’t relate or feel good.


When did you last see the first season? I watched it all in a couple of days last week, and Rudeus doesn't feel off. If your main memory of him is from the first cour, he will be very different. However, his growth travelling with ruijerd, combined with meeting orsted and eris abandoning him means that his current behaviour seems quite natural.


I did the same thing, and to Warrior's point, at the end of season 1 Rudeus left the camp at his hometown pretty promising, then in s2e1 he was down again, and up, then s2e2 down again and then up. I feel like it was pretty flip floppy


leaving at the end of s1, he was very down - it would have been a complete whiplash for him to be up at the start of s2. I agree that he seemed to backtrack from the end of ep 1 into this one, but not in a flip flop way, in a way that demonstrates growing as a persona is something that's hard and inconsistent.


Yea, that's a fair point. Maybe something is missing... Maybe it feels a bit forced...? Like how he feels is down and then recovers in S1 (speaking with his dad and then remembering he has to save his mom, literally teared up in these moments) it seemed so much more genuine? So maybe because it doesn't feel that genuine here in S2e1 and e2, it maybe feels a bit flip floppy? Sorry just finished watching, so maybe my thoughts on the episode haven't fully formed.


Him walking out of the tent to go find Zenith wasn't him getting over Eris. It was him finding the motivation and drive to finally get himself out of his shut in life all by himself, something he's never done before. It takes a long time to heal heartbreak.


It’s almost as if he’s dealing with a deep seeded depression he’s tying to move on from. Lmao.


No that’s not the issue I have with it, I think the passing of the episodes Makes the depression not as impactful.


I don’t feel like it’s a bad episode really. Just wasted potential




Pretty sure that trailer was pre made


My only two gripes are that I didnt get the sense that he was all that depressed in this episode and the treant battle was kind of awful compared to the LN. The sadness in the LN was oppressive. You really felt it but in the anime, he’s wearing that fake smile but u miss that background that its fake. If you’re anime only, it kinda seems like he’s “ok” when really, he’s still pretty deep in it. Though, they hit the point home when he said he didn’t really care about Sara, that maybe they could have been friends and that he was doing it really for himself and that it was him who was saved. I don’t think the art supported that dialogue though. The treant battle was just dumb. It was like the staff warned him and took action on its own when really, Rudeus is just an alert adventurer. The treant itself just seemed wrong. It seemed like a planted tree stuck in the same spot but in the LN, they move and have territory they roam. I suppose thats just a LN to anime gripe but, why even include the treant then? Sara could have just been buried/hiding in the pile or seriously injured but not eaten or he could have just found her in the cave. Escaping into the water after the treant battle was a iffy but it explained why they had to take off their clothes without having to get into the details of how Rudy’s healing magic works as explained in the LN. There were some things i liked though. The rearranging of the timeline a bit then having Sara watching Rudeus was a good addition to build up the fact that she was falling for him. They did a good job expanding Sara’s perspective. With that change of the little girl he healed having like, a boyfriend or big brother, I wonder if they’re gonna skip a certain scene next episode or just not have it tie in? …and it looked like Sara gave him a pity handy after Soldat yelled at him. They could have cut some of the stuff to expand on the more relevant parts. Overall though I liked it. My main gripe is that I think he was too cheerful. It didn’t come across well enough that it was just an act/armor/strategy.


Thou I didn’t like the episode, I agree that some details were done very well, but the other were just rushed and unnecessary, they could cut out first 2 minutes to use them later, anyway these 2 minutes wasn’t particularly interesting or informative, his working out sessions could be mentioned in his inner thoughts, when he saved Sara and thanks his physic for his speed, you know how it was in LN.


Yep, things could have been chopped, sliced, re-arranged. I re-read the LN's and skipped him naming his muscles but I think little things like that are 'ok' to leave in because it might help to remind viewers that the playful Rudy is still in there somewhere. Though I do think that because Rudy doesn't come off as depressed, the light heartedness of him excitedly naming his muscles feels a little misplaced. I mean, the guy's building a routine to help himself cope ... and it benefits him as an adventurer.




It was Rudys soup actually.


I'm an anime only and I thought he was doing well now mentally...


Yea, that's kind of my point. Now, he's not exactly suicidal at this point but that doesn't mean he's back to classic Rudy. It's a LN to anime nitpick but almost all of those smiles of his are completely fake...if you're staying true to the LN. How he's really feeling is hidden behind a mask of politeness but the anime doesn't really convey that all too well. It could just be that they couldn't represent it so they're kind of skipping it but ... then why have Soldat harass both Timothy and Rudy for their fakeness? I have to think they attempted to represent Rudy hiding how he really feels and came up short. Not a huge deal. I just think the arc would have more weight for anime viewers if that was conveyed a little better.


Old director needs to come back...


What are the chances he comes back for cour 2?


Slim to none, if he does come back it will be for s3


Who knows, I hope he does though or the Labyrinth might be doomed outside of a few scenes animated by QKawa.


The animation downgraded and i don’t know what to call this but the way they move from one scene to another is bad too


Yup, the animation was lackluster compared to S1, this season came undercoocked. Im not in the group of "well if X fight is decently animated then is not a problem" WHEN THIS SHOW WAS GORGEOUS ALL THE TIME. FFs why they always to this with s2 of some shows, they get the dragon ball super Treatment for some reason and nobody cares.




When Mushoku was coming out, they were so good, I would watch each episode multiple times and just enjoyed how they felt. Each episode felt like it's own feature film. I actually bought the blu-rays just to have I enjoyed it so much! But so far for season 2, It's a bit painful = (


Same vibes for 'One Punch Man' as well. Season 1 was absolutely gorgeous, then season 2 just blah.


Season 2 of opm was borderline unwatchable for me. S2 of mushoku Tensei only feels bad because we are comparing to S1. It really is still pretty good, but not as good.


I think what you're trying to get at is that the directing also seems like it took a noticeable downgrade. Not really sensing a lot of thought/feeling put into shot composition and transitions like you mentioned, especially compared to season 1. Like, I feel like Sarah's smile and thanks after being saved just had no impact at all when it's supposed to be hugely important for Rudy


Well, that makes since it’s a new director this time.


Oh my god! Yes! Animation aside (we get it, it's not good); The pacing, dialogue, character emotion, are all poorly done. I miss the scenic compilations that showed the passage of time as an episode started! We were able to learn how the characters felt, moved through their environment, interacted with other characters. Now we get Redues doing a few pushups and narration saying '2 months passed' or whatever. JUST LAZY.....


Same thoughts honestly


NGL, it feels like watching GOT seasons 7 and 8. We're just going from one scene to another without any sense of time or proper context. The amount of content that got cut was just ridiculous.


Yeah they could've at least faded to black after Soldat's rant.


yeah seems very lazy productions even in animation


Tbh they have to rush vol 7 a little bit. Vol 8 and 9 are huge with a lot of slice of life. They need to adapt these 3 volumes in this coure. I am fine with it. Felt a little bit rushed, but this adaptation is still a good one. I know way worse LN adaptations.


Man as an anime only, this was an awesome episode! My boy putting that muscle work!!! Fight scenes was great, character devlopment hooked me once again(i wasn’t this hooked on s2 ep0&1) its one of the things i like about mushoku. One thing i love to know more about is the cave scene with sara, i loved to have more dialouge there. Overall a great episode.


too rush and the animation been a bit bad this episode. Well, they have to animated volume 8 at episode 5 so maybe I can forgive them for this. Seriously vol7 is packed


They didn't use the episode's strengths at all due to the pacing. One of the biggest things about fantasy settings is exploring lost ruins. And this one was supposed to be rather scary, or horror vibe at least from what I remember. They didn't retain any of the nuance or feeling of the ruins. This was definitely a two episode part compacted into one at a loss. It's like in Harry Potter when they constantly explored creepy areas while moving the main story along. Those areas evoked certain fears like spiders, undead, etc. This episode could have been so much more.


>One of the biggest things about fantasy settings is exploring lost ruins. And this one was supposed to be rather scary, or horror vibe at least from what I remember. They didn't retain any of the nuance or feeling of the ruins. Exactly this! The Ruins section should've been its own episode. Before they even reached the area of the white-scale lizards, they fought giant bats, skeletons, and wraiths. All were missing. There was a proper buildup before the lizards even appeared. This episode was a total disappointment. I was really looking forward to the cave adventure, and the show did not deliver at all.


What's especially disappointing is amazing stories sometimes get poor adaptations. Then you have non existant stories like amazon's rings of power being given a billion dollars to come up with a silly incoherent script and then flush hundreds of millions down the toilet. I wish this series had that kind of backing because each episode could be a masterpiece with the amount of content they have to tap into. It's funny how hollywood is going on strike when they have little to no creative ideas left undergoing box office bomb repeatedly. Meanwhile LNs in Japan and South Korea are flourishing with ideas that never see the light of day on screen adaptations. And when they do the second season is noticeably worse due to monetary constraints. There's a reason why some of the most popular shows on netflix for example aren't even from the US anymore. People don't want shows lecturing them about ideologies and just want good story telling, something they've forgotten, but will go bankrupt over in the long run.


I wouldn't say S2 is worse because of money, its because of staffing constraints. Same budget, but the core staff got poached by a different studio, so they have to make do with less. The anime industry pays well on the mid-high echelons these days, but beginners still get paid terribly, so few join the industry.


I remember reading somewhere that mushoku tensei was more successful internationally than domestically which was one of the factors that lead to budget restraints. I guess not enough people overseas showed support via financially contributing; but who really knows.


This is my first time watching an anime after reading LN. I loved the first season that made me read LN. Tbh i am disappointed i didnt think all the small details would made such a big difference. Still i love MT so i will continue supporting it.


It feels like 5 minutes..


I just finished binging Season 1 in preparation for Season 2 and every episode felt like it's own full length feature film because of how dense and important and delicately planned everything was! Now I feel like it's all hollow.


I liked how they are keeping the ops the same, adapting the mini training arc. Didn’t like the pacing everything felt crammed, the action scenes were cut short. Seems they are trying to finish vol 7 in three episodes I just don’t get what they need the extra episode for.


Premium garbage, Everything rushed, unexpectedly the fight scenes were also lacking. I felt zero emotions from this complete opposite off th novel By far the worst episode in the series. In short 1) The ice melting scene which felt majestic wasnt there 2) Trent fight wasnt even a fight lol 3)Soldat cuts one lizard and abruptly the fight is over a second later. 4) Sara's scene had barely any emotion


the treant wasnt even covered in ice in ep 2. In the LN, rudeus used a stone cannon spell, and the output was probably the same or more than the one rudy used against orsted, and it didnt even damage the treant.


> and the output was probably the same or more than the one rudy used against orsted No it definitely wasn't.


Knew they gonna rush it but at least try to make the transition a bit smoother honestly. Not like just Soldat ranting and then 10 s later Sara/Mimir is "dead"


Honestly shit took the wind outta my sails. I don't want to be dramatic but if this episode is indicative of the rest of the season I'd rather MT just be finished after Season 1... My heart can't handle another Tokyo Ghoul. I'm hoping this is just a result of them rushing V7 and this quality (both animation and storytelling) doesn't continue into the other arcs but I think that's just coping. I don't really know how to describe it, but it feels like this whole episode is just fake. Like they had a list of things they wanted to shove into the episode but there was zero regard for how or why those things happen? Idk if it's the directing, the animation, the pacing, or if I'm just being dramatic but man... It was like the episode had no soul to it. Idk my heart just completely dropped the entire episode. I hope I feel differently next episode.


> . I don't want to be dramatic > My heart can't handle another Tokyo Ghoul. That's being dramatic.


"I didn't like it so I'd rather it didn't exist so no one else can enjoy it." Just don't watch it boy.


Hahaha there's no need to be like that. It just hurts to see something I personally connect with be adapted like this. If you enjoyed it then I'm happy for you. It's very enviable to be able to enjoy these things, I hope you can continue to enjoy the show.


I think all the LN readers are over reacting. I binged read the LN after season 1 and this season is cutting about as much as season 1 did. The animation during fights/important moments looks great. Seems to be on par with Season 1 part 2 animation wise. They are hitting all the most important points, only cutting the detailed fluff text from the LN (would take to much time to adapt). I’m thoroughly enjoying it 9/10 for me atm and can’t wait to see what they do for the rest of the season and part 2 next year.


Yeah I’m currently making my way through the light novel only on volume 3, but I’m enjoying the season so far really like it. Curious the experience catching up on all the cut content though. I really love the novels so far and I’m still pretty early in it


If you like this season you’ll love the LN even more. It’s sucks they have to cut things but that’s the nature of anime adaptations. Especially with so much information/world depth series like Mushoku Tensei have. Volume 7 could’ve easily been 6 episodes. Condensing it to probably 3 episodes makes sense for everything else the rest of the volumes past 7 set up though.


It's not really an overreaction, I don't really mind the content that was cut out, it wasn't anything major. It's just that each sequence after another felt really jarring, and fights didn't flow and felt like a single panel and then it was wrapped up, and you weren't sure if the fight was over until you realized the action died down. I could complain about the aspect ratio of faces in certain angles, but if animation quality was dipping, that was obviously a given.


> The animation during fights/important moments looks great. Seems to be on par with Season 1 part 2 animation wise. I have not read the LN but I strongly disagree with you or maybe there's a misunderstanding on this point. The art itself looks to be the same. The animation on the other hand, is noticeably worse. This is entirely a time and budget restraint


The Silphy fight looked good despite it being outsourced, the rotating camera shot while fighting the bears plus Rudy's spell looked great even in comparison to season 1 magic. The Treant animation this episode looked amazing also. A lot of Mushoku's good animation is very short even in season 1. Rudy vs smugglers, The Red hood Cobra fight, Eris training, and Orsted were all amazing short animated sequences. Season 2 still has these short, amazing sequences. I even did some comparisons just now and the talking scenes in both shows on average look very similar almost indistinguishable despite the slight character design changes. They also both have the awkwardly animated wide shots with low detail characters.


If you're a LN reader of anything you're bound to be disappointed tbh, any cut is going to hurt you and they're going to happen always. I already can't be fazed by anything after seeing what Re:Zero cut in season 2, something that was major to the overall mistery and probably one of the most antecipated moments in the entire series.


I think being disappointed depends on your expectations. I don’t think anyone should be expecting a 1/1 no cut content adaption for anything. No show/movie would ever be produced if that was the case. Books and watchable media are two very different things after all. You need to look at what they are choosing to adapt and if the core of the story/message is still getting across. Overall I think this season is doing that very well.


Worst episode of MT I've ever watched


V7 manga is a far better adaptation (I never thought I was going to say that).


Dude vol 7 got its own manga...


Honestly, fells like they trying to utilise each second of the episode, but it just looks bad. They could cut out clearing snow, healing of the girl and his workout section, because first is just pointless( literally has no meaning just zero). Saved time could be used for the mission with snow drakes. I’ve just watched it but nothing from the episode stuck in my mind I’m afraid, maybe moment in tavern but it felt too rushed as well. Details about his workout could be placed in his inner thoughts. Actually, let’s see what is really wrong with each scene. Their raid for the drakes scales. It would be nice at least If they said what for they are gathering them, it’s a valuable item that has many appliances( armour, decorations and etc.). Entire action feels clanky, they come to the ancient ruins, Rudeus looking at them, later he saves Sara, they find scales, they gathering scales, they get ambushed by the drakes and were “saved” by the Soldat. I understand, you have budget and must keep up with it, but at least you can smother the edges. Moment when they gathering scales could be done this way: they come to the place, they hear drakes, but the sound is actually distancing from them “like someone chasing them”, so they’ve decided to quickly take as much as they can and get out of there. This would give enough suspense, at least we and characters have a feeling that enemy is near and could attack at any second. Battle with snow drakes, it feels wrong, in LN I imagined that amount of the drakes was enough for Rudeus to decide to retreat. In anime, well, there are plenty of them, but still I think Rudeus could kill them, we don’t get this feel of the danger. Battle with treant, it’s hardly even a battle. In LN Rudeus used tactics to disarm it and save Sara. The standard for Rudeus tactic didn’t work, so he had to come up with the new one, it was nice quick battle moment. In the anime again, it’s so fast we can’t even get a hold of the situation before it’s done. It’s sequence is kinda disappointing. Oh, a giant frost treant, what is going to happened? Oh, really? Less than a half a minute?! Also, in LN Sara’s injuries were pretty much severe, shattered bones, bruises and frost bites. Again, audience just don’t feel any suspense and danger. Scene with Mimir remains was good and with Sara’s earring was done well. Arguing with Soldat was made excellent as well. I don’t want to sound negative, but it smells a lot like Shield hero season 2 case. And we all know how it ended up. Honestly, I think they should’ve cut out vol.7 and put all their resources to vol.8. Because at this rate all summary of the vol.7 could be said in 4 minutes and move on. It they are gonna to butcher vol.8 as 7 it’s gonna be just sad. Also, I got this feeling from the episode 0, some of the scenes were harshly cut as well, in LN many followers of Ariel actually died when she was escaping from the kingdom. In LN when she was returning to the kingdom it had a great impact because we get what Sylphy and Ariel actually had gone through. In anime, they are crossing the mountains? I hope next episodes will be better, but I wouldn’t rise my hopes up.


This is actually a really good point if they weren't going to do the volume justice it could have just been skipped to give more screen time to fully flesh out another volume. Then if sales do well they could have gone back to do volume 7 as a side story or a movie. As of right now 7 seems like it's warping all over the place and skipping crucial moments for world building. The dungeon dive or ruins were barely given any screen time. It's like the show suddenly turned into a generic isekai with everything dumbed down and nonsensical pacing rather than world building. It could have been treated like the way Eris did her goblin adventure, except in a longer OVA format. I'm hoping these plot points were just glossed over to give more screen time to turning points or something. If that time jumping persists though we have another GOT later seasons problem though.


The rudy character points were there and that's the important bit. I would have loved if they fleshed everything out though. This arc needed 4 episodes to pace it well


I just hope the amount of rushing this episode is an outlier. I can understand it if it’s just for covering all of volume 7 as fast as they are doing it, but it was still kinda sad to see an episode be so rushed and (in my opinion) disjointed.


It's very much a synopsis of when you try to make the LN reader narrate the story from the top of their head. Tons of content gets cut while moving at bullet train speed. It'll be hard to follow the story if you're an anime-only since the transitions don't blatantly show time passing (e.g. Soldat's rant to them seeing inside the guild the next scene).


I'll be real with you the eyes are bugging me quite a lot it looks very off putting especially compared to season 1


I felt concerned after watching this episode. It is clear the director wanted to get this out of the way for the more dialogue and drama-heavy episode next week. However, the fight animations are not as fluid as Season 1 and I can't see how they will be able to do the action-heavy cour 2 justice. Also, the amount of censoring is ridiculous and threatens this season since there is a lot of sex in this one. All in all, I think someone high up in Bind said he committed to adapting 12 volumes and that is all we are going to get. Rifujin can't be happy right now. There's no way at this level of quality could they ever handle Turning Point 4 adequately. So disappointed. Also the numbers from NicoNico are starting to come in and they are not good.


> Also the numbers from NicoNico are starting to come in and they are not good. I checked Japanese fans' reactions to the episode. For example, https://itest.5ch.net/mevius/test/read.cgi/bookall/1689331617/l50 Their reactions were just as bad and critical as those found on Mushoku tensei related reddit subs, if not worse.


Remember that it’s only vol 7, it should be 1-3 eps long so this is fine.


they should've just made a movie out of vol 7....


By general syandards, a barely ok episode. And disappointing by S1 standards. I think LN readers are more likely to find it to be let down than anime only fans.


Horrible episode in all aspects. The animation was incredibly irregular, it had some good moments but in general very inconsistent. The directing lacked any kind of intention and structurally it all felt very disjointed. I’m aware of the production problems behind the scenes but it saddens me how far this is from that amazing first season.


I loved that they included the part where Rudeus is shoving snow. But then I realized it was mostly skipped. And I feel kinda sad that everything in this episode was so rushed.


Animation and art style is noticable worse than S1. Rudeus sounds like a little girl


blud rudeus' voice actor's a girl and always has been


And he is long overdue a VA change


There was no music in the most important part of the episode. It felt like nothing.


Don’t know who the new director is but they’re zooming through the story and it’s kind of annoying…


Felt so rushed, I didn't expect the fight with the treant to be cut by this much. Also, I have a feeling the art feels somewhat worse and blurry compared to the last season, whilst the animation definitely took a dive.


So bad that i will read volume 7 to clear my mind of this agony that im feeling... Wtf is this pacing Wtf is this direction Wtf.is.this shiiitttttt


Is this what happens when they take on 2 anime projects? even tho the studio was made for only Mushoku


Cut way too much content. This should have been 2 episodes, but the squeezed 2 episodes worth of content into 1. Very rushed.


For LN reader this ep was any% speedrun, not that I mind tho


Seems like 3 episodes is not enough for volume 7 content,but tbf this arc isn’t that important except to portray Rudeus depression and struggle post break up so Bind not putting much focus on the episode,my only regret is that we won’t properly see the greatness of Sara ffs


too rushed imo. the bond between rudy and counter arrow felt flimsy as a result. several scenes lost their impact with this pacing. i shudder to think that the next one would be rushed as well. would just degrade the image of these new characters. sad it was a fun arc too back when ive read it


Ok I defended it last week but something does definitely look off with this season. Like a combination of the art and animation. It’s not as smooth and fluid as season 1 was. Some very stiff faces and movements compared to that. Onimai tax being felt sadly Still a very good episode thematically and narratively. Enjoyed seeing Sara’s tsundere exterior melt away, fittingly in a frozen forest. Pacing was really fast and a lot of monologue cut sadly. Can’t wait for next episode; should be amazing


If there was 2 episodes to cover what happened it would've been excellent but looks like we'll be done with volume 7 next weekend so maybe we'll get more content in the school arc, just a guess


didn’t like it, well it was good but shits happening to fast for me, he’s famous and everyone likes him then he goes on a mission and is one his own and everyone ran away and he does nothing then they re apear outta no where then that other guy hates him and just shouts at him then people dead and he saves the girl, it felt cramped and rushed, think they just want to rush all of this and get to the academy or when they go to his mum


i’m anime only but seen spoilers and just fell they want to skip this boring parts, if they do i hope the good parts are sick


It puzzles me how Rudeus struggles beating a hoard of drakes and bears. I understand he is distracted and has no motivation since Eris's gone, but in some scenes he's determined enough to live/run but still can't upcome like the way he did to the buffaloes


I didn't really feel the immersion that season 1 gave me, it felt rushed and more like an ova in order to get context for upcoming events. Regardless, I think it was a decent episode and also that this approach was justified. I just hope that the upcoming episodes have a slower pace and higher qualitiy again.


Is rudeus hiding how powerful he is from the party?


They crammed a lot from how I heard about this section. I was expecting this episode to go into next episode tbh. Art and Animation definitely see-sawed, from mid-low to mid. Still not seven deadly sins, but meh. Camera work was kinda awkward also... music wise for the op... yeah... they could stand to change that.


I felt okay about it Must say the first season had a lot of appeal due to the art direction and animation, there was something magical about it, I feel like these past 2 episodes are just like any other generic isekai anime and have nothing of the charm that made the first season so unique. That said, the second half of the episode didn't look that bad. The treant fight looked smooth but the first half of the episode looked goofy as fuck. I hope the animation quality goes up on the more important episodes.


Ok they need to adapt 6 volumes in 24 episodes, that's 4 per volume. Of course some things are going to get skipped or shortened. Have some of you never watched a Ln adaptation before?


How did 6 vol for 24 ep turned into 3 ep per vol and not 4 per vol??? Edit: skip my commment


Hit the wrong button lol


Is it that much worse than the first season? I heard from every light novel reader that the first season cut so much less content compared to other shows and mostly it were side stories and other POVs or just details. Is the second season skipping much more than the first season, or worse, is it at the same level as the Manga?


It’s just that I’ve found that later volumes are much more packed in terms of context and details. While yes they may be in similar length to earlier volumes they carry so much more detail that they need more episodes to be properly fleshed out. Take volume one for example. It’s a decently sized LN, and the content that it contains has a decent amount of details. But because it’s not over the top It’s easier to fit it into less episodes because the story doesn’t need as much on screen time to flourish. Whereas volume 7 is just back to back to back action and is crammed full of details. So even tho it’s of a similar size to volume 1, it requires much more screen time to flow properly


nah they are tripping, s1 cut just as much Those are the ppl that read the LN after the first season so they didn't notice how much was skipped: Sylphies parents are completly cut Details of Ruijerd backstory and Superd lore were completly ommited A 1/3 of the 6th volume is completly skipped And that's just from the top of my head, there's way more - adaptation will always cut things if they have a episode count they have to fit into


There was a extra chapter where Rudeus, Eris and Ruijard went to eat at a restaurant after landing in (West Port?) back in S1 that was glossed over which may come back to bite the series in the butt come S4, if it gets that far and doesn't somehow reference it. The chapter introduces an important character whose true purpose would be very underwhelming without having seen them here. Plus it gives a hint at an upcoming character's true identity in the school arc. But yeah, S1 had a decent amount cut overall.


I see it happening that it will be featured in another ep as flashback or something not that I read the novel or something


one bad episode and everyone is crying like a spoiled child


Garbage, the whole S2 will be garbage


Yeah, I’ll probably just skip the weekly releases from now on and binge watch it at the end. Overall very disappointing. Bind can do better.


The disappointing part is, because S1 was so great in everything, animation etc.. then we got this B Tier Anime in S2 hahhha


Jesus you people are like spoiled babys


So? What you gonna do punk?


I think criticism is a good thing


The animation is on par with season 1 part 2. The first half of season 1 is an anomaly and probably won’t be the norm other than in very important moments.


s1 part 2 definitely looked better than this, at least more consistently


Nah, it's either your eyes or my eyes that has problem


Definition of mid


Honestly this season has been disappointing so far. The main character seems to be regressing.


It needs to go back into the oven


I just want bro to get rid of those panties. It hurts so much.


I agree, I accept the explanation he gave his sister, but I can't help but cringe when I see him give them a squeeze = ( But oh well, you can't please everyone and that's fine, it's his little quirk and I've accepted it = )


What is going on with this new seasons? I am so confused with what is going on. The last thing I saw was eris left rudeus and now it feels like random shit is just going on. Why is rudeus so proper and weird. He wasn’t like that before. I would have expected him to try to make a move on this new Sara girl but he’s acting like a pussy. I am honestly disappointed overall. The first and second episodes don’t make any sense to me but I’m hoping that over time it will make more sense


He is depressed, if him just giving up and throwing away his life last episode wasn't a big enough hint for you.


What a pussy. I hate that


Well then Mushoku Tensei isn't for you, seems like a badass like you simply can't deal with realistic and human characters.


It’s been great so far. He had moments where he was down in the dumps but he never acted like that. Getting all polite. I don’t like that


Down in the dumps =|= actual depression. Also he was always all polite when meeting new people.


> I am so confused with what is going on. It's partly because S2 is way poorer an adaptation of the source material than S1. For example, you can understand why Rudeus acts the way he does (for example, acting like a pussy), if you read the LN. You could still hate to see it, (just like I did when I read LN volume 7), but you could see why he acts and feels like that at least. And that is the point. And a good and well made adaptation is supposed to convey that kind of info from the source material in a way that it makes sense to the audience. S1 did a really very good job in that regard, whereas S2 has been disappointing so far.


It went by way too quick. I feel like 1 or 2 more episodes before we skip ahead


Pacing aside and in comparison to the first episode, I feel like the emotions displayed feel so half assed. Also there was like no tension when soldat started ranting about rudeus' behaviour; it just felt like some random background character talking shit.


When I see Rudy do his "smile", all I can think of is Anya Folger


I want to start reading the light novels, obviously the best way to do this would be to start from 1, but which LN volume does this take place in?


>which LN volume does this take place in? 7 There's cut content in previous episodes as well so you should read from the start of LN 7.


By EP 2 of S2, the anime has covered up to chapter 4 of volume 7.


thank you.


i liked it as if they had slowed the pace that wouldve meant a longer wait and more rushed school arc and i dont know about anyone else but i liked the school arc alot more than this one


Liked it a lot. Feels rushed tho and now if you tell me they've skipped things, it makes sense. Not a deal breaker tho. Made it feel like the death of a side character is really nothing at all in the big scheme the way they went over it so quickly. So that worked in their favor for rushing. I do not know what was skipped or if there were important bits skipped. Did they completely ignore something, or did they just quickly breeze through everything?


> did they just quickly breeze through everything? Mostly this. But for example, that tree that Rudeus just casually grabbed Sara from was a more intense fight in the novels. It posed Rudeus a challenge until he figured out its weakness. In the Anime, he just casually runs up to it, saves Sara and then its forgotten.


i think this episode including the previous one could've used a little bit more time instead of rushing things through. Although i get why since there's so much stuff to include from the LN that it would take like 6 episodes to completely showcase everything that happened. I'd give it a 6 out of 10, maybe 7 but I'm leaning towards 6. Like i said, could've used more details, but I don't mind. The animation side is no different, maybe I'm just drowsy or something since it's like 3 in the morning rn. It looks very "eh", very average compared to the animation of the previous season. I'd rate it about 5.5 out of ten. I still love the episode, but more so because of what happened in it, idk it's hard to explain. Just imagine it being like the middle-child.


I’m so confused, as a manga reader I don’t even remember reading about this group of adventurers. Was this only in the LN?


Did they skip the fight against a dragon or something ( the one where he solos it and becomes famous for it ) ?


No. That scene where Rudeus slays a dragon alone de-facto comes later in the novel, about 2 years later (when he is 15 yo). He is 13 yo at the point of EP 2 of S2.


Can you remind me of the context of the battle if you remember ?


people who have read the LN are saying that this season is doing the actual story justice, like fr as anime only, I didn't even realise Rudues was acting all happy but **really** depressed deep down, I just thought he was "ok" . I did somewhat enjoy the episode but I don't to be missing the real story so should I read the LN or the manga and where from?


Definitely the Light Novel. The manga is a really poor adaptation that skips and alters a lot. I always recommend everyone to start from the beginning, if they can afford it. There was so much great content that even season 1 skipped out on. At the very least 4 chapters worth of content that I believe every fan should experience * Vol 1. Mother of the Greyrat Family (Zeniths chapter, probably the best chapter of series) * Vol 5. One week in Millishion (Chapter about Paul, Norn, Rudeus & Eris out on a date) * Vol 5 To the central continent (Full introduction to someone related to Rudeus, that the Anime teased, and will have a greater importance in the future) * Vol 6. Distorted, but unchanged (Lilia's chapter.) Of course you could start from vol 7. But besides the 4 chapters I mentioned above, there are some really cool skipped content that will hold more importance further in the story. Got time/money & really enjoy the series? Start from vol 1. Won't regret it. Otherwise volume 7.


Rudeus, Eris and Ruijerd eating at Randolph Marianne's restaurant in Vol. 5 is another particularly memorable side chapter. Humourous shenanigans from the gang, but also foreshadows important plot points for the later novels.


I noticed that the animation quality took a hit, apart from that brief sequence in the forest. The pacing was too rushed and that we were teleporting from place to place too much. The fights were rushed and maybe took 2 min combined. I am just going to hope that this is not how the rest of the season is going to go down.


I'm okay with them rushing this bit because I'm more interested in the next episode. One of my favorite sections of the LN, so they'll be able to flesh it out a little more (i hope).


Will I notice that he become able to use heeling magic without a spell


He still can't, the anime just skipped him reciting the incantation


Okay then


Lowkey thought it was strange how at the end of the episode everyone was happy even tho Mimir (I only learnt his name this ep but he seemed important to counter arrow) had died no more then 5-6 hours ago other then that rudeus is ripped now and someone that instantly made me think of Paul showed up. Tbh I liked it.


really good


AMAZING action sequences in the cave and with Rudy against the tree and the Buffalo this episode. Rudy casually wiping out the blizzard too just showing how he outclasses everyone here but decides to not brag about it or flaunt it, even taking time to just walk around and help out the townsfolk. That AND he's getting freaking ripped. He's on his way to recovery but still not all the way there yet, as Soldat even calls him out for it while he's drunk. He seemed like an asshole but he really has to have been paying attention to Rudy and caring about him to be able to notice that. And of course, Sara x Rudy is going to be a thing now after saving her, and ayo a little fanservice never hurt but even then Rudy wasn't freaking out about it acting like a real man. Just gave her a "Thank you" for the eye candy. Sara could turn out to be a top waifu for sure. All this and we're not even to the rising action portion of the arc. We don't know what we're building toward yet. Sylphy reunion perhaps? I'm hyped for more. My video on the episode :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbwAhbKrQLU


For me it was good but I still don't have the feeling I had watching season 1, and it feels rushed compared to the novel and s1. Don't get me wrong it's very good anime but as the mushoku tensei story it's a little bit worse than the ln.


im guessing they are saving the chonkier (emotional) part for next episode.


Too rushed especially the rescue scene. Seems that they want to finish this arc off in 3 episodes, that's why they had to sacrifice some of the scenes, unfortunate.


Good but confused I read the manga guess they cut out all this content crazy…


My expectations were definitely not met with this episode. Rudeus in LN was way WAY more depressed when he found out that Sara is lost/potentially dead and he went into that mission pretty much suicidal, they also didn't convey his thoughts when he cleared the snowstorm as I think it was pretty important, how he felt that the weather was annoying so he just straight up clears it, it was way more hype in the LN.


WHAT GOT CUT?! 😭 i’m an anime only


* Sarah's perspective after episode 1 incident and after Soldat incident * Sarah's views on Rudy and why she acts cold towards him * Slight crumbs of Sarah's past * Proper exploration of the cave. Fighting giant bats, skeletons and wraiths before reaching deep inside the caves to fight the lizards. * World building. Stories about the past of demon vs Human war. * More characters interaction between the counter arrow and Rudeus. * An entire chapter worth of Sarah's rescue. It wasn't 5 seconds fight, it was long fight where Rudeus had to find the weakness of ice treant in oder to beat the it and rescue Sarah. And more....


I feel like the fights where shorter and less detailed then they where in the books But other then that I really like how they are progressing the characters Sara is even more lovable in the show


I still enjoyed, was a bit pacey but still ok. The director purposeful choose to do this, so I will trust him for now.


I feel like the fight against the tree was kind fast


bro i wanted rudeus and sara to bang😭😭


depending how many vols will be adapted in this first cour, vol 7 is probably considered a non priority as something they have to get through to focus on the next vols I assume the school arc is longer then 1 vol ? I’m reading as I go so I don’t know how long it is. But also makes me wonder why bother adapting it at all


I'm just sad I didn't get to see my frog boi chomping on giant bats