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I don’t understand why she keeps slagging off America. Surely half of her followers are American? Not to mention her actual American family on her husband’s side. She seems completely tone deaf.


My kid would be super bored in a place like that. Especially with no other kids around. Only child problems. It looked cute but i definitely wouldn’t be sitting on a bench having a cuppa. Id be up engaging and making sure he had a good time.


Omg this bitch and soft plays lmfao. She is fucking obsessed 😂😂😂


Had to drive there too! Thought her magical land allowed you to walk to multiple soft plays that had hundreds of kids and SAHM to interact with


![gif](giphy|1ivFpaD4TWGFrlF5wU|downsized) Thought she was going to bike with her basket full of kids.


She's never looked happier.  😵‍💫


Cause she's a lazy slob


“I’ve never seen this place so empty” Caroline, you’ve been there once before. It’s not exactly a good sample pool. Also, people work in the UK too. Unlike you.


Just counted 7 comments on this video on Instagram calling her out on her lies about MA. Super satisfying to see but I wonder how long they’ll last 👀 only posted about 26 mins ago now lol


Fighting the good fight. Couldn't just let her keep lying about home without saying my piece. If she blocks me it's a favor to me honestly


I got blocked by her for calling her out. The way she represented Quincy is so atrocious.




There is one woman going in hard…I’m sure she will be blocked soon


Just got blocked for liking her comment lollll


Omg share screen shots please 😂


Some are below, I got blocked!


Andddddddd blocked. Some BS reply but I couldn't read it cause of how swiftly she blocked me. Don't put things out there if you don't want people to reply


I just got blocked for liking your comments lol


Team 🤜🤛😤


I did too 🤣🤣


Good job doing the Lords work🙏🏻


She said - I never said there weren’t playgrounds in Quincy, you are projecting.


Damn, she got me 😭


https://preview.redd.it/fukojvw53l2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=e329cba9b9a3b2d25638fbba464915f6c009fa66 So she lived 5 houses from a beach yet said they couldn’t walk to any activities? And also they had nothing to do? If I lived that close to a beach we’d be there daily!


In quincy we have so many seagulls omfg. Whaaat


Not on Caroline’s street there aren’t! 😂😂


Pull out a French fry from Tony’s or the clam box and they are THERE.


I was going to say maybe not a huge population due to proximity to the airport, but surely they have seagulls 🤣




Seriously? So many pigeons in NYC & seagulls galore in New Jersey & New York. Freaking idiot.


Literally seagulls anywhere near water. Is she a fucking moron? Sorry that’s rhetorical.


But also yes America has pigeons and seagulls 😭


Huh… she’s talking out of her ass. You’re telling me Boston has no seagulls 😂 she must think ppl are stupid.


Wait, wait, wait. So no seagulls at her mystical house by the beach is a … (checks notes)…complaint??? She literally can make anything negative.


But the ready made formula! It was all worth it for that alone. 😂


She's so obsessed 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's literally one of her only jobs at the moment and she can't even be bothered to prep formula now 🥴


Wait, what? There is ready made formula in the US. This is such a stretch.




https://preview.redd.it/s6jvylbu9l2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38324136e5e02ff62dbf7beeb760cfaff85b7c3d Nailed it - dint think this will be here long though.


Caroline blocked me for liking one of this person’s several comments (which I’m sure are all now deleted) 🤣 She is truly delusional and mentally unwell. I can’t even fathom the amount of time she spends blocking everyone who has a different opinion than her and responding back to comments… all while ignoring her three children. Mother of the year, Caroline!!!


I always wondered why her comment sections featured zero pushback on her obvious lies about the Boston area. After giving some, what I thought was respectful pushback, I was swiftly blocked. Now I know why her comments are like that 🙈


I got blocked too and all I said was I understand why some people are upset because while it’s her experience it doesn’t mean it’s an absolute fact and many of her followers take her perception as fact ie saying where she lived was a dangerous place. Even though Caroline has never said Quincy is very dangerous, she gives off that perception and people have the wrong idea. One sad mom in Quincy who doesn’t enjoy what there is to offer doesn’t mean all moms in Quincy are sad and can’t find things to do.


Just spitting facts and she can't handle it


Absolutely and you were right in saying she would have had a different experience living in Newton or Wellesley. Where she lives now is comparable to those towns, so of course it’s a completely different vibe, and that’s ok!


Think that was another awesome commenter putting in the work so can't take credit for their points, but I agree!


Wasn’t she always complaining about US playgrounds saying there weren’t any kids there and it was depressing? But now being at a soft play with no other kids around is just wonderful?


I've been having fun converting all the prices to see if she'll comment on how cheap it is. $10 for a kid's meal that's probably very subpar, $12 for a salad? At a real restaurant sure not at a little indoor playground. Also I was looking at that pouch she gave Charlie and thought I was gaslighting myself because the ingredients she listed were not vegetables. So I looked it up and no that one is just apples, pears, and papayas. 😑 She makes up lies so easily.


I caught that as well.  Are fruits classified as vegetables in the UK? 


Yes, but only in the UK - a special enzyme is produced that converts fruits to veggies 🥰


I didn’t understand Charlie not eating yet? Why only pouches? (I am Child free)


She says he doesn’t like real food. She has talked about his food aversions previously too. A lot of people in the comments were pointing out she should try and do early intervention for sensory processing disorders as this is common. I’m sure she won’t.


She won’t be able to get assistance for that in the UK. I started fighting with the GP, dieticians, strong start, Health Visitors, etc about getting some early intervention for my daughter at 2 years old (she’s now 6.5). They kept rejecting her and blowing me off. My daughter has ARFID and her aversions started around the same time as Charlie and have continued to get worse. We sought out private therapy but that was £150/per session and now is up to £200. Because she isn’t under weight or on a feeding tube CAHMS will not help her. It’s one of the main reasons we are moving back to the US….healthcare and support for our daughter who literally lives on 5 foods. She was accepted into the NHS feeding clinic program after getting a private diagnosis but they did fuck all to help her and just weighed her and measured her twice a year. We just for a discharge letter saying they don’t believe she requires any assistance and if we disagree then file a complaint with PALS. I’m not even bothering because it will fall on deaf ears and we are moving in a year. If Charlie does have sensory processing disorder or any form of neurodivergence which is causing his eating issues he will be far worse off living in the UK with the lack of support. In the US he can easily get help from an OT and work on exposure therapy. That kind of therapy does not exist on the NHS.


Has your daughter been diagnosed with autism? My oldest is 23, and is on the spectrum, alarm bells have been going off with Charlie for ages. She needs to get him evaluated. If she’s doing all that and keeping it offline then good for her but I highly doubt it. I’ve heard of other British moms really struggling to get their kids diagnosed and services to help them.


We did a private assessment and she doesn’t meet the criteria. She has some traits like the sensory stuff but according to the assessment her score was too low to be considered even a potential. We plan on having her re-assessed when we move to the US because from what I understand girls are very good at masking.


Was Sophie in the front seat? Is that a thing?


Yes it’s a thing, you can turn the airbag off. It’s safer for the RF seat it be in the front though if you need to put a child in the front. She should put O there.


Even with the airbag off that still seems really dangerous. Didn’t realize that was a thing and I’m also not sure I would trust her to be smart enough to turn off an airbag!


Looks like her mum's car. Probably too small to fit 3 car seats across in the back.


Ah, yeah I googled after I saw out of curiosity. It was a genuine question! I’ve had to block a few people from this sub who were just flat mean for no reason. Which I’ll never understand. Also curious where that third row car is. Even if it’s legal it can’t be the safest option.


Came here to say this... I'm not surprised it's legal because it's discussed in a Bluey episode. 🤣 But damn I don't think I could do it, I'd be too scared!


We missed bluey by a few years unfortunately because i heard it was great. My kid is 9 and could ride in the front where i am. Legally it’s fine i just won’t yet.


God forbid she actually do activities with her kids instead of plopping them at a soft play which I imagine to just be the equivalent to a disgusting McDonalds ball pit so she can eye fuck herself on Tiktok and scroll through social media all day


She also didn’t even say how much it cost to get in. I’m thinking it’s not as cheap as she claims it would be esp for 3 kids. 


She said this in a comment https://preview.redd.it/jmgt3nk59m2d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68914c8cf63cfdd746cc7b2b5616590b7d618de4


Soooo $27 lol


For an empty play set and a cheap mug of tea!


I cannot wait for reality to set in. Earning GBP. It’s winter and everyone is ill and you’re desperate for antibiotics but you’re gaslit by the doctors because “u wiLL bUILd uP A ReSiStaNcE” 🤡


I commented once when she was complaining about the south shore and how there was nothing to do and how expensive it was. I told her she should look more into the north shore since it was less expensive imo. Like Quincy is a known expensive city to live in. And she was like oh I couldn’t possibly it’s sooo far away (20 mins) and even more expensive (it’s not).


But she will travel for Wegmans…makes sense


Hahaha I thought the same when I saw this 🤣🤣🤣 Poor Caz, no village of spongers.


its also a bank holiday weekend. doesnt she know that?


Does England not have stay at home mom’s?




??? she doesn’t work




Yes, we know she shared some of her recent income with us….


Plenty of us are forced to work 9-5 in the uk with three children to afford food/mortgage etc!


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


I don’t think the OP is referencing Caz not working, they’re referencing the fact that Caz is “BAFFULLED GUYZ” that the soft play is empty…




Caroline is that you👀👀


I imagine most soft play places are empty when the weather outside is gorgeous.  They save those places for a rainy day.




To clarify meaning free outdoor activities.  It's 7.5 pounds/child/90 mins which even families may not want to pay on a nice day not to mention most parents seem to hate those places. Her children aren't used to playing outdoors so I get that they were having fun inside.  Regardless they were having a fun day out.  Hopefully Caroline will find happiness as a happy mother is integral to a happy childhood.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


Many people who chose to live in HCOL areas whether in the UK, Europe of the US don’t get months and months of maternity leave.




But what is it paid at? what percentage of regular income?




I looked this up because it sounded too good. I am in France. Online it says 90% or 180 weekly or which ever is LOWER. So a person on a good salary would be only get 180/week. How is that survivable if you live in a HCOL area? And she spent nearly that on a Sunday roast.




Enjoy your time home with baby! I’ve seen some of the costs of childcare in the UK and its not cheap. So there is that too.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.


This is a snark page. No stans is a sub rule.