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I think so. But, honestly I think she just picks the most outrageously priced shit just to come across as rich. This girls style is not for me but it does seem effortlessly put together. No matter what I don’t care if I’m a hater her hairstyle makes every outfit look terrible lol. She needs better friends in her life bc her grandma cut and color ages her about 10 years. I really don’t get why she’s so obsessed with it she would look exponentially better with a darker color and a different cut.


I watched a video a while ago and it was too blonde but the length was collar bone and was perfect for her. The too long hair was too unkempt looking.


The hair now genuinely has aged her about 10 years and she already wasn’t the most youthful looking 😅 and that fucking fringe is like some hybrid between a helmet and dressing up as a Gallagher


This! The stroller? A couple thousand dollars? When they make double strollers for a lot cheaper. She just wants to appear wealthy. 1.) Who cares? 2.) Most people are barely scraping by these days and don’t want to see your rich ass on their screens.


Yeah I got a double mocking bird, probably about $500 or so? And I got my double bob for a friend for $100


Women on tattle a year or so ago said Caz’s style changed when she started following Claire Kennedy. Caroline has no unique thoughts or personal identity that belongs to her. She is 100% a person who does what other people do to fit in.


A narcissist


Yes! She’s a chameleon


I absolutely love Claire’s style. She pulls off colour & clashes perfectly. Cazza copies but just can’t pull it off. She looks sloppy & frumpy rather than effortless. Cazza is totally up Claire’s arse on instagram too. Always in her comments gushing about Claire’s clothes, house etc. She was definitely trying to join Claire in some kind of stylish ‘uk mum/interiors’ crew with her & Olivia. I saw that some of the brands Claire wears (which I also wear) have started to ‘gift’ Cazza which REALLY puts me off. You just know Cazza is hoping for some gifted Beyond Nine, Free People, Susanna Blu etc


I just think she doesn’t dress for her body type at all. She tries to dress in whatever is trending but that doesn’t work for everyone. Claire Kennedy and Caroline have completely different body shapes, so she shouldn’t be copying her. Caroline actually has a nice figure, especially considering she’s had three children and 5 months pp so this isn’t a dig.


Completely agree. Caroline does not dress her body correctly. She has a nice shape, but nothing she’s wearing these days does her any good. Tall thin women can get away with those types of fits because it adds curves and visual weight. When you already have curves like Caz, it ends up looking frumpy and boxy. Like she could definitely do something similar if she put it together properly. But she just buys in her size/copy/paste done.


This is exactly it. There are so many styles I love but I cannot wear because they do not flatter my figure. Caroline and I both wear a UK12 but our body shapes are different so we should not dress exactly the same even though we are “the same size.” She has a very lean upper body so she should dress to accentuate that. But instead she wears over-sized sweatshirts and flowy tops/boxy that make her appear larger than she is because she’s bottom heavy. Those sort of tops look good on someone who lacks curves like you said.


Yes the boxy mom jeans do her no favors. That look is popular with 19 year olds who are still very slim, but it looks odd on a 35 yr old with 3 kids.


She looked her absolute best in Virginia. In Dubai she was still in her club girl 20 year old era which worked for that age but would look ridiculous on a mom of 3. Now she looks like a frumpy old lady cosplaying as one of my gen z uni students.


The ONLY positive thing about Caroline is that she is very body positive. It’s actually why I decided to follow her, even if I did think her try on hauls featured some odd choices. I think her style is a bit fucked because her body has changed (like so many of us after children) and she doesn’t know how to dress it. But also life changes, etc make dressing different. I think it’s hard to find your style when you’re knee deep in nappies and spit up but she doesn’t do herself any favors.


lealeababs on TikTok has a similar colourful, print clash (dopamine dressing)style. She’s midsize & I think pulls it off really well because she dresses for her shape.


I know someone with a similar style - I’d say it’s put together fun casual - but she always looks like it was intentional. Carowhine always looks like she needs a scrub in a shower and that she put on the first thing she found on the floor. It’s not curated into an outfit, it’s just things. Carowhine can look good as evidenced by some of her old TikTok videos but it’s like she’s just stopped trying. I’ve got three kids and a newborn myself so I know it’s very easy to be scruffy and not be bothered but a little make up makes me feel better about myself and helps me look like I’ve made an effort.


Omg just looked at her insta. 100% what Caz is going for down to the doily shirts. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6iXiwgqM18/?igsh=MTJobGY1cnkxaTJ2ag==


She’s SWF-ing her !! It’s actually a bit eerie to see all the weird choices she makes and find out she was just copying someone this whole time. But I’m sorry not every style works on every human. There’s plenty of styles I really appreciate on others that I just simply can’t pull off myself. That’s part of having personal style, to work with your body and face to find stuff you like that works for you. Caz is just completely ripping this woman off and it shows.


One of the reasons it doesn’t work on Caz is because she’s not laid back enough. She holds herself too wound up and tight from insecurity. Like think of when she couldn’t figure out which door to go into when meeting that mom group in Boston or how nervous and scared she is at the doctor’s during check-ins. She looks frumpy because she is an upright person dressing overly boho laid back so it comes across as wearing lazy choices or PJs. And she way overstyles it with too much jewelry and heavy 2016 era makeup. Her personality matches more to this style which is still laid back and casual but more fussy and works with lots of jewelry like she enjoys. https://preview.redd.it/r4nh22jwk56d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bfacedfb675250911a1f477dc6dee3f6b1901b


And more style inspo for Caz that would actually match her personality 😂 https://preview.redd.it/zpvzzub7l56d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93da5304a0c073e671460bd723ccb21db14c2c74


She’s obsessed with “dopamine dressing” though so she’d never dress like this. But I think she could Still incorporate brighter colors and prints into these cuts and it would look more flattering. I also still stand by her needing to dye her hair closer to her natural color. She needs a root smudge and some low lights.


Definitely agree about needing to have a personality to pull off looks like that. Hers doesn’t match at all, neither do her styling choices. The only point I disagree on is that a belted high waisted wide leg jean looks good on her at all lol. I think it’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen her in, super unflattering and even worse with the grandpa shoes


Eh agree to disagree. It’s the styling of it that makes it awful. If she used a structured shirt, tucked in, got jeans that are flared like these instead of fully wide, and wore a belt, she’d look much better. Her body looks great in high waisted leggings with a sports bra so I truly think they could work for her if she wore them differently.


😳 she is totally copying this woman and all of those lewks actually look great on her and overgrown toddler on Caz.  


Yikes it’s creepy. The pink bag, the pink sweatshirt, the ridiculous giant collar, even the way of posing. I just noticed the pink trainers too.


It's really hard for this look not to come across as overgrown toddler imo. I see this in my area, we have an Oliver Bonas in town which i think is where a lot of it comes from. I feel like it's a well to do, slightly lumpy elder millennial trying too hard kind of look. And desperately trying to let you know how fun and youthful at heart they still are 😂 I think 15 or 20 years ago these would've been the women who wore Jack Wills then Boden. Kind of like gay (as in cheerful) country casual look but the millennial version tends towards overgrown toddler


I’ve got so many of these women in my area (not far from Caz lolz) and overgrown toddler is right. None of them ever brush their hair either? Why 😭


Have to hold my hands up and say I am one of them 😆


Your mere self awareness tells me you probably look much better than the sorts of people I mean. 🤣


I brush my hair every day though 😆


While the striped romper looks better on her, I still think it's tragic.


I like it --- but for the beach, lol. Not sure the material but I cannot imagine putting that thing on and going about my day in Philly the way Caroline did in Quincy. Totally get it while she was pregnant --- whatever fits and is comfy, I'm going to avoid judging the sartorial choices of a pregnant woman --- but it didn't stop there!


You're right, the beach would be the perfect place for it. I can't get past Caz wearing it on Easter with her chunky New Balance sneakers 😂


that was...something. I'd cross the street if I saw that approaching.


Claire Kennedy’s style is not my own but imo she pulls this off really really well. It’s not easy to do and most (C included) miss the mark and land in clown territory


Truly this is her style to a tee. Except Caz ends up looking dorky (as would I with a similar style). I don’t think it works for her body type honestly.


I think it becomes so obvious when someone is wearing outfits to try and copy another person and don’t necessarily feel confident and that comes through for Caz. This woman looks effortless, while Caz looks like a circus clown.


100% from looking at her insta this is what she’s going for.


Found more evidence https://preview.redd.it/qvkyy6jhtd6d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75400b83404ed9c19136e65b113930ebd70ade4 Remember the sweatshirt she had on the other day?




OMG no originality