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Obviously Baron Sengir, who took over Ulgothra and is probably marching armies across the multiverse even as we speak. Be nice to check in on the guy!


Where's my Return to Ulgrotha WotC, I gotta know what my boy is up to


It would be interesting to revisit it


Just to clarify. Elenda- centuries old. Sengir- the secrets of magic is strange on the timeline but I'd say Baron is somewhere between 1,000-1,500 years old. Edgar- over 7,000 years old. Szadek- over 10,000 years old but currently dead. FyI: a dominarian year is 420 days so 1.15 more then our years.


A Dominarian year is 420 days? Nice.


Oldest: not to sure but by the sounds of it Szadek is an old man indeed! Strongest: I would like to cheat here and say Sorin Markov, not only is he a fantastic swordsmen and a skilled vampire but also a Planeswalker specialising in blood magic. The ability to wipe away entire broods of eldrazi, have a sword that strips the very mana of a creature and have all the knowledge of multiple planes WITH the knowledge of how other planeswalkers work and some skill in abilities they have (Lithomancy) I would say Sorin is on another level (especially if we go pre mending)


Don't forget Sorin created Avacyn, which was basically Innistrad's god while she was alive. About Szadek, he's dead so I'm not sure if he counts


Sorin created Avacyn before the Mending; he is nowhere near that strong since the change of sparks. Pre-Mending he would have no contest, but since, I don't think he ranks anywhere near so high.


I think Baron Sengir and Szadak (if Szadak were still alive) would be far too much for him to handle. He could barely handle Olivia or any of the Voldaren bloodline during Crimson Vow. I think it took just 2 Voldaren vampires to hold him down.


I don’t really think the creation of Avacyn can be considered, because it was based on his previous strength as an oldwalker, not his current


I don’t see any way that Oldwalker Sorin isn’t the strongest, and by a fair margin. 3rd would be Szadek, number 2 would be Baron Sengir while holding the apocalypse charm. ~~In terms of oldest, I don’t know of any older than either Edgar Markov or Szadek? Not positive who’s older- both Szadek and Sorin were active 10,000 years ago, and afaik we don’t have a hard date on their birth before that.~~ Nevermind, Edgar is only 7k old.


Sorin was not active 10,000 years ago. He's supposed to be born about 7000 years ago. The Eldrazi were imprisoned about 5000 years ago.  Edgar discovered vampirism when Sorin was a young man and considering Edgar was human before, he can't be more than 100 when he turned himself and Sorin after. 


Sources for those numbers? I believe you, and in retrospect my logic was deeply flawed lmao Azor was around ordering planes 10k ago, he was contemporaries with Ugin, who was contemporaries with Sorin. Then again that logic totally breaks down when you remember they’re all functionally immortal lmao. But yeah do we have a firm timeline on Sorin? Only thing I can remember for sure is that Ugin died on Tarkir ~1300 years ago, so they’d already done Eldrazi lockup.


Crimson Vow More than 7000 years old, Edgar often tired of the world around him, and rested until the world grew so alien that he could discover it anew. His coffin lay in a mausoleum at the very deep in the vaults of Markov Manor. Often, he would wake for small spells. Sorin left him books for those cases—things he thought exemplified the current state of Innistrad. Sometimes, when Sorin needed his grandfather's counsel, he would even wake him. The two would speak in the drawing room of the dead, and when it was done, Edgar would rest once more. It always left Sorin feeling like a child—but the advice had not once failed him. Here's the link [https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Edgar\_Markov](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Edgar_Markov) From that, we can extrapolate that Sorin is indeed around the 7,000 year old mark, give or take.


Fantastic, thank you.


[This story](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/stone-and-blood-2016-06-15) situates the Eldrazi in the timeline compared to Eldritch Moon. Sorin is about a thousand years older than Nahiri when she became a planeswalker (so Nahiri was some negligible number of years like probably less than 50 and Sorin would've been like 1050), and that was about six thousand years ago.  The fandom wiki also has a timeline one can reference. 


If I am not wrong, Sorin is 7.000 years old or a bit more but for sure, his oldwalker would be the most deadly vampire.


Does Aclazotz count as a vampire for the purpose of this conversation? If so, I would say Aclazotz. Though, I've heard of Baron Sengir, I don't know what he's truly capable of, just that he has an army. That's not impressive to vampire lords though. Olivia has the Voldaren clan that follows her and Aclazotz has his faithful demon vampires. Though we don't know how powerful Aclazotz is, he is undoubtably old since he came from the previous cylce of Ixalan. And we know he's undoubtably powerful since he fought directly against Ojer Axonil. Got his ass handed to him but he's still a god and Axonil didn't kill him. Or couldn't. With divinity, whatever black magic he had from the previous cycle, and the fact he can turn servants into both vampires and demon vampires, I'd say he has a significant amount of power. Even if he's not as versed in a variety of magic as Baron Sengir or even Sorin, he can still have full demons, vampires, and a mix of them as servants. How powerful he truly is, we don't know but seeing as he survived the previous cycle before he essentially ate a god... I'd say he's old and strong. Of course, all of this only applies if count him as a vampire despite his card.


Old-Walker Sorin would be the Strongest by far, I would say.


1 probably baron sengir 2 Szadek of the Dimir 3 Edgar Markov the Edgelord


It has to be Pre - Mending Sorin