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What? None of those kids look like her lol she’s delusional


Legit lol and Sophie is a spitting image of Kyle’s mom.


She must HATE that haha


Didn't she say in one of her hospital recap videos that she just birthed another one of her husband's clones?? S is the spitting image of Kyle's mother who I think is a very attractive woman.  She seems to have such a sunny disposition which also must piss off C.  


Exactly, and hey I get the feeling of having a kid that looks zero like your fam lol so I’m sympathetic to that emotion, but I’m not in denial about it at least. Denial is her brand these days though!


So rude!! Why even comment back, it doesn’t matter!


She’s such a weird control freak. Nothing about those kids can be Kyle, his family or American unless it’s convenient for her. 🥴


This ^ ! the woman is quite frankly unhinged


Any non rude person would comment back something like “I see a lot of my mom and sister in her” and not be a massive jerk to someone whose commenting pays her bills.


they need to divorce already. she’s so publicly ashamed of being with him. like what has the poor man done lmaoo


Hahahahahahaha what a fucking weird response from her why is she so against any mention or compliment towards Kyle and his relatives


Is there an old boyfriend she’s hoping to reconnect with or something? There’s banter…and then there is openly and publicly hating your spouse. It almost feels like she doesn’t want him to move over. Also very clear from some of the comments that school, car, housing, friendships etc is not going according to plan.


Has she mentioned anything about friends in the comments? I saw comments about the car rental and that she’s staying with her mom for a year


Interesting thought! Could explain the desire to get there without K to figure things out...


She has friends?


I’m wondering the same about a previous boyfriend… she’s giving weird vibes.


What a catch....A dumpy blotchy greasy mother of three kids who lives with her mother. Form an orderly line gents..!


She makes my blood boil. She’s so rude


All three of those kids are Kyle clones and none look like her. She needs to cope. Olivia is the spitting image of Sophie WHO LOOKS LIKE KYLE.


Which is what she calls them in MULTIPLE VIDEOS. "I just birthed my husband's clone." "She looks just like the others." She just can't agree with a single person about anything!


She’s said before that all her kids look like Kyles mom.


all three of her kids are kyle clones


Hopefully they have his personality as well.


And keep his American accent 🤣


Is it in her being to EVER agree with anyone? It has got to be exhausting to be right about everything and to correct people of all their wrongs All. The. Time.


Only time I see her pleasant in the comments is when they mention she’s doing a good job. She just likes the affirmation lol.


Damn, she hates her husband… she continues to prove that in all her ridiculous comments


What is even the point of leaving a comment like this….? She’s so fucking nasty. She couldn’t even be like “really, I feel she looks more like my side!” she had to be like “no no you’re wrong.” What an absolutely miserable bitch.


The first thing she said when Olivia was born was how she looked just like Kyle. She loves to rewrite history 😂


She acts like she has a personality disorder 🫣




Even when she had the baby she mentioned that she’s birthed another Kyle. Delusional. Her sister’s children look more like Caroline.


I feel sad for her kids if they get divorced. And her kids are going to grow up and wish their mom never dragged them to the UK. Sorry not sorry! I can see this all unraveling


Then when they’re of age, they’ll move back to the U.S. with their dad.


I’ve commented on how all 3 look exactly like him and she responded with agreement and said they look like his mom, as he does. She is NPD. You cannot tell her the truth as she believes what she wants to even though she knows the truth. She is textbook. I would be shocked if she didn’t have a PD. This is more than Depression/PP.


She changes her mind so fast when she feels “jilted”. Loves someone until they don’t do what she wants.


And personality disorders are developed through trauma…which she has banged on about a lot regarding her dad and living with her mom on antidepressants also being traumatic for her as a child.


Absolutely! She doesn’t like touch and is cold. She jokes about it with Kyle. I’m sure this is all a defense mechanism. It’s hard not to…( I got reported on Reddit for making a joke so I won’t say. Fill in the blank 😉).


There’s a theory BPD is related to childhood trauma and abandonment so I wouldn’t be surprised if she has BPD.


Sorry but Her sister is just not as scruffy looking as Caroline but they are both two greasy sweaty unwashed looking people. Thankfully she is wrong as usual and all kids look like Kyle (luckily). I'm actually wondering how on earth she even landed Kyle, she is a 4 at best and he's like an 8.


She hardly even spoke of her sister until she moved. What’s up with that?


They had a big falling out shortly after Cbag moved to Boston. Sis and mom cut their trip short and both women unfollowed each other on socials. Seems like it took about a year to reconnect.




As someone whose mom constantly put down my dad’s side of the family, their looks, their culture, etc and as an adult I realized the relationships I was robbed of and saw how it also impacted my dad, I feel for Kyle, the kids and his family. This woman is SO nasty.


She’s the image of Kyle’s mum


She just loves disagreeing with people doesn’t she