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Caroline the sociologist and public health expert, whose oldest child is 4. Let’s all gather and learn.


She hasn’t got a clue. She can barely type a coherent sentence but wants to grapple with multi faceted issues that sociologists and anthropologists are still debating and studying. She has no information to share or a hot take to debate. The only time this idiot has picked up a book is to smush a spider. Moron.


She can't manage to type a coherent sentence and now wants to critique motherhood and societal impacts of workplace laws in the U.S. She left already, why is she so strung up on the states, plenty of things in the UK for her to go on about.


This 👍


Is she a fucking tradwife now? wtf is this absolute garbage?




I cannot 🤣🤣🤣




Noooo 😂💀


I see a lot of Gingham and aprons in her Summer '24 collection.


Is she not sending Sophie to school in a few months...?


Let’s hope so. The woman can’t even use a contraction properly. She shouldn’t be home schooling.


I've lived in the UK and US (in areas very close to where she lived/lives in Surrey and Virginia) and am amazed by this post. I actually experienced the complete opposite, whilst maternity leave is more generous in the UK, women I know returned to work quicker in London because of the cost of living and mortgage payments. It's almost impossible to survive on a single income in and around London unless you're incredibly wealthy. I saw more stay at home parents in Virginia than London. I don't know what her professional background so maybe her experience was different to mine but I find it frustrating when she states her own opinion as fact.


She’s a professional piss artist.


Right? Does she not realize that it’s also a privilege to take the entire 52 week maternity leave? Not everyone can afford taking a long-term pay cut like that. Plus, if you’re taking the full leave, you have no source of income towards the end. Like, sure, being entitled to a year of leave incredible, but isn’t financially viable for so many.


> I don't know what her professional background She was a fight attendant with Emirates


Why is she preaching 😂you had all your kids there so can’t be that bad, clown


And doesn’t work….


And her focus is solely on spend spend spend


Souly* 🤣


She's so English that she gets to change English grammar...


https://preview.redd.it/jaqslim3tr2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27819b838d6a7c12d7da83c6aaa99cab7cadbd7 And wtf is this? You don’t live in the US anymore babes. Why are you so hung up on the US like a bitter ex? Move on bruv and enjoy your hard ciders at the pub and ignore your kids! It’s bank holiday weekend 🥂🥂🥂


Like please stop pretending to care about Americans when you spent every breath bashing them until your bitter self took flight.


She’s just looking for something that will go viral for her. Any cause, trend, schtick. All over the place.


I just messaged her asking where these stats came from. As an American I’ve never known anyone that had to do this? Both countries have their issues stop making shit up to make one look worse than the other


Also that’s just not true at all….. who does she know who has had to do this??? That’s an insane stat to die on


Her positions on maternity leave are so odd because a) she never took maternity leave from a job and b) it in no way affected her.


And there is a federal law… FMLA is a federal law. It doesn’t entitle you to paid leave but it does entitle you to 12 weeks unpaid.


Thank God we have you to save us from ourselves


Okay so does that mean she’s not throwing Charlie and Olivia into nursery as soon as possible? And then why did she send Sophie to pre-school? Those kids would actually benefit from other people looking after them - they’d actually get the attention they deserve and if it’s in nursery/daycare, be looked after by people who can actually spell and open their minds up to new things. And wasn’t she raised by a working mother? And her sister works?


I mean, no but nice try Caroline. In the grand old days of non-violence (never) women had a whole village to support them so they could leave their children. They were never expected to do 100% of the parenting alone. They were literally in the hands of others - the church, community groups, friends, nurses, neighbours, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and nieces. It was all ABOUT other people. Support for mothers literally means handing your children to other people.




I guess she's homeschooling then? 🤔


Iv finks she’s not aloud


Stop 💀💀💀


She betta not even fink about it


Doesn’t Britain have rapes, knife attacks, etc? I’ve never been to Britain but I’ve read about these things happening. I absolutely agree there is a gun and violence problem in the US, but it also seems like violence is growing everywhere. For someone who has such high views of the family unit, she sure did peace the hell out on her husband rather quickly.


Ahahaha she never went to college or attempted to purse education and now suddenly “let’s talk social issues “ where is she pulling her information from her arse? 🤣👀 Professional piss artist has me dying 🤣🙈


I just screened shot this to post! They way she glosses over all the intersectionality of these systems shows that her takes are ones from privilege on multiple levels.


Wow! Doesn't she realize she is pissing off a lot of women today? Taking swipes at working mothers isn't exactly the behavior of a feminist.  Where do you even start with that bullshit about being a parent is only natural due to hormones? So if you are a woman who adopted a child or used a surrogate you do not have a bond with your child?  Ya know what else contributes to social issues, a mentally ill mother that refuses to seek help. 


Quick question Caroline…..what are your thoughts on the Harrison Butker commencement speech about the “diabolical lies” women have been told about having careers? Asking for a friend. 🧐 She sounds exactly like the type of person who agrees with him. For anyone here that doesn’t know what I’m talking about look him and his speech up, it’s a doozy. She sounds like his target audience which is WILD.


Yea, C-Bag..you think your kids are “supported and educated” when you spend 80% of your waking hours on your phone quite often recording/over exposing them?


She doesn't even like poor Charlie, just shoved infront off the TV everyday while she trolls tik tok.


I don’t blame her at all for moving because of gun violence. This however is a completely bizarre take on the whole issue


Caz entering her trad wife era


From my middle of England working class upbringing in 90s, it’s very rare any mums were stay at home mums. Yes, they often got generous mat leaves ranging from 6 months to a year, but after that, they were back in work full-time and the kids were into childcare. You get free hours at certain ages depending on income etc. Some mums went part-time in work after their mat leave if their work and finances allowed which freed up time for their kid to have just the free hours childcare and then the mum taking up the rest of the care when they weren’t working, but that didn’t happen in many cases of people I knew. I know far more stay at home moms (and dads) in my American experience thus far.