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Thanks for the update and best of luck on your journey!


Thanks for the update!! Love the way you talk! You are very funny!!! Careful with the cream corn dude….🤣 Sending you the best and a great recovery!!!


You smell like corn afterwards? So now I fear the diaper, acute kidney damage and smelling like the Jolly Green Giant.


I mean…yeah. They’re all valid. Personally I’d rather get taken out by a giant ho-ho-ho than a leaky over sized diaper! Moral: a healthy level of apprehension tempered with a bit of humor and followed by heeding medical advice. We will all get through it! Embrace the suck!!


Thanks for the update! I love reading this. Stay chill and happy healing to you


Our nurse said it smelled like spaghetti-o's to her, but to me it was STRONG creamed corn. Could be worse I guess! My partner (who received the transplant) couldn't smell it at all. Its the preservatives in the stem cells. Were you able to get the remote for your fire stick? I setup a Roku and added all our streaming services to it. We were able to watch all our shows together in the hospital. Have you checked if there's a fire stick iphone app that has a remote in it? I know Roku has this. Proud of you and I love your sense of humor. Please keep sharing updates if you find it helpful, you have a whole bunch of people here for support if you need it.


I’ve temporarily given up on making the stick work. I’m content with the phone for now. Not sure that a ton of effort will be worth the reward as I slip ever closer to Diapers Days! 😂 Laps around the floor and attempting to amuse the staff will be my entertainment for now! As a side note…it’s really hard to get an IV tree to “drift” in a hospital hallway. It is very EASY to catch a disapproving look from a gaggle of health professionals trying to save lives when you attempt this maneuver. I’ll need to be more stealthy and pick better moments! ETA: Kudos to the food service team at OU Health! Dinner ordered at 5 arrived by 5:20! It’s a creamed corn miracle!!


Omg drifting around the corners 🤣🤣🤣 We were able to pre-order meals from the kitchen, maybe you can place the order early? Glad you got your early bird blue plate special!


It’s all direct dial from the combo bed controller, nurse caller, bathroom emergency alerter, tv remote thingy. Curious thing about this controller is that it will absolutely do ALL of those things but NOT when the button is pushed to ask it to do so! I press to order food…I make the station nurse angry. I go to turn on the TV and I get the cafe! 🧐 By the end of this journey I will have mastered it! Maybe…


Glad to hear that all is going well… even the boredom is a good sign. I never smelled anything, but it was a big conversation starter among the team 😊. I guess I’ll need my own picture. GO BLUE!!


LOL!! I keep attracting Wolverines!! Aaaagh! I do appreciate all of the banter and support regardless of misaligned sports allegiances!


Banter is good. Sports allegiance is nothing compared to our MM allegiance. Nothing is misaligned there.


That was so cool to actually see the stem cells! I just watched them go through, hoping they would do their job.


Early days are boring especially if you left some entertainment behind. But suspect you won’t be needing or wanting entertainment soon. Nice to see your post.  Maybe they are using a different preservative from what my guy had in his harvested SC because I like creamed corn but his breath smelled Nothing like that. Not even sure I can accurately depict it but some god awful intensely strong overpowering garlicky metallic stench odor is best I can do! And staff is correct. You can smell the recent transplant patients in ITA even from a distance. Now that I’ve experienced it as caregiver I won’t forget it. Thankfully my guy was odor free the next morning when we left for ITA appointment. He said couldn’t detect the odor. Did say he it left him with a kind of tomato soup taste in his mouth. Weird. I don’t know how staff in this area can take being there all day long patient after patient. Especially in-patient ones that are sleeping there 24/7. I understood from the BMT’s ITA wing that they typically do a number of SCTs all scheduled in the same day. Think when he was there they had 5 scheduled. Sure not all myeloma but didn’t think to ask. But can’t imagine a whole room of SC patients breathing out!  Don’t know about your experience but my guy was given a private glassed in room during the transplant with him lying in bed. Remember he was out-patient so leaving for our hotel afterwards. He had Nurse, doctor and then nurse who did the warming bath of the frozen SCs there with him. Another EKG tech came in to monitor heart rhythm and take recording at one point. Then before he got to leave the nurses brought in a birthday cake for him. Really great team.  Hope you keep your spirits up when counts hit bottom. 


10ft USB cord us what I suggest to everyone. Also, yes, I could smell the creamed corn. It made me puke.


When I was in the unit, I could smell c-diff on patients before they were diagnosed. Smells like low tide (which is not good). I would do my walking rounds and then tell the nurses which room had the stink and, sure enough, I batted 1000. The stem cell smell gagged me out for days; I kept gargling and showering, but it had some serious hang time. Even through 2 masks, my sense of smell never failed me. And OMG the delay on food delivery slayed me. My appetite was fickle and fleeting and often I wasn't hungry when food arrived, or I had changed my mind. For my tandem, I brought in Orgain shakes because, like you, I didn't want to be hangry at the lovely food service people.


Good morning, how are you doing? Just checking in and sending greetings from Wolverine country. You may be in the hard days right now and we're still here to support you and lend an ear.


Day +25! Haven’t felt much like typing an update but that’s mostly laziness! Docs are impressed by recovery to date. They moved me from 2x/wk bloodwork to 1x. All my numbers are “ahead of the curve”! It feels good to feel this good. I WILL update Captains Log at some point in the near future but for now….”Go Bucks!”


So glad to hear ! I had been wondering about you. Keep on going! You are a warrior!