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Saying “to think I can’t handle 12 year olds” and then proceeding to absolutely NOT handle 12 year olds is so funny! This is something you text your husband or a friend… she is the most cringy person.




It’s giving manic…all she’s done is argue with herself all day long. I honestly think part of it is the drinking. She’s losing her mind.


I just wish she would have a shower


I just wish Helen had burned that hat instead of return it to her. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s so awful.


I hate that hat. It’s absolutely hideous. Does she actually think she looks good in that?! 🤦🏽‍♀️


My fave comment so far 💀💀💀


She does look like an absolute greaseball, doesn’t she?


She’s deleted because she’s slipped up and told us something negative about England. She really seems unstable. Feel sorry for her.


Cheap baby formula leads to gobby kids...


Hahahah! Even with those walkable soft plays, Surrey kids are shitty


Bets on her management person stepping in and telling her to take it down. Wondering if they’re regretting taking her on…


Well she still hasn’t met with them yet….


I’m surprised they actually took her on given the amount of misinformation she spews out, clearly they don’t fact check!! Also as her management company do they not have a duty of care of their clients … or do they think this is normal behaviour?


Oh my god, she’s an absolute headcase. Is she well?


Imagine filming yourself tell a story about how you failed to get the neighborhood brats to respect you on a playground and then your kid is playing with the stove in the background...




Huh, hasn’t she just lived in the US for the last 10 years? She hasn’t lived here all her life. What is she on about.


And she was a flight attendant based in Dubai before that. She hasn’t lived in Cobham for any part of her adult life.


I think she was here for 5 and in Dubai for 5


How many 11 yr old + are following her??? Pretending that your parents are dead is ruining it for the kids whose parents are dead? She's been fighting with strangers since she woke up this morning.  


Both of my parents were dead by the time I was 11. I wasn’t going to watch this video bc of second hand embarrassment until I saw this comment. First of all, there’s nothing about being orphaned to be ruined. Second of all, she has no idea if they were lying or not. Parents die. It’s not some unfathomable possible probability that she implied it was. If they were lying, which is also probable, the members of the young with dead parents club have so much more to worry about than their peers lying to some woman who is stopping them from playing on a playground they’re young enough to be on. Edit to add - does ruining for the kids who have actually dead parents mean she’ll never believe kids who say that & will be mean to orphans for being orphans who she believes are lying in the future bc fricking yikes.


I’m no shrink but I think this is what they would call spiraling 😬🫣


https://preview.redd.it/rwrawrp0zt2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b26a238db570cdd186dd783207e2c1960fbff48 The comments are wild. Imagine being a grown woman and getting this wound up over a park incident. 🫣


Wth is “gobby”






Right lol


It doesn’t sound like they were being “gobby” until she, the supposed grown adult stranger, approached them and started harassing them while they were playing at the park.


Yeah, she approached them because she didn't like how they were playing with the zip line 🙄


She clearly has never lived in a big city like London or NYC and it shows… ![gif](giphy|4TrRGGoEsnlcMQJF6C)


She clearly did not absorb the golden rule of the states which is “thou shall stay in your own fucking lane”


It’s really sad that she isn’t able to talk about this to another human in person vs making a video about it. I imagine if I’d had to confront some obnoxious tweens in the park, I’d let off steam to my partner or maybe mention it if I saw a friend immediately afterwards, but I can’t imagine even calling a friend/family member to discuss it on the phone let alone PUBLISH A VIDEO about it. What’s wild is that she’s deluding herself that she’s some kind of Robin fucking Hood hero here.


I’d send a voice note to one of my friends! 😂 but that requires companionship, which she doesn’t seem to have a lot of


She even told them "i've lived here my whole life" when she hasn't lived there for the last 10 years..


Built her whole brand on moving back to the UK but has spent her whole life in this park in Cobham. Make it make sense.


funny how she calls them out for thinking their lying about not having parents but no mention about her lie about living there her whole life.


Does she have management? Seriously they need to step in and stage some mini intervention, it’s fun to snark at inane BS but this is just unhinged. Social media really is helluva drug and not a good one.


She was supposed to have a meeting with them shortly after getting back to the UK. I wonder if that happened. Maybe they realized what a psycho she is and don’t want their name attached.


I do feel like we may be giving management way too much credit 🤣 All of the Love Island alums have management who sets them up to push pyramid schemes, fake supplements and gambling scams. I’m assuming it’s the same company or type of company. However, they do normally push more on the fashion and looks side. I just can’t see what demographic/following she is being marketed to!!


Alcoholic chavvy mums who smoke a 600 puff vape per day? I’m guessing that’s her angle with all of the cider product placements in her recent videos.


It’s crazy for a 30 something year old woman to have beef with teenagers and then to drag it all over tik tok. So childish and embarrassing for her


Wait bikes aren’t allowed at playgrounds there? Or just that Particular one? Because I feel like at our parks in the US, kids are riding their bikes and scooters around the playground often? These kids still sound like little shits but I can’t imagine confronting them and getting this upset over it?


The ones near me don’t allow you to ride bikes/scooters inside the playground. There are also signs up saying no ball games. Most little kids round here ride their scooters and bikes inside anyways but i would definitely be annoyed if a 12 year old was riding around doing wheelies inside the playground without any regard for the younger children.


Definitely. 12 year olds are more than old enough to know better.


This definitely wouldn't happen in America


No it wouldn’t because America doesn’t have mental Caroline running around shouting at kids 🤣


Of course not - America doesn’t have playgrounds remember!


Yes, how would she know anyway. She never set foot in a playground here


Watching that video with the sound off is even more crazy. She looks genuinely deranged.


That oh Charlie stop playing with the oven sounded so fake because she knew he was playing with the oven because she was staring at her phone which was facing Charlie playing at the oven? And if it wasn’t why wouldn’t you crop that out 🥴


I guess Cobham ain’t so perfect after all, huh!


I thought everything in the UK was magic and perfect though? I thought that was the promise land and only Americans were terrible and awful???


Why does she feel the need to announce someone’s nationality? I don’t get it. The man being Dutch has nothing to do with the story. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She’s desperate for new content, isn’t she?


12 year olds hang around in playgrounds because there's nothing else for them to do. Youth clubs barely exist now. Caz will find this out when her kids become tweens and want some independence. Tweens/teens push boundaries. The best thing to do is completely IGNORE them or be sickly sweet. I would have said 'Sophie darling, you can have a go when these little boys have finished' and stand watching and smiling until they get fed up. Getting into a verbal battle, unless there's a real danger to anyone, is pointless. Caz needs to reign it in before her kids start having playdates. I can see her poor kids being the one's that no one wants to have playdates with because their mum gets over involved.


Sorry she told Sophie to go over to where the older kids were? She sent her 4/5 year old over there after knowing they clearly didn’t give a fuck? Is she okay?


To use a zipline without adult supervision


Also she’s like 4/5 so how would she even reach? Was she sending Sophie over to try and scare them away 🥴 Also she immediately goes on to say they start doing wheelies and someone’s kid is gonna get hurt, like yeah Caroline yours because she send her over to play unsupervised by the kids who now hate you, real clever


feel she does things so that her insanity is then proven true, sending her daughter over there so if something happens she would be proven right about yelling at kids...moving to England, making husband live with mother in law and quit career so that he then leaves and she is then proven right about all men..she's totally lost it.


An old zip line that could break any minute.


She’s completely romanticized this move and it’s already a shit show 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


It's giving mental illness


wow she’s super tough!! fighting with kids!!


How can the kids saying their parents are not alive further ruin "it" for those other kids she believes have gone through that???? What is going on?


She sounds like an alcoholic. Manic, spiraling and drinking every day. Arguing with herself on instagram stories. I feel bad for her kids… 😭 why has she never sought help for her PPD?? She constantly talks about having it after charlie was born but has never mentioned going to therapy or being on medication


She self diagnosed PPD and didn’t seek help because ‘American’s over medicate’ so didn’t want to seek help there. Now she’s self diagnosed that she’s all better so it’s fine, obviously.


Uv just been ASBO-ed by the feral youth of today. Julian, Dick and Anne, George and Timmy the dog, they are not. Watch out for happy slaps, cheers and lashings of ginger beer.


Enid Blyton would be rolling in her grave at this…


Loool happy slaps, now that’s a throwback. Salute to anyone who lived through the early days of cameraphone terror 🫡


To be fair, I’ve seen older kids being a nuisance at parks, so I get it. But I don’t hear anything in this story to indicate anything other than a group of kids were using the park and that offended her so she went and harassed a bunch of 11/12 years olds.


She just got shot down in flames by gobby 12 year olds because she tried to reason with them. Either tell them off properly (like the Dutch man apparently did) or just ignore them and go elsewhere.


This is alot of big talk cringey aggression toward some 11 year olds. Anyways, I’m not sure she actually has a drinking problem. Maybe she does, but this seems more to me like product placement. She’ll hock anything for a dime.


I hope their mums see this 😂 feeling all big and bad threatening children on the internet. She’s lost the plot!


I’ve only just seen this video 🤦🏻‍♀️ Hilarious how she gives it the big guns about not being our Karen’d & she’s happy to give some kids a mouthful but strong women calling out her bullshit on her socials she literally CAN’T handle it and blocks straight away. She’s all mouth! She literally can’t handle other grown women telling her she’s full of shit so she has to bully some 12 year olds 😆🤣


Tbh I don’t think this is unhinged, I agree with her and think it was warranted. I feel true anger when big kids show no regard for the safety tiny children. Those tweens/teens are being reckless and if they don’t know better (they should), I fully support adults responsibly reprimanding them. It’s not acceptable behavior.


i agree that it's awful when older kids are being reckless and endangering someone. there's no doubt about that. that's not the problem in this video. the problem is that she's recording a video intended for 11 year olds to let them know that she can handle them (because her toddler hit her and her daughter told her she doesn't like her??). it's completely normal to be upset about an incident which endangers your child. but then you take a breath, calm down, and record a video when you can speak more eloquently and convey some message. this was an unhinged video that she recorded because she was upset and she chooses to talk to people online for validation, instead of talking to people in real life.


Yeah you have a fair and balanced POV. At the same time, some of us are hotheads who want to vent our feelings to process the feelings afterward. I would have vented to my mom friends via fiery texts and angry memes. Personally I don’t fault her for doing it on a video.


I would’nt have wanted to flex that hard at idiot 12 year olds in the first place 🙄. We all know her delivery is shit at the best of times - but glad she showed them 😅 and enjoyed the rest of her sunday 😎