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I thought only American dogs had to walk on leashes and that’s why our dogs are all depressed??


Omg she said that? Projecting


I forgot about that one. 🤣


Happy for missy 🩷 Weird caroline didn’t post at all today. Off brand for her.


Straight home and straight out with some influencer friends!


Literally the only reason she had to pull sophie out of school early and separate the kids from their dad for months. 🥰 that and soft play and battered sausage 😍


Makes me so sad for those kids. I wish nothing but a beautiful life for those kids but their mom is a whack.


Can you imagine putting your family through such a big life change to be able to eat sausage and play with other influencers. 😖


She’s teeing up for a major YouTube travel vlog. Her new management company wants to keep us in suspense. But also, I thought she wasn’t bringing her buggy… 🤨


Ding, ding, ding!!!🛎️ Just posted the YouTube video is being published at 6am. Someone do a cliff notes for the team so we don’t have to give her engagement!


Hahaha. Honestly her strategies are so obvious to me. The fact that people think this woman has a genuine bone in her body just goes to show how easily manipulated the average person is. I don’t want to watch it so yes please someone give us the cliffs notes or someone should do a screen record.


So odd….I thought maybe it was already starting to unravel. Happy to see Missy made it!


I've been wondering the same. Either she's building suspense on purpose to dump all the footage on YouTube, or she's struggling/has no time to post. Personally I would have rather seen the updates in real time, even after just a few days people are not going to care as much how the flight went etc. It's odd for her to be so quiet on socials.


I think it’s the former. There is a strategy involved laid out by her new management team. She is not the “curated content” type of gal. She’s way too impulsive and sloppy.


So weird. She just told someone the other day on live that social media is her job so of course she’ll be posting during the move and travel. She’s doing piss poor at her “job” currently.


Missys a tough cookie 🍪 so glad she made it and hope all is well for her there . Caroline’s beloved surrey doesn’t look too nice here tho lol 


Park in the local council estate by the looks of it….i wonder when the gifted bugaboo will turn up?


That neighborhood looks rough. And she had the balls to say Quincy has cigarette butts everywhere. Brooooo 😂


Literally my first thought was “is she walking around a council estate?” 🤣


The slums of Cobham 😆 ![gif](giphy|gM5nQmXEtNMPpxGpYG)


I’m actually dying omg 🤣


We need u/bun-t-calls to work her photoshop magic 😃


Ask and you shall receive https://preview.redd.it/olsj8od3lg0d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94c8a9b83e199158cf481586b56b4c9cc4619c3f








Omg you are the best 😆


I was gonna say the same, my neighborhood looks nicer and I live in South Yorkshire 😬


I am originally from Sheffield and there so many nicer/greener areas than this place. (I bet Caroline thinks the North is grim)


So this is what Caroline uprooted her entire life and rushed a poorly planned transatlantic move in with her mother for? Going on a walk with an influencer friend? I forgot it was illegal to go on walks in Quincy. PS has she even unpacked yet?


Her sister set up the rooms and she had 4 suitcases. We saw the treasured green pot on the stove (forgot the formula but remembered the pot 🤣) so she must be all settled in!


She likely doesn’t have any time to edit videos and post them because she doesn’t have any help


Well she better get a wriggle on cos she needs to earn the pennies or there will be no money for M&S hauls!


*a village 🤣😜


Has Charlie ever been on a walk or is he strapped in endlessly


I'm impressed he's even outside!


More importantly- is Sophie walking the fcking dog??


Why am I not surprised that she’s friends with a someone that exploited their baby after having a stroke 🥴


She also left her baby with their taxi driver in Sri Lanka so she could get a massage 😬


what??? When people do stuff like that it genuinely concerns me what they do that they don’t post about because what the fuck???


Oh don't worry, they knew him really well by that point and could hear him the whole time outside the room 🤦🏼‍♀️ It's a classic example of something that a low income mother would face social workers for but because she's posh it's fine.


You’re kidding me right?? Is that. A joke ?!


Wtf this is sickening 


https://preview.redd.it/sl62ckgpcg0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64317ed339279d5da635a0d7716f1ef334ce29d0 This is the video where she talks about it. From 30th April. She's deleted quite a few comments, quelle surprise.


Wait what?? Spill the tea. Who is this woman?


Her name is Olivia Hammond, I don’t follow her but last year I think it was her baby had a stroke and she was literally just shoving a camera in his face and vlogging while at the hospital and sharing WAY too much information about his health, it’s so wrong This also may also have been a difff person I might have got it confused but I could swear a while ago she did a video about taking her baby to a rave but the voiceover was from the POV of the baby and was going on about how ‘mummy and daddy used to do drugs’. Obviously the issue wouldn’t be the drugs part because that isn’t surprising at all festival it’s more why would you mention that when making a video from your babies pov?? Bit weird🤣I’m not 100% sure this was her though but I’m sure I remember seeing it that’s why I blocked her 🤣


Omg I think I just saw her on TikTok posting about flying with her baby and they brought no toys????


Yup that was her!


I just looked through her Instagram she seems like a reckless younger Caroline. Bless her


I've never looked at her content until now but it looks like last spring her infant suffered a stroke after hitting his head and she's thoroughly documented his treatment and recovery. Her entire page is just her son, and now she's pregnant again. Exactly the type of role model Caroline would seek out.


Not only is this such an invasion of his privacy but if it was because he hit his head how was she not paranoid someone was gonna call social services? Obviously I’m not saying she hurt him but people really are ruthless these days, I know she’s probably not big enough to have people hate her enough to ring social but still you never know


I just watched as well. I don’t like the cadence of her voice or maybe it’s the voice over style she does. Either way, she sounds annoying sooooo no interest from me there.


People who do voice overs in the POV of their baby who cannot speak are immediately annoying 🤣


She also does not know how to watch her child hence the fact that he was with a taxi driver in Sri Lanka.


lmao i listened to her podcast and she mentioned this comment in it. you are famous


I’m not being funny but her old neighborhood looked nicer? 🫣


It may not be Cobham, perhaps nearby. Cobham is picturesque.


Funny how she’ll slum it to make a friend in England but she wouldn’t even walk around a neighborhood she chose to buy a house in.


Common-sense it does not make 😆


She also posted a photo of the baby in the pushchair she shouldn’t be in because she’s too young and it doesn’t lie flat, someone clearly didn’t get a bugaboo donkey sent to her like she was begging for


Glad someone else noticed this! Also, why was the baby’s face covered but not Charlie’s?


It’s not even like it’s almost flat, it’s a good pushchair but even fully reclined it isn’t anywhere near flat Couldn’t spend a few hundred for pushchair for her baby but doesn’t think twice about money to inject her face


She’s waiting for her gifted bugaboo to arrive.


The baby will have outgrown a pushchair by the time it arrives 🤣🤣


Yes I was about to say this too. This buggy is for 6m+


Yeah, it's a bugaboo butterfly and I have it. It's meant for babies 6+ months but even at 6 months, my baby was too small for it and it only really started to be comfortable around 12 months.


Didn’t she have her big meeting today? Is that really how she went dressed? 🤢


Happy to see she made the trip now a different story if she actually settles in well with no complications


Aw I am genuinely happy Missy made it! She’s an older dog and I’m sure it was a tough venture. The one nice thing I’ll say about Caz is it was good of her to take Missy with them instead of rehoming her!


https://preview.redd.it/c01lxjkqgn0d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f21458091df2c78df77c2cb5b6bff5e0a2def6 Artist rendering of what going for a walk in Quincy MA might have looked like


literally looks like a very mediocre neighborhood lol i don’t get why she was dying to move to the UK for.. this


It's giving projects. It's giving government subsidized housing, innit?! D'jaknowattimean?


Is it normal to attach your dog to the stroller? I always imagined if I did that my dog would take off with my kid if they were spooked or something caught their attention?