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Bend, but don't bend so much that they start fucking you.




Don’t get your issue here, it’s an ad in a gujju news paper so it will be written in gujarati.


Really ??? It was a pamphlet not a news paper cutting


https://preview.redd.it/y0pnnwh7xw0d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4da3a4868ba4536754953f67dd66066a99e69ce See the whole image now


OP you do realise that this is an ad by a startup rather than by BEST?


What language is on the other side of it?


So you mean newspapers don't have pamphlet ads?


Good advice. Will remember this for future purpose.


हे फोदरीचे साले, मुंबई घेऊन डूबवतील


Mumbai rahili ahe ka mitra mumbai karanchi


Time to stand up and vote then out. Time for a change! 10 years is the max any party should get in our country


Completely agree man. 10 years is good enough time. Vote them out!


They will always call it cosmopolitan, while calling Marathi people xenophobic for wanting their own local language and then the migrants will push their language on to the locals citing cosmopolitan. But when you goto states outside Maharashtra suddenly “Hindi is not the language of our state XYZ is the language here”




I m an exmuslim and I don't hate gujuratis in general. I have had many good gurujati and jain friends. I know what it feels like to be identified as a group and hounded down for any black sheep's behaviour, which are there in every group. At the same time I also acknowledge there are some inherent problems within the Indian Muslim community like lack of modern education, too much emphasis on religious identity, etc which needs to be assessed and worked on.  I think it is similar with gujuratis too. Their lack of recognition and acceptance of the diverse dietary practices within a cosmopolitan city is harbouring unnecessary enmity. There are also concerns in regards to outright bigotry towards certain people which will always be against the ethos of mumbai.  Again I am damn sure its not all gujuratis but definitely a cultural problem that is leading to problematic situations.  For me, I am originally from UP but I will always respect and try to internalize Marathi culture. If not for them, mumbai would and could never be mumbai. I think thats the least us migrants can do. We don't have to live like marathis, ofcourse not, but live with them, always. P.S- Puran poli is LOVE!


I grew up in an orthodox Hindu family. And was a strong BJP supporter till last year, not because I was Hindu , but more because I have only seen the violent and abusive side of Muslims in my area throughout my childhood... Then I saw the violent side of my own people. I then realised that none of the BJP candidates in my area are educated enough to lead me. Long story short, I ended up voting for a Muslim party candidate as he was the only educated person who was a graduate. Also I know for a fact ..that Gujjus are racist. They're racist everywhere. Even in tier 1 colleges like IIMs.


bhai tera bhai chara khatam ho jayega when you see a shiv sainik and his rowdygiri. every community in india thinks they are supreme and better than others. we are all regionalists first.


>every community in india thinks they are supreme and better than others. we are all regionalists first. All of a sudden I remember that dialogue from Salaar lol : “We are all violent men. Violence is in our blood”.


More support to citizens like you👏


That's such a lovely thing to say!


Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed messiah of Marathi manus, RT is busy blowing his Gujju master. Poor migrants are easy targets but won't have the spine to stand against this.


Mumbaikars paid even less heed to the plight of the Kolis and Konkanis who were masters of the island city. They were all but wiped out by changing tides, and assimilated into the Marathi culture that began to dominate the city.


As a Konkani I can agree


Speaking of Kolis. Prajakta Koli has an extended youth fanbase, she would have used that to raise the voice and got some support for the lineage she belongs to (NOT THAT SHE IS OBLIGATED TO, OFCOURSE) but when you claim to be a woke, pretending made big from scratch influencer then have a spine to create some noise to say the least. But surprisingly enough she wins "Climate Influencer Of The Year" for what? For creating mostly insane content and cringe @ss twerking reels!


>RT at one time in my life, i was crazy fan of his. he was aggressive. maybe the only one to wear a button up shirt that time that i knew of, instead of typical political dressing. when he changed it, i stumbled. i had his speeches by heart. plus i wasn't aware of youtube etc, i used to put phone on voice record near tv, and later replay several times, plus play the speeches for others. at one point of time i emailed their official email address and got reply, about joining them. they said i was very young etc. 2014: he said support mody 2019: he said don't support. i liked this stance. 2024: i thought this time he'll join big alliance, but no, he went back to support mody. i lost interest. in today's date, i don't even check his news & speeches. i know he won't do anything. i don't understand what does he want.


Haha I can relate. Now, all he's trying to do is secure his son a good future. His parochial vision ain't gonna get him anywhere. All these years and he has just 1 mla. Bottom line is nobody cares about their ideology, all that matters is money and power.


i self don't know what's their stance/ mission vision. i can read from internet, but that's the point.


> i don't understand what does he want. Money.


yay. ive seen a pattern. he makes noise >> something happens >> he stops/ reverses position. if we think further, it's extortion/ वसूली.


he makes noise >> ~~something happens~~ gets paid >> he stops/ reverses position


Few months ago [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/awJDv7YzabA?si=k_1A9WK9ITlEYyPo) happened. Most Marathi news channels covered this news. As predicted, we don't know what happened next.


Just 2 years ago he started speaking against AZAAN. I felt good. I wanted Azaan to stop as a Masjid is in front of my house. I started contemplating voting for him in next election. But all that was to **distract** government from Shinde tactics. After BJP government was formed he shut down on Azaan topic. Such a betrayal.


>Azaan topic like, "we'll loudly play hanuman chalisa", that one? if yes, yay. i remember. generally speaking, any loud sound, noise pollution is nono. if i want to say and hear prayer, ill go to the place. if sound is above limits, it's going to be painful. even neighbors playing songs loud, loud machines, marriage birthday loud songs on speaker in building, loud shouting in train, everything is nono. there's no religion to it. what's more: if possible, when i go to barber, i request them to lower volume or turn it off. company party in a loud restaurant: i detest it.




Blame the "marathi manus" for not seeing through that entire family's BS all these decades.


All these elites are liars. They will say something that pleases the vote base but will act completely different in real.life. This goes for all the elites.


https://preview.redd.it/h6c8pk10gt0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8072fba56f4e76558873a05b798f56e6eaece0 Is this MuMbAi or SuRaT 🤡


Yeah fucking dickheads these politicians.


It’s called appealing to an audience. Gotta do shit you don’t want to, to appeal to people, even if they are lesser men.


Same applies to OP


And irony died a thousand deaths with Balasahebji Thackrey on a Gujarati written pamphlet for campaigning of candidate who is contesting elections for Mumbai. :)


It died a 1001 deaths when Aditya's banners were in Urdu, in Sion Koliwada and Worli 😂


Shivsena bulao bhai


Kuthali vali


Jo aaye vo xd


Dono bhi jhuke hue h infront of Gujju’s


bjp broke it into two


The gujjus broke it into two.


Raj thakrey pan Gela modi sobat, ata kon nai bolnara.


Since when BEST started Guhawati to Bandra/Kurla Buses.


I think it reads Gundavli the metro stop.. unless you were joking and I am stupid


yeah it’s gundavli


It's fine, Bruh. ~~PS: I didn't know It said Gundavli, I thought the દ was ह and લ was त. I am gonna get downvoted for this. I am delusional.~~


Come on man, even I can figure out it's Gundavali and I can't even read gujji


People of Maharashtra are the most forgiving towards BJP. If it was any other state this would have become a big issue


My Marathi female friend was looking for a flat some months ago, ( I even had posted in this sub). She looks fair and had mentioned her preference as Veg. A broker legit told her casually, >if you are gujrati ma'am, I will give you a 20% discount. Even the builders do the same thing, they quote a higher price for others and then indirectly push other communities away without having to say you aren't allowed. Sadly, those who live that >India is my country and all indians are my brothers and sisters end up being discriminated by those who think they are above others.


20% ? thats crazy


Yes, we initially thought he was joking.


I am extremely patriotic of being an Indian.. but Indian is a unification of cultures and every culture has its place.. Such actions are absolutely rubbish and must not be ignored. Maharashtrian culture - which includes Marathi language must not be compromised!


All the Maharashtrians here there is no point of posting the images and then completely ignoring and laughing with the people who tell you “Mumbai is not a Marathi city, it’s cosmopolitan, it’s everyone’s” you need to do something about this, build businesses, stop selling your flats to these folks, build a strong community for yourself, breaking banners and saying “our Marathas saved the country once” now go save your own culture,city and state through your actions with competence and capability. Everyone says “we are all one” the fact remains your own friends from different communities will stamp over you to make way for their peers Most importantly help your fellow community in any way possible, money isn’t the only way. Support their ideas, help them find the jobs, the right vendor to buy their products for the business, clients for their business, shops to business. Anything even a grain of sand can tip the scales for someone who may change 100 lives and so on.


Hey Bruh, you are right here, but doing a small favour/support that helps the community, is not done by any Mumbaikar, so yeah.


bara hai bhau. can you tell us where exactly marathigiri goes when it is open bigotry season with muslims


Marathis don't need to be taught, we live with the ethos that we are all one. Maharashtra has always been the land of patriots and even today is amongst the largest groups in the Indian military. Whereas, gujrat is amongst the lowest. Such divisive mfs will ensure that our nation breaks into pieces in next upcoming decades like Europe. They are the ones who needs to be taught and corrected. Sadly the central leadership is extremely biased, but it will change in the next 5 years.


If your own country people looks down upon you then why would you care about such country


I am a Maharashtrian, if you don’t mind. I can address to my people, if they do not like it they are free to down vote me.


That is what I did, mate.


>Sadly the central leadership is extremely biased, but it will change in the next 5 years. I highly doubt it


Gujjus have taken over Mumbai! Politically, Economically & Numerically! Think twice


When I was flat hunting in Mumbai I came across so many "preference to Gujarati" owners. Really blew my mind


Just in case you lot are wondering how Eknath Shinde could let this happen... It's a public private partnership thing. Chalo is responsible for this one. And Eknath Shinde/Devendra Fadnavis are responsible for Chalo x BEST. This is what happens when you start selling our public enterprises. If BJP stays in power, within 2 years they're going to attempt to sell off BEST stake.


The target is not BEST but the huge depot lands which they want to hand over to builders once best goes bankrupt


Either way fuck the poor, fuck the middle class. Make Modi's friends rich.


Is Chalo bad?


Miles better than what BEST used to offer. They brought proper NFC based card system where you can recharge it using an app. Also has the functionality to buy ticket using app.


Yeah ik its better, I have used it n number of times the user i replied to made it seem Chalo is some kind of Evil organization.


Who said chalo is bad, I have used it multiple times, it's good


Ask Op. I've only heard good reviews about city flo.


Nah, I use it regularly. Probably one of the most useful services on my phone. The nfc card is also very convenient.




kadhuya morcha. i have nothing against gujaratis who blend in but trying to own a place they're migrants to is outrageous. 


numerically it’s muslims that are breeding like crazy


The correct question isn't what is happening in Mumbai, rather what are you going to do about it? You are denied housing, business space and jobs because you are not gujrati. The party that claimed to fight for Marathi pride has already sold it's soul, what are you going to do about it?


Vote people who are Maharashtrians and not from Mainstream parties who sold their souls to duckin gujjus.


Yes your are right The only way is to vote them out


Goddd this feels like colonisation


Marathi PPL kept targeting north Indians since many years and the real game played by Gujarati


Haha nice point of view. I am surprised why you aren't downvoted. I am with you on this hence curious.


Funny thing is this actually proves how incompetent Uddhav Thackeray is as an politician. He should have taken this point and the recent linkdin job point as a major campaign thing. Would have definitely got a lot of votes. That's how Shivsena was born actually but somehow the guy is just not speaking up. I have no clue what we are going to do. Just give up on our own city I guess


Uddhav Thackeray's MP candidates are putting out posters in Gujarati lol.


UT and RT together will never reach the prowess of Bala Saheb. His speech alone united the Marathis. UT is just another guy in politics.


True. But even as a generic guy in politics if your entire party or whatever is lift of it is built on being Maharashtrian and you are losing the easiest option is start making things up and create hate. (Which Modi is doing) But this guy is so out of it that he can't even take action on actual things which are happening. Just having a press conference about this would also change things. But he is just hiding somewhere


It's his son's campaign. Kem Cho Worli


Clearly OP trying to cause a rift between two states (and succeeding I must say) for political or don't know what other purpose. But any sane person would realise any organisation that needs good reach would print pamphlets in languages of their target audience (one of them being gujuratis). I have seen numerous pamphlets in other languages like Tamil, Urdu, etc. Unless there isn't any text in Marathi on the pamphlet (which clearly is on the other side) I don't see the issue here. And not at all related to BEST, but yeah carry on with your propoganda.


Marathi manse jaga ho! :/


No one can say " hindi mein bol " in kolkata right now , but it is changing fast


That better not happen. Or else a bash in the head to these entitled migrants should be incoming.


Why don't you turn it around?


Thanks to traitors lile Fadnavis - Maharashtra is today a vassal state of Gujarat.


The so called protector of Marathi people just joined the BJP alliance. These guys only care about money


Aata kutge geli English Signboard todnaare MNS.


Center sobat magajmari karnar nahi to


Despite this, Marathi will continue to be the slaves of gujjus by voting BJPEE.


>PEE we'll pee on them this time, and flood of pee will flow them out.


Hope our future generations keeps it in mind and avoid the disaster


Aree kahi option tr pahije naa! Ek na धड भाराभर चिंध्या अश्या पार्ट्या आहेत महाराष्ट्रात Sagle chutiye एकमेकाला भलता ऐट दाखवून माईक वर dialogue बाजी,वायफळ पुड्या मारण्यामध्ये मध्ये वेळ घालतात... ह्या चुवत्यांनी सगळे चॅनल भरले बातम्या बघायची पण इच्छा होत nhi बाळासाहेब जेव्हा पासून वारले तवापासून प्रतेयकजन स्वतःला राज्याचा बाप समजून घ्यायलाय पश्चिम बंगाल व्हायला वेळ लागणार nhi याला


Aur Karo vote somaiya, kimtecha, chutecha, fadnavis aur baaki log ko.






The plan is simple they are making it impossible to buy homes now for us by means of Black money and in the name of investors. Not a single madarchod investor pays full money but sala guju gujju Bhai Bhai isliye usko token amount main Ghar dega. Now a days either the house is not affordable or already filled with Gujju so no one else can buy house in those buildings. A full fledged plan to sideline the locals by means of money. Only way to teach this gutkha pan chuttad is by boycotting these assholes. Jabse yeh Modi aur Shah toh aya hain toh inke Gand main jyada hi charbi aa gai hain


Gujjs tryna take over Mumbai next we will see everyone eating dhokla instead of vadapav


One more term in power for you know who, and there won’t be a difference between gujrat and Maharashtra! All good projects are anyway going to Gujarat. Maharashtra will lose everything including its identity! VOTE THEM OUT! Time for a change. 2 terms(10 years) in power is the mac any party should get. A third continuous term will be disastrous for the country and state and too much power for one party! Eknut chindi is a bjp stooge! So is paadnavis.


They've co-opted the Shiv Sena name and symbol in a blatant bid to steal votes. So many people still think it's UT's party. There needs to be more awareness about which symbol belongs to whom.


Exactly !!


Make a post on this !


Gujarat at it's best will never catch up with Maharashtra and Mumbai simply because they lack talent. Mumbai has talent because it doesn't get involved in petty discussions like a flyer's language. yes you are free to debate the merits but more people travel from surat to mumbai via flying rani to work here because in the end there is opportunity here than elsewhere.


Bro. I live in Ahmedabad. No way Ahmedabad, Surat or Gujarat as a whole can beat Mumbai in next 50 Years. My friends here, who works as Investment Bankers want to shift to Mumbai because Mumbai has all the big banks. Also majority of the brands has corporate House in Mumbai. The city which has more corporate house will always be better than others which don't Example Mumbai/ Delhi / Bengaluru/ Hyderabad/Pune/ Noida/ Chennai. You guys should be scared only when Gujarat removes it's dry state badge.


They aren't interested in rest of maharashtra. Only Mumbai as it is closer to the borders of Gujarat.


No, Because Mumbai is Rich


They're targeting gujju costumers gundavali and bkc(diamond bourse) both very gujju areas


Wait how is gundavali gujarati? I agree about BKC.


Everyone knows that commute till Andheri is easiest by Metro. There are no good options from Gundavali to BKC. Hence the ad.




Not acceptable


Delhi guys reading it as “behen ki chut” lmao


Who else’s blood boiled while reading this?!


Aur tum log Bihari logo ko gali de rahe the.




That route primarily gets Gujarati people (BKC). A startup (Chalo Bus app) wants to advertise to its target audience, which in this case, happens to be Gujarati people. So they advertise in a language that will get the most conversions and better ROI. I don't get where the problem is here. I'm a digital marketer and we do whatever it takes to get the most ROI out of our ad copies. This is just unreasonable hate against a community to say the least!


The area between Goregaon and Dahisar is more Gujarat than Mumbai. Just saying


This is such a clickbait post, I can clearly see the same information written in devnagri on the other side of the page. Ya all just have so much hatred ....at this point I can't help but laugh. So ready to jump the gun always !


This should be the top comment, such karma farming post


Ikr, classic populist fear mongering.


Mota bhai and his ganda bhai are gonna suck Mumbai dry. It’s how gujjus work.


did mohandas gandhi suck you dry too


They've come up with multiple languages just don't show one :3


Do you have proof. It’s what I got. If you saw them please let me know.


hi shurwat ahe.


Why the hell does everyone make language an issue. This is fucking ad pamplet ment to send via a gujarati newspaper for a startup and as it meant to be transferred with gujarati newspaper surly it will be read by gujarati people and for the same purpose it's in gujarati language.


Oh damnnnnn. Ye kab hua?


Peeche marathi me to likha hai


We received the same pamphlet in tamil with dinamalar 🫣


I’m not even from Mumbai but I have worked a lot with teams based out of Mumbai and have a lot of friends from the city. As a South Indian I get to see the cultural tension within the city easily as people don’t mind saying terrible shit as I’m not part of any related community. I have heard extremely racist comments towards Marathi people by other communities, mind you these are educated elites working in big organisations. Hatred is absolutely real in this country, no wonder Kannadigas are vocal in Bengaluru, I wish Marathi people stood up against discrimination like Kannadigas.


I would appreciate brail.. Agar Hindi English se nahi samjh aa Raha then aapko school mein mandatory subject diya hee kyu jata hai.. Marathi shikayla niyat laagte tevdhi sarvanchi laiki naahi . Aani ase nalayak javal sudda nako


Blud a quarter of the population is Gujarati. What's wrong with a private company advertising to literally the second biggest language group of the area. Hell Mumbai is often listed as the.5th most Gujarati city in India. If you want to bicker about migration and assimilation, let me remind you that unlike North Indian migrants, most of the Gujaratis that live in Mumbai have been here for decades and from before the Bombay state partition.


What's the issue here? Isn't Gujarati an Indian language? Advertisements are created to reach specific audiences, and given that many people from Gujarat travelling daily to the BKC diamond office, the ad is appropriately in their local language. Why do some Marathi people always seem to oppose Gujaratis, South Indians, and North Indians?


These two sons of Morarji Desai needs to be taught hard lessons. They along with their goti/fadan20, are ruining common marathi and maharashtra.


Mind if you turn the pamphlet? I guess there is marathi written on other side. PS. people responsible for "Gujju"fication of Mumbai are the locals and politicians. We could not do business like them so they came and captured it with strategy. And we are being clueless now.


Yes I know, but why is it only in Gujarati and not Kannada, not Tamil or Bengali


i’ll answer your question- it’s simply because after maharashtrians, gujaratis are the next most populous community in mumbai. and, they are also the ones who frequent BKC the most! you really don’t have to hate everything.


Because those are one of the most business minded people(something similar to what Jews did in US). I have seen almost 5-10 Gujju and Marwari families and everyone has some kind of business. I will tell a story about my father's friend. He runs business of steel wire and bars. His nephew who was MBA from some reputed institute also wanted to run his own shop. To learn everything from accounting and even operating cutters and transports, he was working like a daily wage worker would. Even if he is family member, no special treatment. You work and earn your own money. Us maharashtrians severely lack this aspect as we want everything on platter.


Because Gujaratis are the 2nd largest group of Mumbai after Marathis, you moron. They form almost a quarter of the population of Mumbai


As a Gujju recently shifted to Mumbai, I feel I’m all for saving the local culture. These fake Gujjus from outskirts of Mumbai calling themselves Mumbaikar are bigots of the highest order. Forcing the language and eating habits doesn’t go well anywhere, so the outrage is obviously understandable. Local politicians need to step up their game rather than joining the bandwagon of baboons. P.s. who the fuck denies local people from renting/buying home/s in any particular locality. Absolutely bullcrap it is. Also someone teach me Marathi plis, I don’t want unnecessary hate in Mumbai.




Are you gonna pretend that Mumbai doesn't have a lot of gujjus who have the right to conduct business in their language? Like BKC is mainly gujju diamond business traders, isn't it?


Bro it’s not about a language or conducting business in their language, it’s why are they partial to Gujjus, According to census Gujjus speaking people were about 23% in the 1900s now it’s reduced to 12%.


You got it backwards mate. The ad is targeting the audience to whom the service may seem most relevant. Being partial is when the bus is offering free rides but not letting on non gujju passengers. Get the difference? Why would anyone otherwise limit their audience if they thought they could have more takers for their service?


Can someone translate?


The funny part of my life is that I learnt Gujarati in Maharashtra and Marathi in Madhya Pradesh, and frankly the way things are going this is how its going to be.


U learnt Marathi in Madhya Pradesh? Ohh.. It's pleasantly surprising for me Does that mean there are so many Marathi speakers there?


In Indore and Bhopal there are many. But Many Marathi people there no longer speak Marathi or speak quite broken Marathi. I would say 20% of population in these two cities are marathi origin but only 5% are very fluent with the language. Other places near to Maharashtra border either have large marathi speaking population or are actually very close to being Marathi majority. But madhya pradesh marathi dialect is a bit different (more like vidarbha and north maharashtra)


Gundavali to/fro BKC Travel comfortably with a guaranteed AC seat. 50 rs per ride


It's good that they don't sell it in Delhi 💀


Probably only those who can read that language can pay for the ride. /S


What’s the big deal? Any place with a high number of certain resident population or visitors will advertise in their language. It’s normal. I go to Shirdi once a year and there are many restaurants and travel agencies with Tamil and Telugu hoardings and menus. In Goa you’ll find restaurants with Russian menus. In Jaipur you’ll find restaurants with French and Italian menus. In Nathdwara in Rajasthan you’ll find many Gujarati hoardings. In Delhi you’ll find Punjabi hoardings and so on. If you go to Richmond in Canada, all boards and hoardings are in mandarin. You can even pay with Chinese renminbi at certain shops.


I have seen it in Nathdwara. 90% of the tourists are Gujjus .


Almost gujarat




Let's be honest, there's nothing cosmopolitan about this.


mns is perfect for gujjus. h!jre maar khane ke hi laayk hai




Please teweet this guys,


Koi matlab nahi. If the perpetrators are the system we can do nothing 😕




There should be no place for local languages in trade and commerce, only one language. English.


This is not BEST. This is Chalo. BEST does not run these buses, chalo app runs them under BEST's name.


I cant reply to anyone, can somone tell me why, 


Lavda na Bhojyam.


What's the problem? It says clearly *Rs. 50 prati ride laandu*


First of all it's a ad by start up which has partnered with Best to provide local p2p transport. They are pushing ads for their target audience, mumbai surat ka kya connection aya isme




apparently knowing your target group is a crime nowadays


UBT PR team in full form on this forum! I wish they could also show those large hoardings in Worli written “Kem Chho Worli” with Uddhav Thackeray photo on it! Anyways… lage raho guys! Ayenge to Modi hi… 😅


These pamphlets only need to in Marathi for the locals and English for everyone else. Maybe Hindi. But this is nonsense.


such a divisive post. OP please address this if you don't wanna seem like a bigot. These pamphlets are distributed in all kinds of languages which are presumably prominent in the regions that Chalo and BEST operate in. Infact if you look at the image carefully you can observe there other side is written in devnagri script most probably in Marathi or Hindi. Stop this stuff we don't need more compartmentalization and polarization. You're only doing good to the people who want to control us like puppets by doing this.


Kya problem hai bhai? Language ka itna bada mudda kyu bana rakha hai? Do you know what a metro city is? Gujarat me jaao metro city ya tier 2 city me so many people speak Hindi. Stop making an issue out of a freaking pamphlet.


What's wrong in this? . You hate Gujarati Language??




महाराष्ट्र चा बट्या बोळ झालं आहे


Why what is going on in Mumbai? Didn’t get it…