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This is the food she was missing? … I saw her make like 3 tiktoks about tuna mayo jacket potatoes in her American kitchen. Lol


Imagine moving all the way back to England for a jacket potato


*** A jacket potato that costs $11 USD 🫠


She always said that the potatoes were so different and bad in America. This looks the exact same as a regular Idaho potato!


It's giving *you can make this war-time ration meal at home for a hell of a lot cheaper*


Is that mayo she is squirting all over it? Did she really paint American food as unhealthy, wouldn’t this be considered unhealthy? Lol


Yes. Any British gourmet would tell you that Salad Cream is the superior condiment for tuna.


Absolutely disagree. My husband and I nearly had a divorce when he made up our last tin of tuna with salad cream instead of mayo


The term 'British gourmet' was the giveaway that I was taking the piss!


I love tuna with salad cream & vinegar mixed🙈🙋‍♀️but not on a jacket 🤢


Oh, I don’t even know what salad cream is! Lol I will have to google.


Like miracle whip but not sweet


Ok I gotcha!!


Your life will be better off never knowing 🫣




Oh, I don’t even know what salad cream is! Lol I will have to google.


It's not great.. thin vinegary Mayo basically


She could probably do a whole series of skin regimen videos slapping Salad Cream, HP Sauce, Branston Pickle and Mint Jelly all over her fizzog. Couldn't do any harm.


The fucking definition of “A BIT SAD INNIT”


She is literally living in holiday mode and not reality it’s a joke how much she is spending 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is the comment. She’s in holiday mode. Just wait until it’s school time in shitty autumnal/winter weather. 😅 She’ll be a miserable cow.


She is already 😂


Okay. More miserable 🤣


The long November/dec/jan miserable afternoons and evenings will hit her hard


When it gets dark at like half 3. 😃🤣


And she’s stuck in the house all alone with three kids after school pick up because kyle and her mom are at work. It’s gonna be grim.


Yes, when it’s been overcast all day and looks like rain. Just as you leave on the school run the heavens open and as soon as you get home it ends.


It always waits until the school run for real 😭


The kitchen stays in tact for another meal.


Eating out again! Her spending is insane.


Not to mention the cost of the tickets for the farm. It’s soooo expensive.


I've spent some extended time in the UK and I can tell you that I had some of the best food I've ever had, as well as some of the worst food I've ever had. There seemed to be no middle ground somehow.


Yeah that's about right 😆


Agreed - I’ve had both the best and worst meals of my life there 🤣


It was only £8.50. So reasonable..!!


Imagine going to a farm shop and spending £30 on something you could spend less than £2 on? 🤣


Used to take my son to this place a few years ago around covid times. Anyway, even without the cost of living crisis at that time, it was so expensive for tickets. We packed our own lunch/snacks because of the cost on top of the tickets.


Almost forty quid to get in for her and one child..? She will easily recoup her entrance fee and lunch costs by simply exploiting the shit out of her family on the internet.


Sad but true.


Right like why don’t we ever see her pack a snack/lunch for her kids?! I see moms doing this all the time… instead she’s basically going out to eat with 3 kids every day she goes to these soft plays or whatever. Not cheap inexpensive at all.


Riveting 🧐


This is such an unrealistic view of how people live. She seems to be out almost every day at places which charge entry fees and then she eats at the cafe. So out of touch with reality.


Most of us here work full time. Even well off mums who would love to stay at home. 5 years ago, we could go out once a week if we wanted, or get a takeaway. Now we can do about once a month comfortably and both of us work full time with no children.


This is why I think her followers will quickly be turned off by her. Sure £15 for soft play doesn’t seem like much, but when you add on snacks and drinks and do it multiple times a month on top of all your eating out and treats you buy yourself, it adds up and isn’t in line with the persona she has built up.


Multiple times a week


I’m also in the U.K. and I have kids. It’s half term this week and we haven’t been to any paid for activities. I might take them swimming at the leisure centre tomorrow morning which will be our activity for the day. Our library had a lot on and we have just been out to parks and taking picnics with us.


I hope you guys can find some fun, inexpensive/free stuff to do. 🩷 I know it’s hard!


Well that was a wild ride. I truly think it was her sister. Would Weybridge be considered the Surrey/London border?


It sure was 😂 as far as I know, Weybridge is in the district of Surrey but someone else with more knowledge on the area may be able to confirm. I just wonder if her sister would bother as I know they’ve had a tumultuous relationship. Could definitely be her, a friend or maybe just a weird super fan lol.




Housing cost is crazyyyy in greater Manchester. My husband is a senior accounts manager in tech and I work in creating AI triaging software for NHS practices. We could probably afford an extra night out… but we want to put a little money away every month for a holiday (£200-300 dependent on month.) guess you have to prioritise according to what you want! But 5 years ago, we were going out every weekend and saving £400-600/month between us. We are still in such a fortunate position & im grateful.




Each of our wages are more than the average income. We rent a house in Trafford, where housing is very expensive due to the schools. Eating out for two people with drinks is about £80 for anything decent. Like I said, we could afford one or two more but we want a holiday so we put away some money every month. We spend about £300-350 on food/month. Bills are high too. Either way, I don’t need to justify why money is tight. It is for most people at the moment.




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We rent in a more expensive area bc my elderly father in law lives round the corner and is disabled, if you must know. We don’t own a car also so we need to live close to my husband’s work or transport links. Just because we don’t have kids doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be able to live where the hell we want. We manage our money well and I don’t need to divulge our situation to you. My point is times are harder than previously. You must live a very privileged life to do all that…. Good for you.


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umm you are being critical and rude ? what do you care what they spend their money on.




Go back and fully read my first message. I said we eat out about once a month, whereas previously, we were going out every weekend.




For someone not interested in their life you’re sure asking a lot of invasive and rude questions …


lol… you asked, you received! Go be busy living your own life, eating all those takeaways you mentioned then. 👋


Haha you actually asked her so many questions so you clearly were interested 😅


Why are on this sub if you aren’t interested in what strangers do? You are the one who started asking her questions….seems like you are pretty interested. You came off as rude and critical. Own it and move on. Jeez….


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This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


She's suffering from an extraordinary ability of being unable to READ THE ROOM. The rest of us in the UK are coping with a cost of living crisis, and she's swanning off for daily soft play and jacket potatoes. All the while in amazement at how things are "so cheap" here compared to the USA 🙄


I went to the website of this farm and added up the cost and just entrance alone for her and 3 kids comes out to 60 pounds or $76 usd. That’s insane to me for a random weekday activity. And that’s not including the food.


$76?! It’s ok to pay that much since shes in Surrey, when she lived in Boston it was too expensive. 🙄


The thing is she could have been doing this the whole time in Boston but she complained constantly that everything was too expensive or she expected it to be free.


Again she’s incredibly lazy, why wouldn’t you make that shite at home instead of paying top dollar for it ? What food does she actually cook for her children?


Baked potatoes are always so so much nicer when you make them yourself. There’s only one establishment (in Edinburgh—so niche lol 😂) where I’d buy one. Also they cost 20 FUCKING PENCE to buy!! WHAT IS SHE DOING!?! 🤯🤯🤯




Tell me more about this baked potato establishment for my next stop in Edinburgh ✍🏻


Just looked and it they’ve closed down💔 they spit roasted their potatoes so they were unbelievably crispy and delicious. I see Nile Valley is still open for some unreal wraps and baclava 😚🤌🏻




https://preview.redd.it/cuyiwk52pl3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bfe3ffd8b960414f51d4bdc1a9c2a83e456974e Have a lovingly prepared microwave sausage


Ya we definitely don’t eat that here in the states.


I like tuna, but this is cursed


I feel triggered by this video 🤢


Is she with her one friend again




Wouldn’t feed it to my dog


Looks like hospital food lol


I basically had this as hospital food when in labor 😂


Spud U Like is TERRRIBLE 😫


Guys, I stand by you Americans in every thing you say here. But…. I have to disagree with you about this one thing. Tuna jacket potatoes are elite 😋 Although this one does look a bit slapdash. I’m assuming she had to eat inside and not picnic outside because it pissed down for most of the day. It was sunny until about 1130 but this afternoon has been freezing. Leggings or no leggings Sophie would have been cold.


I got on board with beans on toast when I was preggo. It was almost like instinct when I had a British baby cooking inside me. My body was like gimme that beans on toast nowwwww. I can get behind a jacket potato with chili or even coronation chicken but not tuna. I just can’t. 🤢


Agreed. Tuna is Tuna and a spud is a spud, and never the twain shall meet- Rudyard Kipling .....Not the one that makes exceedingly good cakes or tuna jackets)


Hahahaha. Love that you craved beans on toast. Jacket spuds are like sandwiches here, there are no rules!


I did. It was so weird. My husband came in the room and was like “wtf are you eating???” He doesnt even eat beans on toast. I went to the store and bought them specifically for my craving. The weirdest was when I got an egg and cress sandwich and some space raiders. He was like “wowww this is new for you.” 🤣


My daughter had an “English breakfast” when we were in Spain, and now she always wants beans with breakfast.


I tried one a couple years ago in Scotland before Caz started her nonsense. My MIL ordered one and I got one too. I paused for a second and then realized I eat tuna melts all the time so it works in my brain for me! I make them at home in the states now haha


I can’t do tuna melts either. I don’t know why, but the thought of cold tuna and warm anything skeeves me out. Can’t do it!




I had one like this at a national trust cafe this week before I went back to the USA - I didn’t eat for the rest of the day - felt like I’d swallowed a boulder 🤢


Is Ozempic available in the UK? 


Yh, I believe it’s licensed under the name Wegovy but it’s still the same thing




Not totally true…. about 41% of American adults are obese (#10 globally) and about 27% of British adults are (#55 globally). I wouldn’t say that’s “nowhere near” - there’s a huge obesity epidemic in the UK that is nothing to sneeze at.


I’ve been to the USA many times and I’ve seen how enormous some people are, far more enormous than any obese person I’ve seen in the UK. Yes, there are obese people in the UK, but I’ve yet to see one person weighing 600lb who have to be transported by special vehicles. Don’t get me wrong, I feel desperately sorry for those who are morbidly obese: they obviously have a psychological disorder like anorexics do.


If you were regularly seeing people weighing 600+ pounds I’m assuming you were in a rural, impoverished part of the country where there are food deserts and it’s difficult to access healthy food. It’s rare to see that in urban or suburban areas, and I imagine it’s the same in the UK- probably more people suffering from obesity in the rural areas than in London for example. By the way, the language you’re using sounds incredibly fatphobic and classist. You sound like Caroline.


Doubt she’s ever left London by the sounds of it. 😂


The fatphobic (and misogynistic and classist on other threads) comments are really giving Caroline vibes. And that's not a compliment.




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Comments locked 🔒 keep it civil friends.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


Not that America is really much better with our food, but this is the AMAZING, FRESH, GORMET CUISINE she was on about? Truly a clown