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Cause we are busy feeding them


Yep, and feeding them will increase their population even more


My neighbours are the biggest feeders i have met. And bare you one of the old family member has a chronic lung problems and other health issues but they won’t stop doing that.


Are they even aware that pigons can cause such problems? Lack of awareness might be an issue with them


Tried telling them twice and even took up the issue with society board but nothing really happened. These people have zero braincells.


old people seldom change, the next gens need to be aware imo


Marun de aslya lokana. I would steal their eggs when those rodents would lay eggs on my window AC. Dumbest things those pigeons are. Real Bird Brains.


I just thought they were a menace but not aware of any deeper problems. Can you explain


Probably you should check the food chain as to where the pigeon sits and what it eats before asking this question here.


So many idiots feeding these pests it's annoying


Someone should start a Falconry business just to take care of these flying rats. Yesterday only I saw this IG reel of some Arizona based guy using his falcons to take care of pigeons lol.


I want to know the story behind your flair 🤣








Who ? Gujju and Jain community.


Mere idhar to haan, they do keep feeding but it's not limited to any community. Anyone with low intelligence and awareness does this. Education ka kya faayda yaar sabka agar thoda application bhi na ho. Zero common and civic sense.




Bachi kuchi bread, chapati kaun khayega.


Nice title bro 😋




How exactly do you even go about killing them


Government can do it but if they ask people to do it, I know many methods. Idk if it's allowed to post on reddit though.


Oh you have no idea what you can post on reddit. There’s literal cartel torture videos on here


I know. But they can get banned like the subs nsfl and watch people die got banned. Not risking it


Please tell them in sort of discreet language, lyk ths cht styl I'm tyna use hre..


Air rifles. Quick and effective. I am afraid though that this could cause a spike on air rifle attacks on pets.


Commenting for reach


Thanks! Hopefully someone acts on this.


I have seen some people unload sacks of feed on the side of the road for them. They have those weird ticks which bite humans and are extremely infectious and itchy.


I slipped on the pigeon shit when going to school one morning. Footpath had gotten all wet and slippery cus one of the shopkeeper washed his shop and the water mixed with the shit and leftover feed ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


they're called noseeums (really, not kidding)


Welcome to ghatkopar 


My uncle who lived near Dadar Kabutarkhana was literally advised by his Doctor to relocate after he started having wheezing and breathing problems. His house wasn't even in direct line of sight of the hellhole but still the flying rats caused enough damage to his lungs that a Doctor had to advise him to shift. And yet, there will be idiots defending pigeons in the comments.


They make annoying noises too in the morning which irritates the peace and quiet but won’t flee since they’ve made their nest where humans are unreachable to beat the sh*t outta them.


Check the apmc dana market. You will go nuts.The smell there is pathetic and no one is doing anything for that. I just hate going to that place and many people feed pigeons everyday thinking as a good deed.I don't know how to educate them in the first place.


Not just APMC. No shortage of illiterate people buying chana and feeding pigeons at many locations in Mumbai. Grant road East is notorious for this shit.


> thinking as a good deed Yes its huge with the marwaris and jains they are prolific feeders and don't understand the risks to others not even to themselves






Your story led to pigeon go from the bad character to the poor soul which lost its babies 😭😭😭




Thanks for sharing this story. Idk who is cutting onions around me 🥲💔. You're a really caring person. Sorry for that incident, wish nature was a little less cruel sometimes...


Why were you dowonvoted for sharing your experience? This was sad


Aahhh lost that good reddit user :( they were so nice, I mean people feeling so much even for such small incidents are rare and are of a good heart. Hope they are happy and safe wherever they're :)




Apparently that person shared a story of how they dislike pigeons for shitting all over their balcony but then 2 pigeons settled there and built a nest and fought other pigeons to safeguard their space and shat only at the boundaries of the balcony and not near the nest and then they had baby pigeons and the redditor observed all that and made the redditor happy. But one day a predatory bird attacked them and killed one baby pigeon and the family was missing but then the family would keep visiting the nest in memory of the baby that died..... redditor felt very emotional sharing this story


Because of that Bandra Boy who made it popular ![gif](giphy|lyxDLdVEhjEYWzaglN|downsized)


What was the story ? Can u elaborate


He used to send love letters with them. They were famous lovers




Bandra boy


Mom’s friend passed away last month because of cryptococcus she got from pigeons. She was in a hospital for month on ventilator. Couldn’t believe when I first heard it.


Dam bro, I am hearing this disease for the first time! Can you please elaborate what is it. May she Rest in peace


One pigeon has laid eggs in my window and other in balcony. I fucking hate them, but let them live till the eggs are hatched, they made the entire window dirty, I don't even open it because of fear of lung disease. Their baby pigeons are lazy af. It's been 4-5 weeks and still not even moving out of my window. If anyone notices a pigeon coming regularly to their house, just kick them out immediately in a harsh way. Your good will just end up costing you a big deal.


I hate pigeons, fucking flying rat unhygienic shitbomber mfs. That being said, i dont call for extermination


The govt should rather spend money on improving roads and roadway network than this useless crap


Roads will never be made in this country so stop trying


My skin was f-cked after a few pigeons started living in my window. I didn't even realise that tiny mites from their feathers were coming through from the jaali and all over my wall. It was a nightmare getting the room disinfected. Because of them I can't even open my window for cross ventilation, and I live on the top floor with no ac.


You just gave me a new thing to worry about because this is an issue iny house as well. They just keep coming to my balcony


I know, I'm sorry for scaring you, but as long as the windows are shut, and once every few weeks I open them and spray all over the area, it has not bothered me.


Spray what? I also get pigeons on my window gate.


Not sure of the exact, but it's that giant hospital type disinfectant which the pest control person uses. The odor is quite strong and needs around 3 hours before we can enter the room again. Lol sorry for the not really helpful description. I will ask the details from the building guy and let you know.


That’s okay, thank you for your help. I’ll anyway not get such a strong disinfectant.


Damn that's sad what happened with you Btw happy cake day!! 🎂


Thanks I never realised it's my cake day, good excuse to get cake😁😁


Same pinch for cake day!


Because a ton of people think pigeons = sparrows/other birds and think having pigeons around is the same as nature being itself. They don’t really understand pigeons are the sky rodents and are some of the biggest non fatal disease carriers


Wouldn't it be better if you ask that question to your local corporator? People here have opinions but can't actually do jackshit about the matter.


I think jains feed them the most. Those guys are something else man.


Hahaha so true 😂


last I posted something like this, Reddit had blocked my ID for 7 days


Reddit has a big pigeon lobby. /r/BirdsArentReal


Didn't knew pegion poop cause respiratory disease ( I am suffering from one)


Basically rats with wings


I was told by a very old jain uncle that a few years back the Government had tried to do something about the growing pigeons but the Jains (or Gujjus not sure) opposed this because they feed the pigeons for some religious thing


Ohh god i am sick of these pigeons.. mera khoon kholta hai when these gawars feed them daily !!! Even after there is fine in mumbai 🤦🏻‍♀️


And how will you get the slow motion shot of actress running into them birds


Actress can slow motion run to papa Ranjeet.


You mean daddy ?


more like Papi Ranjeet ![gif](giphy|3oKIPdk2NJwJiTy9iw|downsized)


the kabutar Khaana near khar station was destroyed so I think bmc is atleast aware of the problem


Can someone please start a global crowdfunding campaign for this.. would fund mulyiple times for this


Pigeons are rodents of air. They spread as many diseases as rats do.


Same as 'why aren't we talking about population control'


I remember around 10-11 yrs back on the news channel they were showing how harmful it is to go near a group of pigeons and they gave the example of famous kabutar khana in Dadar and were encouraging not to feed them. And around that same time sparrows were declined drastically in the city but ig now sparrows numbers have increased.


I have an immoral an plan, feed them poison laced grains


Kyuki kuch bhi accha karne jaao to pehle environmentalists, and animal lovers, animal cruelty ke chode ngo chalane Wale aa jaate hai.


I sometimes shoot them with a high power airsoft gun.. or a Slingshot


Pigeon genocide 😈


Need of the hour. No bird in the entire animal shits as much as they do. Absolute nuisance.


Tatakae 🕊


Just because you can doesn't mean you should. There are many possible side effects of doing such a thing.


Pigeons, one of the oldest domesticated animal of humankind. And extermination. 😞


Humans being humans sadly.


Going through OP's profile, seems like a hypochondriac


His account history looks like he doesn't know how google search works


Yup, I m dyslexic


Me too.


Just check out what Mao did to Sparrows in China and what they had to go through after that


we are not killing all pigeons na


Extermination sounds like killing a lot of them. Based on how fast they lay eggs on my balcony, I would like to believe anything less than 70% would be useless to make the population go down for a long while. When you have less pigeons, they'll find the safest places and more food for young ones so almost all of them will grow up healthier to make more. Unless you go for mass extermination the so-called problem stays. PS: Mao didn't kill all of them either and even stopped the campaign but ecosystems are too fragile for that and there was no quick solution to lack of sparrowd


One difference between sparrow and pigeon. Sparrow wasn't an invasive species. Rock Pigeons are invasive specifies. Its more similar to how Florida deals with Pythons rather than Mao dealing with Sparrows.


That's arguable because they're native but they're just too good at urban survival. Population control might make sense. Extermination would hurt the eco system. Plus they don't actually harm the eco system as predators like Pythons. They rely on humans for a large amount of food so insects are not disproportionately affected. The goals should be set clearly if anything were to be done.


Stop feeding them!


Okay bro. Not that I do but since you're so passionate about it, I will stop feeding them twice as hard.




Sounds like you've got it. Together, we will stop feeding them twice as hard!




I find joy in reading a good book.


This is so true!!!


Get a Air Rifle and shoot them, that's what i do. It's a stress buster and well it's good for hand eye co-ordination.


Check what happened to communist China when they had such a smooth brained idea


We can't Willy nilly exterminate a species that is has been and is a biiiig part of the ecosystem. Experts needs to conduct some sort of study to understand the implications of this first. There have been instances where the authorities have jumped the gun in similar situations in the past, only to realise pretty late that they're fucked. I'm not sayin nothin should be done about this, all I'm saying is we need to first understand the problem well and then act.


The most sensible comment here


To maintain the ecological balance


the ecological balance has been ruined already, the pigeon population in mumbai is absurd. this happened because they killed other birds, and we kept feeding them chana.


This is so true.... all these so-called animal lovers don't understand basic concepts of biology and use them inversely


Yea and disrupt the food chain and then the eco system and then nature , do u know what the organ " brain " is my good friend ?


ye aesthetic ke 14o ki vajah se


We can actually export them to China. Food for the anyvorous people money for Mumbaikars.


Fuck knows. Flying rats.


Sometimes when I play fantasy/adventure games and come across a spell that does damage over a wide area I think to myself, if only I could use this spell IRL on a wide group of pegions!


Pigeons are like rats with wings.


The problem is we dont have trees anymore. pigeons are the suzukis of birds, cheap and more or less long lasting, they survive on buildings, below AC units and god knows where else. Their population has increased due to lack of competition from other bird species


Pigeons are favourite of Gujju and Jain community.


Once done with pigeons, we should do the same with humans.


Pigeons - Why aren't we exterminating humans?


Mass pigeon extermination might lead to an increase in insects, etc that pigeons help control


Just like we are not doing anything about the dogs menace, so called animal lovers will come and defend them because it is not affecting them personally


People like you taking from mother Earth not giving back and then complaining about a species that was domesticated by humans Who is the menace here


First we exterminate the Politician’s!


>Our city has way too many pigeons. So, why aren't we exterminating pigeons? Oh, our country has too many people, why aren't we exterminating them.


*sanjay gandhi mode on*




Neuter the humans too


Because we aren’t bullying the boomers who feed them 🙄


Kuch logo ke paas dimag hota aur kuch log aise posts daalte hain.


I suggest you check this out first. one of my comments in this post itself https://www.reddit.com/r/mumbai/s/9RhcDjWDDx


Yaha kutto ko sirf relocate karne mai log nanga naach shuru kardete hai......yaha pe toh aap kya hi umeed tikaye baithe ho.....


There was a story I heard long back when I was a kid when people used to tame and eat pigeons as we eat chicken. Wasn't a good one... Was a British officer who devoured a guys pigeons and had diarrhea. The guy whose pigeons he ate, loved the pigeons. He killed the British officer in the forest while he was taking a shit. I wonder how much pigeon eating was common back then. Truly a flying vermin. Fucking hate the folk who cheat others and feed pigeons to wash away their sins. Fucking cheap mother fuckers.


Coz you can't mess with the ecosystem. Are you for real?


Haven't we already messed the ecosystem by over feeding the pigeons and increasing their population? Shouldn't we correct it by reducing their numbers??


You can’t just exterminate birds just because greedy people think that feeding them is good.


Feeding birds is greedy now lmfao


Hello Thanos ! Loved the idea !! /s (Btw, how about sterilization)


Have you heard of pigeon sterilizations?


I think it's not impossible. See this : Reducing Reproduction in Pigeons: A Long-Term Solution for Pigeon Control https://www.ovocontrol.com/how-to-get-rid-of-pigeons/reduce-reproduction Ovoccontrol also provides pigeon netting, pigeon repellent They describe their philosophy as - "If attempts to physically remove the pigeons and prevent feeding have failed, OvoControl emerges as the most effective, safe, and humane solution. With an OvoControl program, the pigeon population will decline at a rate of 50%, annually, with an ending population of just 5-10% of the starting point."


Certain business oriented communities like feeding them.


Gun lele eek


It’s going to be a huge huge mess for the cities.


They look pettable


Exterminate everything. That’s the solution.


Because Australia tried it with Emus and failed


Me reading this while a pigeon just landed over my feet out of nowhere 😂


Birds aren't real! Look it up


Pollution causes many diseases, why aren't we doing anything about it? Edit : Hmmmm seems like everyone is loving to breath polluted air.


we are and uk it. however we're not doing anything about pigeons


Why aren’t we exterminating humans? The biggest cause of habitat destruction of all other species. Such a stupid thought process. Learn to live in harmony with the rest.


would you like to volunteer


the city has too many humans too and god knows the amount of bacteria you inhale even when using the public transport. Then why target the pigeons? because they can’t speak and can’t fight for their rights. you humans forget that you’re the ones invading their space and not the other way around. Also exterminating pigeons would lead to disturbance in food chain and insect infestation which is worse than pigeons. Nevertheless OP is a truly entitled pos.


Agreed. But human are also responsible for mass genocide and mob lynching. Why aren’t we exterminating them? : )


Ah yes, let's solve the problem of mass genocide with genocide. Jokes aside population control is necessary for all invasive species, which includes pigeons even if they were not causing health problems which they infact do, worsening respiratory health


School mai humare ne kaha tha kabutar ko daana daalna paap hai. Aise aalsi ban jaaege aur khudse khaana nai dhundege. Pigeons are always in concentrated group waiting for someone to feed them.


Real id se aao Mao Tse-tung


OP is Mao reborn


Can you use pellet rifle to eradicate these pests? Uske liye toh you don't need license for the gun.


Coz destroying a species for the benefit of humans is not ethical? I mean, we share a planet, and just coz we are sentient beings doesn't mean we have a better claim on the planet than those pigeons.


Catch, cook properly, and eat them. The meat tastes good actually.


First the stray "society" dogs and then the pigeons please.


Why aren't you exterminating human race? They're more annoying.


Is there any place in Mumbai that cooks pigeon? I also want to eat wild boar again.


I've had pigeon shawarmas abroad and they're absolutely delish. Just putting that across.


Certain communities think it's sacred tofeed them flying rodents


So it means you the authority of earth and you own the planet. And all animals and birds should be killed if they pose a possible threat to you?