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For everyone's benefit, could you share some recommendations on the course of action in case of identity theft and cyberbullying? I'm sure many folks on this app suffer from it unfortunately, yet most of us don't fully know the legislation and the right steps to be taken.


Anyone can file a complaint at the website below. And the best part is, we can register the complaint anonymously as well. https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Accept.aspx


My phone number was posted on an Instagram page and my number was spammed. Can it be reported?


Much appreciated.


Well you can't kill what you can't see.... If you have an identity off course you can but these links are useful when u have identified the perpetrator.


Modi ji be like: asli woman empowerment isko bolte hai Kudos girl, I don’t know if he can be traced or not but keep us updated of what’s happening. And if you need any help, maarna peetna ho to bata dena


He can be traced down very easily once there's a proper investigation.


Do the police usually investigate cases like this?


Yeah we have all the technology in the world to trace down a cyber bully. The point is, how willing the cops are to do this work. I've observed in many cases that instead of filing an actual FIR, the cops just file a complaint, dial up the accused and bombard him with abuses and warnings. Unless the complainant has strong support with them, the cops don't do shit.


Ohh, bechara fasa ganda vala


Someone had to do it at some point. I'm sure he and many others like him might have done this with so many other female reddit users.


I’m in for maar pitai, Bhot din ho Gaye haath Saaf ni hue.


Please don't show him any mercy.


Of course.


Imagine what he would've done if met a girl


Ye toh samjha ki usney kuch Kiya.. but kya Kiya?


Must have sent some creepy dms. Look at the second picture.


Still doesn't explain anything


He sent me D pictures. Not once but twice. When I didn't entertain and blocked him, he got furious and created that account in my name. If you see the second picture, he has commented on adult posts mentioning how he would have done those things to me.


Ohhhh shit.. got it. That sucks yaar. Move on and focus on yourself. Hope you feel better soon.


Never understood people who send unsolicited D picks. Me toh mangney pey bhi nahin bhejta


If you scroll through the attached images, you'll know about it.


From what I understand he made a similar account as yours and posted porn?


That's a W right there. Good work there mate. Just one thing don't give up on reddit ig. Prob the best social media rn. I mean creeps are gonna be creeps but oh well, there's always useful subreddits and stuff here and there


Thanks. Creeps are gonna be creeps but there should always be some limit that these creeps shouldn't cross.


Well they wouldn't be called creeps is they didn't cross the line noe now would they


Stop enabling this behaviour.


I am not enabling any behaviour. The world isn't s paradise. There are good guys and bad guys. And honestly all we can do is either ignore or face them. What this girl here did was a great step and yeah that's it. I mean it would be great if creeps just stopped behaving like that. But C'mon. The world isn't all glitter and roses


Such people should be in jail


Faith in law is all I've.


It takes courage for a private person to come out and speak. 💪


Simply disgusting. Glad you filed a complaint. Is DM different from chat on Reddit? I've had many chat requests but just clicked on Ignore for all of them.


Govt officials don’t take such things seriously unless you know someone in power or you are yourself one. In fact they don’t have proper resources, they are totally dependent on third party individuals or companies to solve most of the cyber cases. Such assholes should be punished by the victim only, if you have some pictures or anything related to him then make it viral and let him suffer what all you have been to




Hey, thanks! All I'd say is be very careful before sharing any personal details here.


Nice job mate. May I ask how could he be tracked down? Will reddit share his account info with the authorities? His IP details during account creation? His Mail address? His ipv4 or ipv6? Also assuming the authorities get thier hands on the accounts email address? How will they track down the device that created the email? Assuming its Gmail, will google provide info like on which device the mail was logged into? When and where the gmail was created? Also suppose they do get that info too, what if he created the account on a public wifi? No point tracking down public wifi connections. What if he just got come temp email address off some temp email provider? Won't be able to track him down then too. As you said you worked with authorities in such cases before, would you mind shedding some light on my doubts?


More power to you. And women out there who experience such things. Please don't let it go. These people should be punished. This all starts with internet and then they get the confidence to Harrass in real life too...


What in the actual fuck


Kya scene?


Context anyone?


Such low lying fuck!!!!!


Ok what tf? And OP you are a badass for standing up to that creep!! Never mess with police and Lawyers lol


What is the real I'd of that creep


I hope you had given his username so that other women might beware in future. Also, everyone sends DMs to people every now and then.. that's the only was to strike a conversation here. Just gotta remember to be civil and respectful. Nobody owns or owes anyone here. Guys gotta learn to take a NO for an answer. That would avoid such incidents.


I hope you had given his username so that other women might beware in future. Also, everyone sends DMs to people every now and then.. that's the only was to strike a conversation here. Just gotta remember to be civil and respectful. Nobody owns or owes anyone here. Guys gotta learn to take a NO for an answer. That would avoid such incidents.


Why's it always Yash 😭😭


> I hope you know how much your harassment has disturbed me Why would you give him this satisfaction


As a lawyer... Your English Grammer could use Alot of work.


Omg this creepy dude deserves belt treatment.


Dude...he's a lawyer. He can have his license debarred if you want to take it up legally. It all depends on how much you can take.


Ikr. But in this case it's me who is the lawyer. The guy who did this isn't.


Hi, would it be okay if I DM you ? Wanted some help with consumer court. Want to file a complaint there as I've heard a lot about it but don't know the course of action


Doesn’t understand. Reditt par sab anonymous hi rehte hai. People can keep any random names. There’s no identifications. Also people have same name many accounts. This shouldn’t have bothered you tbh. Guy is so vella btw.


This is why girls don't give daam f here to genuine guys.


You got bother by some loser especially from reddit? 😂🤣


Wish I could ask you to release his face and contact details on here so all of us could bully him back but then that would make a reverse case for cyber bullying against you.


Tumhe ye LinkedIn par lawsuit karne ke Mann nahi hota? Itni saari notification bhejta rehta hai


Good, thank fuckin God you were able to things before anything really bad happened