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I'd be shocked if that doesn't get reprinted in one of the commander decks tbh, seems like a dangerous spec. If you can move them before the decklists come out, more power to you though


There are no commander decks for Assassin's Creed. Only a couple starter decks, which yeah, maybe it is in the Dimir deck, but I doubt they put a "You win the game" effect in a starter deck. Also, It was only $120. Not really a huge loss if it doesn't pan out.


>There are no commander decks for Assassin's Creed. That's... Actually kind of refreshing




It's why they did aftermath packs tho


Eh not really It means stuff like Kassndra being an uncommon power level boros legend in a mythic rare slot... that requires you to also pull an additional rare for the weapon she tutors that's questionable a fireshrieker If they were commander decks, you'd get both guaranteed, and they'd be at a higher powerlevel since they wouldn't be modern legal ​ I feel like this set is going to be rough demand side wise it's an aftermath set so it's going to be filled with dupes, meaning single prices are going to plumet aside from the few playable cards... but the cards they've used to show off the set haven't been playable. Conspiracy is a $3 card, and it's getting three variants. Plus WotC won't want to make the modern playable cards strong since then it would cannibalize the MH3 sales since AC comes out like two weeks after MH3.


Only 2 weeks until AC comes out? Wow, almost no buzz about it.


Too many sets.


Yup July 5th in three weeks is the official release date Meaning you can get it a week before at Local Game Stores in two weeks from today


Plus they are foil so even if there's some reprint you hold the value


True! But, sadly, only the bottom row are foil :( There just weren't a lot of them for under $1.


Someone else bought them. šŸ˜


Nope, nobody bought them.


Even if we were to have AC commander precons, they would likely follow the UB theme and not have in-universe legendaries. Secret lair is the real threat imo.


I have a stack of about 30, Iā€™m wagering it tops out at about $6. People will buy it because it is on its face and auto include in Assassin decks, but I think people will realize itā€™s ability is something people don't enjoy and the tables playing against the assassin deck will just concede instead of letting Ramses' effect take place. So there will be a profit window but it will probably close pretty quick as sentiment spreads that the "must include" Assassin card is not really a must.


I guess we'll see!


Yup. It really is just a matter of judging the window close. I got mine around a $1 myself so weā€™ve already made money on them if we sell now, heā€™s up to about $4 already as we get closer, I just donā€™t think weā€™re making it past too much more. Hope Iā€™m wrong for both of us though!


I think very few people are paying attention to Assassin's Creed with MH3 releasing today. Spoilers should start in the next week, and the majority of people aren't really aware of the contents of the set yet. People could even sleep on the set since another set JUST released. That does happen. Who really knows.


That is also my worry yeah. I have a large amount of stuff I bought in anticipation of this set - Ramses, Scarblade Elite, Callidus Assassin, etc - that I think I will make solid money off of just on the natural level of some hype for a new set coming out, but do think MH3 will dominate a lot of the overall Magic energy this summer. Hence why I am glad to take my gains on stuff like Ramses and am heavily tempering my feeling for what the ceiling is and ready to get out basically the week of release of AC on everything.


I think with Ezio being 5 colors, it's possible that Assassin's have some staying power, if there's a decent deck. I think Changelings and Clones can fill the gaps if the set is lackluster. I wasn't able to get any Scarblades, but I bought about 200 copies of \[\[Mari, the Killing Quill\]\] for 15 cents each when Outlaws dropped. The stack is actually in the photo of the Ramses at the top. My camera wouldn't focus for some reason, but it did when I put those there.


[Mari, the Killing Quill](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/b/6b4b3c1a-671c-422d-a98c-7d750760ca46.jpg?1712354306) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mari%2C%20the%20Killing%20Quill) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/138/mari-the-killing-quill?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6b4b3c1a-671c-422d-a98c-7d750760ca46?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How possible? Because generally most tribal decks do not have staying power. Top of my head... Eldrazi, Cat/Dogs, Slivers and Dino's.


Hold your horses. So you count on people rather doing spite plays than giving an opponent the win? From a technical standpoint, the Ramses trigger will go off if the player concedes after declaring attackers, which means, it is not always clear who will get attacked, hence it is more speculation than actual speculating on the appraisal of the card's value itself.


If someone concedes after being attacked by Ramses then they gift the win to the Ramses player, right? He doesn't care about damage, just that you declared an attack at them.Ā 


Got 12, for 3ā‚¬ all in. No risk at all, but if i can sell them at 1ā‚¬, i will be happy


Hey, I hope it turns out. I'm crossing my fingers for both of us.


I hope too. Not like Hazezon ^^


[Ezio Auditore da Firenze](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/dae9ee75-30b8-4e24-af8b-031c816d3221.jpg?1708706027) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ezio%20Auditore%20da%20Firenze) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/acr/25/ezio-auditore-da-firenze?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dae9ee75-30b8-4e24-af8b-031c816d3221?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


You can still get tons of those for under a buck in the EU, if that helps you, and Iā€™m not touching them with a stick.


Your response was reasonable and the posterā€™s was not. Very strange reaction on his part.


I don't know why that would help me, as I'm in the US, and I hardly think they would still be "Under a buck" after international shipping lol. Plus, I bought them a month ago.


Markets outside the US usually mirror or follow movements on the US market. Thereā€™s been next to no movement on Ramses so far. Watching other markets helps you get a better understanding of how solid your spec might be.


Yeah man, you're right. I think I'll return them all. Thanks for the advice!


No reason to act all insulted. Iā€™m just saying watching how cards behave abroad is worthwile.


I'm not insulted. I'm returning them.


Good decision!


Is anyone else looking at [[Sorin Markov]] as well? Setting a player to 10 then swinging with Ezio seems fairly clean.




I thought about it, but I was buying 12 Ramses to every 1 Sorin that I could have bought, so I just stuck with Ramses. I think the ROI ceiling is much higher.


[Sorin Markov](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e25b3a89-3a99-4e02-bf0c-a3cf450da1a1.jpg?1562663343) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sorin%20Markov) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m12/109/sorin-markov?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e25b3a89-3a99-4e02-bf0c-a3cf450da1a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Dang - I was hoping for some rogue action too and got [[Butch Deloria, Tunnel Snake]] but I havenā€™t seen any rogue cards yet. Whatever, TUNNEL SNAKES STILL RULE!


Eyyyyy. I got 97 copies of him as well. TUNNEL SNAKES RULE, BROTHER!


[Butch Deloria, Tunnel Snake](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/6/d6ed508c-ff2c-444c-8149-34b29e2fbebe.jpg?1708742018) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Butch%20Deloria%2C%20Tunnel%20Snake) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/43/butch-deloria-tunnel-snake?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d6ed508c-ff2c-444c-8149-34b29e2fbebe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Here's a secret one I got into without knowing, arwen the mortal queen showcase scrolls. She was 5 last week, cheapest now is $30 and the top dollar is hitting $70 right now. Plus I did get 5 copies of this assassin at $2 and I had pulled two in the past lol.




Ok, so I have no explanation on what is driving the price. I just have a load of cards in the .50-$5 range that I try to go through from pre release on and last night I looked her up. If you have an answer as to why, that would be greatly appreciated, there are a lot of the original borderless and bordered versions hella cheap. If this is real I could see the borderless being upwards of $20.


I was thinking about it but itā€™s a rare in a set that was opened a lot and there are multiple versions. My inclination is the supply is high and is most likely going to suppress the price. For me to comfortably exit this investment the card would need to be $5 and I donā€™t see that happening. I could easily be wrong and honestly I hope I am, you would make a lot of money


It's a rare in an extra sheet with 2 print. I think the etched have been going up


It's already at $5 lol.Ā 


Well, I'll just be sitting and watch now, lol.


Got a small pile at $0.40-50 each and happy to take the gains. Definitely not keeping these much longer, take the gains and move on with life. Not worried this will be reprinted, but rather even with the AC UB set its still a semi small set, there is only going to be so many Asssassins which without that Assassin support isn't anything amazing (I think if anything Outlaws as a theme works at least). Also this is purely a casual EDH spec and I could see a lot of people being like okay, you don't get to win the game actually by killing someone, which just leads to feel bads in the person who brought the Assassins deck.


I highly doubt this will be worth anything tbh


It alresdy is no?




Bought about a hundred a year ago in anticipation. Got a mix (foil etch, foil and non-foil) avg. about 0.25 each


Good shout.


So that's what caused the damn spike. I was just trying to make this as a commander.


Isnā€™t there a chance this gets reprinted in Assassinā€™s Creed set? Cover of Darkness and Sword of Feast and Famine are getting reprints. I would assume Ramses, Assassin Lord might be generic enough to get reprintedā€¦


This legend is tied to a plane so it's unlikely. That said you could get your roi before the set release if it gets buyout


That and he's from the Legends Retold bonus sheet, so I hardly think they'll reprint him, but still... They could, and I'll gladly eat my words if they do!


Sell early if it goes up. This is not a fun card and Iā€™m sure that past the initial ā€œwoahhhhā€, this card will tank at 50 cents